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I can't believe after nearly ten months (I started watching MDZS in December 2020), that we're at the end of the donghua...there's so much wrapped up in this episode, but it ends so sweetly and perfectly; I can't complain!

I'm not too bittersweet, though, because starting next week, I'm back to reviewing the Audio Drama/Novel/Manhua, AND I'm going to start watching The Untamed...Mo Dao Zu Shi Mondays aren't ending quite yet, until my journey is complete! ^^

Thank you so much for watching with me, and for all the support! 


Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3: Episode 12 Reaction! "Return to Seclusion!"

Link to Reaction (Starts at 5:36): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/dJtbvF5pqoDDdUWQu8YhJV? I can't believe after nearly ten months (I started watching MDZS in December 2020), that we're at the end of the donghua...there's so much wrapped up in this episode, but it ends so sweetly and perfectly; I can't complain! I'm not too bittersweet, though, because starting next week, I'm back to reviewing the Audio Drama/Novel/Manhua, AND I'm going to start watching The Untamed...Mo Dao Zu Shi Mondays aren't ending quite yet, until my journey is complete! ^^ Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



To clarify, Jiang Cheng ran away because he heard that the Wens were patrolling the area and Wei Wu Xian was very near them, so he ran to distract the Wens to save Wei Wu Xian. As a result, he lost his golden core, and Wei Wu Xian gave him his. So, at the end, who saved who? 😭 They did not clarify it in the donghua, so donghua-only might not understand it at first watch. Jiang Cheng is a complex character for me, I can get why he felt what he felt, but it is still his temper that is causing a lot of trouble for them. So sad that the donghua's finished. 😭 I only have my fanfictions with me now. I can't wait to continue on the MDZS journey for the second time with you! Yes, there are more details in the novel! As for The Untamed, they also changed quite a few things, but it is still good. Oh, to add on, some translation does not mean what they mean, like the "Whomever" that Jiang Cheng said about Lan Wang Ji, the actual meaning of what he said is something a bit worse than "Whomever". What Jiang Cheng said, "乱七八糟", which directly translates to "Mess" and many more meanings, which is degrading Lan Wang Ji. That also explains why Wei Wu Xian was angry at him.


Oh no...the first thing you're saying is you're going to will yourself not to cry... Crying in this case isn't about the show ending, it's about the content of the episode. Happy and sad tears for this one. Okay, I paused right before you started the actual episode to write this. I'll come back after. - Gosh, I just wondered if you knew I'm Serralinda over on YT... Jiang Cheng - everyone's saying the show did him dirty to end it like that but it makes sense from a storytelling POV. He needs time to process and the show would have to do some kind of montage to months later or whatever before they could maybe start to mend their relationship. All this time he's been so angry at Wuxian deserting him, so to find out that Wuxian sacrificed his most precious, most important part of himself... Ugh, and Wuxian only had to do that because Cheng tried to save Wuxian by leading the Wens away and got himself captured. The whole situation was just too much of a mess at the time and then it was too hard to bring that stuff up after time had passed. Wen Ning's line about, "You could never have surpassed him." That hurt, for Cheng's sake. He can't help who he is, he has different priorities and responsibilities than Wuxian, and he's been too affected all his life by his mother's jealousy. There are a lot of people in this story who are seriously messed up because of their parents (or lack of). Even Wuxian, though you have to look deep to see it. Otherwise, why would he keep thinking of himself as expendable, as the one who *can* sacrifice himself because he's not all that important anyway. Those two need to talk when Cheng is calmer - I'm sure they will. The Clarity Bell at the end - that was Wuxian's gift for baby Ling's one-month birthday. But the bridge incident happened, so Wuxian never was able to give it to him. Yay! Our husbands have their little one and he's a perfect child thanks to their awesome (?) parenting skills. And damned if they didn't get the song's true name in there - the fandom didn't think they would manage that. To hell with the censors! "Wangxian" is their ship name and the song name and it's the perfect way to end this amazing show. It's been a wild ride, hasn't it? Can't wait for the next version!

Anastasia -

HOB definitely has some commercials XD Not integrated though, so it depends on the platform (or you can look them up separately). SVSSS had that sanitary pads ad... OMG that was. It was, that's all. And the Untamed has some hilarious ones as well! Poor Jiang Cheng. His temper, his family history makes him react with violence at guilty feeling, at any feeling at all maybe, and these outbreaks really make him less lovable than he could be. I honestly don't appreciate that donghua gave him that little resolution and most of it painful. I've always imagined them giving each other time, wide berth, and then coming together some long years after, some semblance of old closeness could be possible then. Well, Jiang Cheng will have time here, I just didn't like him talking so softly in the end, not even voicing all of his complaints aloud. As for Wei Ying... one day he might be able to say it too, to let go of his old guilt, to tell "Yes, I paid all of my debts with everything I did". And don't even start me on Wangji helping them with that! I've read too much fanfiction to imagine which option would be more canon XD Like, Wei Ying telling Jiang Cheng "Yep I didn't leave you after all, I was right here beside you, my literal heart-soul equivalent supporting you in all you did", for Jiang Cheng telling him "I did as well as you did, I was a hero for leading them away from you, are you proud of me?"... But that's for every reader to think about themselves. MXTX just had to leave us with an open wound. Chickens, dates and wall carving! As much as those look like wedding gifts, it's also a sign that drunk Lan Zhan can finally be a baby again, play as much as he wants, to experience what he had never done in his childhood. Xichen creepily lurking at the doors again to give exposition XD That! Part! With memory of Wei-papa and Cangse! And the little one! Was just perfect. More than perfect. More than MXTX allowed herself to write! Oh god I started tearing up again. The problem of sword locking itself is probably very rare even in this world, and Suibian might be picky even by their standards, so there are no set rules. Probably it recognized the soul within a paperman as well as Golden Core inside Jiang Cheng. Ohoho, I will wait for that livestream as well! And good luck on your journey with other adaptations, of course!

WuXian Suibian

"Chinese wedding bow The first bow was to Heaven and Earth. The second was to show respect to the elderly in front of their relatives. The third bow was to each other. These three bows are still performed at most weddings today." Love the imagery of the two that became one, during the bowing scene in the ancestral hall.


As a novel reader I’m actually very happy with the ending and how they did manage to include so many memorable scenes (wanji’s drunk shenanigans, the reveals, wangxian riding on little apple with wanji and them talking about the song) from the novel in the last episode. The wangxian instrumental duet at the end with the montage of the series was so beautiful and I’m glad we got it along with the voice actors actually singing it too even though that was separate! Im so excited for you to continue the audio drama and the novel to see how much more it expands and how all the dramatic things get so much more intense with the wonderful writing and more time spent on it. There’s so many moments that you’re going to LOVE!! With the limit they had of 12 episodes I think it was rushed (obviously) but almost still perfect. This episode had so many reveals including the golden core, the reunion of sizhui and wangxian, the whole thing with wanji’s scars and stuff and I do kind of wish they could’ve been split into at least two episodes to properly give all these scenarios time to shine as they did in the novel, especially the one with wanji’s scars and stuff because it just feels like xichen being at the other side of the door and explaining the story to wuxian wasn’t the best. It just feels kind of random or like forced just to have like an excuse to tell the story about it. I mean I understand it does make sense since they said xichen showed up to tell him in case he didn’t return but yeah that’s what I think. The Golden core scene was amazing and beautiful animated. Very tragic and I like how well done it was. I feel so bad for cheng ;-; also wangxian has finally had a moment with their son and oh my god was it adorable— and don’t even get me started on the 3 bows in the ancestral hall— they’re married your honor! From what they were able to do with censorship and time I have to give the series a solid 9.5/10 as a novel reader but if I had just continued to be donghua only then probably 11/10. It was pretty damn good!! I haven’t watched the audio dramas nor gone past episode 5 of the untamed so its so nice being able to continue the journey with you! Can’t wait for next Monday. (:

Samantha Wong

Fun fact: taking of your crown and having your hair down is the symbolism of approaching death. Only those who are dead or about to die like in an execution have their hair down like that. Which is why Wen Ning has never tied his hair up in his zombie form. So when LWJ took the crown off it’s him sending the ultimatum. Last warning, because I can kill you at this point but I won’t for the sake of my husband’s remaining loyalty to you. The spirit sword directly responds to WWX spirit and his golden core is essentially a part of him. That’s why JC can be pulled out. I didn’t agree with WWX about Madam Yu. She pitted her son and emotionally poisoned him against WWX and lay that seed of mistrust. JC didn’t run to look for WWX, he distracted the Wens because he thought WWX was going to get caught. WN had just had enough because WWX’s actions was only to protect others, it indirectly provoked attention but it simply sped up something that was already inevitable. JC on the other hand had a choice of convenience. He was perfectly happy for WWX to practice demonic cultivation during the war because it suited his needs but as soon as WWX made it clear that they needed to support the Wens that helped save them and paying back a debt, he refused to step on the toes of the other sects and stand up for innocent people. He lead the first siege that killed the doctor that gave him a second chance to cultivate again, a small group of elderly people and ultimately led to his martial brothers death. Wen Ning was of course angry at him and had enough of his family’s killer hurting his benefactor.


So many things have been said. I don't know what else to add, so I just gonna say I can't wait for you to get to the novel, the audio drama, and the Untamed. Many Chinese novels prefer a partially open ending at the final chapter, but will provide many more wholesome, happy "extra chapters" after the final chapter, and this is the case for MDZS. So watch out for these extra chapters both in the novel and the audio drama! Can't believe that the donghua has officially ended. I'm bittersweet just like you are. Sizhui's line always captures nicely how I feel at the end of MDZS adaptations: "I'm so sad but also so happy at the same time." Until next time...


I think you misunderstood the scene where Jiang Cheng is running away. It’s actually showing that Jiang Cheng noticed the Wen cultivators approaching where Wei Wuxian was (a scene shown back in ep. 12 where WWX was getting food and the Wen cultivators were creeping up behind him) and decided to distract them by leading them away from him. So Jiang Cheng sacrificed himself and his golden core for WWX, and I think this reveal is just more heartbreaking cuz its like a smack in the face that Jiang Cheng sacrificed himself for nothing since WWX sacrificed his golden core anyways. I feel like this was the one thing he held onto, knowing that he did it for Wei Wuxian, the one thing he selflessly was able to do for his brother in spite of his grief, and Wei Wuxian still managed surpass his sacrifice. The fact that WWX will never know Jiang Cheng did it for his brother too makes it all the more painful 😭😭😭 I really love Jiang Cheng’s character, and I feel that he’s widely misunderstood by some people in the fandom who only see his character at face-value. He is so complex but so simple all at once if you really study his character. The donghua kind did him dirty by altering the sequence of events and not giving him closure, but, as a novel reader, I’m not entirely mad at this finale. The golden core reveal and Jiang Cheng breaking down was so superbly done, voice acting wise and animation wise, that I bawl every time I see it. It was a good finale, especially for Wangxian. It just felt like there’s so many loose ends for everyone else other than Wangxian (although, not everyone gets closure either in the novel but I feel like there’s more an overall arc for Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng at least). I don’t hate the finale, it’s just…different. And I think it’s nice that we even have a chance to see a different version of canon. Now, onto Nie Huaisang. My best boy - despite being in the anime for like .5 seconds every single episode 😂. Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng are probably my favorite characters of the series (prob cuz they’re my favorite ship tbh 🤣). Nie Huaisang is so complex because he spent so many years playing off that he was this big fool and tarnished his own name in order to get his revenge. And. He. Succeeded. When I was reading the novel, I honestly didn’t pick up that he had anything to do with everything going on (but they make it VERY OBVIOUS in the donghua that he was sus). He was just that relatable guy who wanted to laze around and paint fans. I thought nothing of him. So when it got to his “reveal”, it blew my mind, and I became so intrigued with his character. Like, tbh, he’s the reason Wangxian got their happy ending. I don’t like how he used Lan Xichen to kill Jin Guangyao, but I don’t see any other way he should have done it that would align with his character. Like talk about twisting the knife into the wound. It shows how much NHS wanted to make Jin Guangyao suffer by making the one person JGY loved more than anything (Lan Xichen) to kill him. Every step in his plan was so deeply calculated and no one ever saw him coming is what makes it for me. Not to mention, besides Wangxian, Nie Huaisang is just out here living his best life 😂😂😂 And honestly, the one thing I think they rushed the most in this anime is the Sizhui reveal. It just kind of felt like an after thought to me. But, again, there were only so many episodes to tell this story, so I can’t blame them. Sizhui giving Wangxian a big hug and Wei Wuxian acknowledging their CHILD warmed my heart so much 🥺🥺🥺 I can’t wait until you get to it (and many more scenes 😉) in the audio drama/novel version of it! As for going into Heaven Official’s Blessing, you don’t have to do this but I highly recommend watching the first episode on a different site from Netflix. Not entirely sure why they did it this way, but Netflix actually splits the first episode into two parts. I just think it doesn’t feel like a proper first episode when it’s separated. After that, you can continue on Netflix on episode 3. I mean, feel free to watch it as you please, but this is just something I highly recommend!! (I also highly recommend the manhua because the art is just quality 😤👌👌👌)


When i tell you i cried when this show ended, i mean i literally SOBBED for about an hour. They gave us so much and so well made; I'm infinitely grateful to the animators for taking their time instead of rushing to put out the final season. I must say i felt this episode so strongly because to me it's the final adaptation of mdzs I had left to experience. This book/manhwa/donghua has such a tight hold on my heart and I don't think it's letting go for a loooong time. It's been almost 2 years and I still find myself discovering new things to love about it. On that note, I'm so happy you're going to finish both the audio drama and the novel, and that you're going to watch the untamed!! I must say, each adaptation is different in their own way, and I adore them all, and I hope you do too💕💕


Oh wow!! That scene always confused me, so that adds a WHOLE new layer to Cheng's dynamic with Wuxian! @_@ I can't wait to get more into Cheng in the novel! And ooooh, that makes sense why WuXian was so mad! Man...I'm soooo excited to get into the rest of the MDZS adaptations, but I am sad this was the last episode of the donghua! T_T


Wooooooowwww, so yeah, WangXian Wedding, basically! The imagery of them rising from the bow and being combined in one image was so wonderful! :3 Soooo happy with the WangXian moments we got this season!


I have been SO excited for the novel and audio drama! And The Untamed seems like it's going to be SO FUN! Oooh, that's cool about the idea of the "open ending" with "extra chapters." That sounds fun! :) And Sizhui is LITERALLY the audience substitute in that moment. I love how he basically said what we were all thinking! I'm sad the donghua is over, but I am happy MDZS isn't over yet...now, we get to the end of the novel, and that might be a different story.


They really went all out with this third season and I could not be more thankful for it! The animators made this show look SO good and between that, the music, and the voice acting, you can tell that SO much care went into it! If this was the last MDZS item I had to view, I think I would be much sadder, but knowing that I still have The Untamed, the novel, and the audio drama to finish, I am still excited and of course, there will always going back and rewatching the series now! Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm REALLY excited to get into the other adaptations, now! :D

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:44:14 Ooohhh, that is exciting...also...Scum Villain Self-Saving...Sanitary Pad? Welp, H'okay! XD I feel for Cheng; his well-meaning intentions but his temper just clash with one another so much. :( I do think the donghua had Cheng's story end in a surprisingly negative way, so I'm going to be VERY curious to see what the novel and the Untamed do with his character, especially in the latter acts. I find the relationship between Cheng, WuXian, and Wangji to be SO FASCINATING! And yesss, Lan Zhan can actually be youthful in spirit because the love of his life is with him! :3 D'aww! And XiChen remains to spout exposition -- "lurking at the doors again" that got me! I LOVED seeing WuXian's family and WuXian equating the happiness he felt with his parents to that with Wangji and SiZhui...ahhhh! <3 Muh Heart! Thanks for the well-wishes on the other parts of the journey! Oh my goooosh, that livestream...it's going to be fun, right?!
2021-10-27 16:46:52 Ooohhh, that is exciting...also...Scum Villain Self-Saving...Sanitary Pad? Welp, H'okay! XD I feel for Cheng; his well-meaning intentions but his temper just clash with one another so much. :( I do think the donghua had Cheng's story end in a surprisingly negative way, so I'm going to be VERY curious to see what the novel and the Untamed do with his character, especially in the latter acts. I find the relationship between Cheng, WuXian, and Wangji to be SO FASCINATING! And yesss, Lan Zhan can actually be youthful in spirit because the love of his life is with him! :3 D'aww! And XiChen remains to spout exposition -- "lurking at the doors again" that got me! I LOVED seeing WuXian's family and WuXian equating the happiness he felt with his parents to that with Wangji and SiZhui...ahhhh! <3 Muh Heart! Thanks for the well-wishes on the other parts of the journey! Oh my goooosh, that livestream...it's going to be fun, right?!

Ooohhh, that is exciting...also...Scum Villain Self-Saving...Sanitary Pad? Welp, H'okay! XD I feel for Cheng; his well-meaning intentions but his temper just clash with one another so much. :( I do think the donghua had Cheng's story end in a surprisingly negative way, so I'm going to be VERY curious to see what the novel and the Untamed do with his character, especially in the latter acts. I find the relationship between Cheng, WuXian, and Wangji to be SO FASCINATING! And yesss, Lan Zhan can actually be youthful in spirit because the love of his life is with him! :3 D'aww! And XiChen remains to spout exposition -- "lurking at the doors again" that got me! I LOVED seeing WuXian's family and WuXian equating the happiness he felt with his parents to that with Wangji and SiZhui...ahhhh! <3 Muh Heart! Thanks for the well-wishes on the other parts of the journey! Oh my goooosh, that livestream...it's going to be fun, right?!


Since about episode 4 of this season, I've become more and more excited to get back into the novel and audio drama, just for what's to come! :) It's so exciting! I definitely think they did an amazing job with all they could fit into 12 episodes and still have the animation and voice acting be as great as it was. I agree with you about XiChen and some of the plot rushing -- that Golden Core scene was BEAUTIFUL -- probably one of my favorite animations in the whole series! I definitely feel bad for Cheng and hope to get more with him in the novel and The Untamed. Ahhh, that ending with WWX, LWJ, and Sizhui together? PERFECT. I'm with you on the ranking system so far! :) That's exciting! I'm happy y'all will get to watch and listen with me for the rest of the MDZS journey! I'm so ready!!


OH MY GOSH! That symbolism with the crown taken off and Cheng's hair down...the connection to Ning....wow...and it makes sense with WuXian as the Yiling Patriarch with his hair down...controlling the dead...Oooooh, I love it! MAN, so yeah, Wangji was making a statement: Leave my man alone! @.@ Yeah, the whole thing with Madame Yu is....complicated. I definitely don't approve of all the hateful things she said to WuXian and how she warped Cheng's perception to a great extent; sure, she didn't "kill" WuXian or be as bad as she COULD have been...but that's a great point she wasn't great, either. And that's a great point about Cheng being okay with demonic cultivation as long as it "destroyed the Wen's" back when he told Wangji that in season two ( was it?) ...good point! And yeah...now knowing that Cheng drove away so many that helped him...man....it's crushing!


Yeah, I was willing myself not to so badly! And I did NOT know you were Serralinda! :D When you commented on YT that you were on Patreon, I was so surprised! Thank you SO much for the support!! ^^ The whole story with Cheng and WuXian is so heartbreaking, because you think back to season one and the promise they made and then how everything that happened got in the way of that coming to fruition -- all the "what if's" and now it all comes to a head. I felt very bad for Cheng, and it leaves him on a somber note at the end of this episode, so I'm really curious to see how the novel and The Untamed treat his character, especially at this point in the story. Yeah, the importance of parenting is a BIG theme in MDZS, and it's one that you don't necessarily get "told" to you by the story, but it's THERE. That'll be a good point to bring up in the livestream....when we eventually get to it! :) I'm hoping that at least in seclusion, maybe Cheng can reflect and he and WuXian talk one day...that would be great. OHHHHHHHH THAT explains SO MUCH about the clarity bell -- it was meant to be for Ling from WuXian! @___@ Welp....that just got me in the feels! MAN....that actually is SO sad! No wonder Ling was sad about it! And seriously, the fact that Sizhui turned out so good...I mean, he DID have Wangji raising him for a lot of his life. :) This donghua has been SUCH a ride and I've loved it, but I'm honestly not ready to leave the world of MDZS, so I'm glad I have these other adaptations as well! :) Thank you so much for the kind words!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:44:13 Ooooh, yes, I did misunderstand that! Thank you all for clarifying – that actually helps out a lot! Ugh…that’s DOUBLY sad because it means that Cheng sacrificed himself, and never realized that WuXian sacrificed his own golden core without telling him…And then…in the end he was still surpassed by him…that makes the line, “You were supposed to be my subordinate” ring more now. Wow…yeah…all the “what if’s” from their teenage years to now…I really felt for Cheng in this episode! I’ve always liked Cheng as a character because he’s complex and you can see his motivations, but it’s tragic because of how his temper can get in the way…that reveal with the golden core, though, was SO BEAUTIFUL! I’m definitely excited to see Cheng in the novel and The Untamed versions! His voice actor did a GREAT job with him this second half of the season, especially this episode. “A different version of canon” – I actually LOVE that. MDZS gets multiple endings…and they’re all official. Not many series have that. 😊 HuaiSang…man….what a character! I’m floored by his journey in this series, especially the last season; I’m definitely excited to see him fleshed out in the novel and The Untamed! And the fact that he helped WangXian get their happy ending? I love it! But I’m with you – as much as he seemed to help Wangji and WuXian, using XiChen was harsh….I’m so curious to see how this plays out in the other adaptations! But the reversal from where his character started to where he ended up was crazy. YES! The Sizhui reveal was very much in the last-minute/final hour – I’m glad we got it, but I am curious how it will be developed in other versions, and that end scene with them as a happy family?! UGH, MUH HEART. &lt;3 Oooh, interesting – thank you for that suggestion about the Netflix version of the first episode! As it gets closer, I’ll have to research outlets to watch HOB, but I am really excited to get into it and YES! I’ve heard HOB’s manhua is amazing!! Thank you for the comment and all the info! :D
2021-10-27 19:23:38 Ooooh, yes, I did misunderstand that! Thank you all for clarifying – that actually helps out a lot! Ugh…that’s DOUBLY sad because it means that Cheng sacrificed himself, and never realized that WuXian sacrificed his own golden core without telling him…And then…in the end he was still surpassed by him…that makes the line, “You were supposed to be my subordinate” ring more now. Wow…yeah…all the “what if’s” from their teenage years to now…I really felt for Cheng in this episode! I’ve always liked Cheng as a character because he’s complex and you can see his motivations, but it’s tragic because of how his temper can get in the way…that reveal with the golden core, though, was SO BEAUTIFUL! I’m definitely excited to see Cheng in the novel and The Untamed versions! His voice actor did a GREAT job with him this second half of the season, especially this episode. “A different version of canon” – I actually LOVE that. MDZS gets multiple endings…and they’re all official. Not many series have that. 😊 HuaiSang…man….what a character! I’m floored by his journey in this series, especially the last season; I’m definitely excited to see him fleshed out in the novel and The Untamed! And the fact that he helped WangXian get their happy ending? I love it! But I’m with you – as much as he seemed to help Wangji and WuXian, using XiChen was harsh….I’m so curious to see how this plays out in the other adaptations! But the reversal from where his character started to where he ended up was crazy. YES! The Sizhui reveal was very much in the last-minute/final hour – I’m glad we got it, but I am curious how it will be developed in other versions, and that end scene with them as a happy family?! UGH, MUH HEART. <3 Oooh, interesting – thank you for that suggestion about the Netflix version of the first episode! As it gets closer, I’ll have to research outlets to watch HOB, but I am really excited to get into it and YES! I’ve heard HOB’s manhua is amazing!! Thank you for the comment and all the info! :D

Ooooh, yes, I did misunderstand that! Thank you all for clarifying – that actually helps out a lot! Ugh…that’s DOUBLY sad because it means that Cheng sacrificed himself, and never realized that WuXian sacrificed his own golden core without telling him…And then…in the end he was still surpassed by him…that makes the line, “You were supposed to be my subordinate” ring more now. Wow…yeah…all the “what if’s” from their teenage years to now…I really felt for Cheng in this episode! I’ve always liked Cheng as a character because he’s complex and you can see his motivations, but it’s tragic because of how his temper can get in the way…that reveal with the golden core, though, was SO BEAUTIFUL! I’m definitely excited to see Cheng in the novel and The Untamed versions! His voice actor did a GREAT job with him this second half of the season, especially this episode. “A different version of canon” – I actually LOVE that. MDZS gets multiple endings…and they’re all official. Not many series have that. 😊 HuaiSang…man….what a character! I’m floored by his journey in this series, especially the last season; I’m definitely excited to see him fleshed out in the novel and The Untamed! And the fact that he helped WangXian get their happy ending? I love it! But I’m with you – as much as he seemed to help Wangji and WuXian, using XiChen was harsh….I’m so curious to see how this plays out in the other adaptations! But the reversal from where his character started to where he ended up was crazy. YES! The Sizhui reveal was very much in the last-minute/final hour – I’m glad we got it, but I am curious how it will be developed in other versions, and that end scene with them as a happy family?! UGH, MUH HEART. <3 Oooh, interesting – thank you for that suggestion about the Netflix version of the first episode! As it gets closer, I’ll have to research outlets to watch HOB, but I am really excited to get into it and YES! I’ve heard HOB’s manhua is amazing!! Thank you for the comment and all the info! :D


honestly, I cannot be madder at LWJ for knocking JC's headpiece off. The headpiece had a significant meaning, a "crowning" of sorts when a boy becomes an adult. This was supposed to be something done by his father, but his father died during the war, so he crowned himself, making himself the adult, and shouldered the weight of his clan. It is also incredibly rude as he himself is not someone superior to JC (since he is not a clan leader). Another thing was JC allowing them to the place where they bowed to the ancestors. JC really REALLY broke the rules doing that. In ancient China, the only ones allowed inside MUST have the surname of Jiang to step in. JC letting WWX in already broke the rules, but JC knows that WWX is part of the family even if he does not have the surname. Also, LWJ hitting JC inside that place is like beating a grandson on his ancestors' grave, not to mention JC is head of household, the symbol for JIANG. SUPER SUPER DISRESPECTFUL. It goes against EVERYTHING LWJ stood for, mannerism, rules, and justice. I understand he did it for WWX, and that's lovely because he is doing it for his precious, but that does not excuse his horrible mannerisms. I cannot understand because this made him so SO OOC. I like LWJ and WWX, but this... I don't understand. LWJ himself said don't make judgments when you don't know the full story to others who look down on WWX, this does not make him any different. He does not know the full story, yet he acted exactly what he dispised of from other people. (oh god I'm being toxic but do feel like this should be known)


Sorry for jumping in to this thread. About Sizhui turned out so good, I mean who would expect his role in the story from the first two episodes of Season 1? Back then he was just a good-looking, well-mannered, responsible and clever young cultivator from the Lan family. He was impressive but I would NEVER have expected who he is until the end. I just love him :)


To some degrees I agree with you that knocking off the headpiece is somewhat out of place for LWJ's character. Meanwhile, I also understand that the animation team probably wanted to make this scene dramatic enough to be the climax of the finale episode and they somehow decided to make JC's hair down. Probably because JC insisted on pursuing LWJ and WWX even though they decided to leave the place, and because LWJ was holding WWX simultaneously, he chose the harsh way to deter JC from approaching. But you are right, if I am being meticulous, this scene could have been done better. On the point of ancestral shrines, actually in premodern Chinese societies many ancestral shrines did serve as a public space for the local community to congregate or to celebrate festivals. For sure, MDZS is a fictional world, but I doubt if there is such a strict rule that only members bearing the family surname can enter that space. But it is true that WWX still saw himself as part of the Jiang family and took the liberty of taking LWJ in without seeking for JC's permission.


Nah, jump into the thread! :D I love Sizhui -- it all makes sense that he was their "child" this whole time, but I didn't suspect it either until the last few episodes -- it's SUCH a good reveal that Yuan was adopted by LWJ and raised as keeping WuXian's dream alive... :3 So sweet!


@Sabrina - That's an interesting point about LWJ not being in character with what he did to Cheng - I'm not as privy to the cultural significance, so that's a very interesting point about the crown with Cheng! The only thing I can think of is that it was a last resort -- that does seem out of character; I agree with Goldmund, but I AM interested (please don't spoil me) how the novel and The Untamed change this scene, if they do. Thank you for the information about the cultural rituals from this episode! You make some really good points, here!


@goldmund I'm glad y'all are bringing up the cultural issues behind the scene and I'm curious to see how the other adaptations handle this!