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We somehow managed to have 64 individual waifus for the bracket, so YAY!

However, we had WAY more than 64 husbando nominations. We have 31 spots guaranteed for nominations that had over 2 votes.

So, for the remaining 33 spots, I'm splitting the options into three polls! 

For Round One, vote for your favorite husbando options out of the following: 



Ahhhhh! This is so hard!!!!!

Jordan G

So many good choices! To the people who voted Ango, you're cultured and Ango is just *sigh*. I had the overwhelming urge to vote for Ferid from Seraph when doing the form lmao. Also.. Jiang Cheng 👀 does he even count as a husbando??


how can it be so hard to choose


RIGHT?! There were so many good nominations, I couldn't just add 33 from all of them, so why not poll? At least everyone can pick as many as they like! :)


And there's TWO MORE rounds of voting...y'all picked too many good ones; at least you can vote for multiples! :)


Cheng made the bracket! :) You don't have to be married to be husbando material, hahaha! But sadly Ferid did not make the rounds this year -- maybe for next year? :) Happy voting -- there's two more rounds I've gotta post, haha!

Anna Kyruin

Every time i participate in one of these polls i get the urge to go on a rant about how every site (and government!) should support ranked choice voting. :D


Ahhhh, there were so many good options, this was the only way I knew to break the gigantic tie with those that had 1-vote each. >.< At least you can choose multiples for each of the rounds, right? :P

Melanie Marie

This is torture…also, whoever nominated Hisoka needs help ASAP


This is why I had to create a poll! There were too many with just one vote to narrow down alone! And as far as Hisoka is concerned....no comment! XD


Oh no, my Hirano! 😭🥺