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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/9zljvk
**How could there NOT be a Headphone Warning Here?!**  

Isayama woke up and chose "Pain...Pain for his readers and viewers," because this episode...is hard. I could FEEL my heart breaking in this episode for so many characters, as the stakes get higher, the tension builds, and the emotions once bubbling under the surface with our characters is now about to burst, it seems.   

Demons are awakened, the pieces on the board are in motion, and amidst all the anger and frustration...something still doesn't add up...oh, and Zeke's backstory is apparently next episode! Maybe that will shed some light on this insanity? We can only hope.   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 4: Episode 14 Reaction! "SAVAGERY!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/9zljvk **How could there NOT be a Headphone Warning Here?!** Isayama woke up and chose "Pain...Pain for his readers and viewers," because this episode...is hard. I could FEEL my heart breaking in this episode for so many characters, as the stakes get higher, the tension builds, and the emotions once bubbling under the surface with our characters is now about to burst, it seems. Demons are awakened, the pieces on the board are in motion, and amidst all the anger and frustration...something still doesn't add up...oh, and Zeke's backstory is apparently next episode! Maybe that will shed some light on this insanity? We can only hope. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Maia Brodsky

Oooooh boy how I've been waiting for your reaction to this episode.


Ha...ha ha ha ha.........my stomach is getting queasy just re-thinking about this episode, hahaha! Hope you enjoy my ramblings!


“To defeat a monster, you must be willing to throw aside your humanity and all that makes you human” - Armin Comes back to haunt him.


I think you are too harsh on King Fritz. King Fritz wiped off their memories because if they knew their power they will seek to leave Paradis and take over the world again. I don't think he stagnated progress intentionally, when you are a closed of nation there is no trade, you don't see other inventions from around the world to incorporate and improve upon them. He had to leave some Eldians in Marley so they can keep their Warriors (Titan Shifters), otherwise they will be reborn on Paradis, and will seek to overthrow him or leave the island.

Maia Brodsky

It's weird to think about, but the entire left side of your board dedicated to calling out Karl Fritz is basically blaming Uri for this. Uri sort of became Karl Fritz when he inherited the titan and Karl Fritz' will with it. I think they retain some of their personality, but when you said Uri was the one who decided to try for a temporary paradise, I think that was Karl Fritz' will from the beginning (100 ish years ago), not something Uri came up with in his lifetime.

Maia Brodsky

In your discussion about Eren never having true freedom, we have to define what true freedom is. It means different things to everyone. I believe freedom is more a state of mind than it is a result of your circumstances in life. Some people might say Eren is moving forward toward freedom now, that he's more free now that he can make his own choices and make real changes in the world. He has power. The way I see it, he was more free back in season 3 when he was back in Shiganshina trying to reclaim his hometown and Wall Maria, when he thought to himself "I can do this. No, we can do this. Because we've all been special since the day we were born. We're free!" That was a true moment of freedom, to me, because even though he wasn't yet free of the walls or the titans (his circumstances), his mind is free. By these standards, people like Falco and Mr. Braus are the most free out of anyone in this world. Sasha was too. Unchained by hatred, and free in the mind. Again, just my POV on the definition of freedom, but I do think Isayama wants us to ask these questions.

Maia Brodsky

Levi letting Erwin die is some evidence that an Ackerman bond doesn't completely eliminate free will. I see it as more of a impulse/instinct, rather than something controlling them.


Btw, going into the second half, you may need more whiteboards…


Savagery is just a great episode to get your blood pumping. I loved your whiteboard-kun reflection. The next episode is my personal favorite of this season.


“The one who’s gonna save humanity isn’t me or the commander! It’s Armin”. 3x18 “I’ll wrap that around you…as many times and you want. Now and forever … as many times as you want” - 2x12 “To save Mikasa and Armin, and everyone else, you must see this through” - 3x21 Before I start can I just say NEVER get into a fight with Armin because this MF will ALWAYS have the last words to say and they will CUT. Because if there is slave in this series it is 100% Eren. Ironically he is the least FREE out of everyone in this cast so far. If you are secure in yourself then you don’t have to constantly verbalise it. So anyone who say “I am free’” like that … are they really? All right *cracks knuckles* no idea how long this will be but I guess buckle in First of all, I like to call this scene the infamous ‘Eren gaslighting table scene’ because that is exactly what is going down this episode. The fandom lost their absolute shit when this came out in manga because seriously what the hell Eren?! Your first reaction is basically just despair as you try to grabble onto something that makes sense. So I guess let’s go through the facts. A phrase that many people comment about with this scene is ‘Eren knew that he couldn’t win a physical fight with Mikasa so he fought her with words and he knew he couldn’t win a verbal fight with Armin and so he fought him with fists’. As close friends who love one another he knew their deepest weaknesses and so knew exactly where to hurt them. But, why? “You’re the one manipulated by the enemy.” With Armin, he attacked his affection to Annie and tried to make him doubt his true feelings. I’ve all ready gone through why Eren’s accusations don’t really make sense as it’s very clear that Annie and Armin had a bond between them before he ate Bert and the only real thing would be that Bert’s memories gave a grown up Armin more perspective. Also Eren has already forgiven Reiner (and clearly Bert) for what they did so why label Bert as an enemy? Sounds off. It’s cut in the anime and is in the manga but I feel it’s important to mention that he also accuses him off going ‘soft’ and that he always ‘just wants to talk’ now since he ate Bert. BUT EREN! we had 3 seasons of him doing exactly that! Wanting to talk to enemies like Annie, Bert, Reiner etc soo that argument is bullshit. Also if Armin is manipulated by Bert’s memories than what the helll does that make you Eren?! And then he clearly antagonises Armin by his verbal abuse to Mikasa and so Armin comes out swinging and we all know how that ends. Eren was the one ALWAYS defending Armin when they were kids against the bullies so of course it never could be a fair fight. Except Armin knew that and still tried. And then drops the big ‘fuck you’ and tells Eren who the real slave in this conversation is. Because it ain’t Mikasa and Armin. Side note I almost physically can’t watch the screen when he beats up Armin as it bloody hurts my soul. Also clear parallel to when Reiner and Annie are beating the shit out of each other and all Bert can do is silently cry and tell them to stop. Very noticeable parallel between our two trios. So no. I don’t believe it’s because of the Ackerman blood that prevents Mikasa from stopping them. It’s about Mikasa who is heartbroken and shattered and is completely helpless to stop her family from hurting each other. Just like Bert had to watch Reiner crumble and shatter and hurt Annie and all he could do was watch. “Your family was made to forget who they are and live only to protect.” Now Mikasa and the Ackerman accusations. Oh boy. So what do we know about Ackermans? We know with certainty that they cannot be controlled by the Founder. Their memories couldn’t be wiped in the past and they were tracked down because of it, because they left the founder and moved independently. “The king fears us”. “Because he can’t control us, the Ackermans defied whatever the royals decided to do with the Eldians, that’s why we were persecuted.” -3x6. So why would they be ‘slaves’ to anyone? With the ‘host’ accusation we know from Levi and Kenny’s perspective that ‘one day’ their powers kicked in. Random and for survival. Not because of Uri or Erwin. So let’s go back to 1x6. When Eren tells her to fight he helps her find her survival instincts and that’s when she tabs into her strength. But then what happens after? She’s not latched onto Eren in that exact moment. She wasn’t emotionally aware of him. “Dr Jaeger… where should I go..from here? It’s cold. There’s no place… for me to go home to anymore.” And then Eren wraps the scarf around her and offers her a home with him. And that is when she connects with Eren. NOT with his ‘fight to win’ speech when she awakened herself, but when he showed her his kindness. Does that sound like latching onto a host? She has also fought against Eren in the past for his cruelty. First example being in 1x2 when she punches him for badmouthing Armin. And honestly, Levi puts the host statement in the bullshit category as clearly he loved Erwin and let him die. Does Mikasa love and want to protect Eren? Yes. Is that because of Ackerman blood? Going by the story so far it’s a no from me. Now her headaches. They have always been tied to trauma. When she witnessed Carla’s death and it reminded her of her own parents in 1x2 . When she was on the wall with Armin after Eren gets taken and she clearly has a concussion and is stressed and worried in 2x8. When she sees a burnt Armin on the brink of death and Eren is sobbing over him in 3x18. When she founds out the fate of Armin and Eren and that their deaths will be soon and she will with absolute certainty outlive both of them in 3x21. How are ANY of these moments about her inner self fighting against protecting a ‘host’?? No they centre around the trauma in her life. Also Levi don’t get headaches so again what the hell Eren?! “Ever since I was little … Mikasa. I’ve hated you.” Eren hating Mikasa? No. Nope. No. Never. Now, Eren definitely felt resentment and jealously to Mikasa as he admits it himself in 3x12. But hate? Since a child? What a lie. In the story anytime he thinks of home his eyes go to Mikasa. He has protected her constantly and clearly loves her. Soo why this gaslighting? Why lie about all this? Why did he do this to Mikasa and Armin? Armin and Mikasa have always been connected to the human side of Eren. With Mikasa reminding him of his genuine kindness and her refusal of his violent nature. Eren has very little self worth and only sees his worth through his actions, while in contrast, Mikasa loves him for who HE is and not his actions. And with Armin he constantly reminds Eren of his inner strength and a pursuit of a dream that they shared together. As Eren said himself the real person that will save humanity is Armin. Eren envied the look in Armin’s eyes for a long time since they were kids “I saw the look in your eyes. You looked like you were having an amazing dream. A dream I couldn’t see. That’s when I knew for the first time. I wasn’t free.” But Eren has made a choice. The choice being that he can’t be ‘human’ anymore. It was clear to me at the time of reading this that he needs to hurt them so he can move forward and this time they won’t follow his back. As Hannes said to Mikasa and Armin in 2x8 that they will always both follow him and clean up his mess. And so Eren hurts them. So they won’t follow him this time. But will they still? Can Armin and Mikasa recognise what is happening? Because what we the audience know with certainty is that Eren does not in anyway hate Mikasa and Armin. He loves them. As Mikasa says “He cares too much”. *Big sigh* Oh boy. And I haven’t even talked about Floch yet 😩 Floch. God I love this shithead. 😂Anytime he is on screen he is captivating to watch. Kensho Ono is one of my favourite voice actors and he does a masterful job with Floch. And the animators, particularly the director, have said they love animating him and you can tell. He is wonderfully despicable and a true menace in the story. To be honest I love these kinda archetypes in fiction when they are well written and Floch definitely is. I’ve said before that one of my favourite dynamics in this story is Floch and Erwin. Levi and Armin are definitely the bright/good legacy of Erwin. But our boy Erwin reluctantly become a devil. And someone was watching that devil. And so here we have the dark legacy of Erwin with Floch. Floch the one character that willingly became a devil and revels in it. I totally understand people who can’t stand Floch but honestly I never been one to hate characters. If they are well written and contribute to my engagement of a story then I will enjoy them. He is not heroic, he is a coward but he doesn’t want his life to be pointless. He wants a voice and he want the freedom to make a choice. He saw the bloodshed of Erwin’s death charge and recognised that a devil is what you need to save humanity from this cruel world. Floch hated Erwin but he respected him. He needed a demonic figure and he sees that in Eren. Not everyone can be forgiving and see the other sides perspective when they have been through hell. He latched onto the propaganda that Erwin did in his time and and then Floch grew into himself and his confidence and become a leader in his own right of nationalist group. He spouts Erwin’s war rhetoric and follows what he believed Erwin’s ideals were but he completely misses the sentiment that Erwin had because sadly Erwin only confided in that with Levi. Erwin didn’t even believe in that war rhetoric as he was only thinking of himself in the end and he manipulated people into joining the scouts. But sadly Erwin, you created a monster. And a monster that volunteered willingly for this role. God I love Floch’s character soo much! I would despise him in real life. What an absolute little shit and yet such a tragedy too. - Few things Levi keeps Zeke alive simply because he always needs to pass the Beast Titan power to someone. Also I don’t believe simply because Erwin is dead that means Levi is free to do what he wants. Levi has always been an independent person and simply followed Erwin’s orders because he respected him (The end of No Regrets ova is a good example of this) There’s many examples that contradict the ‘host’ accusation that Eren had for Mikasa and by extension Levi. For something a lil lighthearted. Now remember when I said that Armin is Mappa’s favourite? Well let me tell you about the shot from this episode that got everyone into quite a meltdown. If you go back to the part where Mikasa pins Armin to the table and it does a close up of his face, go through the frames and you will see a particular one of Armin that .. urmm … well he looks insanely hot. And everyone on Twitter went nuts! You have no idea how many fanart/edits there are of this moment. People have also inserted different cast members to make this face too it’s honestly kinda hilarious. He trended for soo long after this. My entire timeline was this moment. 😂 And also during the fight Eren wasn’t really well drawn but Armin sure as hell was! Mappa really showing their bias this episode. Right I’m going to leave it there because holy shit. I warned you that the essays are coming! 😂 Because you put soo much into this story and at length talk about your passion for it so I feel I should respond in kind. This is a HARD episode all round and I feel I barely scratched the surface of it in this comment but you made some really great points in your discussion! I wish I could say the pain train is over … but this Attack on Titan. *sad choo-choo noises* 🚂


HA! With the office space I have, Whiteboard-kun may need to stay an "only child," but I have the feeling I'm going to need to re-stock on some wipes, hahaha! I'm DREADING how Part 2 is going to hurt my soul, especially after episodes 14 and 15.

Be Happy

This episode hurts my heart everytime.. the table scene was rough and hard to watch although I read the manga already.. it is just so difficult to watch Eren hurts the people he cares about the most.. I feel bad for him honestly, the shot with him siting by the window !! That face is sad!! I will leave it to that because everything will be explained and I don’t want to write an essay to explain something you are gonne figure out in future episodes.. I just want to point that knowing Eren reflexes and combat skills, he LET Armin take that first swing , he thought he deserved it Levi!! This man is cursed honestly !! That moment when he is resolved to kill his former comrades when he closes his eyes!! It shatteres me every single time really!! This man lost so much and so many and still loosing !! He deserve to be happy honestly Floch, is a despicable character but a necessary one in this story, I understand where he comes from but his methods and sense of self importance are unbearable … I love Shadis and his attempt to protect Hange and the cadets is admirable.. and savagery it was.. levi, Eren, Zeke, Floch .. they were all savages in their own way.. most accurate episode title ever. And that last shot allows us to guess next episode, which is by the way, my favorite along declaration of war.. phew what a ride.. I just loved your shock and yells at Eren, Zeke and Floch.. so relatable ☺️ and the discussion, I listened to a third only, and enjoyed it immensely.. I can’t wait to finish it tomorrow and I am sure it is gonna be delightful 😉

Maia Brodsky

The song that played during Levi vs Zeke was the same song from Levi vs. Kenny in the fight under the Reiss chapel.

Maia Brodsky

Btw, I'm compiling a playlist of the best AoT VA radio/panel clips to send you when you're caught up. I just started the playlist today and it's already 20 videos long. I'm trying to rein it in a little lol. Are you staying away from YT until you're caught up with the rest of us, or until the series finishes? Since part 2 is not the end of the story, it might be quite a long time until that happens.

brianna a

Ah yes Eren, so according to what you are saying to Armin you should be in love with your mother.... I see Eren, you just have really bad mommy issues. That's what's going on... lmao XD

Nyjae (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-25 16:00:43 PAIN PAIN PAIN😭It's so hard to rewatch this episode because it makes my heart so heavy (It's one of my least rewatched, it truly is one of my favs, the pacing, the story, savagery indeed but it hurts to watch so I avoid it lol) I didn't expect it to go that far & get those reveals. My brain was just melting & trying to comprehend Eren giving us this information as well as the hurtful words & the fighting. AAAAHHHH I will never stop thinking about this episode. Levi witnessing his comrades turn into titans before him & Keith being beat up😭 Floch needs to be deleted & muted!! I was like omg Romania is going to be so hurt when she sees this episode especially with Keith. This episode just hurts to talk about so I'll keep it short. Your AOT reactions are great just the way they are. If you miss something or your confused it's ok because I was too tremendously & still am lol never doubt your commentary & your ideas, it's why we love your talks on so many series. Stay kind, gentle & chaotic. We love u for it. Take it easy byeee have a nice day/night⭐
2022-02-23 04:40:44 PAIN PAIN PAIN😭It's so hard to rewatch this episode because it makes my heart so heavy (It's one of my least rewatched, it truly is one of my favs, the pacing, the story, savagery indeed but it hurts to watch so I avoid it lol) I didn't expect it to go that far & get those reveals. My brain was just melting & trying to comprehend Eren giving us this information as well as the hurtful words & the fighting. AAAAHHHH I will never stop thinking about this episode. Levi witnessing his comrades turn into titans before him & Keith being beat up😭 Floch needs to be deleted & muted!! I was like omg Romania is going to be so hurt when she sees this episode especially with Keith. This episode just hurts to talk about so I'll keep it short. Your AOT reactions are great just the way they are. If you miss something or your confused it's ok because I was too tremendously & still am lol never doubt your commentary & your ideas, it's why we love your talks on so many series. Stay kind, gentle & chaotic. We love u for it. Take it easy byeee have a nice day/night⭐

PAIN PAIN PAIN😭It's so hard to rewatch this episode because it makes my heart so heavy (It's one of my least rewatched, it truly is one of my favs, the pacing, the story, savagery indeed but it hurts to watch so I avoid it lol) I didn't expect it to go that far & get those reveals. My brain was just melting & trying to comprehend Eren giving us this information as well as the hurtful words & the fighting. AAAAHHHH I will never stop thinking about this episode. Levi witnessing his comrades turn into titans before him & Keith being beat up😭 Floch needs to be deleted & muted!! I was like omg Romania is going to be so hurt when she sees this episode especially with Keith. This episode just hurts to talk about so I'll keep it short. Your AOT reactions are great just the way they are. If you miss something or your confused it's ok because I was too tremendously & still am lol never doubt your commentary & your ideas, it's why we love your talks on so many series. Stay kind, gentle & chaotic. We love u for it. Take it easy byeee have a nice day/night⭐


Oohhhhh, I agree this this episode just gets you going -- I like "Sole Salvation" -- I'm not sure it's my favorite of the season, but it's a really good episode! Definitely worthy of discussion! :) :)


Seriously...there's a lot of flaws with what Eren said...and poor Mikasa and Armin were too stunned to think and comeback with anything like that in the moment. But by that logic, yeah, Eren would be pretty messed up as well. :(


It really is painful - I've re-watched it a few times and the pain doesn't go away, heh heh -- definitely SAVAGERY. And Levi....losing his comrades, and Keith getting beat...ugh...Floch definitely wasn't on my good list in this, and you predicted very much! My heart hurt with Keith! Thank you, too, for the kind words and comment - I'm glad y'all enjoy my ramblings. "Stay kind, gentle, and chaotic." THAT may be my new mantra. :) Thank you so much and I hope you have a great rest of the week as well!


SERIOUSLY! Plus, your comment made me go back and re-watch Episode 25 of season 1 and ooooooohhhhh budddy....the FORESHADOWING. Wow. Very haunting.


I definitely was harsh on Fritz in this (to mainly take the heat off of Eren from last episode haha), and that's a really good point about the technology having to be stagnated. I would say that it's still a terrible situation Fritz and the Tyburs put the Eldians in, because it caused the oppression of the Eldians on Marley in the internment zones, and King Fritz supposedly had the power to wipe memories, so I think having the all the Eldians in one location may not have led to him being overthrown....it's so complicated, though. I definitely think that his pacifism wasn't the most well thought out idea and has a lot of problems...but I was definitely harsh on him in this. :) Thanks for pointing that out, though!!


That a neat point that Uri is a lot like Fritz...now that you put it that way, there are lots of similarities -- and it's probably something to do with the memories shining through in him...good point.


Ahh, I'll talk about that in the recap, but I'm staying away from a lot of AOT spoilers unless it's a crack video or something someone shares in the discord that is funny but not spoilery, if that makes sense. :) That's awesome that you're compiling that, though! Thank you so much!! :D :D I'm a patient person, so that's fine, too! ^^


Oh awesome!! That is where I've heard it before!! It sounded familiar, so that makes sense! Thank you for pointing that out! :)

Maia Brodsky

Oh ok. So, none of the clips themselves have any spoilers. I thought you wanted to stay away from AoT yt because of the potential to be spoiled by a comment or a thumbnail on a related video or something. If I can post links to spoiler-free content from yt on your discord, please let me know. I won't post anything without your explicit go-ahead.


Oh cool! Yeah, if you want to post in the Discord that is fine! :D The only time I watch the videos on Discord are from my phone when I get the chance, since the thumbnails don't pop up like on my computer, haha!


YES! Exactly!!! I just hope Mikasa eventually realizes that or Levi talks to her about it! @.@

Maia Brodsky

Alright, I've never used discord before so I'll have to figure that out first.


Freedom is SUCH a hard word to contextualize; I wondered in the discussion if Eren could really be "free" by his standards -- it almost seems like he doesn't want to be hindered by anything and be able to do whatever he wants -- obviously, it's more complicated than that, haha! But while he has gained power, I don't think that his actions are solely his own, uninfluenced by anyone else...but....ugh...it's so complicated, haha! I do love what you said about Falco and Mr. Braus -- I would agree that they may be the most free of all in the series, without hatred or the shackles of revenge and being "free in the mind." I like that -- Isayama is DEFINITELY wanting us to question this! :) Thanks for the comment!

Maia Brodsky

Even if Levi is subsequently informed of what Eren told Mikasa about the Ackermans, I doubt he'd actually come up with the idea that he was bonded to Erwin. In fact, the series has not mentioned anything about a possible Ackerman bond from Levi to Erwin, so we're really assuming a lot there. However, I do think Levi would be a good person for Mikasa to talk to at a time of such despair and uncertainty. Levi understands how people feel (as he told Zeke), and his philosophy concerning making the least regrettable choices would be valuable to someone struggling with the concept of free will, as Mikasa is currently.


That is VERY true -- I know I have shipper goggles on with the Ackerman Bond between Levi and Erwin, haha, but I do agree that Levi is a great person to talk to when feeling despair, because he's blunt, but considerate and kind. He WOULD be the right person for her to talk to...I just hope in Part 2 she gets to. :) **nervous laugh**

Maia Brodsky

And I'm definitely on the Levi Erwin ship too, but I like to think of the potential of an Ackerman bond as something extra on the side. It's less impactful to me if their bond is more heavily dependent on something mystical/metaphysical than their actual personalities and history together.


Yessss, we get that pain of Eren's words and then you see him by the window at the end and he just looks sad. I hate it. But THANK YOU for not spoiling, too! Hahaha! But the fact that he let Armin take the first swing because he deserved it; yeah, I'd agree with that. Levi...ugh...him closing his eyes shatters my heart as well! He definitely deserves to be happy, but Isayama is not about to give these characters what they deserve, eh? Speaking of which, FLOCH, haha! He's definitely a "necessary" character and I enjoy what Isayama does with hiim in the story, but his methods and self-importance, and hurting Shadis along the way...ugh. SO many savages in this episode, indeed. Ooh, I'm nervous with the next episode -- it's.... a doozy of a ride, that's for sure! I'm glad y'all enjoy my screaming and raving! Hahahaha! Thanks for the comment!


Heh heh heh, I've watched 15 and 16 at this point. I'm hoping to record the Recap this weekend, if I can will myself to, haha! But with your other comment, I like the idea that the "bond" isn't the defining feature of the Ackermann's, but something "extra" along with their super human strength. That's a neat idea! :)

Maia Brodsky

I think you slightly misunderstood what I was getting at. I meant about Erwin and Levi's history together. Like, in my headcanon I prefer to believe their close relationship has more to do with Levi as a person, Erwin as a person, and their experiences together, rather than the sort of 'must protect' instinct that Mikasa seems to have for Eren. Even if Levi is bonded to Erwin in that way, who they are and what they've been through together is, in my mind, much more powerful than any potential Ackerman bond. And just to be clear, I do think all elements of what makes Ackermans special are metaphysical (their strength and instinct to protect), I'm just saying that what Levi and Erwin have been through together seems to be (and I would hope it would be) a stronger contributing factor when it comes to explaining why they're so close. Sorry for the ramble, hope this makes sense.


Ohhh, I get what you're saying! No worries -- I agree with what you say here! Sorry if my response seemed like I didn't! :)


I may just start incorporating *sad choo-choo noises* into my comments, because god, if that isn’t a great description for my soul at this point, hahaha! I’m seriously aboard the “Eren is least free in this series” camp, and I’m sure I’ll touch base on that in the recap! And yeah, there is DEFINITELY something up with it all – for multiple reasons you touch on in this post. Eren definitely chose words to bring down Armin and Mikasa (though he did beat the snot out of Armin, too, for good measure). He knew what would hurt them the most, but WHY?! That IS the big question in all of this – even after watching episodes 15 and 16, I’m still not sure and will probably be theorizing through the recap, so there’s that. There’s so many holes in the logic with what Eren told both Armin and Mikasa – my worry is that now Armin won’t be able to be genuine if he ever DOES get the chance to talk to Annie, because he’ll have Eren’s words in his head, and Mikasa will constantly be in question of herself and if she truly likes Eren…even if it was to “save” them as I hope it was…I worry about the damage it’s done and how it would affect their relationship with Eren in the future…if that’s even something Eren thinks will exist. ☹ UGH. *sad choo choo noises* At least Armin got the last word in, eh? I had NOT thought about that parallel with Annie vs Reiner and Bertholdt watching with the trio here! Oh wow, and of course, Reiner and Eren are both the ones who want to “move forward” with the mission! ISAYAMA….you mad man! And that’s a great point about the Ackerman’s that I forgot with the Founding Titan…they CANNOT be controlled by the founder…so…they aren’t really slaves, are they? I don’t know how that ties in with Eren saying that they’re “born to protect the King” and that makes them a slave, but it doesn’t add up with what we’ve seen so far with Kenny and Levi, so…I can only hope Mikasa talks to Levi about all of this and he can help her out SOMEHOW dealing with this crisis of identity. But hell if we know where Levi is at this point…*sad choo choo noises* That’s a really interesting note about “when” Mikasa supposedly bonded with Eren, though! I hate that she brings up his kindness and THAT’S when he shuts her down…Eren…dude… I love your discussion of Eren laying aside his humanity by ditching Armin and Mikasa; several of you have pointed out things with this episode that I want to bring up in the recap for SURE, and this is one of them. I hate that Eren doesn’t want to be human, but again, more talk for the recap because there’s still so much mystery surrounding his actions – I do agree he “cares too much,” but I hate that he is having to hurt the people closest to him for a plan I’m not 100% sure of in Eren’s case (though I know Zeke’s plan now). And Floch, ahahahaha – I love how Ono voices him. He IS very despicable and a menace. I really like that he’s in this story, as much as he frustrates me by his actions. I like that idea of Levi and Armin as the “good” legacy of Erwin and Floch as the “bad” or darkness. He definitely is reveling in his devilry for now. And that’s such a good point that Erwin didn’t even really believe the rhetoric he was spouting; he only confided in Levi and that was a huge mistake, because we see what it creates. I love that Mappa loves animating Armin! :P That makes me excited for the rest of the season. 😉 Oh, no worries! Have you seen my ramblings! I love all the things you brought up in this! They’re at least keeping me hopefully about Eren, haha! But yeah…the next episode was still pain to my soul and then thank goodness Episode 16 had some intense but hype moments to get my heart back in rhythm. 😊 Thanks so much for the kind words and comment!!


Eren is such a phenomenal character and such a departure from most main characters but I think the fandom gets too carried away with how he ‘carries’ himself in the timeskip. There’s alot of people who throw around phrases like ‘Chad Eren’ and ‘what a savage’ for him. When honestly you really don’t have to look far in his character to see how much he is suffering and how much he hasn’t changed in his fundamentals. I should be clear that I don’t necessarily think he is ‘trying not to be human’ but his is more ‘casting aside his humanity.’ I think there is a distinction between the two. Kinda like what Armin says in season 1 about to how to make change you need to cast aside your humanity. There really is some great foreshadowing in this series. I really do believe that Armin and Mikasa are very much representations of his humanity. Mikasa with his kindness and Armin with his dreams. I really adore this trio soo much and they are my favourite dynamic in the story. All different sides of EMA with EA, EM and MA so this part hurts soo much. But here’s a cool quote from the animation director for this episode “I tried to draw it as carefully and as heartfelt as possible since it’s a very important scene in the story. When I drew this scene I remembered the three of them in their childhood. And the words they exchanged in front of me looked like a lie and natrurally I felt tears welling up in my eyes” Hey when it comes to my boy Armin I’ll take anything Mappa gives me 😂 Sometimes I think maybe it’s just me loving this boy too much that I notice his character model more but then I go on Twitter and then watch other reactors who are like ‘Damn Armin look at you’ and I feel blessed 😄 Still don’t understand why they can’t get Eren right vs the manga as his facial expressions are SO important to know what he’s thinking. There’s a few moments that I’ll probably comment on later that suffer with this problem. Episode 15 tomorrow! HYPE HYPE HYPE! Very excited about this one for … *cough* REASONS


Eren is a conflicting character for me this season -- he's a fantastic departure from the "norm" main character -- I'll probably air my grievances in the recap more than anything -- but it's clear he's suffering and is still the same fundamental character he was from the start of the series, only more mature and "polished." And hahahaha, I'm going to DEFINITIELY talk about that "humanity" conversation between him and Jean from the end of season 1 in the recap. :) I went back and watched 1x25 and GOD, THE FORESHADOWING. It makes me excited to eventually tie back to the manga and see it all from the start. Yessss, that whole table scene feels like a lie and I hate it. Ugh. It still makes me sick to my stomach to re-watch it. That is sad the show is missing out on the manga's depiction of Eren, but glad they're at least throwing crumbs at Armin for us to feed on, hahaha! And I'm honestly scared about tomorrow with my discussion of Ep 15 -- so many say it's their favorite of the season -- there's definitely hype there, but as to my thoughts on it...**nervous chuckle** Again, I've reflected this week after watching Ep 16, too, and prepping for the recap, so the Recap and my views on it are going to be slightly different than after my discussion of EP 15. Ep 15 and Ep 6 for me have the same vibes, so hopefully y'all enjoy my ramblings! :)


OH MY GOD that scene with Jean and Armin at the end of season 1 lives permanently in my brain rent free! It’s such a beautifully shot scene and yet there’s such melancholy to it too. Honestly Eren is soo pretty in the manga. He’s got this ethereal look about him in some places. But my complaint with the anime is more his expressions but hey 🤷‍♀️ Isayama is just that good with his artwork in the later story. Oh that’s a shame that’s how you feel about ep15 (spoiler alert it’s my favourite too and potentially of the entire series but that’s hard to decide) I’m sure it’ll be great regardless. And hey maybe it will be a grower for you! I’m just excited that I can finally write about Zeke tbh 😂 what a relief!


Yesssss, definitely going back to that episode in the recap! And that will be exciting to see Isayama's art develop as the series grows (I love seeing that with mangaka). I like Episode 15 a lot, haha, but I can't say it's one of my favorites...for...reasons, right now -- but once I re-watch it for the recap in context with the rest of the season, that may change, haha! And hahahahahaha, oh Zeke! Sweet Zeke! Can't wait! :D

Toni simi

A lot of pain this episode. Mikasa really just proved Eren that he was right with what he said. I'm with you on that what Eren said is somehow right but also not really. The scene with Keith getting beat up broke my heart. But I'm also proud how he tried to stand up against them. I'm excited for the next episode. Wish you a wonderful day!!


SO MUCH PAIN. Yeah, Eren's words seemed like lies with a little truth mixed in...a lot of questions on his motivations, but I'm sure we'll get into that -- but YES! Keith trying to stand up against an opposing force...that scene broke my heart probably more than anything. Even if Eren was lying to Mikasa and Armin for his own agenda, Floch was NOT lying to Keith. :( Fun times ahead! Hahaha! Thanks for the comment and have a great rest of the weekend, too!