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Oh, I have a feeling I'm going to LOVE the shenanigans between our trio of WuXian, Cheng, and HuaiSang...better enjoy the happy times while they last, eh? *sniffles*

We get more into the Gusu flashback as our boys are just trying to have fun in the Cloud Recesses, but Wangji is having NONE of it. We meet Su She, there's water ghouls to deal with, and a mysterious Lan Yi enters the picture! Complete with fashionista rabbits and ivory instruments! 

This set of episodes was just what the doctor ordered! Thank you for watching and for the support!


The Untamed: Episodes 5-6 Reaction! SHENANIGANS IN THE CLOUD RECESSES!

Link to Reaction (starts at 3:06): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/rXFrAyMd51w22hJHSefYs4? Oh, I have a feeling I'm going to LOVE the shenanigans between our trio of WuXian, Cheng, and HuaiSang...better enjoy the happy times while they last, eh? *sniffles* We get more into the Gusu flashback as our boys are just trying to have fun in the Cloud Recesses, but Wangji is having NONE of it. We meet Su She, there's water ghouls to deal with, and a mysterious Lan Yi enters the picture! Complete with fashionista rabbits and ivory instruments! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


WuXian Suibian

Xiao Zhan's smile slays me, god it can melt ice and melts me every time. He just oozes WWX'S mischievous side and does such a good job portraying a character that is different than his real personality. Lan Wangji, man of few words - "Boring" "Very Boring" "Never" "no" "preposterous" "absurd" Frat boy trio, are best buds and chaotic together.


First, your uploads always make my mondays so much better!! The untamed was my second adaptation after the donghua and while a bit ridiculous at times (seaweed wigs ahem), it's so dear to my heart still. Wangji is also my favorite character, probably in all fiction, and i firmly believe that once his character starts developing in the show, you'll be absolutely taken with Yibo, as I was. Adult Wangji portrayed by him is pure devastation, and while he fumbled a bit at the start, he becomes a master of the microexpressions we know and love Wangji for.


He impressed me, honestly. Wangji is a difficult person to play because of the microexpressions and when he gets it, he *gets* it


And so, begins the deviation from the novel… it’s a change that I am actually okay with. We get to see more of their shenanigans and can fully see all the relationships be developed. If this had been in the donghua maybe I would not have enjoyed it as much, but since it is a drama, which are typically known for being long and slow, it is a change that I am alright with. So, the romantic subplot thing with Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng was not originally in the script. It was mostly created to fill up space. As you know the directors were originally going to remove the “bl” aspect from the drama and turn it into a story about Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian. Due to boycotting from fans, this was fortunately changed back to the original. However, they had already filmed a few scenes and provided a draft to the actors so it would be a bit unfair if they removed a huge chunk from Meng Ziyi’s (Wen Qing’s actress) expected role. Therefore, they ended up diverting the romantic scenes of Wen Qing towards Jiang Cheng. Yanli in the novel is considered weak (average?) in terms of cultivation. So, I guess with the drama they had to justify why she was allowed to study at the Cloud Recesses by saying that she is easily ill as opposed to weak in cultivation.

Sophie biasland x

I swear they were both made for the roles of Wuxian and Wangji Xian Zhan in those clothes and with that hair is exactly how I would imagine WWX to look in real like! He really got the character perfectly even the smile is the same. The people that cast him are geniuses 👀


The casting is so crazy good in this show! I totally agree -- the actors for WuXian and Wangji are *chef's kiss* Yesss, Zhan is so perfect as WuXian -- they really struck a gold mine with him in this series!!


Frat Boy Trio! The chaotic gremlin and his crew! I LOVE their antics together! Lan Wangji is indeed a man of few words...for now. ;) And SERIOUSLY, Zhan's smile is so perfect for WWX -- It's infectious! :) :)


I actually like that there's some deviation -- after watching the donghua and while reading the novel and listening to the audio drama, it's refreshing to get surprised by the little changes in this version. Ahhh, I'm so glad they didn't pursue the Qing x WuXian dynamic, because there's no other person for WWX than Wangji. But I won't complain about Cheng getting some love in this series! And ahhh, that makes sense about Yanli's illness justifying her being there. That makes sense!

Anastasia -

This trio with 1 (one) braincell is one of the best Untamed-only or expanded story lines. You'll definitely get more of them! The library scene has ended us all. While in the book it's m+w pron, here... it's definitely the rendition of a famous m+m illustration from an ancient book. So... this version of WWX is definitely aware of how things are done between men! If he opened the book himself of course. Maybe Huaisang planned this as a prank on him as well! (Also athis change was a foundation for a joke that The Untamed is a fanfiction written by WWX in novel postcanon. While he wouldn't invent the Yin iron storyline, he definitely would insert m+m books and drunk Wangji in his school shenanigans.) I actually love ChengQing possibilities. Those two would be a gorgeous pair and it adds even more drama to the whole storyline. The forehead ribbon in the cave? Not subtle at all, Wangji! How to make the ancient weapon of your family stop attacking your not-friend? Claim him as your family! It goes into hilarious directions in the Untamed fanfiction sometimes. Also, there is a great meme that mainly goes like this: your headband may be touched by your wife only? And this brat touches it all the time? Calls you by your given name? Inserts himself in your life firmly? Okay, he's the wife then, it's simple. The one thing I actively dislike in these subtitles. they often erase the not-so-subtle speech traits in forms of address. WWX could never say "Yanli" insted of "shije", Wangji only ever refers to his brother very politely but without a title, and leaving only the name instead of family name+name makes people watching think it is an allowed form of address with real people. Not so difficult to keep the family name in, show! The other thing I don't like is the small spells that look flashy but are never repeated when they might save the day. Those tricks WWX showed right after resurrection? That mind-control talisman? Could be useful later you know? Nah let's just forget those exist. Biling lake and sword riding special effects are just... so bad. A bit too lazy even for a forgiving spectator to watch. Lan Qiren and Cangse's relationship is totally canon! I mean, not that it ever was referred to as romantic, but according to MXTX interview Cangse was teasing him often and then got really angry when he, adhering to rules, didn't help some disciples (peers probably? maybe) on a night-hunt. Then she shaved off his beard (newly grown?) in his sleep. "Difficult for him to keep his beard in order", oh yeah. And, hearing this story, WWX managed to repeat the deed before he got thrown out of Cloud Recesses! Ahh, strong female cultivators are the best. That was an addition I didn't mind in the slightest. Baoshan looks badass! As for Wen siblings relationship, hmm... I think I liked novel angle the best: there was no "instant bff" or schoolmates feelings, just a passing gesture of kindness Wuxian is so fast to share and forget, and it makes Wens pay attention. But then, then they help him just because it's only right to help. They are good people, they just can't rat him out. And that, the vagueness of this connection, the chivalry that exists in selected hearts only in this world, is what brings them together, and to their doom. For me it just made a more emotional story than "oh yeah we are friends i will help". People that don't really know each other are eager to do things to help just because injustice is happening. WWX also doesn't really know them as people when he goes all out to save them, and their families, and their former servants, but he can't refuse, he wouldn't be himself otherwise. And Jiang Cheng wouldn't be himself if he helped, he needs a connection to try and fight for those people they just don't have (that makes it even sadder in the Untamed where he does).

Toni simi

Jiang Cheng's type is literally just Nie Huaisang. And they're in my top 3 ships in MDZS so i'm obviously not complain about it. XD I love that in The Untamed we get to see more of the dynamic between Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang. We get to see how close they are and that makes it even sadder that in the end they broke apart.


Oooohhhh...I just re-watched the MDZSQ episode where Cheng is going on about the "perfect wife," and hm. Hm. HM. Yeah, wow, I guess HuaiSang WOULD fit into that, wouldn't he? I do love that we see more of this trio in these episodes -- their friendship is so great, which DOES make it all the sadder when we know how things are going to go for them later on. T_T


Yes! I’m so excited to see more of our trio! 😊 Ahhh, and that’s interesting to note about WuXian giving Wangji the mlm illustration – oh, honey, you sealed your fate! And maybe it was HuaiSang behind it all! Hahaha! I love it! I’m all for the ChengQing content – our sour grape needs some love, and Qing is so cool and badass, but still proper – I can see them being a good match! And Wangji is SO not subtle with the forehead ribbon! Yeah, WWX is LWJ’s wife, plain and simple, at this point…he just doesn’t realize it, haha! I wondered if Netflix was messing with the subtitles, but we all know the Shiji/Gege/nomenclature, so maybe that will be okay…and HA! I hadn’t even thought about the spells WWX doesn’t reuse…ah….*waves hand* Why use them again? XD I was never a fan of the Water Ghoul storyline in the donghua, so I’m okay that they rushed through it, here, in one episode. Those seaweed wigs made me think of the British “Old Greg” sketch, so I got a chuckle, there. I LOVE the twist that Qiren had a thing for WWX’s mother, possibly! Oh, the possibilities – and the parallels again with WWX, LWJ, and Cheng to Cangse, Qiren, and Cheng, perhaps? Still interesting and that’s neat to note! I love strong female characters in this series, and the reveal of Lan Yi and Boashan is just great! And I’m okay with either version – either WWX’s selfless helping of them in the donghua or this that’s more spread out – it leaves an impression with the Wen’s either way and keeps WuXian in character, so I’m fine with it. I’m excited to see how their involvement affects the story as we go! 😊


Yeah, they made Jiang Cheng have a crush on Wen Qing. I don’t ship it, but it’s fine, I can appreciate what it does for the story. It just felt like the show runners were just forcing a romance for Jiang Cheng. But chengsang/sangcheng will forever be my OTP XD I mean, Jiang Cheng’s wife requirements sound awfully familiar in my opinion 😏😏😏 Anyways, I think the actors are so on-point with their characters. I really love Jiang Cheng’s actor; of all the characters, he was the one who felt the most right to me. Wen Ning too. Wen Ning is baby is any adaptation. Yanli - dainty and beautiful and kind just as I imagined. Appearance-wise, I think I had to warm up to Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji’s actors, but they really grew on me! Like you said, they all really embody their characters so much that I end up believing them eventually. I can’t imagine anyone else playing those roles now. I also didn’t realize they dubbed it until after I watched the whole thing, but I can really see it now rewatching it with you. But that truly goes to show that they really did a good job at not making it so obvious that it’s been dubbed over! I love the Gusu trio (WWX/JC/NHS) antics so much!! They’re just boys being boys 🥺🥺🥺 I think that’s one thing that I like about the live action that they kind brushed past in the novel. The friendship between the three is always a fun time but also a little heart breaking because this was sort of the last time they were able to just be carefree youth before all the bad came and ruined everything. Can’t wait for more MDZS/Untamed reactions!!!


I think it's just my desire to see Cheng have any sort of happiness that I'm all on board the Qing/Cheng interactions, haha!! I'm ready to see more HuaiSang and Cheng interactions, though, since this seems to be a big ship in the fandom! :) Cheng's actor is SO good in this, too! I really love him and Ning and can't wait to see their interactions as we get later into the story -- all of the actors are really great and you can't tell the dubbing unless you really look for it. But YES! More Gusu Trio antics -- I love that they're just teens here, having a good time. :) I love seeing their friendship explored more in this! :) Especially before the Pain Train™ hits. Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I'm so excited to watch this show each week, now!