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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/fp8hqn  

Ohhhh, y'all, this episode may have cemented Yona in my top 5 of anime series I've watched for this channel -- the storytelling, plot-weaving, character development with Soo-won alone was SO well done in this two-parter of Episodes 15 and 16! 

It's setting up a LOT of implications for our protagonists Yona, Hak, and the Dragons should they challenge Soo-won!  Soo-won is on his OWN quest of "collecting" generals, just like Yona is with the Dragons...and it has me excited to see what it all leads to in the future!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Yona of the Dawn: Episode 16 Reaction! "War Games!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/fp8hqn Ohhhh, y'all, this episode may have cemented Yona in my top 5 of anime series I've watched for this channel -- the storytelling, plot-weaving, character development with Soo-won alone was SO well done in this two-parter of Episodes 15 and 16! It's setting up a LOT of implications for our protagonists Yona, Hak, and the Dragons should they challenge Soo-won! Soo-won is on his OWN quest of "collecting" generals, just like Yona is with the Dragons...and it has me excited to see what it all leads to in the future! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck

Soo-won and Yuno being tea buddies is somehow so freaking wholesome to me that I just cant... I have been like rewatching ep 15 and 16 A LOT during this past week and Soo-won might have become my fav character from this anime??? Like my fav used to be the green dragon, but like,, I don't know anymore,,, I love 'em both. ALSO, I just now realised (despite having rewatched this for idk how many times) BUT But does Soo-Won having "heat in his eyes" have any parallel's with Yona having the heat in her eyes? or how did it go? idk anymore, I'm just getting my tinfoil hat now. After all, they're both descendants of the "red dragon". I mean it's probably the same as with the other dragons, of only one with the dragon blood at the time, BUT It has never come to my mind that Soo-won is related to the red dragon. Like, this just opened a new can of words for me, and imma just go rewatch some episodes. Because now I need to see the ep7 talk about dragons with Soo-won on my mind. also, why was Il so against of Soo-won becoming the king, why did king Il forbid anyone from reading the book about the 4dragons? So many questions!! (edit: King il DID read that 4dragons book to yona tough?? despite we being told that he forbid anyone from reading it?) I'm probs nitpicking too much but, like, if my theory has any seeds, imma cry. nice reaction as always, >v=


The first time I came across this show I was blown away by just how GOOD it was. When I reached the end I had to rewatch it immediately, I was obsessed! There are some shows I love for the beautiful animation, others due to the plot/characters, but Yona of the Dawn has it all! The animation is consistently amazing, especially the fight scenes (this is a shoujo right? Right?!), the world building and character development is off the charts and the plot is both simple and complex at the same time (gather the dragons, revenge), and it has room to expand without losing the audience. I was late to the show and couldn't believe how underrated it was, no one was talking about it at all! So many wrote it off as "oh it's just another reverse herem shoujo" and I'll admit I went into the first episode thinking the same but it didn't take long before I was going "wait...wait, is this actually good?OMG it's SO good!" people have been sleeping on this! This episode was also what cemented Yona into my top tier anime list for me as well, I was loving it before but once I got to this episode it reached a new category for me. This was just a taste and I'm so glad you're going to do manga reactions because once I discovered the manga and how much further it expands the story I was blown away (also couldn't believe they couldn't animate a second season, the story is so good. Like, hey studios, why more isekai trash and not something amazing like this?!) Soo-Won is such an interesting character and I never really got villain vibes from him, even during his palace take over. I feel like he could have been a main character himself and the whole story could have been from his perspective with Yona and Hak being side characters, but because Yona is the main character it's like we have two whole story lines and plots happening at once, occasionally coming together and separating again. Seeing the true scope of Soo-Wons plans this episode for the first time gave me chills. It made me realize that if he's capable of strategizing to this degree, there's no way he killed Yona's father for something so simple or emotionally driven as "revenge for his father's death", there was a reason, we just don't know it yet. If he just wanted to change the kingdom there were multiple ways he could have gone about it, he could have married Yona, even with the Kings disapproval Yona is headstrong enough and loved him enough she might have been able to sway her father, or Soo-Won could have pressured the King in another way by being too politically advantageous to refuse. He could have become a General, he has the skill and the background for it, or with his pedigree he could have become a strong political figure, but no, he needed to become King for some reason, and he had to do it fast. It makes me wonder what was going on in the background that Yona and Hak were unaware of and exactly how dire the kingdom's situation was.


This is the episode where I'm reminded that I'm so happy there is the manga because the story gets so good when the anime finishes.


While I did say these 2 episodes sort of slow down the momentum of finding the dragons and most of the time I skip them, these episodes are great for showing off just how cunning and strategic Soo-won can be. These episodes are brought into the anime early but for the people that haven't read the manga and have no idea what Soo-won's intentions are these episodes are a great way to show off just who Soo-won is, and even then this isn't even close to showing just how complicated and terrifying Soo-won is so I can't wait for you to get deep into the manga! While King Il was a kind king, he wasn't the king the country needed and Soo-won is the king that will no doubt become one of the best, unfortunately what he had to do to become king almost destroyed Yona and Hak and even if Soo-won was fully prepared to take down Yona and Hak to be king I still don't think he would have. He's strong willed but I think too many people were whispering in his ear to become king. Next week green dragon! I'm sure you watched ahead so I'm excited to know what you think of him, if Shin-ah and yellow dragon weren't my top favorites the green dragon would be my favorite hands down. He's also voiced by one of my favorite japanese voice actors (same VA as Victor, Sukuna, ect) so how can I not love him?

Kotaro 14

Okay, here we are. Another commentor mentioned this parral between Yona and Soo-won. And I thought I'd offer my two cents. This is just a theory, these aren't spoilers. Nothing has been confirmed. As you’ve pointed out over the course of your reactions there are many parallels of Yona and Soo-won. In this episode there are two big ones, in fact. There’s the parallel of them both searching out to collect four tribes/dragons. The fifth tribe (Sky Tribe) is the King’s personal guard so they’re more so already belonging to Soo-won. And then Yona is the fifth member when it comes to the divine members of their group. And as someone in the comments pointed out, there’s also the parallel of Guen-tae seeing fire in Soo-won’s eyes for a brief moment. Similar to when Tae-jun saw in Yona’s expression. At this point, we’re theorizing that Yona is a reincarnation (or related to Hiryuu) in some way. Could it be that Soo-won is also? Okay, into something a bit more specific in character parrales. Let’s look at the way Ik-soo described Hiryuu in the prophecy. He was described as a God that came down to the heavens, fell in love with the people, and used the power of the dragon warriors to fight for his Kingdom. Yona is searching for the power of the Gods. Soo-won is searching for the power of people. Neither is doing both yet, though. Is this split just a coincidence or is there something more going on? Soo-won as we can see is an intelligent ruler that knows how to lead similar to how Hiryuu was described. And Yona is a compassionate and kind girl that knows what is in people's hearts. I've been curious for so long what the prophecy is about. The overarching mystery of the story. And these two characters seem to be each other's half at every turn. Like, what is going on?? I want to introduce this perspective to you because it's extremely interesting to look at these characters like this, especially going forward. In any case, I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Thank you for the reaction as always too ^^


YES!! I can't imagine just ending in 7-8 episodes! Noooooo, so glad we hae the manga to look forward to!


Yesssss, I love that Soo-won makes friends with the wife! :) and yeah, Soo-won has become SUCH an intriguing character, eh?! I'm so excited to get more into him in the manga! And it's crazy you're thinking the similarities between Yona and Soo-Won with the fire in his eyes. But yeah, technically, they should both have the blood of the red dragon (except Yona has the red hair), so that's interesting! Hmmmm.....but yeah, I'm very curious if we'll find out more about Il and his disdain for Soo-won, and him reading the book....maybe he knew Yona was the descendent of the red dragon and wanted to set her up to be queen? I'm so curious, too! :) It'll be neat to see what happens moving forward! Thank you for the kind word and comment!


I LOVED these two episodes -- the break from the pattern was fine with me, and made me so intrigued about Soo-won's character! It's interesting that the manga orders this entire plot point differently. And yes, I am waiting to learn more about Il's past, but it's clear Soo-won could become a great king for his people...it's just frustrating because it stands directly against Yona and Hak's goals, hahahaha! But YESSSSSS, I'm sooooo excited for the Green Dragon - and oooh, I've watched Episode 17 already, so I did research after the episode, and let me tell you -- HOW I FANGIRLED when I researched during the discussion who his VA was! :)


I'm so sorry to get back so late to your comment but this is so well said! You definitely have brought up some lingering thoughts I've had about the timeline -- why was it so important that Soo-won move fast to take the kingdom back? THAT is the big questions, I can't wait to get into the manga to find out more! But SERIOUSLY, I'm amazed how underrated this series is; it literally has EVERYTHING -- action, romance, comedy, drama -- this episode has definitely cemented it up there with Banana Fish and Attack on Titan for me because of how engaging, complex, and fun it is! And yeah, you basically have two major storylines, one with Yona/Hak and the Dragons and one with Soo-won and his generals -- it's going to be interesting to see how they connect and meet each other! Thank you for the comment!!


I'm sorry for getting back to your comment late! Wow, this is VERY interesting, and sets up a really cool idea -- I wonder if the manga is setting up the idea that both Soo-won and Yona could be inheritors of Hiryuu's will and it will be a "test" of the dragons to see who they will follow: Soo-Won or Yona -- and if they choose Yona, it's because of their loyalty to HER and not the blood of Hiryuu? That would be interesting! Of course, I have no clue if it would even come to that decision, but the idea that both her and Soo-won are the embodiment of Hiryuu reincarnated is interesting... And I've noticed the parallels of Soo-Won = gathering power of the people/Yona = gathering power of the gods...now, what the show/manga does with this has me excited! Thank you for putting this perspective out there! That's definitely given me more to think about as we move forward, and I like it! :) Thanks for the comment and kind words, too! :D

Kixkay (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-02 13:39:48 Yknow rewatching this episode, I know we said Soo-won seems like Yao from mdzs, but this episode made me think he’s actually more of a Nie Huaisang. Which has me screaming bc it’s no wonder I’m so intrigued with his character—the scheming pretty boys are always my type!! Lol, but I really like how the anime takes the time include this part of the story in this way. We get a peak into Soo-Won’s ruling in the kingdom and his strategic intelligence. He really planned everything to a tee, and it’s so nice that we get Geun-tae’s perspective. Because had we not seen Yona’s side of the events, we would have also looked at Soo-won as the rabbit Geun-tae sees. We, too, would have underestimated such a frivolous person. That’s why I think Soo-won is more Nie Huaisang than Yao now because Nie Huaisang was the “Headshaker”, hiding behind this weak persona as he enacted this elaborate scheme for vengeance behind the scenes. Ahhh, Yona is so goooood. I really can’t wait until you get to the next episode! I also can’t wait until you get further into the manga — it’s such a shame there isn’t a second season because there’s so much manga that could be covered in in at least three more seasons. But, alas, I’ll just have to settle with what we’ve been given so far. In the mean time, your reactions & reviews will fill my Yona void!! 😁😁😁
2022-01-18 00:22:12 Yknow rewatching this episode, I know we said Soo-won seems like Yao from mdzs, but this episode made me think he’s actually more of a Nie Huaisang. Which has me screaming bc it’s no wonder I’m so intrigued with his character—the scheming pretty boys are always my type!! Lol, but I really like how the anime takes the time include this part of the story in this way. We get a peak into Soo-Won’s ruling in the kingdom and his strategic intelligence. He really planned everything to a tee, and it’s so nice that we get Geun-tae’s perspective. Because had we not seen Yona’s side of the events, we would have also looked at Soo-won as the rabbit Geun-tae sees. We, too, would have underestimated such a frivolous person. That’s why I think Soo-won is more Nie Huaisang than Yao now because Nie Huaisang was the “Headshaker”, hiding behind this weak persona as he enacted this elaborate scheme for vengeance behind the scenes. Ahhh, Yona is so goooood. I really can’t wait until you get to the next episode! I also can’t wait until you get further into the manga — it’s such a shame there isn’t a second season because there’s so much manga that could be covered in in at least three more seasons. But, alas, I’ll just have to settle with what we’ve been given so far. In the mean time, your reactions & reviews will fill my Yona void!! 😁😁😁

Yknow rewatching this episode, I know we said Soo-won seems like Yao from mdzs, but this episode made me think he’s actually more of a Nie Huaisang. Which has me screaming bc it’s no wonder I’m so intrigued with his character—the scheming pretty boys are always my type!! Lol, but I really like how the anime takes the time include this part of the story in this way. We get a peak into Soo-Won’s ruling in the kingdom and his strategic intelligence. He really planned everything to a tee, and it’s so nice that we get Geun-tae’s perspective. Because had we not seen Yona’s side of the events, we would have also looked at Soo-won as the rabbit Geun-tae sees. We, too, would have underestimated such a frivolous person. That’s why I think Soo-won is more Nie Huaisang than Yao now because Nie Huaisang was the “Headshaker”, hiding behind this weak persona as he enacted this elaborate scheme for vengeance behind the scenes. Ahhh, Yona is so goooood. I really can’t wait until you get to the next episode! I also can’t wait until you get further into the manga — it’s such a shame there isn’t a second season because there’s so much manga that could be covered in in at least three more seasons. But, alas, I’ll just have to settle with what we’ve been given so far. In the mean time, your reactions & reviews will fill my Yona void!! 😁😁😁


Ooohhh, I hadn't even THOUGHT about HuaiSang...hmmmm...that's interesting! I guess we'll see how good of an "actor" Soo-won is, won't we? :) Very curious... And yes! Getting to see the strategy Soo-won is going with and seeing the dominos falling into place was REALLY good -- and if we compare Geun-tae to Mingjue, the HuaiSang comparison gets even more intriguing...you bring up a LOT of good points, here! I have really come to LOVE Yona! I cannot wait to get to our Green Dragon boy and to the manga afterwards! Thanks so much for the kind words and I'm glad you're enjoying my ramblings!

Toni simi

Since Akayona is one of my favourite manga it makes me really happy to see how far up it is on your list. I find it intriguing that Soo-won has parallels with a lot of characters. Yona, Ill, his father. Yuno is so precious. And I love the relationship she and Geun-tae have. They're so sweet together. Soo-won is a character I could talk about for hours since he's really interesting and well written. I really like that we get shown how Soo-won tries to rule the kingdom from the perspective of someone else. We also see a little bit of what Soo-won has planned for the near future. It's amazing how smart he is and thought about the smallest things. The moment Soo-won got serious in the fight gave me goosebumps. It was terrifying. As much as I love Yona and our group, sometimes I wish Soo-won would be the MC, he's so interesting and you just want to find out more about him. I also really want to see what is going on inside the castle. Kixkay's comment about that Soo-won is more like Nie Huaisang makes so much sense. I haven't thought about that but I totally see it. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Yessss, this really cemented it up there! And yessss, so many parallels between Soo-Won, Yona, Il, etc. I love the husband-wife dynamic that Geun-tae and Yuno have, as well! It's so neat to be getting into Soo-won's character! And THAT FIGHT -- it definitely has me intrigued, along with his strategizing!! It's so frustrating, because you want them both to be MC - Yona and Soo-won - and to see them at odds with each other, but both trying to do good, is heartbreaking! And I agreeeeee too about the similarities more to HuaiSang than Yao, now. Y'all have converted my thinking! Thanks for the kind words and have a great day, too!