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Well, I knew we would get to ZiXuan and Yanli's death at some point...but I didn't expect BOTH to be so soon, along with Qing...man, what a great pre-cursor to Valentine's Day, right? With a nice, healthy dose of PAIN! 

I'm amazed that entire series comes full circle this episode set, but fortunately (for our hearts and sanity), we're back in the present, away from the angst and our boys WuXian and Wangji are reunited and have a second chance at their relationship! But it looks like Yi City's right around the corner already...so...here we go again? 

Thanks for watching with me and for the support!


The Untamed: Episodes 31-33 Reaction! ZIXUAN, YANLI, & EVERYTHING FULL CIRCLE!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 3:16): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/szbyT4rvYUwbvQCDRYXWg1? **LOVELY HEADPHONE WARNINGS ABOUND** Well, I knew we would get to ZiXuan and Yanli's death at some point...but I didn't expect BOTH to be so soon, along with Qing...man, what a great pre-cursor to Valentine's Day, right? With a nice, healthy dose of PAIN! I'm amazed that entire series comes full circle this episode set, but fortunately (for our hearts and sanity), we're back in the present, away from the angst and our boys WuXian and Wangji are reunited and have a second chance at their relationship! But it looks like Yi City's right around the corner already...so...here we go again? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I'm about to watch and I have tissues. And vodka


Honestly, I'm not a vodka drinker, but that's not a bad combo considering the content of these episodes... T-T

Jordan G

Every time I see WWX falling I always think of the *record scratch* "Yeah, that's me, I bet you're wondering how I got here Huh?" and then they go into the flashback haha. yeahh I've seen this many times but I still tear up when literally anyone dies oof. Yi City on Valentines Day maybe?? Must be fate or something


Can’t wait for Yi City. I feel the untamed did a great job 🙃👈🏼 so good that it breaks my soul in half every time. Specially cause Xiao Xingchen is my favorite character (after the main couple obviously)

Ivan is Yda

Welp! Here we are! The pain train ;-; That intro tho. Iz gonna be a sad valentines day on Youtube…🤣 Episode 31 and 32 is just SOOOO painful to watch and I hate it. I usually tune it out now, after the first time watching, whenever I rewatch I just tune it out, but now I can’t coz I want to hear what you have to say about this😭 Wuxian was so so happy to have been invited to such occasion. And the fact that the letter is from Wangji too—👀 The cultivation realm knows that Wuxian trusts no one else but his sister and Wangji. I think this is also where Wen Qing realizes that Wuxian’s place is not in the Burial Mounds with them. AND THEN WUXIAN PICKING OUT A GIFT FOR JIN LING IN THAT SHOP TOO. He made his nephew a charm🥺 No one knows who Wuxian is. Those from the major clans do. But the common folk don’t know who he really is. ALSO I WANT TO EXPLAIN WHAT JIN ZIXUAN WAS DOING HERE! He was showing baby Jin Ling different things, right? Families do this during the baby’s one-month celebration, they usually present the baby with different items. If the baby holds onto any of them, that will be the baby’s future. It’s like a fortune-telling thing. So Baby Ling holding on to Zixuan’s sword means his future is to be cultivator like his father. There are a lot of other rituals to be done, but that’s mainly the one they showed here. And then Wen Qing’s last words to Wuxian—no wonder people ship them, huh? AND THEN THAT BOW NING DOES?? God that was so painful 😭IT HURTS SO MUCH I HATE IT. And the fact that the Wens were all ready to give themselves up. They owed Wuxian so much and they felt this was the only way to pay him back. Also, notice, they don’t have little A’yuan with them. The way they shot this was so good that they didn’t show where he was, so no one really knew whether or not he was there. I skipped Jin Zixuan’s death because NO! NO PAIN—I DONT WANT IT, GET IT AWAY😭I’ve seen it way too many times now, I can’t take any more😭 The way Yanli looked at Wuxian when they met eyes while she was mourning—GOD that was so painful. And then the hallucinations Wuxian was having in the forest. All the anger, guilt, and pain clouding his head and corrupting his heart in the moment. And the way he was trying to ground himself. He’s just in so much pain😭 The way the Wens’ deaths are portrayed was so sad and heartbreaking. I was surprised and horrified when I first watched this because, OH MY GOD—they actually showed the way they died. And the fact that Wuxian and Wangji sees it first-hand? And it just pushes them towards the goals they have in mind. Wuxian’s goal is to seek justice for the Wens and clearing his name. Wangji’s is to help Wuxian in any way that he can. And THOSE COWARDS DIVERTING WUXIAN’S ATTENTION! They bring up the meeting, knowing he’s more angry at the Jins. I hate Daddy Jin. I hate himIhatehim—I LOATHE him and his crusty ass SOOOO MUCH. Him and Sect Leader Yao😤 Also, you’re right. According to a Subreddit post, the CQL timeline does the whole “Finding A’yuan” a little differently. Based on the timeline, Wangji went to the Burial Mounds after Wuxian left for the Koi Tower. He finds A’yuan and takes him back to the Cloud Recesses, because the kid needs someone and Wuxian’s missing. That’s why he arrives late at the meeting, because he had to tend to A’yuan while Wuxian was going insane in that forest. And OMG that POWER Wuxian had while he sat on that rooftop. And you can see that Cheng, and Xichen were a bit more hesitant to pull out their weapons. Because, in my opinion, they actually WANTED to hear Wuxian out. Because they actually KNOW Wuxian and they KNOW he wouldn’t do anything reckless without a proper reason. But everyone else was so eager to point their weapons at him. And then he starts spitting facts and everyone gets angry. He doesn’t throw the first punch but when he stands up to defend himself, he is deemed a monster. I just… I hate them all so much in this moment. Even Cheng and Xichen, because they could have spoken up. They could have tried to investigate and try to see the cracks in Jin Guangshan’s facade, but the storyline is written so well, that whatever loophole you see, whatever scenario you try to recreate, there’s another thing blocking that path, and it just makes sense WHY this had to happen, and WHY it’s even happening. And Cheng and his disciples standing there, not knowing what to do—it just shows you how indecisive he is during his early years as a Sect Leader. How he has to choose between two things and weighing everything but everything is so important to him and at the same time not at all. Hope that makes sense. And then Wangji stepping in and they face off. And yes, Wuxian does play a different song for Wangji. And Wuxian LISTENS to Wangji even just for a moment, because Wangji LISTENS to Wuxian just as much. And then Wuxian trying SO hard to contain it, to contain his power and he is so so close but then this PHANTOM PLAYER comes in. GOD I HATE THAT PHANTOM—I WONT SPOIL WHO BUT IM SURE YOU HAVE A CLUE BY NOW😭 And then Yanli’s death—HOLY CRAP I BAWLED MY EYES OUT! And THEN WE SEE IT! The corruption of man. They had only one goal by the end of this. The Tiger Amulet. And we see it. The only people who weren’t involve in this struggle was Wangji, Cheng, and Wuxian. I was surprised this whole scene was allowed with all the gorey hand chopping. And then Wuxian’s laugh? It’s heart wrenching, and we see Wangji just witness how the love of his life breaks into pieces and there’s nothing he can do. Wuxian’s death too—GOD this was so painful too! Wangji’s little “Come back”, it’s so soft and sweet and PLEADING. But Wei Ying’s resigned to his death. He just wants it all to end because he believes he has nothing now. And the reason why Wuxian let go is because Cheng hit the ledge. If Cheng twisted his sword more, the rocks would have crumbled and sent both Wuxian and Wangji to their deaths. So in order to save Wangji, Wuxian pulled away. That’s why he smiles at the end. Because, at least, at the end of his life, he could at least save one more person who was the most important to him and do something right. But, GOD, Cheng tho and his pain too? Losing a sister, and then having been responsible for his brother’s death too. Even if he didn’t run the sword through Wuxian, he still caused him to let go, and that will weigh on him. And it still does! In episode 2, when Jingyi mentions the rumors that Cheng killed Wuxian, his expression is pained and he wants to say no, but he knows he did, in a way. And WE ARE BACK TO THE PRESENT BABYYYY! And them in the Jingshi, and Wuxian just lost and broken and doubtful of even himself… and then the memories in the Cloud Recesses, and him trying to chase after it 😭 it’s all too much and it’s all so painful and bittersweet. And then seeing the little rabbits and seeing Wangji’s scars. Wuxian KNOWS it had something to do with him. He just has that feeling, and was afraid to hear it, you can see it on his face! And then Wuxian playing the WangXian theme to distract Qiren🤣 I’m crying laughing at that. The fact that Wuxian is still affected by the resentful energy so strongly, tho. It just goes to show that it’s still pretty much a very big part of who he is. But this time, Wangji is with him all the way. It’s also so cool the way Wangji and Sizhui portray this close fatherly bond despite the formalities. Wangji raised him so well. And the way Wuxian just fits so perfectly into the mold of the other parent, and how Sizhui trusts him as much. 🥺 and then we got sassy Jingyi🤣 He’s one of my favorite juniors😭 and Jin Ling coming in with Fairy! Lil doggo so cute😭 BEHIND THE SCENES FACT! During the full shot, not the close up, of the cliff scene, Yibo actually could not stop crying during this shoot. He kept wiping his eyes while trying to do this scene and Zhan was nothing but supportive. He kept cheering Yibo up and giving him finger hearts and finger guns. It was so sweet. Yibo is actually quite sentimental, and it’s confirmed by many of his co-actors. Also, during this shoot, during the close-up shot, since he doesn’t have Zhan to work with during the close-ups, he asked the director how he should act that scene of watching Wuxian fall. The director said “think that it’s your motorcycle falling into a ditch”🤣 I’m so excited for next the episodes! Ahhhhh we’ll be seeing our boy Huaisang 😭 as well as one of my favorite scenes! Awesome reaction as always, Romania🥰


Also, I really want to know what you said at 1:33:50 hahaha I only understood something along the lines of "Wangji so sad"


I think Ning killed Zixun after Zixuan is dead, but I'm not so sure. I'm otherwise left speechless. What a journey from the bottom of a pit to the chaotic gremlin given a second chance in life, though he has really learnt the price of his overconfidence and perhaps arrogance. But I'm still glad to be back to the present. Thank you so much for your awesome reaction!

Jennifer D

Despite some of the other weird cinemetagraphic choices of this scene at Nightless City (you noted one of them with the weird intersection of the pillar in front of Mingjue, like really cameraman?), I somehow am just in love with the overall mood of the entire battle. The instrumentals are PERFECT, with the clashing brass during the initial fight with the resentful energy; the deep, lone cello playing Wangxian when LWJ sees WWX get injured; and then the eerie, mysterious oboe creeping in when WWX finally give in to the madness of the moment. It's operatic and beautiful and tragic, and combined with that slow-mo 'snapshot' of Nightless City that is set up and framed almost like a Renaissance painting.... *chef's kiss* Yikes, these episodes NEVER get easier to watch though! Thank you for making it through these with us again.... and looking forward to Wangji and Wuxian getting the happy moments they deserve in the present to make up for the PAIN of these : )

Ivan is Yda

I forgot to add something for the Behind the Scenes! If you look at the extras in the fight, some of them are laying down just waving their swords in the air🤣

Anastasia -

I... didn't have a heart to watch Zixuan or Yanli die today. Rewind power it is. Still, Wens hangin on top of the wall... that would make you snap however benevolent you may be. Can't imagine how he manages to play in that moment, my throat would be so constricted. Still, the most badass and heartfelt "Yiling Laozu in the Nevernight" scene I've ever encountered in all the adaptations. And I have SO MANY QUESTIONS for our good and righteous Zewu-jun and Chifeng-zun, you know? And... we've gone the full circle, at last. The serenity and healing silence of Cloud Recesses, the fact that Wuxian has nothing to hide from Wangji and no need to fear him, no grounds to doubt his devotion. It's kinda dubious when did Wangji get A-Yuan, I love your version though.

wangxian love bot

Tbh one of the BEST things about the show is just truly the soundtrack. They nailed putting certain instrumentals and songs in scenes. Ah I feel like these episodes rip my heart out (for some reason I cry more at these rewatches idk why lmao) as always your reaction is lovely. I already told you I'm beyond excited for your present timeline reactions, can't wait for it!!!!!! (U were maybe absolutely correct about your little ayuan/lwj theory 😳)


Bahahahaha, that would have been the PERFECT moment for something like that! Either that moment or as he's falling into the Burial Mounds! :P Ugh....the first two episodes, even though I knew what was going to happen, are still brutal. And Ha Ha Ha, right?! Yi City this month? Fate, indeed!


Yessss, the soundtrack is definitely so good in this! It really helps to add to the emotion in all the right places! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment and I am SO READY for the present and Yi City to see it all come together! And ahhhhh, that's what I thought with A-Yuan! :3


Hahaha, I'm glad I'm not the only one that noted some odd choices filming, but the entire battle's mood - I agree - is really well done, especially the music and the actor's performances. VERY operatic and then that fall at the end -- definitely looks like a painting! I love how it all came full circle in that moment back to the beginning of the series! And SERIOUSLY, the pain all in a row with these episodes -- I can see why MXTX split it up in the novel; I am really excited to be in the present for the rest of the series, though! :) Thanks for the comment!


Oooh, interesting! He DID die, because in the donghua they encountered him and you're right...I think I remember from then that Ning killed him; it'll be interesting to get to this point in the novel! And YES, the bottom of a pit to getting a second chance at life and love -- could we ask for more! I'm glad to be back at the present as well -- I'm READY for Yi City! I think. Thank you for the kind words and comment!


I don't blame you for not wanting to watch that! But yessss, that moment WWX saw the Wen's hanging....I don't blame him, either. Yeah, Zhan acts so well in that scene, and putting out those truth bombs in the moment...it hurts a lot, but here we are, full circle! I love that transition from that to the present! And the fact that WWX and Wangji are at this new, stable place and it's a fresh start...I love it. And I stand by my A-Yuan theory, hahaha, until I read the novel -- I mean, A-Yuan loves LWJ, and listens to him, so if LWJ told him to be quiet while they escaped, he'd probably have listened. :)


OMG that was a marathon and emotional train wreck!!! Thanks so much for sharing these moments with us!! Also, when returned Wuxian saw the illusion of his younger self proudly and happily saying “all of the deciples like me” and Yanli patting on his heading saying “yes, our XianXian is everyone’s favorite”… UGH!! OUCH!! How SARCASTIC given the absolute ahahsjudgndidb persecution, isolation, and demonization we just saw in Never Night!!!… The amount of PAIN of watching the XianXian who’s experienced it all to hear himself say such innocent words… T_T WhY Untamed?! Why you gotta twist the knife… in so many ways… so many angles… So unfair to my emotions!!! T_T


This show DEFINITELY twisted the knife with these episodes! I'm glad y'all convinced me to watch the last one, because after that roller coaster of emotion, I needed SOMETHING happy and seeing Wangji lovingly look at WuXian waking up did JUST the trick! This show has been something, hasn't it? Thank you so much for the kind words and comment!