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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/itl742

Isayama may claim a "Rule of 6," but I maintain my "Rule of 8" -- What an episode. Isayama's editor cannot stop the sun setting on our dear Potato Girl, as waves upon waves of emotion, parallels, foreshadowing, and suspicion finally come to a head...  

...and this is only HALFWAY...through PART ONE of the final season. Oh my.  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 4: Episode 8 Reaction! "ASSASSIN'S BULLET!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/itl742 **YEP, HEADPHONE WARNINGS ABOUND UP IN THIS** Isayama may claim a "Rule of 6," but I maintain my "Rule of 8" -- What an episode. Isayama's editor cannot stop the sun setting on our dear Potato Girl, as waves upon waves of emotion, parallels, foreshadowing, and suspicion finally come to a head... ...and this is only HALFWAY...through PART ONE of the final season. Oh my. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Daimon Mcilwain

How has Reiner try to Atone for it when he went on to attack Trost a few years later after Building friendships with the people in the walls and saw that they are not demons


I'm not sure which part of the discussion you're talking about -- I think I was talking about him atoning by asking for Eren to judge him in the basement during Episode 5. He wanted Eren to judge him and punish him as atonement, and Eren did not. I hope that makes sense!


There's actually been quite a bit of evidence to foreshadow Zeke's betrayal. He's been sus since S3 part 2. His betrayal/the fact that he's up to something separate from the Marleyan agenda is quite glaring, especially with hindsight. 1. In S3E17 he gets angry when the Scouts are charging him and thinks how tragic it is that they're repeating history. He then has to check himself and remind himself that he's not like his father Grisha, and that he has to try and enjoy things. This leads to that very out of character scene where he starts celebrating and talking about how he "changed up his pitch" on that throw. 2. In S3E18 he tells Eren that he's going to come back and rescue him. This is the most glaring sign that Zeke isn't the character we thought he was. 3. In S4 E2, it's revealed that he's purposefully hidden the fact that he has royal blood from the Marleyan army/government. 4. In that same episode, he tips off the warriors that the Marleyan brass are listening in on their private meeting. Magath notices this and is concerned that Zeke made that remark. 5. In S4 E4, Eren is shown to have a baseball and a baseball glove. This is a clear indication that he's been in contact with Zeke, as Zeke is the only character in the show to have a connection to baseball. 6. In S4 E5 undercover Yelena sends him and only him away before leading Porco and Pieck to the pit trap. 7. Zeke is then absent for the entirety of Episode 6 and takes his sweet ass time getting to the battlefield even though he's the highly regarded War Chief. 8: In S4 E7 when Zeke calls out Levi, he tells him that "he's running out of time" before it cuts to Levi looking directly at a stopwatch, waiting for something. This is an obvious hint that the two are in cahoots. 9. Levi takes Zeke down with no resistance at all. This is more of a common sense thing as a viewer, but there's absolutely no way a character as major as Zeke was going to get killed like that. I'm sure there are many more, but this is all I've got off the top of my head.

The Weird Pianist

The Lobov guy was shown for a brief moment in Season 1 trying to stop soldiers from quitting before Pyxis gave his speech from the top of the wall. I think Lobov was also the guy's name that wanted Erwin dead in No Regrets. Also I like how they showed Armin helping Eren up. What a difference from Season 3 Episode 8 when they were getting out of the underground chapel. It's at 12:20 in your reaction.


I've nothing intelligent to say about this episode that you haven't said already so I'm just gonna say that your dog is the freaking cutest <3


Aw, thanks! Huckleberry is a very good dog to tolerate me screaming and carrying on as I ramble on about Attack on Titan for hours; he's the best in that regard. ^^


armin helping eren into the airship and offering his hand reminded me of when eren grabbed armin's hand in the mouth of the titan back in s1 episode 5. to me it seems like it's a reverse of that moment in a few different ways—armin pulling eren instead of eren pulling armin, eren's reluctance to take armin's hand opposed to how desperately he grabbed it in episode 5, and just the coldness of this episode (deleted my last comment cause it didn't make sense haha)


also the moment when eren laughed when connie said sasha died reminded me of how he laughed in s2 episode 12 i think (or 11 i'm not sure) when hannes died—it seems to be a common reaction eren has when something like that happens


and the look on eren's face at the end just brings me back to the 'old' eren for the first time in s4, it's the first time he's shown any kind of strong emotion the whole season


“Nothing changed! You haven’t changed one bit, dammit! You’re still as useless as you ever were! Nothing changed! Mum… I still … can’t do anything at all.” - Eren 2x12 And Eren’s powerlessness strikes again. Even though this laugh is not the hysteria laugh of Hannes’ death (this laugh is more full of bitterness) it’s Eren accepting once again that nothing has changed. His deep insecurity and his self loathing of not being able to protect the people he cares about most comes back and this time it’s directly because of his actions. Eren was only 10 when his mum died and he was ‘too weak’, he was 15 when Hannes died and he was in a position where he didn’t know how to fully control his Titan powers. But, at 19 he willingly asks his friends to throw themselves into a battlefield to save him. To be able to take back your lands and freedom from titans so she can enjoy the simple pleasure of food was Sasha’s freedom. That’s what makes her final words in a way soo beautiful and tragic. And Eren knew that. Her final words reminded him of her concept of freedom. And he with his actions bred another version of himself in Gabi. Who in some twisted form of fate retaliates right back at him and stopped one of his friend’s chances for freedom. The cycle continues. Violence begets violence. And now …. well … I guess we will see if this was ALL worth it. Remember a few episodes ago when I commented the no regrets monologue … yikes. Now, Sasha my beautiful girl. I’m soo sorry. This chapter came out in 2018 and it still is bloody painful to think about. The 104th haven’t lost anyone in a long while (minus Ymir & Bert) and it made us the audience complacent. But we are in the end game now and we have lost our comic relief. Real sign of the end times (I do just want to note that I do think Sasha was much more than just a joke character but you get what I mean) *sigh* the Armin & Eren hand holding this episode. Do you remember when Armin back in 3x8 reached his hand for Eren to get him out of the chapel? And how happy they were to see other? Yeaaaah … FUCK. This moment here really messes me up. One of my favourite dynamics in all of AOT is Armin & Eren’s relationship. Armin is always able to reach out to Eren and calm him through his dark moments. But here….You know when you have a friend who keeps making stupid mistakes? Let’s say they are an addict. And you keep giving them chances and they keep causing problems for others and themselves. And it comes to a point where you are soo tired of their shit but because of your love for them you still try. This look from Armin to Eren is exactly that. One friend looking at the other with such disappointment. Even Mikasa knows how much Eren fucked up. She can’t even look at Armin’s face. *sigh* On an even more depressing note I noticed that Jean in high anxiety always covers his ears. It’s such a simple way to communicate Jean’s character. Someone who wants to hide and cower but miserably fails because his moral compass wills him not to. On a fandom/community note. The absolute hatred that people had/have for Gabi was insane. Compilations on YouTube of her getting beat up for an 1hr on loop actually exist. While I understand the initial shock and anger for her character in this moment I will never understand the frothing rage that people still to this day have. People are absolutely in their right to not like Gabi’s character. She’s not a easy person to like. Falco is a much easier character for people to understand and love. But when people legitimately want her to suffer and get enjoyment out of it… I don’t know. It really saddens me. Also isn’t it ironic that Sasha spared Gabi and because of that she was killed by her. And Jean spared Falco while attacking Pieck and because of that he was saved by Falco on the airship. It’s tragic that Sasha and Gabi in a different situation would have really liked each other. There’s some beautiful fanart of them out there 🥺 This message is stupidly long already and I haven’t even talked about Zeke yet! It’s soo obvious what was happening in hindsight but I loved how much you went back and forth on your predictions. Even in such a morbid episode I still really enjoyed your glee at the revelation. Also YES Levi and Zeke have one of the best dynamics in the story. I still can’t say much about Zeke even now as there is soo much ahead of you but I’m glad you are finally here! I think I’ll end it here even there’s soo much more to say… good luck with your continued sanity and let’s salute to our favourite potato girl. May you feast in peace Sasha 💕

Christopher Pettersson

And i think i just left my longest comment on youtube for this episode. Wish i read your comment here first, i could have trimmed it a bit 😊.


Ooohhh! I'm excited!! No worries -- I'll probably be going through and taking notes with everyone's comments tomorrow and Thursday. These next few episodes....**laughs nervously and tugs at shirt collar**

daragh faro

Farewell to the only comic relief we had left.

Nyjae (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-06 23:44:26 Rest in peace our precious Sasha. She is severely missed 💙😭When I read the title of the episode & felt the tension throughout I was like oh no I don't like this I don't want it. I honestly thought they were gonna kill Jean because he looked back & Sasha. I was gonna scream but then it was Sasha & I had no words. That scene always makes me so uncomfortable & upset. I get Gabi but that doesn't mean I wanna see her kill Sasha😭Especially after that beautiful scene with Conny, Jean & Sasha. Isayama really was like oh yea I'm taking away Sasha now it's bout to get serious. Jean not being able to look at Sasha's dying & turning away. Conny saying make it to the island omg I have to say I loved seeing everyone's reaction & grief to Sasha was all responded so differently. Some are shocked, Speechless, quiet, rage, disgust, full on tears or Eren laughing. The face he makes after Jean calling him out looked like devastation but his hair is covering his face. Falco & Gabi man they shouldn't be in this situation but that what happens when you train child soldiers. It's sad this happened to them but I love that we see this cycle. Gabi is Eren & Reiner in one. Thank you Falco for acknowledging what's happening to Gabi tho. Poor Colt I can't imagine seeing my brother & his friend zipping up to the enemy's airship💀💀The scene of Armin & Mikasa's cold looks at Eren but Armin still reaching out his hand is so powerful & chilling like Armin just killed thousands of people just to get Eren back, Mikasa just witnessed him killing civilians including kids & it's like what do you say to your friend after that. There's nothing to say so we'll just let Levi deal with it lol Mikasa was bout to clap Levi lol but one look at Armin & they knew it had to be done. Things are getting out of hand. Marco would be proud of Jean's leadership in this battle. It's just sad we have to end the battle with the death of Sasha & many other casualties. I blame Floch too lol if they had been quiet it could've been different but who knows. We can blame Floch & Eren tbh but overall Gabi made the final blow. Hange calling Eren out too with him being a hostage knowingly causing all of this. Insane. Yes I thought Yelena was Armin too. Also atleast Marco & Sasha are together now😭I agree Sasha's death here is more meaningful compared to when she was going to die in Season 2. Zeke betraying Marley. Didn't see it coming at all lol but like you said YOLO😂until next time💙
2022-02-02 16:19:45 Rest in peace our precious Sasha. She is severely missed 💙😭When I read the title of the episode & felt the tension throughout I was like oh no I don't like this I don't want it. I honestly thought they were gonna kill Jean because he looked back & Sasha. I was gonna scream but then it was Sasha & I had no words. That scene always makes me so uncomfortable & upset. I get Gabi but that doesn't mean I wanna see her kill Sasha😭Especially after that beautiful scene with Conny, Jean & Sasha. Isayama really was like oh yea I'm taking away Sasha now it's bout to get serious. Jean not being able to look at Sasha's dying & turning away. Conny saying make it to the island omg I have to say I loved seeing everyone's reaction & grief to Sasha was all responded so differently. Some are shocked, Speechless, quiet, rage, disgust, full on tears or Eren laughing. The face he makes after Jean calling him out looked like devastation but his hair is covering his face. Falco & Gabi man they shouldn't be in this situation but that what happens when you train child soldiers. It's sad this happened to them but I love that we see this cycle. Gabi is Eren & Reiner in one. Thank you Falco for acknowledging what's happening to Gabi tho. Poor Colt I can't imagine seeing my brother & his friend zipping up to the enemy's airship💀💀The scene of Armin & Mikasa's cold looks at Eren but Armin still reaching out his hand is so powerful & chilling like Armin just killed thousands of people just to get Eren back, Mikasa just witnessed him killing civilians including kids & it's like what do you say to your friend after that. There's nothing to say so we'll just let Levi deal with it lol Mikasa was bout to clap Levi lol but one look at Armin & they knew it had to be done. Things are getting out of hand. Marco would be proud of Jean's leadership in this battle. It's just sad we have to end the battle with the death of Sasha & many other casualties. I blame Floch too lol if they had been quiet it could've been different but who knows. We can blame Floch & Eren tbh but overall Gabi made the final blow. Hange calling Eren out too with him being a hostage knowingly causing all of this. Insane. Yes I thought Yelena was Armin too. Also atleast Marco & Sasha are together now😭I agree Sasha's death here is more meaningful compared to when she was going to die in Season 2. Zeke betraying Marley. Didn't see it coming at all lol but like you said YOLO😂until next time💙

Rest in peace our precious Sasha. She is severely missed 💙😭When I read the title of the episode & felt the tension throughout I was like oh no I don't like this I don't want it. I honestly thought they were gonna kill Jean because he looked back & Sasha. I was gonna scream but then it was Sasha & I had no words. That scene always makes me so uncomfortable & upset. I get Gabi but that doesn't mean I wanna see her kill Sasha😭Especially after that beautiful scene with Conny, Jean & Sasha. Isayama really was like oh yea I'm taking away Sasha now it's bout to get serious. Jean not being able to look at Sasha's dying & turning away. Conny saying make it to the island omg I have to say I loved seeing everyone's reaction & grief to Sasha was all responded so differently. Some are shocked, Speechless, quiet, rage, disgust, full on tears or Eren laughing. The face he makes after Jean calling him out looked like devastation but his hair is covering his face. Falco & Gabi man they shouldn't be in this situation but that what happens when you train child soldiers. It's sad this happened to them but I love that we see this cycle. Gabi is Eren & Reiner in one. Thank you Falco for acknowledging what's happening to Gabi tho. Poor Colt I can't imagine seeing my brother & his friend zipping up to the enemy's airship💀💀The scene of Armin & Mikasa's cold looks at Eren but Armin still reaching out his hand is so powerful & chilling like Armin just killed thousands of people just to get Eren back, Mikasa just witnessed him killing civilians including kids & it's like what do you say to your friend after that. There's nothing to say so we'll just let Levi deal with it lol Mikasa was bout to clap Levi lol but one look at Armin & they knew it had to be done. Things are getting out of hand. Marco would be proud of Jean's leadership in this battle. It's just sad we have to end the battle with the death of Sasha & many other casualties. I blame Floch too lol if they had been quiet it could've been different but who knows. We can blame Floch & Eren tbh but overall Gabi made the final blow. Hange calling Eren out too with him being a hostage knowingly causing all of this. Insane. Yes I thought Yelena was Armin too. Also atleast Marco & Sasha are together now😭I agree Sasha's death here is more meaningful compared to when she was going to die in Season 2. Zeke betraying Marley. Didn't see it coming at all lol but like you said YOLO😂until next time💙


It's such a heartbreaking moment! That's a great point about Gabi being Eren and Reiner put together -- It was so hard seeing how Jean and Conny dealt with their friend dying...and UGH -- you're so right; Marco WOULD have been proud of Jean in that moment. At least he has Sasha to hang with now, but man....ugh....and yeah, Floch and Eren can share credit, but Gabi's the one who made the decision to pull the trigger. :( I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought Yelena was Armin, hahahaha! And yesssss, what can you say to your friend after all this? It's crazy, but I feel the insanity is just starting with what Isayama has planned for us...thank you for the comment! And the Titan Shifters are literally the embodiment of YOLO. >.<

Toni simi

Armin reaching his hand out to Eren like in season 3 but also completely different. I really like that parallel because the emotions these character feel now are so different from then. Isaya gave us this really sweet momemt between our dumbass trio and then said 'Now one has to go.' Jean is definitely someone who cries only when he's alone. I also like the detail that when something bad happens Jean goes to the side and covers his ears. It just fits his character so good. I agree, Sasha didn't had something big to do after the point she originally should have died. "You put your trust in us and we lost our trust in you." is such a powerful line. I've seen Sacha Purvis talk about this already but I wanted to say something about this Gabi hate too. When I first read this chapter I obviously wasn't the biggest fan of Gabi either but seeing people have so much hate for a character, that did the exact same thing Sascha did, is saddening. People don't have to like her but wanting to see her suffer so much is really weird to me. Gabi is such a well written character and a lot of people can't see that because they're so blended by their hatred. It's sad. Wish you a wonderful day!!


The fact that Jean is a "Cry alone" person is so sad, and kind of sounds like what Eren would do.... :( Him covering his ears is so sad, but fitting for his character. I'm really sad that our chaos trio is no more. Sad days. And yessss, I don't understand wanting to be so violet on a child character like that with Gabi...it's kind of sad to see as well. But that line about "trust" -- Trust is such a theme in this season, and it's getting twisted in such ways! @_@ Thank you for the kind words and I hope you have a great day, too!