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We somehow managed to have 64 individual waifus for the bracket, so YAY!

However, we had WAY more than 64 husbando nominations. We have 31 spots guaranteed for nominations that had over 2 votes.

So, for the remaining 33 spots, I'm splitting the options into three polls!

For Round Three, vote for your favorite husbando options out of the following:



So many so many 🥵


Is there more rounds? This is fun


So far, these are the three rounds to finish out the bracket! If we have a tie where there's more than 33 leftover -- we'll do a "tie-breaker" round, hahaha! :) I love polls, so I'm glad y'all are having fun with it!


Oh my, Zeno is in the poll? Don't mind if I do


I'm not sure who his character is yet (no spoilers) but I figure by the time I do the bracket video, I'll know! :) Thanks for voting!