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It's the season finale episodes, and WHAT a set they are! We start off where our cliffhanger left off and it's downhill from there! I can't wait to talk about it with you all!

So many highs, lows, a VERY unexpected finish to the game, and so much set up for the season to come, while highlighting how far our players have come in this second season. If I wasn't hyped up on so much adrenaline, I think Kataoka would have had me in tears at the end! This season was AMAZING, but I can't tell you all how excited I am for Act II, now!

LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/hjXmzY54bBWG28rc9KMxtQ?

Thank you for watching with me and for the support!


Ace of the Diamond Season 2: Episodes 49-51 Reaction! SEEK DIAMONDS! THE SEASON FINALE!

Link to Reaction (starts at 3:52): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/hjXmzY54bBWG28rc9KMxtQ? **HEADPHONE WARNINGS BECAUSE OF COURSE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** It's the season finale episodes, and WHAT a set they are! We start off where our cliffhanger left off and it's downhill from there! I can't wait to talk about it with you all! So many highs, lows, a VERY unexpected finish to the game, and so much set up for the season to come, while highlighting how far our players have come in this second season. If I wasn't hyped up on so much adrenaline, I think Kataoka would have had me in tears at the end! This season was AMAZING, but I can't tell you all how excited I am for Act II, now! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Melanie Marie (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 12:17:38 ARC 1 FINALE! Can’t believe our first years aren’t first years anymore! They are “grown”! I love these final episodes! The animation of Miyuki running the bases and then scoring, you can just feel his pain and tiredness. And when he starts punching the ground because he was so scared they were going to lose, I lost it! It’s so rare of Miyuki to show his true emotions and in this scene it was just perfect. And I also loved when Sanada & Sawamura realize Miyuki has been hurt the whole time. I believe that Miyuki and Sanada are the rock for each of their teams and realizing this made Sanada realize how big the gap between them still is and how much he can still grow as a player. Sawamura supporting Furuya even after he got taken out was so great and the perfect example on why he would make an amazing ace. This episode also broke my heart with the third years, especially Jun. The first time I watched, when he said “I’m jealous” I SOBBED! … and the second time too. I just have always felt that he was the one that wanted to go to Nationals the most and it’s always heartbreaking to see him in the aftermath of their loss. But I loved that with this win he says “It’s time” as in , it’s time to move on to the next goal/dream. And don’t let me get started on the third years cheering the Coach and him finally forgiving himself. I am so glad the writer set aside a moment for the third years & the Coach to set things straight and somewhat say goodbye. It’s always such an emotional moment. PLUS, we get the AMAZING Yuki line “What’s the Guinness world record?” And, we finally say goodbye to the third years! They graduated and now my life is a little emptier. I love and miss them so much. But I believe the send off with the team was perfect, no words were needed. They have given them all the wisdom they could and, now, leave everything in their hands. Thank you for the amazing reactions for Act I! I can’t wait for the OVAs & arc 2! It’s gonna be great!!!
2022-03-09 20:31:15 ARC 1 FINALE! Can’t believe our first years aren’t first years anymore! They are “grown”! I love these final episodes! The animation of Miyuki running the bases and then scoring, you can just feel his pain and tiredness. And when he starts punching the ground because he was so scared they were going to lose, I lost it! It’s so rare of Miyuki to show his true emotions and in this scene it was just perfect. And I also loved when Sanada & Sawamura realize Miyuki has been hurt the whole time. I believe that Miyuki and Sanada are the rock for each of their teams and realizing this made Sanada realize how big the gap between them still is and how much he can still grow as a player. Sawamura supporting Furuya even after he got taken out was so great and the perfect example on why he would make an amazing ace. This episode also broke my heart with the third years, especially Jun. The first time I watched, when he said “I’m jealous” I SOBBED! … and the second time too. I just have always felt that he was the one that wanted to go to Nationals the most and it’s always heartbreaking to see him in the aftermath of their loss. But I loved that with this win he says “It’s time” as in , it’s time to move on to the next goal/dream. And don’t let me get started on the third years cheering the Coach and him finally forgiving himself. I am so glad the writer set aside a moment for the third years & the Coach to set things straight and somewhat say goodbye. It’s always such an emotional moment. PLUS, we get the AMAZING Yuki line “What’s the Guinness world record?” And, we finally say goodbye to the third years! They graduated and now my life is a little emptier. I love and miss them so much. But I believe the send off with the team was perfect, no words were needed. They have given them all the wisdom they could and, now, leave everything in their hands. Thank you for the amazing reactions for Act I! I can’t wait for the OVAs & arc 2! It’s gonna be great!!!

ARC 1 FINALE! Can’t believe our first years aren’t first years anymore! They are “grown”! I love these final episodes! The animation of Miyuki running the bases and then scoring, you can just feel his pain and tiredness. And when he starts punching the ground because he was so scared they were going to lose, I lost it! It’s so rare of Miyuki to show his true emotions and in this scene it was just perfect. And I also loved when Sanada & Sawamura realize Miyuki has been hurt the whole time. I believe that Miyuki and Sanada are the rock for each of their teams and realizing this made Sanada realize how big the gap between them still is and how much he can still grow as a player. Sawamura supporting Furuya even after he got taken out was so great and the perfect example on why he would make an amazing ace. This episode also broke my heart with the third years, especially Jun. The first time I watched, when he said “I’m jealous” I SOBBED! … and the second time too. I just have always felt that he was the one that wanted to go to Nationals the most and it’s always heartbreaking to see him in the aftermath of their loss. But I loved that with this win he says “It’s time” as in , it’s time to move on to the next goal/dream. And don’t let me get started on the third years cheering the Coach and him finally forgiving himself. I am so glad the writer set aside a moment for the third years & the Coach to set things straight and somewhat say goodbye. It’s always such an emotional moment. PLUS, we get the AMAZING Yuki line “What’s the Guinness world record?” And, we finally say goodbye to the third years! They graduated and now my life is a little emptier. I love and miss them so much. But I believe the send off with the team was perfect, no words were needed. They have given them all the wisdom they could and, now, leave everything in their hands. Thank you for the amazing reactions for Act I! I can’t wait for the OVAs & arc 2! It’s gonna be great!!!


I can't believe it's over lol. Man this season zoomed by. I love that this set starts with one of my all time favourite scenes: Sawamura being the best little brother and getting Kuramochi out of his head and hyped about the rest of the game. And I love that it worked. He knows Kuramochi so well. And I love that Kuramochi knows Sawamura so well that he can tell when he's being serious and when he's not. I looooved Kataoka in this set. You can tell he's so nervous about the outcome but putting that aside to properly mentor his players and get them out of their heads. Reminding Haruichi of what he originally said in season 1 and also putting all his faith in Zono. Such a good coach. Also Sawamura and Furuya putting all their good vibes toward Haruichi lol. There are some scenes where it really just hits how good of friends those 3 really are and it makes me so happy everytime. "He's injured you idiot" is pretty much exactly what i say everytime Ochiai talks shit about Miyuki in this game lmao I always wonder if the reason Miyuki got a hit in that last inning was because Zono being ready to hit after him took the pressure away. Like I wonder if he walked up to the plate thinking he needed to be the hero again like he was in the semis and then when he turned around to see Zono staring at him he realized he didn't have to be the hero. He just had to connect to Zono and get on base so his team could make something happen. Something seemed to really change in him in that moment. I swear Miyukis steal to second gives me anxiety everytime even though I know the outcome lol. Such a slick play for both teams. Good on Haruichi for being ready to head back and good on Sarada for grabbing it. Sanada honestly has my top 3 favourite eyes in this entire series. They're like an olive/khaki green and I think they're so unique and pretty. Just adds to his unfair hotness 😂 Watching Miyuki run the bases is so rough lmao he looks so wiped just standing on second. The eyebags are even heavier than Sawamuras in the thick of the yips. The fall tournament was so rough on Miyuki physically lol. Nice intro to being captain. "Hey captain here's a tackle and some oblique pain and now you have to run and slide". I love seeing the battery between Sanada and Akiba. It's so underrated because we don't get to see a ton into it but for Akiba, a first year, to be able to look up and see their ace smiling reassuringly at him it must be so nice and calming. Sanadas confidence must be so comforting in that way. The way Miyuki sliding in like that scared the shit out of Shirasu lol. He looked at him like he thought Miyuki was about to just keel over and die. Was probably picturing a stretcher having to take him out lol. Emotional Miyuki just needed a minute to beat on the ground in celebration. Its such a tough moment but Sanada apologizing for letting them take the lead is so heart wrenching. You can tell he really meant that apology even though not a single person on their team would ever accept it. God I hate seeing Jun so conflicted. He has some heavy PTSD from that Inashiro game. Sawamura is such a good teammate man. He must've been so upset and disappointed that he wasn't able to pitch that last inning but he still wanted to try to help Furuya. It's such a change when you think about season 1 when he would really struggle to get back into being positive for the team after being taken out. Baby boy is learning 🥰 The reactions to Miyuki laughing running from the mound to the plate differs so much depending on the people you look at lol. Mei loves his personality so much, Itsuki looks shocked, Harada hates his personality and Tetsu just looks proud lol. How 1 man can evoke so many emotions just by laughing in a game is beyond me. Its so funny to me that Furuya doesn't actually care about Miyukis injury lmao. Like his only concern was if he's allowed to throw as hard as he can or not. Miyukis line about not wanting to give up such a fun position to anyone is the exact same line he said as a kid in that flashback from season 1. That boy doesn't ever change lol. The opera music inning is such a shock every time I see it lmao. Who would've ever expected that from the end of the game. Furuyas reaction to everyone jumping on him is hilarious lol he really does just stand there as he's slowly pushed sideways 😂 he's honestly probably never experienced a team pileup before Sanadas reaction to Miyukis injury gets me everytime. He takes it so personally that they didn't notice and honestly you're probably right from last week that it has to do a lot with Sanadas own injury with his leg. It really solidifies how amazing Sanada is too. How many teams aces would be so disappointed in themselves for not noticing an opponent injury. Like no one expected you to notice Sanada don't sweat it. Miyukis own team didn't notice for ages lol I think the scene between Mishima and Raichi at the end of the game was one of the most genuine and sincere of their friendship that we've seen thus far. Every other scene has been Raichi laughing about his name or them just being goofs lol but it's nice to remember that Mishima was Raichis first friend and they still very clearly care about eachother a lot. Mishima felt like he let Raichi down. I really love Mei and Miyukis friendship/rivalry. We all know they're exes (lol) but the fact that Mei is so excited about Miyuki getting to see Koshien is just so good. They're 2 peas in a pod. They want to play eachother at their absolute best and no less. Mei wants them to get that koshien experience so their rematch is just that much better and I have a lot of respect for Mei for that. Good on Kataoka for apologizing to Miyuki. I dont think Miyuki ever thought anything bad of Kataoka for letting an injured player play but the fact that Kataoka was disappointed in himself for prioritizing a win over his health is just so real. I love seeing coaches humble themselves to apologize to players when they feel they've done wrong by them. A lot of coaches won't admit wrong. Not kataoka Kuramochi is such a good friend and you see it all in the way he's taking care of Miyuki after the game. He knows Miyuki would never ask for help but knows he needs it so he's right there to help. So sweet Miyuki is such a drama queen waiting for the taxi lol. He sounds fully drunk while hanging off Kuramochi. I also have no clue why Kanemaru was yelling at Sawamura lmao. Just wanted to yell his name I guess 😂 I am never going to get over Kataoka crying at the 3rd years. It's so unexpected but so sweet to witness. I doubt any of those guys had ever seen him cry and for him to be crying while thanking them must be so crazy. They really were his babies. He raised that year from absolutely nothing and I feel like they really were his pride and joy. He knew how badly they wanted to go to Koshien and even though I think all of them just feel so lucky to have had him as a coach he really was burying himself in guilt over it. I'm glad he was able to release all that negativity and finally feel like maybe he didn't let them down like he thought. I always love that scene in the stairwell of Sawamura telling Furuya he's glad he came to Seidou too. He recognizes that Furuya makes him better and will continue to help him grow just as he does with Furuya. Took 2 seasons for Sawamura to be glad about going to Seidou lol. Also you're right, that smile to Sawamura was the only smile we've ever seen from Furuya lol. I find it really sweet and special that the team spent Christmas together lol. Like it really must feel like such a family for them to be able to spend such a family oriented holiday with their team. When I first watched it they really got me with Ochiai in the Seidou uniform standing at the dugout lmao. I really thought Kataoka had gone through with it and just up and left. Thank God he didn't but damn was I mad for like 5 seconds 😂😂 Sawamuras speech about playing Seidous baseball is one of my personal favourites of his speeches lol. I love all his speeches but that one just hits different. Man I still can't believe you're done season 2. I can't wait to see the OVAs and then on to Act 2!! 🎉🎉


It's SO insane seeing that the first years are no longer that -- it's going to be weird seeing them as "senpai!" @_@ Miyuki was a champ throughout this entire match, but I'm SO glad the game's over, for his sake. And UGH, Miyuki punching the ground, showing that emotion?! UGH. Also, that's a great point about how Sanada and Miyuki are the anchors for their teams -- I didn't realize it here, but people were noting Sanada's injury earlier on in the series in the Discord, and that floored me; it's probably why Sanada was also so surprised and shocked -- that Miyuki could play through such an injury to that extent. AGREED - Sawamura definitely has the spirit of an ace! And Junnnnn, I FELT that line about jealousy. FELT IT. I definitely feel more for Jun's character after this set of episodes and the OVA's that followed! <3 And that moment with Yuki, with Kataoka, with the TEARS?! UGH -- I'm so glad we had that moment, too -- it was so touching!! And to see Yuki's lip tremble?! T-T It is so sad seeing the third years move on, but I SO respect this series for taking the time to give us that sendoff with them! It's so sweet and shows a definite end of an era. I can see why it's "ACT II" now! @.@ I'm SO ready for Act II, but not ready to be caught up! Gotta savor it, now! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


This second season DEFINITELY went by quicker than the first! @_@ But I love that Sawamura was SO supportive during all of this! And Kuramochi knowing Sawamura enough to know he’s trying to help and not just be an “sun shock” is so sweet. #brosforsure And I LOVE that Kuramochi helped Miyuki like the best bro that he is – I honestly wondered if Miyuki had taken some painkillers before leaving in the taxi, he was so out of it, but at that point, he was just exhausted! XD Kataoka being nervous, keeping it together (unlike Todoroki, who does let his nerves show) and then the end with him breaking down with the third years? UGH. I couldn’t with him crying at the end…he rarely shows emotions and for him to breakdown like that, and even getting YUKI’s lip trembling? Nahhh, that was the nail in the coffin for my heart with these episodes! And I’m glad he apologized as well; that was a good move on his part at least; other coaches probably wouldn’t have offered, like you said. I love the encouragement to Haruichi and his fellow first year besties giving him all their energy! I love how our trio is bookended in this set from the beginning to all three of them walking up the stairs at the end! And that’s the ONLY smile we’ve seen from Furuya…dang….I am excited for them to keep growing as pitchers against each other, though. 😊 Though, my stress will probably be through the roof during the process, haha! Ochiai was starting to get on my annoyed side again, but I’m glad he reined it in, haha! I do like that idea that Zono being so READY took some of the edge off for him; I’m sure it definitely helped in that moment! And that steal! YES, nerve-wracking! Miyuki definitely SUFFERED in this game…I felt for him in that slide! And him shedding his emotion when he’s safe?! Seeing that emotion come out of our troll? UGH. MUH HEART. And that’s hilarious about how they ALL react to Miyuki’s laugh – I forget that Harada does NOT like Miyuki – that’s so funny to me! Jealous, Harada? Like Harada has ANYTHING to be jealous of, honestly. That’s why it’s funny. And that line about not giving up a position – that’s a great callback to him as a kid…wow. Yeah, never change, Miyuki! And yessss, exes for sure, but I love that Mei is so ready for them to get better at Nationals, so they can have a rematch at their best! I do respect Mei a lot for that; he’s not bitter – he’s excited! Two peas in a pod, indeed! ^^ Sanada was great in this as well and yes, his eye, and that confidence with Akiba -- *swoon* -- “unfair hotness,” indeed, hahaha! And him apologizing and nearly beating himself up at the end? Noooo, Sanada! I hated that for him. I’m glad his team was so supportive of him and he sees the growth still ahead of him. And him not noticing the injury? My HEART – don’t beat yourself up, Sanada! But dang, even RAICHI gets serious and has that moment with Mishima…I did feel for Yakushi; reminds me a lot of Seijoh’s loss to Karasuno in the second season of Haikyuu. T-T And knowing what we know now from Jun in this set of episodes and the OVA’s? UGH. My heart for Jun….I didn’t need to see him so sad! T-T And yessss, our sunshine boy being supportive despite not being able to pitch? #GROWTH. Furuya…he’s a simple creature, bless his soul, haha! But the opera music being tied to Furuya is soooo interesting! It fits him, surprisingly. And it’s kind of sweet that he just “takes” the pileup, too! :3 The ending of episode 51 was SUCH a trip! Seeing them all together, the montage, I thought the SAME when we first saw Ochiai in the uniform (thank goodness Kataoka stayed, too), and then hearing Sawamura give the big speech about “Seido’s baseball” – taken straight from Kataoka. UGH. It’s so good! I am SO ready for Act II, but I can’t believe we’re here already! Thank you for the kind words and comment! Let’s do it!!