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My jaw is on the floor, I am stunned...show...show, HOW DARE YOU!

This episode had so much happening, and the mystery only deepens -- Cheng has some definite victories in this episode, BUT AT WHAT COST! Lu, our boy Lu cannot be dead, right? RIGHT?! I couldn't wait, so I also watched the Season 2 Teaser Trailer in this reaction...which...DID NOT HELP. 

This was one of the most tense season finales I've watched on the channel, and now, I can suffer with you all as we wait for Season 2; and react in real-time with you all! It'll be a fun time, I'm sure! *nervous laughter*

Thank you for watching with me and for the support!


Link Click: Episode 11 & Season 2 Teaser Reaction! "PINNACLE OF LIGHT!"

LINK TO REACTION (Starts at 4:29): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/LeRkFnoxU4FrroR8SdhUvq? **CLIFFHANGERY HEADPHONE WARNINGS!** My jaw is on the floor, I am stunned...show...show, HOW DARE YOU! This episode had so much happening, and the mystery only deepens -- Cheng has some definite victories in this episode, BUT AT WHAT COST! Lu, our boy Lu cannot be dead, right? RIGHT?! I couldn't wait, so I also watched the Season 2 Teaser Trailer in this reaction...which...DID NOT HELP. This was one of the most tense season finales I've watched on the channel, and now, I can suffer with you all as we wait for Season 2; and react in real-time with you all! It'll be a fun time, I'm sure! *nervous laughter* Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Another great reaction! Yes you are suffering right along with us now :) I'm just so glad to be able to watch this show with you. I haven't watched all your comments, but yeah I think the red eye dude can only possess people, however only our team has time powers. So that is I think our only hope of ever catching whoever this is. Also remember the red eye character saying the game had been reset? I believe it has to do with them calling the police. Our team "cheated" in his eyes because he kept the friend alive in exchange for them not calling the police. Yet that is exactly what they did. Got the police involved. I'm personally not sure if he cares about them messing with time. So the red eye character killed Lou because they cheated and now the game can be "reset". Also can I just say something I've said from the start? Poor, poor, poor Emma. She isn't even a "main" character per say and yet that poor woman went through so much just to be thrown off the bridge at the very end. I just want to see her have a happy end somehow :(

WuXian Suibian

This is an extremely tense episode from start to finish. I am amazed at how the writers were even these "episodic" episodes had meaning to the over all story and especially to Cheng's growth as a character. They bring all the loose ends back together in this one episode. Honestly, story wise better than many of the seasonal anime out there. I hope with a Chinese Dub and eventually an English dub this show will gain the popularity deserves, although it should be popular even in it's original language but the anime community can be thick headed when it comes the while subs or dub debate, now through in a NONE Japanese dub and many just can't be passed it. Anyways, looking forward to season 2. I can't imagine the pressure on the creators to create a second season just as good as the first.


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! Yessss, I'm in the struggle bus with you all, now! I'm SO excited for Season 2 and to watch it in real time with everyone as well. I didn't even THINK about the "cheat" involving the police and how they called them despite saying they wouldn't! @.@ Oh, wow! Man....that's a good catch! And yes, poor Emma...I'm sad that no matter what happened, she ended up having a sad ending...I just don't want that for any of our main cast, now, especially seeing how dangerous this "red-eyed" individual is. @_@ All we can do is hope Season 2 is...happier, eh? @_@


The tension is just off the charts this episode! And yes, when you realize everything this season all threads together and ties to Cheng's character growth? I LOVE it. I feel it's all going to play a big role next season if Cheng is suddenly the one who has to "take the lead" in Lu's possible absence. I'm honestly floored this show doesn't get more attention, especially with being licensed through Funimation -- it's SO GOOD. And yeah, I don't envy the writers having to follow up this season...unless this was just "act one" and they have a lot already planned out we don't even know about, yet. @_@ In any case, it's going to be fun watching week-to-week with everyone and freaking out! Hahaha!


Yes finally the last episode! Such a ride. And yes, we’ve suffered and now wanted to see you going through hell hahaha *evil laughs* I like the quote of this episode by an early American photographer Alfred Stieglitz, “Whenever there is light, one can photograph.” And as I’ve mentioned before, the first name of Lu is “guang,” meaning light so he is the pinnacle of light for Cheng, and we’ve seen how Cheng has passed along that light to others. I personally think the red eye is only working solo, because he seems to be lonely and constantly saying that he wants a true “friend” with special abilities like he does. I don’t know what has happened to Funimation subtitle, but at the beginning when Cheng returned to the dark room and fought the antagonist, he said a line not included in the subtitle: “Oh, you were the witness on that day.” Clearly this is not the first time he has seen Cheng in his own body, so when has he seen it? The only time that he could probably have seen Cheng in his own body was that last moment on the bridge when he possessed Emma and threw her off the bridge. Remember when he possessed her and saw Cheng, he said: “I never thought that there was a witness.” However, this dark room fight scene took place before Cheng went into the last surveillance camera footage. So now I’m kind of inclined to believe that what has happened in the past has been pre-ordained, and seemingly our boy Cheng is actively traveling back in time to change things, but the time loop has already been set. It’s so complicated *brain melt* Romania, you said that you would savor the OP and ED in this episode, but apparently you had no time or brain space for the ED. All you did was trying to pick up your jaw on the floor lol. Let’s hope the second season will come soon!


I think there's someone - a person - who has the ability to possess other people and hires their "services" out - so The Entity is a killer for hire and you can't catch him because he doesn't do the killing with his own hands. He possesses someone and does the killing in their body. I'm pretty sure Liu Min was going to kill Emma on his own, no help from Mr. Entity needed. She was the reason the company failed, after all. But it seems like Liu Min was a sick person anyway, so he's been willingly letting Mr. Entity use his body for the other crimes, and it also seems he gets to witness what is being done while he's possessed vicariously. After the crash, Liu Min could still be used because when Mr. Entity possesses him, the body has Mr. Entity's strengths (he's not paralyzed, so the body is "fine" while possessed). We saw that Cheng's sight was fine without the glasses when he was in the basketball guy and the little kid is a lot stronger. that's how a paralyzed Liu Min could attack Shanshan and walk into the photo studio. So creepy! Now, Lu will have to be in the hospital for a while (no way he's dead) and Cheng will be trying to catch Mr. Entity on his own or something. I think. Eek! Can't wait for season 2!!!


WHAT A RIDE! And now...*nervous laugh* I'm suffering with you all as we wait for Season 2! And I love that connection of Lu to "light" and what it means for Cheng -- nothing like a beautiful quotation like that before that ominous cliffhanger, is there?! It's interesting that the "entity/red eye" does seem to just want a friend -- maybe next season will focus on the function of friendship -- after all, Lu and Cheng became friends through their abilities...it would be interesting to see if Cheng has to work solo (because Lu is healing - hopefully ) and what that will do for his character. Ooooohhhhhhh -- thank you for saying that about the "witness" line! @.@ Maybe the Entity was referring to when Cheng was banging on the car trunk? At the moment it possessed Emma, that's when it realized Cheng was the same person from then? Mind melt INDEED! I feel we're sadly not done with Emma...#RIPGirl And yeah, was going to savor the ED, but my brain was too much mush at that point. @_@ I'm SO ready for Season 2 already; if it could come in April/May, that'd be GREAT! Thanks for the comment!


I think when Cheng was on the car trunk, Liu Min was acting on his own capacity and the red eye did not possess Liu Min that night. So I think the first direct encounter between the "entity" and Cheng is on the bridge, but I could be wrong. So hyped for Season 2! Thanks for your great reactions to the first season!


That's terrifying -- I like the idea that we have our boys with the photoshop vs. a killer for hire, but its abilities make them terrifying! Fun times, right?! @__@ And that makes sense with Min planning to kill Emma, anyway -- I was curious if maybe they couldn't because of his injury, so he contracted with "The Entity" to help him kill her. Hmmm...it make sense and is terrifying that the Entity can possess multiple people like that, though. And ugh...yeah, no way he's dead, but Lu's going to be taken out of the equation, I'm sure, which will lead to Cheng on the hunt for "The Entity" -- I'm excited, because this season has built up Cheng to becoming an independent person, but so nervous for what's in store! I can't wait for Season 2, either!! :D Thanks for the comment!

Toni simi

I couldn't find the time to comment but better late than never. Donghua's be like: sadness, death Chibi series: nothing bad ever happend XD I can't with this Cliffhanger. It would probably be worse than the one in Hoshiai no sora if we didn't know that we would get a season 2. Normally I don't like time travel series because it can get so confusing but Link Click did an amazing job in making it make sense. They nicely answered all our questions, the once we didn't got anwered are for next season. It is so well written. I loved how trough out the series they gave us hints that when you possess another persons body you still have your own physical abilitys. And still I didn't think about that someone could have possessed Liu Min. I can imagine that next season we will get answers to how Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang got their powers or how they found out, since there is someone else with powers too now. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Oh no worries! You're never late commenting on here! :) Seriously, a chibi series AFTER this cliffhanger and anxiety of a season finale?! The GALL of it all, hahaha! This cliffhanger is definitely as bad as Hoshiai no Sora -- thank goodness we're getting a second season, though! And I agree; the time travel angle is really well done in this series -- it all wraps around and makes sense, while STILL leaving mystery for the second season. I agree; I feel we'll get more on Lu and Cheng's ability and friendship....and I'm so ready! Especially since there apparently is someone else with similar powers as well. Thank you so much for the kind words and have a great day, too! :)