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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/bo4m17
**Headphone Warning**  

Oooohhh, friends, Jea-ha is my JAM. I love his character, his ideology about this prophetic dragon's blood -- it's going to be fun see him ACTUALLY become Yona's friend, aren't I? I am all for this swoon-worthy pirate!  

And while we don't get a Hak Kidnap/Rescue episode, (JUST HILARIOUS HAK/JEA-HA ANTICS) we do get Yona getting to the pirates and asking to help them against Kumji...but Captain Gigan views Yona as the weakest link, and won't accept her help without testing her first! This should be interesting...  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Yona of the Dawn: Episode 18 Reaction! "TIES!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/bo4m17 **Headphone Warning** Oooohhh, friends, Jea-ha is my JAM. I love his character, his ideology about this prophetic dragon's blood -- it's going to be fun see him ACTUALLY become Yona's friend, aren't I? I am all for this swoon-worthy pirate! And while we don't get a Hak Kidnap/Rescue episode, (JUST HILARIOUS HAK/JEA-HA ANTICS) we do get Yona getting to the pirates and asking to help them against Kumji...but Captain Gigan views Yona as the weakest link, and won't accept her help without testing her first! This should be interesting... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 13:38:04 I was wondering if you're planning to watch the OVA's, I mean I guess you will, but wanted to ask anyway. Since the 1st ova is about the extra chapters in volume 12 and the other two ova are chapters 101-105. I think the 1st ova can be watched straight after the anime, cuz it spoils... absolutely nothing of what happened between volumes 8 and 12, UNLESS I missed something very important. Mostly it's just fun time and more info on backstories. but you may wanna ask someone else about that, cuz I tend to miss a lot of stuff in anime so it's no wonder if I missed some huge ass spoiler of... volume 10 or smt. IDK But yeah, decided to ask :D I'm also very scared to give any opinions on anything, 'cuz I went and read the manga and now I feel like any opinion I say out loud might spoil D:< But it's not like I had much to say about this episode either way, apart from Jaeha fangirling.
2022-01-28 15:59:53 I was wondering if you're planning to watch the OVA's, I mean I guess you will, but wanted to ask anyway. Since the 1st ova is about the extra chapters in volume 12 and the other two ova are chapters 101-105. I think the 1st ova can be watched straight after the anime, cuz it spoils... absolutely nothing of what happened between volumes 8 and 12, UNLESS I missed something very important. Mostly it's just fun time and more info on backstories. but you may wanna ask someone else about that, cuz I tend to miss a lot of stuff in anime so it's no wonder if I missed some huge ass spoiler of... volume 10 or smt. IDK But yeah, decided to ask :D I'm also very scared to give any opinions on anything, 'cuz I went and read the manga and now I feel like any opinion I say out loud might spoil D:< But it's not like I had much to say about this episode either way, apart from Jaeha fangirling.

I was wondering if you're planning to watch the OVA's, I mean I guess you will, but wanted to ask anyway. Since the 1st ova is about the extra chapters in volume 12 and the other two ova are chapters 101-105. I think the 1st ova can be watched straight after the anime, cuz it spoils... absolutely nothing of what happened between volumes 8 and 12, UNLESS I missed something very important. Mostly it's just fun time and more info on backstories. but you may wanna ask someone else about that, cuz I tend to miss a lot of stuff in anime so it's no wonder if I missed some huge ass spoiler of... volume 10 or smt. IDK But yeah, decided to ask :D I'm also very scared to give any opinions on anything, 'cuz I went and read the manga and now I feel like any opinion I say out loud might spoil D:< But it's not like I had much to say about this episode either way, apart from Jaeha fangirling.


Oooooh, I'm soooo ready to get into the manga, so we can talk about these characters more without fear of spoilers! I AM planning to watch the OVA's, but I'm going to watch them as they come out with the manga -- I'll probably poll everyone on Patreon about it as we get closer. :) Thanks for not spoiling me, but YES -- the Jae-ha fangirling is REAL! :)


Yessss, now that Kija and Jaeha have met, I can announce that I ship these two so hard. Like you said, they’re polar opposites when it comes to how the deal with the dragon legend, but I think they pair well together. Jaeha challenges Kija’s belief, and Kija can help Jaeha stay grounded. Plus they give off old married couple vibes as the story goes on (which I absolutely love when a ship reaches that level of comfort), and I just think the trope of the free-spirited playboy and the naive rich kid getting together is just so delicious. By the way, I never realized when Jaeha’s dragon blood began acting up in the presence of Yona that he kind of bows in front of her. I always just thought of it as ‘oh his leg aches’, but rewatching this, I’m like he really does look like he’s bowing to her. I never noticed that, but by showing it that way just adds to the whole idea of the control the dragon blood may have towards his free will. Also, Jaeha saying he wants Hak—get in line, buddy! Yona and Soo-won have first dibs already! I think it’s hilarious how this is the third time we’ve received that line from a character. Hak is just so irresistible!! It’s also interesting that it’s sort of like a parody to when Yona said it back in episode 5 (I think?)—the effect it has on Hak is totally different XDDDD I like how Captain Gigan acknowledges, although it’s only in her thoughts, that Yona has potential. I think Yona didn’t mention her archery skills because she’s not confident in her skills. Also because she hasn’t applied her skills into real life, she’s only been using it on tree targets, so I can understand her hesitancy to bring it up. And Gigan’s words to Yona may seem really mean, but it’s not like her words have no sense to them. It’s true that there’s no point in allowing someone to tag along who isn’t useful. They would weigh everyone down because they’d have to be protected alongside defending their own self-preservation. Plus, as we’ve seen in the previous episode, Gigan also wants to prevent any deaths, especially with her crew. Because,So it’s just tough love for both her crew’s safety and Yona’s safety, which is why I love Gigan so much. Yona of the Dawn bringing in all the badass women, and I am here for it!!! Ahhh, I can’t believe we are down to the last five eps of Yona already. I feel like we only just started! Do you know how you’re going to do the OVAs already? Are you planning to read the manga first and then watch the OVAs or stop at the chapters they fall under, watch the OVAs, and then go back to reread the manga (sort of like how you’re doing for Mo Dao Zu Shi)? Just in case you didn’t know yet/wanted to know since we are getting closer to the end of the anime: the first OVA happens as an extra chapter at the end of Vol. 12 (chapter 70.1 I think), while the last two cover chapters 101-105 in Volume 18. I personally feel like the first OVA could be seen right after you finish the anime, but if you prefer to watch them as they come in the manga, that’s fine too. But for sure, I recommend that you MUST read up to chapter 100 in vol. 18 before you watch the last two OVAs. It’ll have more of an impact that way in my opinion. Anyways, as always, I enjoyed your reaction and I can’t wait until the next one!

Kotaro 14

This arc is one of my favorites. The plot is def getting more exciting with Yona doing Gigan’s test. There’s a lot of interesting points of discussion. I like Yona’s determination to stop the corruption that has formed since her father’s rule. The last time she confronted these aspects about her father she broke down. Now, though, even if she still doesn’t know exactly how to feel about her father, she’s recovered to the point of wanting to make a change. Her decision to join the pirate crew to fight against Kumji was a big step for her. And along with her desire to prove herself to Gigan, and more importantly; I think herself, I’m proud of her 🥰 Jae-ha’s characterization is also very interesting like you’ve pointed out. We don’t know what his village was about yet, but the fact that he referred to it as a prison is interesting. This is a small moment in the episode, but I think it’s a really nice point of characterization for Jae-ha with how he tells Yona he doesn’t want to join. He carefully recites words that have been obviously prepared years in advance, acting quite defensive, bordering on passive-aggressive. Yona sees through this immediately, though. She tells him that he doesn’t have to appear threatening and that she won't force him to join. I always interpreted this that Jae-ha was scared that she’d force him to join and was embarrassed that she saw through his facade so easily. All things considered, it makes sense why he was so agitated at that moment. And goes to show that deep down there’s more to it than him wanting to be free. He’s scared of not being in control of his decisions and actions. I think the fact that Yona respected his boundaries upfront was a big plus for their relationship. It did more for it than any amount any convincing would probably do Anyways, I’m excited for the next couple of episodes. Thank you for your reaction. I hope you have a good week :))


Jae-ha is a delight to have in the show! He's funny, charming and just an all around good guy even if he doesn't like showing it. Despite not wanting to join Yona (yet), he's already having a hard time going against her. The dragon's blood is strong, he can only keep that up for so long! Yona respects his wishes but you can tell she doesn't want to give up on him, Hiryuu contract with the dragons has always been situational and while the dragons love Hiryuu he would never make them follow him. We get to see more of Yona's determination, wanting to change the country for the better after her fathers ruling but even with the dragons can she do it by herself? I love strong willed women in anime and I need to find more anime like this! I have an itch to re-read the manga again although I just re-read it a few months ago, I can't wait until you get more deep into the manga once the anime is over. The arcs are amazing and I really wish a second season would come out already! Rewatching this with you has been fun, can't wait for more!


Yessss, the characterization with Jae-ha we are getting has been SO good so far! I love that Yona doesn't make any of them "follow" her -- she asks for their help and each of their responses so far has come from a different place; I feel Jae-ha's will be interesting, as he'll have to come to terms with if he's going to "blame the blood" for it all, or accept that maybe he wants to follow her because of her personality and conviction...hmmm...And yes, I love that Yona is such a complex female character that is wanting to do more than her father before her, while still respecting his memory! :3 I'm SO excited to get into the manga! I've been looking forward to it since early on in this series, and it has me so excited!! Thank you for the kind words and I can't wait to talk about the next few episodes with you all!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 13:38:04 I am SO excited for next week – I’ve only watched up to Episode 19 at this point, but it’s SO good! 😊 YES, the fact that Yona is wanting to correct her father’s mistakes, while still honoring him is so good! I love that she’s striving to make change for the better. And her wanting to see Gigan too and take on these pirates? I love it and am proud of her, too! &lt;3 I LOVE Jae-ha and can’t wait to talk with you all about him next week, too! 😊 And yes, his whole defense is built up but upon actually speaking with her, she’s not what he expected and it sort of crumbles, especially when Yona tells him he doesn’t HAVE to join her. The fact that she lets him keep his control over himself? I agree with you; it’s not what he expected and I love it! I cannot WAIT to see how his relationship with Yona develops in this series! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I hope you have a great week, too, and I can’t wait for next week!
2022-01-29 22:43:14 I am SO excited for next week – I’ve only watched up to Episode 19 at this point, but it’s SO good! 😊 YES, the fact that Yona is wanting to correct her father’s mistakes, while still honoring him is so good! I love that she’s striving to make change for the better. And her wanting to see Gigan too and take on these pirates? I love it and am proud of her, too! <3 I LOVE Jae-ha and can’t wait to talk with you all about him next week, too! 😊 And yes, his whole defense is built up but upon actually speaking with her, she’s not what he expected and it sort of crumbles, especially when Yona tells him he doesn’t HAVE to join her. The fact that she lets him keep his control over himself? I agree with you; it’s not what he expected and I love it! I cannot WAIT to see how his relationship with Yona develops in this series! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I hope you have a great week, too, and I can’t wait for next week!

I am SO excited for next week – I’ve only watched up to Episode 19 at this point, but it’s SO good! 😊 YES, the fact that Yona is wanting to correct her father’s mistakes, while still honoring him is so good! I love that she’s striving to make change for the better. And her wanting to see Gigan too and take on these pirates? I love it and am proud of her, too! <3 I LOVE Jae-ha and can’t wait to talk with you all about him next week, too! 😊 And yes, his whole defense is built up but upon actually speaking with her, she’s not what he expected and it sort of crumbles, especially when Yona tells him he doesn’t HAVE to join her. The fact that she lets him keep his control over himself? I agree with you; it’s not what he expected and I love it! I cannot WAIT to see how his relationship with Yona develops in this series! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I hope you have a great week, too, and I can’t wait for next week!


Ooohhh, I find the Kija and Jaeha ship FASCINATING! So far, I’ve really liked their interactions and I’m seriously excited to see how their dynamic grows in all of this! YES! I love the free-spirited playboy/naïve rich kid trope, too! :D :D That “bowing” moment was SO good in this! And it helps to explain why Jaeha is nervous about the dragon blood taking his free will away. And SERIOUSLY – we all want Hak, haha, but I’ll let Yona have him, I GUESS. Hak is just so great and he doesn’t even realize it! Gigan is a great character in all this and I like how she challenges Yona, despite her being a princess (though she may not know that herself). I definitely like Gigan’s character and the “mom” figure she is to Jaeha – she has a tough exterior but genuinely cares for her little pirate crew. Yes, Yona has the badass female character down PAT in this show – but also features a variety of female characters, which I appreciate. SERIOUSLY, this series has FLOWN since episode 8/9 and hasn’t looked back, but I’m SO ready for the manga to keep the story going! I’m going to probably check with Patreon but I was thinking of reading the manga and when I get to the chapters that the OVA’s are on, probably watching them first and then reading the chapters they correspond with…like MDZS, yes! 😊 Volume 12 and 18 – that’s good to know! Thank you! 😊 I really appreciate that and for the kind words and comment! This series is just getting so good!

Toni simi

And here we have my favourite ship. Kija and Jae-ha. I love their dynamic a lot and their first conversation may be one of my favourite scenes in the anime. It's setting up a lot for the story, for their relationship and also just Kija's character. Jae-ha is definitely asking a good question. Does Kija even want this or does he just "want" this because his whole life he's been told that it's his destiny, that he was born for that? Yona already wanting to stop the things her father didn't is powerful. Few episodes ago she broke down knowing that these people suffer because of King Ill and even though she doesn't know what excactly to do she still tries to think about a way to help. I like how you commented about Jae-ha calling the green dragon's village a prison. That it could be something like the blue dragons villiage but also one like Kija's. I didn't thought about that but it makes sense. Hak's snakey face is one of the funniest but also most creepiest things I've seen. XD With Jae-ha the story starts to get deeper again and I can't wait to go even deeper with the manga. Wish you a wonderful day!!


I am sooooo excited to get more into the manga, because I agree that Jae-ha entering the story is opening up some VERY interesting conversations and I'm kind of already shipping Kija and Jae-ha together, hahaha! Their dynamic and the themes being brought up -- it's so intriguing!! And yessss, Yona wanting to do well and make up for her father's errors is so powerful, indeed! Though, yes, Hak does not need to make that face! XD This was such a good episode and I've been loving the story and how it's developing at this point! I don't want the anime to end, but I really am excited to dive into the manga! Thank you for the comment and have a great day, as well!