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So, thanks to your voting, we have 63 out of 64 spots secured on the Husbando Bracket!

Unfortunately, there's 1 spot left and a three-way tie! 

This is the most bizarre selection to choose from, but please help me narrow down who earns the final place on the bracket for our Top Husbando of 2022!

ONE vote only, though! :)



This is poll is hilarious 😂


When I realized it was a three-way tie for the final spot and THESE were the choices, I just stared at my screen for a solid thirty seconds. 😂

Nathan Grenawalt

Inosuke's ripped, cute and hilarious, but exhausting to keep up with. James is actually a nuanced and caring person and just as hilarious, but I can't think of him as a husbando for some reason. Senku has the right mix of asshole-with-a-heart-of-gold, abs, and enough perception to be caring and thoughtful under his tsundere mask. I gotta pick him. But now I am picturing the three of them as a team, and it is frighteningly good. Capturing pokemon and fighting demons with the power of Science!


That's actually a great description for each of them! But seriously, the combo of all of them?! Senku and Inosuke would fit in surprisingly well in the Pokemon universe! @.@ I had never thought of that - NICE! 😃

Melanie Marie

What is happening in this Patreon ?! 😂😂😂


You all don't want to see the bracket for this Husbando and Waifu Award this year...the Waifu one has some tough rounds, but the Husbando one?! @__@ It's wild.


My first time voting, I saw Inosuke I couldn't look away !


My boy James


I won't lie, I watched a lot of Pokemon as a kid and had the VHS with the episode of James going back home with his Growlithe nearly destroyed from watching it so many times, haha!


Talk about HUSBANDO skills, no one can beat Senku... HE CAN MAKE ANYTHING. But unfortunately, I can't imagine he falls in love with someone... I ship him with guys, but I think the only thing he into is science😂😂


Senku being "Science Sexual" is very accurate! He's husbando material, but I'm not sure I see him in a romantic relationship, either! :)