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Oh, y'all, Y'ALL! These three episodes (thank you for encouraging me to watch three at once) may be my FAVORITES of the series so far! What's there not to like?

* Zixuan being the clumsiest peacock and EVERYONE here for it
* The WangXian Pinnnnnniiiiinnnnngggggg™
* Yao and Xichen antics - specifically Xichen this set of episodes
* Qing, Ning, and some of my favorite cinematography in the series so far

Yep, there was a lot of laughs, a lot of sadness, a LOT of pining and stares...basically, everything I yearn for with this series! I'm so giddy with fangirl energy from this set!

Thank you for watching with me and for the support!


The Untamed: Episodes 25-27 Reaction! NING, YILING, & ALL THE PINING!

Link to Reaction (Starts at 3:13): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/rgnYsnZkvj77iYGzhXpTWv? **MAJOR HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh, y'all, Y'ALL! These three episodes (thank you for encouraging me to watch three at once) may be my FAVORITES of the series so far! What's there not to like? * Zixuan being the clumsiest peacock and EVERYONE here for it * The WangXian Pinnnnnniiiiinnnnngggggg™ * Yao and Xichen antics - specifically Xichen this set of episodes * Qing, Ning, and some of my favorite cinematography in the series so far * BABY YUAN BEING THE MOST PRECIOUS THING ON EARTH Yep, there was a lot of laughs, a lot of sadness, a LOT of pining and stares...basically, everything I yearn for with this series! I'm so giddy with fangirl energy from this set! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


wangxian love bot (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 13:38:28 Seriously SERIOUSLYY this part of the show is my favourite too like ep 25-33 are chef kiss, they did such a good job on it. I remember binging it till 5am at this part lmao (you can't ofc eventho i wished u could for ur fangirl heart) xiao zhan does such a good job at acting out wwx its so believable and wonderful. I'm glad you're enjoying it, you can choose for yourself if you'd also do 31, 32, 33 together. & AHHH the flashback timeline is almost over, the second part also has so many iconic moments. Can't wait for you to see it all.
2022-01-24 21:51:17 Seriously SERIOUSLYY this part of the show is my favourite too like ep 25-33 are chef kiss, they did such a good job on it. I remember binging it till 5am at this part lmao (you can't ofc eventho i wished u could for ur fangirl heart) xiao zhan does such a good job at acting out wwx its so believable and wonderful. I'm glad you're enjoying it, you can choose for yourself if you'd also do 31, 32, 33 together. & AHHH the flashback timeline is almost over, the second part also has so many iconic moments. Can't wait for you to see it all.

Seriously SERIOUSLYY this part of the show is my favourite too like ep 25-33 are chef kiss, they did such a good job on it. I remember binging it till 5am at this part lmao (you can't ofc eventho i wished u could for ur fangirl heart) xiao zhan does such a good job at acting out wwx its so believable and wonderful. I'm glad you're enjoying it, you can choose for yourself if you'd also do 31, 32, 33 together. & AHHH the flashback timeline is almost over, the second part also has so many iconic moments. Can't wait for you to see it all.

Ivan is Yda

OKAY—I was excited for this one because FEELS! I made my own notes too, so I was taking notes while YOU were taking notes lol. And since this is three episodes, it will be quite long—please forgive me. I miss analyzing stuff like movies and stories ever since I graduated college.😭 Ok, so episode 25 is the start of Wuxian’s fall from grace entirely. When I first watched this, I wanted to know what he meant by lifelong confidant. I used to tutor English for our Chinese transfer students in my university after I graduated, and I am still in contact with them—I ask them from time to time what some words or phrases mean. Just a little sidenote there. Anyway, I asked one of them what that word in Chinese meant in English—and she said that it means someone your soul is connected to or is in tune with. Someone who you know wholeheartedly to their core. Therefore, the word “lifelong confidant” would really mean “soulmate”! We, then, have Yanli entering the picture and the confrontations that ensued. We can really see that Yanli and Wangji are both the anchors of Wei Ying that keep him grounded when things start to go sour. Yanli more so than Wangji—like, Wuxian STOPS, or at least, tries to the second it’s her sister that’s telling him to. And the way she just inserted herself into the argument and basically just called the men out on their insecurities. I LOVED IT. And then there’s Wuxian’s repeated line toward Cheng: “forget it”. Cheng doesn’t want to forget it—he needs to know! No one tells him anything and he’s frustrated and he ends up pushing Wuxian farther because his brother won’t even tel him what’s going on, not even the smallest, most crucial detail he needs to know. And it’s so sad because Jiang Cheng would have stood up for him if he had known more, if Wuxian had let him in even just a little, then Cheng would have trusted him more too. Then we have Madame Jin, who I despise. I think she’s the only woman I hated on this show, along with Jiaojiao. If she were as fierce and fiery as Madame Yu, I wouldn’t dislike her as much, but she’s “meh” at best. AND THEN THE ICONIC LINES OF WANGJI AT THE END! Wang Yibo actually recited that in several tv shows, saying it was a line he favored most amongst all the roles he played. Then Wen Qing appears, and you see it’s like a breath of relief for Wuxian to see that she’s here, she’s okay, she’s alive. People ship them together but I fee like this is more of like a BFF type of connection. Like when you haven’t seen you best friend in YEARS and there’s no contact, then one day you see them on the street corner and it’s like a breath of fresh air to finally see them again after so long! But then you know that also means bad news, cause you see how awful their state is. As for the BTS of this episode, it was SOOOO hot—Xiao Zhan had his fan on him all the time. That didn’t stop him and Yibo from goofing off tho—with Yibo dancing to BLACKPINK’s Ddu-ddu-du across Zhan. They also had a lot of goofs behind the scenes and on set of this. In episode 26, this hit hard for me. Because even if people talk crap about him Wuxian didn’t care! He didn’t care if he was labeled anything bad. What mattered to him was that he did the right thing. And I think this is what influenced Wangji to do the same—this was his starting point of questioning everything he had ever believed in. This was the starting point of his urge to bend the rules, if it meant his conscience was clear. The catalyst to this was Wei Wuxian. And then we have Wuxian’s dramatic entrance! The way he just scooped up his baby’s—I MEAN, Wangji’s drink to save him the torture. And the way Wangji just stared at him after, you know that boy’s in DEEP. Jin Zixun was visually sh!tt!ng his pants—you can see it on his face. The moment Wuxian started counting down, the guy saw his life flash before his eyes. And the tidbit of Daddy Jin just going berserk after being shamed! And then we have Cheng’s reactions, the way he hesitates ALL THE TIME. You know he wants to do the right thing, you know he wants to stand up for Wuxian, but the wlders around him are expecting so much—TOO MUCH from him. He wants to step in, to defend the people that aided him and helped him stay alive after the fall of Yunmeng, but he couldn’t! His hands are tied, and he could not free them for his saviors, or even his own brother, and that just solidifies what Meng Yao says towards the end of the series. Also, we have more of Huaisang! Here, in The Untamed, they explored more on Huaisang and adding him to more scenes. But his character doesn’t change—he’s still jumpy, unsure, carefree, and delicate. I think, in my opinion, this helps establish just how big of a change he had gone through in the future. NEXT! Episode 27. I CRIED like a baby at that stand-off. When Wuxian said the lines “I would rather die at you hands”, I just laid on my bed, unmoving as tears just pooled and soaked my pillow. Because that’s how much he trusts Wangji—but Wangji would rather die than face off with Wuxian in a fight because all he wants to do is SAVE HIM. And then the way Wangji just calls the Jins out for disrespecting Wuxian and the Jiang sect by talking of false conversations from the day prior. AND XICHEN DEFENDING THE WENS TOO! And then when Meng Yao says it was inappropriate for Wuxian to just tell everyone off during the banquet, and Wangji just going “was he wrong tho?”, effectively silencing the argument on whether or not Wuxian was right in thinking that the Jin sect was turning into the tyrants of society. And Daddy Jin casually mentioning the Yin Tiger Tally? How did no one, other than Wangji, see the hints? He wants to be the next superpower. The guy, who’s playing leader, wants the Tiger Amulet—how is that not sus? And Wangji and Mianmian’s walk-out? That was so satisfying to see. And Mingjue’s sense of justice—we get to see that, in spite of his stance on being on the side of good, he is still held back by his prejudice against the Wens. He generalizes the Dafan Wen branch to their actual enemies, the Qishan Wens. So there’s a gray area on what he considers good and evil. And then we FINALLY get to hear Qiren’s reasons as to WHY he has to be so hard on Wangji. We get a glimpse of how Wangji’s parents traumatized Qiren to the point that he had tried to cage Wangji within the confines of the Lan Sect’s rules. But we understand that children are not their parents—the show is an amazing example of that. We see that in Lan Zhan compared to his parents, and in the future with the juniors. But Qiren has a hard time comprehending that Wangji is not his father, and that Wei Ying is not his mother. And then we have LITTLE A-YUAN! The little baby, so precious and so trusting, even towards sour-faced Cheng. And the way Cheng watches him scamper away, just a hint of a smile on his lips. Also, when Jiang Cheng come to Yiling, the look on his face when he see Wuxian, you can tell he was relieved to see his brother unharmed. You can see the face he pulled when they were reunited dimuring the Sunshot Campaign, the face that held worry and fear and just wanted to hug the life out of Wuxian. But he can’t because he’s here for sect business. He’s here to speak to his disciple, not his brother. Did you think, maybe, given the chance, Cheng would have just foregone formalities and just hugged Wuxian upon seeing him? And the Zixuan and Yanli being all sweet and cuddly now with each other—our boy Zixuan finally grew a pair, I’m so proud🥲 People ship Qing with Wuxian a lot—I don’t see it. I see 2 pretty bffs just trying to get by. In an interview, Yibo said he had always wanted to do the whole “cry-under-the-rain-after-a-breakup” scene thing before and was excited he was finally able to do one. Also, in the behind the scenes, that heartfelt “breakup” scene was made with a lot of giggles in between. Like, it’s such an emotional scene, then you look at the behind the scenes and Yibo and Zhan are just making faces and wiggling around. Looking forward to next week’s upload! Always so excited to hear and analyze with you🥺it reminds me of my college days🥰

Sophie biasland x

Xiao Zhan just captivates me more and more are we sure Wei Wuxian wasn’t created for him all along? He’s perfect I can’t imagine anyone else

goldmund (edited)

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2022-02-02 13:38:28 These episodes are just sooooo darn GOOD! I was totally you when first watching the Untamed, like whenever I watched a new set of episodes, they became my favorite hahaha! There are many more great ones ahead! Mingjue thinking Qing & Ning's treatment as proper is really interesting. As usual, he always thinks the world in black and white, asking everyone to stand against the evil as he would do, not knowing that people can be powerless in many situations and circumstances. Cheng is caught in the middle of a difficult situation. These clan leaders, especially Daddy Jin, are just too eager to set Cheng and Wuxian against each other so that the newly rebuilt Jiang clan wouldn't be too strong a rivalry. Sketchy. Yuan is cute. Yao & Xichen making out in the woods but disrupted by the chaos. I just need a meme showing Yao helpless whenever his party got crashed by our Yiling Patriarch lol. I need that. This is such a wonderful reaction and your thoughts are so good. Can't wait for next week!
2022-01-24 23:24:04 These episodes are just sooooo darn GOOD! I was totally you when first watching the Untamed, like whenever I watched a new set of episodes, they became my favorite hahaha! There are many more great ones ahead! Mingjue thinking Qing & Ning's treatment as proper is really interesting. As usual, he always thinks the world in black and white, asking everyone to stand against the evil as he would do, not knowing that people can be powerless in many situations and circumstances. Cheng is caught in the middle of a difficult situation. These clan leaders, especially Daddy Jin, are just too eager to set Cheng and Wuxian against each other so that the newly rebuilt Jiang clan wouldn't be too strong a rivalry. Sketchy. Yuan is cute. Yao & Xichen making out in the woods but disrupted by the chaos. I just need a meme showing Yao helpless whenever his party got crashed by our Yiling Patriarch lol. I need that. This is such a wonderful reaction and your thoughts are so good. Can't wait for next week!

These episodes are just sooooo darn GOOD! I was totally you when first watching the Untamed, like whenever I watched a new set of episodes, they became my favorite hahaha! There are many more great ones ahead! Mingjue thinking Qing & Ning's treatment as proper is really interesting. As usual, he always thinks the world in black and white, asking everyone to stand against the evil as he would do, not knowing that people can be powerless in many situations and circumstances. Cheng is caught in the middle of a difficult situation. These clan leaders, especially Daddy Jin, are just too eager to set Cheng and Wuxian against each other so that the newly rebuilt Jiang clan wouldn't be too strong a rivalry. Sketchy. Yuan is cute. Yao & Xichen making out in the woods but disrupted by the chaos. I just need a meme showing Yao helpless whenever his party got crashed by our Yiling Patriarch lol. I need that. This is such a wonderful reaction and your thoughts are so good. Can't wait for next week!


Hahaha, recently, every episode you are like: this is my favorite episode so far!!!oh wait, THIS is my new favorite episode!! Lmao, I knew that feeling! It’s all too familiar~ And it’s going to get more familiar, lolol

Jennifer D

I know, these episodes just hit the ball right out of the park! As you've said, they really do have everything and also because it is the middle of the series the plot, the character development, character DECISIONS, every little moment just turns on a fulcrum in these few episodes and boy do we feel it. I swear, I could watch that scene in the woods during the crowd hunt in Episode 25 a dozen times and probably find something new and interesting to uncover during each rewatch. I LIVE for Xichen's facial expressions watching Zixuan go through the het panic. And oh boy, the desperate, unadulterated yearning that is Wangxian....I know others have mentioned it here, but "lifelong confidante" as soulmate has an even more intimate (non-romantic) implication, as someone who KNOWS you, deeply and to your core. There's a fun translation post here if you want to nerd out a little and see why this is just so compelling. (https://hunxi-guilai.tumblr.com/post/612161034673946624/all-right-guys-lets-have-a-conversation-about) Girl, like you said, can we just go off about the cinematography and acting in that last encounter on Qiongqi Way between Wangji and Wuxian? You're so right, Wangji is ethereal in this moment, physically removed from the rain and mud that has coated everyone else in this scene...he literally is glowing, like the moon through the clouds. But then he has to make what is probably the hardest both ethical and emotional decision in his life and steps aside to let Wuxian go... and he then lets go of the umbrella, with it tipping into the dirt as he allows the rain wash over him.... I swear, I get goosebumps every single time I watch this scene. For me, I feel that this is one moment in the show were we see Wangji consciously, completely, and totally let go of his control that he tries to so hard keep a firm grasp on at all other times--and just allows himself to immerse in the emotions and consequences of the moment. There is also probably a lot of other symbolism with the rain here as well that others could speak to better than I. Your reaction as always just was fantastic, and we are loving fangirling again all over with you. Also excited for next week to come around and hope you recover before then from the emotional rollercoaster of these last few episodes : )


I love that tumblr piece about soulmate concept. It's a fun read! Thanks for sharing :D

Ivan is Yda

Yeah! That bit about the “soulmate” was what I asked my Chinese students and they put it in simpler terms for me by saying that it’s someone who is in tune or who connects to you spiritually, not necessarily romantically. Something like “Platonic Soulmates”, but not quite platonic. I didn’t know there was tumblr post for that—shoulda checked, too.

Anastasia -

Wens being herded under archery targets is such an unnecessary dramatic addition. Why would noone say a word? Okay, Wen Qing is dangerous and Ruohan-affiliated, we get it, but those people? Y'all look really bad when you agree to almost shoot them, guys. Wangji's headband is too slim to cover your eyes Wuxian honey! I understand the need to retain more lines from the novel directly but that was hilarious. And sexy of course. Those archery lessons are not wasted with Xiao Zhan. The Baifeng hunt in its entirety is... more impressive in the novel, just you wait! I love those scenes dearly, and it was very funny to watch them be implied in the donghua, where we get only "we be sitting in bushes like two bros spying after my sister and her hopeless crush". Speaking of crush, Zixuan was adorkable. Trying to impress Yanli with talk of Measuring Snake we also only ever get to see in the donghua. Trying to tell her "I will protect you, my clan is powerful, noone can hurt us and you!". Soulmate-not soulmate dialog was already heavily discussed, yes, I'd just like to add that Wei Ying raises Chenqing in the end of that talk like he does when threatening someone, but no, not this time! He probably thinks that "Past sentiments" is a really fitting name for his flute now, and those sentiments are not dead in both of them! "Bring him back and hide him"! T____T The famous line. It's so interesting they gave the second part of it to Xichen, unlike to donghua. Xichen is very much aware of their relations with Wuxian and Wuxian's character as well, here. Very different to being politely confused and unwilling to dig deep into his brother's feelings when Wangji himself says "But he won't be willing to come". Another difference is that Wen Qing come to Wuxian for help directly in the donghua, remember? He's of a winning team, she's very in danger when coming to Yunmeng but she seeks him out. Annnd Wuxian appearing at the banquet. The height of his sexiness, taking that wine implied for Wangji, threatening everyone in the hall when they refuse to admit Wen Ning's life means anything. Top rights for you my man! We didn't deserve seeing Wen Ning dying like that. And Wen Qing searching for him under the rain. And Wangji crying after he lost Wuxian at last. Those are the additional needles I never knew I needed when starting The Untamed. "When people get hungry they'd eat anything", eh? That brings us to an interesting and very worrying set of fanons... Hold that thought until the next set of novel chapters probably. We'll talk about it again.

Jennifer D

I love that your students were able to translate that so effectively, it really does sound like such a complex term (and one that might not immediately translate well into English too). I've also been kind of curious if this was a phrase most modern Mandarin speakers would know about, or if it's more well-known now due to it's use in shows like the Untamed or Word of Honor. I think I remember seeing a Chinese reactor watching Word of Honor and they initially weren't quite sure what zhijie meant, as well, when that came up.

Ivan is Yda

This is more traditional, according to my former student and fellow danmei fan. She said it derived from old dao sayings/poems, and it was used to address someone they know very closely, usually their closest friend or family.

Kathy Cheng

I really like Wei’s cold badass face at episode 26 when he counted down from three, a big difference with his amazing smile before Lotus Pier massacre. Zhan’s acting skills is great! I am so glad that he was selected to be Xian Xian


He does NOT have the right to look so beautiful crying, but seriously...those tears...it's not fair! T-T


Ooohhh, the hype that y'all are building for these next sets of episodes...and...y'all trying to twist my arm to get me to do two more 3-episode chunks? Hmmmm....should I cave to peer pressure? I guess we'll seee.......


No, seriously, Zhan IS WuXian as far as I'm concerned; it's literally perfect casting and exactly how I pictured him in real life. He's so meant for this role. :3


SERIOUSLY, though! It gets better and better with each episode! :) It would be hard picking a favorite, but this is my favorite set of episodes at the moment. I'm soooo excited we're only at the halfway point, too!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 13:38:28 Yesssssss, Zhan made WuXian SO intimidating in that moment! @_@ It was very tense and scary seeing him go from being our chaotic happy gremlin to a much darker presence in these episodes -- definitely a testament to his acting skills! <3
2022-01-25 16:01:15 Yesssssss, Zhan made WuXian SO intimidating in that moment! @_@ It was very tense and scary seeing him go from being our chaotic happy gremlin to a much darker presence in these episodes -- definitely a testament to his acting skills! <3

Yesssssss, Zhan made WuXian SO intimidating in that moment! @_@ It was very tense and scary seeing him go from being our chaotic happy gremlin to a much darker presence in these episodes -- definitely a testament to his acting skills! <3


Yep, each week I find that I like the show more and more -- but these three episodes were SUCH a fun reacting experience! And yesss, everything is so in-character in these episodes, from Mingjue looking only in terms of black and white, to Cheng just trying to do what he perceives as his "duty," while clearly being conflicted by it, to Daddy Jin being the epitome of SKETCH, to Yuan being an absolute angel. I need all the memes with Yao in these episodes -- him and Xichen ignoring the conflict in the woods while snogging, Yao having his "perfect house party" utterly crashed by the Yiling Patriarch in meme-shades (I may actually have to doodle that one) -- there's so many unintentionally-but-actually-intentionally hilarious moments in these episodes! It's a nice buffer to the rest of the PAIN. T-T Thanks for the kind words! I appreciate it!!

saus tartar

I wanted to tell you ma'am to be prepared for episode 7, but then I remember that you must've already watch it. But then again, I remember how the rest of the episodes in this season are. So, I'll just warn you anyway. Be prepared! lol


The entire archery scene was simultaneously ridiculous and rewarding -- I felt bad for those Wen's, but WWX using it to show he's basically Robin Hood? 'Kay. Cool. :P I'm SO excited to get to this all in the novel eventually! And poor ZiXuan, our clumsy peacock; Adorkable is the right word! And the "bring him back to Gusu" convo with Xichen and LWJ -- ugh, my heart! It's hurt in all versions at this point, eh? :( I feel bad for Wangji, and then Qing too in all this -- she just wants to find her brother. Both of them just want to protect family close to them, and it doesn't look like they're gong to be able too... T_T Not going to lie, the fangirl mode was ON when WuXian went into the hall and crashed Yao's banquet. The taking of the wine in place of Wangji was *chef's kiss* and Zhan does sooo good at showing how intimidating the YP can be. And I was so pleased (albeit crushed emotionally) by the scene of Ning's death and Wangji crying....just wave after wave of FEELS and I wasn't prepared. Interesting...I'll keep the "hungry" line in the back of my head for now; it was a great scene and altogether, these were fantastic episodes -- not sure I'm ready to get to them in the novel!


I'd love to see the memes if you talented ever create them!


My worst problem is getting ideas and not having time to sit around and focus on them! But I'll definitely upload on Discord if I do! :D :D


Thank you for the warning! I am trying to mentally prepare, but not sure if it's working! Hahahaha! Thank you, though!


YES, you can feel the distinct "turn" in the story at this point -- the Turtle Cave truly started it, the Lotus Pier accelerated it, and then the loss of the WWX's golden core and his transition into the Yiling Patriarch has all led to these episodes and the consequences of decisions with these characters -- it's SO GOOD. XIchen's reactions in these episodes are SO wonderful, too, especially towards our clumsy peacock going through so much panic -- and that tumblr post! Thank you for sharing that! I love that the idea of "knowing" someone and revealing yourself to someone is such an intimate act and in that moment, WuXian tells Wangji he thought of him as someone he could reveal himself too...and Wangji confirms that he still is...UGH...Straight to the heart with that one! And yesssss, your description of Wangji in the rain finally letting himself "go" is exactly what I was thinking, too! It's such a moment for his character; Wangji's probably my favorite in the show, and so watching Yibo act out all these emotions with him was a joy this week! And yesssss, y'all may have me convinced to do two back-to-back three-parters...what am I to do? :D Thank you for the comment!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 13:38:28 Yesss, I wish I’d done this while I’d been in college! Haha, it’s great to fangirl with you all so I appreciate the comment and the kind words! 😊 I really appreciate it! That is so awesome that you were tutoring transfer students and asked them about this! And of COURSE it means soulmate! *swoons* I love that! It’s great that your students were probably ready to gush with you about it, too! Yeah, at this point, Yanli and Wangji are the glue holding our poor WuXian together as he struggles with becoming the Yiling Patriarch and the resentful energy that’s taking him over. I will never get over Yanli standing up for WuXian – I can’t wait to get to that in the novel, and it’s SUCH a tragedy that WuXian CAN’T tell Cheng about it all because it would crush him, and Cheng takes it the wrong way…the ANGST. It’s interesting we get to see Madame Jin in this show – at this point, we’re all just lucky Baby Ling made it out somewhat okay with the family he has surrounding him. @_@ And ahhh….those famous lines….they were so well done here; I don’t blame Yibo for thinking that. I definitely feel Qing and WuXian are more BFF/found Siblings than anything – she’s the one thing that hasn’t “turned” against him in his mind (save for Yanli and maybe Wangji) so of course he’s happy to see her. And you can tell it’s at least humid during filming – everyone’s sweating and probably welcomed rain at that point! I definitely agree that this episode was the catalyst for Wangji to really reevaluate everything; he’d broken into the library in episodes prior, but this was a major turning point for him, and sadly for WuXian as the Yiling Patriarch, as badass and swoonworthy as him taking that shot was. We feel for Wangji at this point…how could you not?! I loved the reactions with ZiXun and Daddy Jin – the acting in this episode was just *chef’s kisses all around* -- and poor Cheng – stuck between his duty and his love for his brother. At least HuaiSang is there to support Cheng! It’s good to see him still the same, now; I cannot WAIT to see his actor play him later on! Yesssss, the pining and the angst all come to a head in Episode 27 – I think I would have been a wreck if I hadn’t watched the donghua and saw that they end up happily together, haha, but WuXian saying he’d die by Wangji’s hand and Wangji unable to tell him that would never happen?! UGH. &gt;.&lt; XICHEN DEFENDING THE WENS was such a moment! I loved that! And Wangji noting that WuXian was not wrong; y’all slander WuXian and then get mad he spits truth bombs back?! I love it. And of COURSE Daddy Jin is shady and Wangji notices – the walkout with him and MianMian was fabulous! And Mingjue expressing a sense of moral grayness?! Insanity! 😊 And yessss, it all makes sense now why Qiren’s trying so hard with Wangji, so that he doesn’t end up like his father, but Wangji is not the same and WuXian is not his mother, sooooo…. And YEP….Yuan is beyond precious and I cannot handle the way that WuXian is like a dorky dad with him already. No one can resist A-Yuan! The parts with Cheng crush me, because you know that deep down, he wants to treat WuXian as his brother, but again, he puts duty to his clan over the love for his brother…and it’s crushing. And ZiXuan and Yanli finally getting together! Our clumsy peacock did it! I may have to go look up that breakup scene, just so I can see them out of character! 😊 It would help make it a happier scene.
2022-01-26 16:54:09 Yesss, I wish I’d done this while I’d been in college! Haha, it’s great to fangirl with you all so I appreciate the comment and the kind words! 😊 I really appreciate it! That is so awesome that you were tutoring transfer students and asked them about this! And of COURSE it means soulmate! *swoons* I love that! It’s great that your students were probably ready to gush with you about it, too! Yeah, at this point, Yanli and Wangji are the glue holding our poor WuXian together as he struggles with becoming the Yiling Patriarch and the resentful energy that’s taking him over. I will never get over Yanli standing up for WuXian – I can’t wait to get to that in the novel, and it’s SUCH a tragedy that WuXian CAN’T tell Cheng about it all because it would crush him, and Cheng takes it the wrong way…the ANGST. It’s interesting we get to see Madame Jin in this show – at this point, we’re all just lucky Baby Ling made it out somewhat okay with the family he has surrounding him. @_@ And ahhh….those famous lines….they were so well done here; I don’t blame Yibo for thinking that. I definitely feel Qing and WuXian are more BFF/found Siblings than anything – she’s the one thing that hasn’t “turned” against him in his mind (save for Yanli and maybe Wangji) so of course he’s happy to see her. And you can tell it’s at least humid during filming – everyone’s sweating and probably welcomed rain at that point! I definitely agree that this episode was the catalyst for Wangji to really reevaluate everything; he’d broken into the library in episodes prior, but this was a major turning point for him, and sadly for WuXian as the Yiling Patriarch, as badass and swoonworthy as him taking that shot was. We feel for Wangji at this point…how could you not?! I loved the reactions with ZiXun and Daddy Jin – the acting in this episode was just *chef’s kisses all around* -- and poor Cheng – stuck between his duty and his love for his brother. At least HuaiSang is there to support Cheng! It’s good to see him still the same, now; I cannot WAIT to see his actor play him later on! Yesssss, the pining and the angst all come to a head in Episode 27 – I think I would have been a wreck if I hadn’t watched the donghua and saw that they end up happily together, haha, but WuXian saying he’d die by Wangji’s hand and Wangji unable to tell him that would never happen?! UGH. >.< XICHEN DEFENDING THE WENS was such a moment! I loved that! And Wangji noting that WuXian was not wrong; y’all slander WuXian and then get mad he spits truth bombs back?! I love it. And of COURSE Daddy Jin is shady and Wangji notices – the walkout with him and MianMian was fabulous! And Mingjue expressing a sense of moral grayness?! Insanity! 😊 And yessss, it all makes sense now why Qiren’s trying so hard with Wangji, so that he doesn’t end up like his father, but Wangji is not the same and WuXian is not his mother, sooooo…. And YEP….Yuan is beyond precious and I cannot handle the way that WuXian is like a dorky dad with him already. No one can resist A-Yuan! The parts with Cheng crush me, because you know that deep down, he wants to treat WuXian as his brother, but again, he puts duty to his clan over the love for his brother…and it’s crushing. And ZiXuan and Yanli finally getting together! Our clumsy peacock did it! I may have to go look up that breakup scene, just so I can see them out of character! 😊 It would help make it a happier scene.

Yesss, I wish I’d done this while I’d been in college! Haha, it’s great to fangirl with you all so I appreciate the comment and the kind words! 😊 I really appreciate it! That is so awesome that you were tutoring transfer students and asked them about this! And of COURSE it means soulmate! *swoons* I love that! It’s great that your students were probably ready to gush with you about it, too! Yeah, at this point, Yanli and Wangji are the glue holding our poor WuXian together as he struggles with becoming the Yiling Patriarch and the resentful energy that’s taking him over. I will never get over Yanli standing up for WuXian – I can’t wait to get to that in the novel, and it’s SUCH a tragedy that WuXian CAN’T tell Cheng about it all because it would crush him, and Cheng takes it the wrong way…the ANGST. It’s interesting we get to see Madame Jin in this show – at this point, we’re all just lucky Baby Ling made it out somewhat okay with the family he has surrounding him. @_@ And ahhh….those famous lines….they were so well done here; I don’t blame Yibo for thinking that. I definitely feel Qing and WuXian are more BFF/found Siblings than anything – she’s the one thing that hasn’t “turned” against him in his mind (save for Yanli and maybe Wangji) so of course he’s happy to see her. And you can tell it’s at least humid during filming – everyone’s sweating and probably welcomed rain at that point! I definitely agree that this episode was the catalyst for Wangji to really reevaluate everything; he’d broken into the library in episodes prior, but this was a major turning point for him, and sadly for WuXian as the Yiling Patriarch, as badass and swoonworthy as him taking that shot was. We feel for Wangji at this point…how could you not?! I loved the reactions with ZiXun and Daddy Jin – the acting in this episode was just *chef’s kisses all around* -- and poor Cheng – stuck between his duty and his love for his brother. At least HuaiSang is there to support Cheng! It’s good to see him still the same, now; I cannot WAIT to see his actor play him later on! Yesssss, the pining and the angst all come to a head in Episode 27 – I think I would have been a wreck if I hadn’t watched the donghua and saw that they end up happily together, haha, but WuXian saying he’d die by Wangji’s hand and Wangji unable to tell him that would never happen?! UGH. >.< XICHEN DEFENDING THE WENS was such a moment! I loved that! And Wangji noting that WuXian was not wrong; y’all slander WuXian and then get mad he spits truth bombs back?! I love it. And of COURSE Daddy Jin is shady and Wangji notices – the walkout with him and MianMian was fabulous! And Mingjue expressing a sense of moral grayness?! Insanity! 😊 And yessss, it all makes sense now why Qiren’s trying so hard with Wangji, so that he doesn’t end up like his father, but Wangji is not the same and WuXian is not his mother, sooooo…. And YEP….Yuan is beyond precious and I cannot handle the way that WuXian is like a dorky dad with him already. No one can resist A-Yuan! The parts with Cheng crush me, because you know that deep down, he wants to treat WuXian as his brother, but again, he puts duty to his clan over the love for his brother…and it’s crushing. And ZiXuan and Yanli finally getting together! Our clumsy peacock did it! I may have to go look up that breakup scene, just so I can see them out of character! 😊 It would help make it a happier scene.

Ivan is Yda

Oh they gushed about it hard! 😂 And yeah, looking up behind the scenes of some of the emotional scenes can be nice, because you see a lot of goofs and it lessens the pain a bit :’) looking forward to next week😌🥰


I definitely want to poll people on here for recommendations at the end of the series! And thank you! I haven't watched the next set yet (hopefully tonight) but I'm excited! :D