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Hey everyone! 

I finished editing my ProMare reaction, but the file is too large for my unstable Internet connection to upload from home, so I'll have to get it uploaded at my work tomorrow (I feel like a hacker, borrowing their connection), but the reaction should be out by Monday evening! ^^

The only other "large file" reactions I have right now are with The Untamed and Ace of the Diamond -- because I have to use my work connection to upload them, and it's about to be holiday break where I'm off work, I may, after this week, record a little ahead with both of those shows so I can upload the reactions before break. 

I just wanted to let you know, in case things we talk about in the comments aren't reflected until later in the videos! #transparency ^^ I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!



Jordan G

Gasp. I'm so excited, I've been obsessed with Promare ever since I watched it a few months ago and now I'm hyped for your reaction to it. I guess I'll have to wait after I take my final to see it though 😔


I LOVE Promare, now, and I'm so glad I watched it! :) I tried to upload it last night, and the file's just too big (makes sense it's a 2 hour movie plus the two OVA's), but it'll be up by tomorrow evening -- it'll be a post-final treat, eh? :)