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**Headphone and Sobbing Warning Throughout**

This isn't the direction I saw this series taking back in Episode 3, but our mini-arc (seemingly) reaches its conclusion with an extremely emotional look into the importance of our past and how it impacts our futures...and the relevance of that impact, despite how grim that past may be, and how much we wish we could change it. 

Y'all...this has been the hardest discussion for me to get through with an episode of a series; definitely the hardest since a certain Violet Evergarden episode (seems fitting this show took its place, now). Please forgive my sobbing; this episode left me a MESS. 

But thanks for watching with me, and for the support!


Link Click: Episode 5 Reaction! "FAREWELL!"

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 4:23): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gnBgBoEiGb71cv2Z3sXTLP? **Headphone and Sobbing Warning Throughout** This isn't the direction I saw this series taking back in Episode 3, but our mini-arc (seemingly) reaches its conclusion with an extremely emotional look into the importance of our past and how it impacts our futures...and the relevance of that impact, despite how grim that past may be, and how much we wish we could change it. Y'all...this has been the hardest discussion for me to get through with an episode of a series; definitely the hardest since a certain Violet Evergarden episode (seems fitting this show took its place, now). Please forgive my sobbing; this episode left me a MESS. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Thank you for reacting to this show! Yes this arc really hit me too. Cheng crying saying he doesn't want to be left alone as the mom dies is so sad. This is one of my favorite arcs of all anime and this show is one of my rare 10/10. Never mind the OST that plays. So thank you again for reacting. Also I could be wrong, but I don't think the camera survived before they jumped back in time. So him saving the camera gave the client closure. Plus the client doesn't remember asking them to go back in time since he never would have needed to. So when he walked into the studio he had no memory lol. Regarding the next episode I wanted to warn you that it is kinda like an OVA. It doesn't take place chronologically after episode 5. It takes place some time before but it is important to the story. Thanks again!


I think we mentioned in the last reaction that no one knows if Cheng's parents are dead - they just disappeared and that leaves him open to wondering if any disaster might have been the one that killed them (assuming they are dead - probably, but not certain). This one is the hardest to watch. Really, really hard. He has to try but there is an inevitability to it - Fate maybe. Aside from him ending up making things worse, it's as if destiny has already decided their ends and no matter what he does, somehow all those people will still end up dying the way they were "meant" to. The guy from his team went inside, even though he was warned and clearly planned to stay outside. But then, if he'd been outside or under a table...Fate would have seen him dead. Even with the mother, he just couldn't save her, even actively trying rather than being sneaky about it. I think that may be the lesson Lu Guang wanted Cheng to learn. It's not even so much that you shouldn't change the past but the past is on a set path and no one can reroute it. Gah! I keep hitting the enter key and ending the comment by accident! I liked that we got to see the "new" version of the client, who ended up finding the camera years later and took it to them (not aware that a different version of him already went to them for help). And yeah, it's sad that Cheng never gets to know just how his actions in the past helped/changed who the guy is currently. More at peace with himself, happily married with a child, successful and not ripping himself up over guilt about the past. He got to say what he needed to say. And I think those last moments with his mother were different and probably what he needed the most. So they did affect that one person's future in a positive way, and his son's future as well most likely. Still, it makes sense that Cheng will be reluctant to go into any pictures for a while or to trust Lu Guang. A break is needed.


Ugh, such a good episode and reaction! Erwins charge is an absolute goosebumps moment every single time I rewatch it. I prefer this anime in sub, but Erwins speech I must admit hits incredibly in the dub, I feel it really kicks it up a notch because you aren’t focusing on reading, you can absorb the words and emotions behind them better. If you’re ever with a spare minute, I’d really recommend watching just Erwins speech/charge in English too, takes it to a whole nother level! Some will disagree, but I’d love your opinion on the dub voices too 😊 Fantastic decision with watch the holy trinity episodes back to back, trust us, we wouldn’t want you to miss a moment of it! Looking forward to the next few reactions, will keep you in my thoughts haha ♥️


Damn I can’t believe my comment got deleted again and I didn’t save it anywhere. Too many thought and I don’t know where to begin. This episode is so hard to get through but it’s also amazing. I wanna first talk about the issue of time. I think Xiao did originally get the camera out because in episode 3, just before Cheng entering the photo, he noticed that it was the one he developed a few days ago. This means that before Cheng diving into the past, Xiao did find the old camera at his home and came to the studio. When Cheng was developing the photo in the dark room, he did not even know those people in the photographs because he hasn’t met them yet. The last of the three rules Lu set for Cheng is translated as “past or future, just let them be” in the Funimation subtitle. But its original Chinese line is something like “Do not discuss (or linger on) the past; do not ask about the future.” In this episode, when Cheng came back and punched Lu, Lu said two things to Cheng. The first one is “I’ve told you not to linger on the past because the past cannot be changed (i.e., those killed by the earthquake are gonna die anyway)” and the second line is “not to ask about the future because future is bound to change because of us.” And then it shows the wedding ring on Xiao’s finger. I went back to episode 3 and checked, Xiao wasn’t wearing a wedding ring when he approached the jogging Lin from behind. So this probably means that he couldn’t let his remorse go and never got married. But now, since Cheng has entered the photo and delivered his final words to them, the universe has already started re-syncing its timeline so that Xiao did feel at ease and began to move on, got married, and have a son. So what Cheng did does have a point, even though he couldn’t resurrect the dead. I love the imagery of embrace in this episode. At first it was Cheng’s mom embracing him on the bed when he was little, and so did Xiao’s mom. Later Xiao’s mom embraced him one last time to protect her son in the wreckage. In the present, Xiao returned him to embraced his son as a loving parent as his mom was. And Lu Guang, though just being punched right on the face, chose to embrace Cheng Xiaoshi to comfort him. I guess this unbroken line of passing down love and care is the message of this episode. We take the love received in our life, carry it on, and give it back to those who need it from us. The song they inserted at the end of the episode is just beautifully written. The vocal and the lyrics hit me every time. Episode 5.5 takes place sometime before the current timeline, and episode 6 will pick up what’s left off at the end of this episode. Have fun :)


This arc was just such beautiful writing; thank you for the kind words and comment! I have to say that this arc stands out in any anime, like you said -- it's just SO DARN GOOD. 10/10 indeed! It hit me to my core and I wasn't expecting it! Also, I'm glad y'all pointed out that the camera originally didn't survive and THAT is the change in time that affects the future as far as the man doesn't have to ask Lu and Cheng in the future to go into the pictures...man...it's just...so good. And yes! I just watched the OVA the other day and it was so sweet, and was a nice "breather" after this episode! :)


Yes! I watched this back-to-back with Episode 4, so I didn't get a chance to take in the comments from last episode on here. :) This episode was just HARD, indeed. And it's a hard lesson that changing the past isn't always possible...but then...everything isn't doom and gloom; for the client, life goes on...and it's not bad. He has a child and a seemingly better relationship with his father. It's such a tough episode to watch, but the themes within it are something that really cut to my core. Having lost loved ones who were young and had so much ahead of them, it brings up a lot of hard questions and possible truths. And knowing that the client was more at peace with themselves was touching. But yeah, I don't blame Cheng for taking a break. I just hope him and Lu mend their connection with one another. Yeah, a break was definitely needed! Thanks for the comment!


The timeline in this episode is crazy, but man...yeah...this episode was hard, but it was SO GOOD. Oooohhhh, see, I hadn't paid attention to Xiao's hand to notice that the wedding ring is new....wow.....but YES, I love the idea that there could be a future and a REASON for Xiao going back and telling those things to those people to not only get closure but also show that life "goes on" and it can be in a positive way (Xiao with his son). *cue more crying* And yesssss, the imagery of "embracing" and that song connecting them all together... *cries more* Yep, I agree 100% with your message in the comment! That song at the end is gorgeous; this episode definitely has been my favorite and has elevated this series! But YES, I've only made it to Episode 5.5, but it was a MUCH needed break after this episode. Thank you for the kind words and comment!


Oooh, I honestly haven't listened to much in the dub -- the sub cast is SO good -- but now that you recommend it, I'll try to go back and listen to that speech in the dub! :) Anything to get more time with Erwin, right?! And ahhh....watching those three episodes back-to-back...a great decision, but now I need to take some days off to breathe...before diving into the last four episodes. @_@ Thank you so much for the kind words and comment!!


Trying this again on mobile… I’m crying with you. This episode was heartbreaking. It seems kind of cruel to let Cheng stay in for that experience, but my assumption is that Lu Guang didn’t think he would be able to convince Cheng to leave quietly, so he decided just to make sure nothing else changed. And after reading other peoples comments I realize that I missed a lot the first time around. It was the job itself that changed the client’s life so much that he has a family now. Did Lu Guang anticipate that sort of possibility? I don’t think he did. But I’m not sure anymore 😵‍💫

Toni simi

The voice acting this episode was amazing and heartbreaking. We as the viewers also connect so much with the person Xiaoshi is in that we really can understand why he wants to change the past. But he just can't. "I'm scared of being alone." This was the line that completely made me a mess. The theme of loss this episode really got me. I really like it when shows do give us that but it also is really hard to watch. What I noticed in my rewatch is that when we first met Xiao and he like creepily reaches for Qiao Ling we see that he doesn't have a ring. Which means the reason he now is married and has a kid is because Xiaoshi delivered the messages and he could move on. So he made good changes. All these people sadly shill had to die but he luckily could save Xiao from living a life full of regrets. I want him to see and realize that. Just because it isn't the perfect outcome doesn't mean it didn't helped someone. Wish you a wonderful day!!


UGH, this episode was just HEARTBREAKING! I really felt for Cheng in this episode but I agree with your point about Lu and his decision to let Cheng stay in. And that's a great point about the change that's happened because of this mission -- it's crazy, because of how BIG of a change it is, right?! Curiouser and curiouser...


YES! The voice acting, especially from Xiao/Cheng was soooo good! And yes, the relatability to the characters and the situation in this episode was WILD. UGH, that line Cheng/Xiao said was gut-wrenching. Yeah, the theme of loss; it cut to the core of me, for sure. And oooohhhh, okay, I was wondering about the ring, but it makes sense now...still, their actions have had a MAJOR impact on Xiao's future...I wonder about that, but yeah...it's interesting to say the least! Thanks for pointing that out, for the kind words, and I hope you have a great day, too!