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*Headphone Warning, Maybe?*

Oh, Link Click, you're at it again with the stress-inducing, tense, time warp mind games, aren't we? This episode had me on the edge of my seat -- at least it seemed to have a wholesome, happy ending, eh?

Of course, now...the secret's out about the legitimacy of Lu and Cheng's ability, and Detective Xiao Li just so happens to have a "familiar" case he wants our boys to investigate...hoo buddy... *nervous chuckle*

Thanks for watching with me and for the support!


Link Click: Episode 7 Reaction! "Aunt May!"

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 3:06): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Zv5nAQZBFstXbuV6xVJdmy? *Headphone Warning, Maybe?* Oh, Link Click, you're at it again with the stress-inducing, tense, time warp mind games, aren't we? This episode had me on the edge of my seat -- at least it seemed to have a wholesome, happy ending, eh? Of course, now...the secret's out about the legitimacy of Lu and Cheng's ability, and Detective Xiao Li just so happens to have a "familiar" case he wants our boys to investigate...hoo buddy... *nervous chuckle* Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anastasia -

OHHKAAAY rule of 8 is there to get us again! Next case must be a major one. Let us hope the boys' well-meaning doesn't drag any more people into trouble...


Cheng definitely didn't watch BSD, otherwise he wouldn't have picked a rolling - not suspicious at all- ball. He has some things to learn from our best boy Oda. I was waiting for your reaction to the "Sending you to heaven" punch. The punch itself, Cheng looking at his fist, Lu's face and the music kicking in, all of it just makes that moment EPIC haha I couldn't stop laughing I also love the fact that they - somehow - showed the kidnapper's personality with her talisman. Otherwise it would have been like, mmm a weird way to solve it, but the fact that she actually BELIEVES in spirts, ancestors and punishment gives so much more sense to the fact that she believed Cheng's words, nice thinking there from our boy. And our trio wearing the masks has to be one of the cutest things. Somehow it's expected from Cheng and Qiao, but Lu? that's just too perfect And of course it had to end on a cliffhanger after that wholesome and cute moment of reunion, I mean is Link Click what we're talking about haha Anyways, can't wait to see your reactions to the last 4 episodes *evil laugh* it's gonna be a RIDE


Such a good reaction Romania! I absolutely love it. Yes, this episode starts with brushing off the unexpected encounter as a heatwave hallucination. I'm fine with it. What I'm not fine with is that it suggests Lu and Cheng were on a vacation overseas together. Show you can't just brush off this detail like it's nothing. Do feed us with more. Are they secretively getting married abroad and on a honeymoon lol? Although Doudou was still a kid back then, but once Cheng inhabited his body, Cheng would take his own strengths and other physical conditions with him. In the basketball episode, we've established that Xiao is nearsighted but Cheng inhabiting Xiao's body is not. I like how the show keep these tiny details consistent. Yes, this arc ends with a happy reunion, although the traumas already done to both the parents and the kid can't be erased. But at least it's a better ending than we would've expected. As for what will happen to the Emma's case, we'll see. I can't wait for you to find out!


Hahaha yesss, Cheng should've watched BSD and learnt his lesson. I wonder what fancy literary names would his and Lu's "gifts" have if they are in BSD lol

WuXian Suibian

And we've come full circle. All I am going to say is that in my opinion the writing so tight, all these details and experiences mean something. Each experience they have from each of the cases adds new layers. Can't wait for the next several reactions.


The writing is SO good in this series -- and yeah, it's allllll come back around...now to see what happens with it! @_@ I haven't watched further than this, yet, so it's going to be a ride, I'm sure! @_@ Thanks for the kind words!


THE RULE OF EIGHT IS NEEEXXXXTTTT....I'm really excited! I can't wait to see what's in store as we move towards the final arc of season 1! :) :)


Thank you for the kind words! It reminded me of Episode 4, where we think the cliffhanger is going to lead into some time-bending ridiculousness...and then it gets played off; not that I'm complaining, though! This ends much better than Episode 5. And seriously, what were our boys doing overseas? Hm? HMMM?!?! Ahh, and that's a good point about the kid gaining Cheng's strength; I like that consistency, too! Ahhh...and yes, the trauma is there, but at least Doudou is ALIVE. I was really afraid it would end up like Emma's case....speaking of which.....I need to watch Episode 8, don't I? :)


Cheng's the hero here. Not only did he give "Auntie Mei" that awesome punch, found her ID, but he also managed to find her weakness and play it up when he had just moments left. Convincing her that her ancestors were watching and were angry about her actions...not only did that save Doudou from being sold off somewhere but how many other children would she have kidnapped and in those three years? She might not have been captured either. They could only stage their little super warriors skit at the end because Cheng had the dream about that past moment. This episode was amazing in how tightly woven together the plot was. And now...Emma again. Dun dun DUN!


Yesss, I love the satisfied look Lu gives in that moment, knowing that Cheng figured all that out! It's so good! And the fact that it kept both Doudou and other children safe; yeah, Cheng was a hero in this episode! It was such a good two-parter!! But now....Emma's resurfaced, and I don't get good vibes. @_@


God, that ending. I'd been watching just an episode or so ahead of you, buuuuuuut after this I ended up binging through the rest of the season, lol. 100% will not blame you if you can't wait a week between episodes from here out!

Toni simi

I was so tense watching the scene in the hotel. My heart was beating so fast. And the little "jumpscare". Made me realize how bad I am with horror. XD I love that Cheng Xiaoshi learned from the last time that even if he can't change the past he has a chance to change the present/future. They may not be able save a person from living trough something horrible but they can help them so they won't have to suffer even longer. I didn't know there was an OVA when I fist watched it so I was a bit confused but I just thought that was something they learned in the past so luckily it wasn't too bad that I haven't watched it. I really hope all the family members will be able to recover now that they're reunited. Of course the Emma case would come back. This is why Lu Guang should have told Cheng Xiaoshi from the start that she died. Now I'm afraid what will happen. If Cheng Xiaoshi will find out. If yes how will he react? What does Lu Guang plan to do? The cliffhanger with the music is too good. At this point I was watching all the episodes in one go. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Yes, I'm not good with horror, either, so that entire hotel scene had me on the edge of my seat! And YES, Cheng has learned and that knowledge helped him save doudou; no wonder Lu was so happy/impressed in that moment! I'm glad the OVA tied into the main plot; it helps add to the relevance of it -- and yesss, I really hope the dad and mom can finally be at peace with their son, now. And I AM AFRAID TOO -- The Emma case coming back up, right as Lu and Cheng were getting along again is going to be....interesting....The cliffhanger is so good in these shows, but now I'm definitely nervous for the future! Hoo boy.... thanks for the kind words and have a great day, too! :D