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This game gets MORE AND MORE EPIC as it goes -- it's been a loooooooooonnnng time since I've been this invested, nervous, hyped for a sports game, but here we are.

Mei's gremlin antics and anger reaches an all-time high, and Seidou showcases its MVP's -- and yeah, while Yuki is a straight up BOSS this episode -- the underclassmen (particularly Sawamura and Haruichi) SHINE this set of episodes!

I'm so proud of our Seidou boys...but there's still ONE inning left to go...and as Mei said, "The game isn't over yet." I don't know if I'll make it, haha!

LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/uFpRvYRBLnXYSj2reMMEwR?

Thanks for the support and for watching with me!


Ace of the Diamond: Episodes 57-59 Reaction! RELIABLE UNDERCLASSMEN!

Link to Reaction (starts at 4:55): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/uFpRvYRBLnXYSj2reMMEwR? **Headphone Warning? Maybe?** This game gets MORE AND MORE EPIC as it goes -- it's been a loooooooooonnnng time since I've been this invested, nervous, hyped for a sports game, but here we are. Mei's gremlin antics and anger reaches an all-time high, and Seidou showcases its MVP's -- and yeah, while Yuki is a straight up BOSS this episode -- the underclassmen (particularly Sawamura and Haruichi) SHINE this set of episodes! I'm so proud of our Seidou boys...but there's still ONE inning left to go...and as Mei said, "The game isn't over yet." I don't know if I'll make it, haha! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Melanie Marie

Great reactions! You said so many things I want to comment on but I think I’ll wait until the game ends just so I don’t give you spoilery clues of what might happen 😂😂


Hahahaha, thank you for not spoiling me! I'm SO excited, but SO nervous for the next set of episodes! @_@ It's going to be crazy, I'm sure!!


Ahhhh these episodes really make my heart race lmao. It being 3 episodes in 1 inning is so wild and im so glad I wasn't with this show or the manga when this game was still coming out. I'd be pulling my hair out. First I wanna say one of the funniest things to me is how tense everything is, how tense Inashiro is, how tense Seidou is, how tense the crowd is, and then you just look at Carlos and he's having a ball lmao. He's just having so much fun playing a team that's difficult and he clearly loves the tension and the high stakes. It's so good. Also, Narumiyas stance when he was trying to convince Harada to let him throw the change up was just so good. His arm dangling down like that with the sparkles in his eyes. Ugh. That boy loves a challenge and you can tell that he genuinely seems to respect Tetsu as a batter. He's a great challenge for Narumiya. Harada and Narumiya as a battery is so well balanced and you're probably right that Narumiya needs him. He needs someone who can bring him down to earth and center him and I think the fact that Harada is older than him bodes well for the situation. Narumiyas a little shit but he does still respect people older than him and Harada doesn't give on any of this stuff. He's just as confident and smart and stubborn as Narumiya is so he's not here to give him any slack. I think if Narumiya had a catcher in his own grade (cough cough Miyuki) he wouldn't listen as well, he wouldn't be as grounded and logical about certain situations. And if they were younger he'd just walk all over them I'm sure. His freak out was one of those scenes I was never expecting. It does happen and it's cool to show that they do have that space behind the dugout where they can do whatever but to go from such a cocky little shit ("80:20 now because I'm pitching" pfft) to sounding almost desperate is such a change. His voice actor is such a legend and I love his work. He's so versatile but that scene was just so realistic. The line I hate the most with this crowd, specifically the Seidou squad, is "don't get cocky". They say it to Sawamura constantly and i find it so annoying. That kid hasn't been cocky since he got told by Miyuki for shit talking Chris. But when he's doing well on the field I still think it's so insulting to just tell him not to get cocky or that it was a fluke or luck. They can't give him any credit for ANYTHING lol. Its supposed to be comedic I know but it really grinds my gears lol Yuki is, to me, everything a captain should be for a sports team. He's consistent and passionate and he shows the team how to be. Not in a nagging way but in a "we need runs. We should get some runs. I'm going to hit" and then he does kind of way. He's going to play his absolute best every single game and if others don't, then they'll lose but Tetsu will never falter or break. He'll be strong no matter what and I think a team needs that. To see their leader strong and unwavering. I just love him a lot lol Poor Kawakami 😂😂 lmao I understand your concerns it's just so sad for him. Also ties in baseball basically work where if the game is tied by the end of the 9th, they keep adding extra innings (depending on the tournament they have different maximum inning rules but I'm not sure what this one would be) and they have to complete the full extra inning. So it's not whoever scores first, because that's kind of unfair for the team who bats second, its whoever is winning by the end of the extra inning. So if they get tied up in the 9th and go into a 10th inning, if Seidou scores, Inashiro would still get a turn to tie it up or overtake. If Inashiro overtook in the 10th, then they win. I also find something quite interesting about the fact that the most we've heard Kunitomo say or think in this game has been in relation to Sawamura. The rest of this game he's been almost silent but as soon as Sawamura comes up to pitch and starts making plays, NOW Kunitomo wants to make his VA work lol. Just an interesting thought that I feel like could connect back to what that reporter was saying about how Sawamura reminds him of last year's Narumiya. Haruichis backstory is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. They're already tiny but they were TINY tiny lol. Haruichi just standing there, fists tight around that wooden bat is just so endearing and how much he looks up to Ryousuke is adorable. Diamond no Ace is actually my #1 sports anime. I watched Haikyuu first and loved it but really did fall in love with the tension and technicality behind this show. Seeing them work so hard, seeing how many players these teams actually have that gets whittled down into 9 + backups, knowing they have to fight every season for their position, seeing the story from the powerhouse school point of view instead of the underdog, it's just so good. I love and hate the tension of it all at the same time lol. Finally, my lovely Ryousuke. Thank GOD for him telling Kataoka. Just thank God. I'm sure Mochi still feels some stress about it but it's less about Ryousukes injury now and more about someone who's not Ryousuke being on the field with him. It's a normal concern that wasn't put on him by someone else and im thankful for that. Ryousuke finally trusting that Haruichi can take his place in this game and knowing that he'll hit off Narumiya is just so golden and I love it. Trusting the players pays off and it's good that Ryousuke sorted his problem himself. Such a good set of episodes, im excited for next week (even though you're nervous lol) and I can't wait to see more 👏🏼👏🏼


At least the episodes end on a specific point without an INSANE cliffhanger, but still… Carlos is just a riot; I love him. He’s a nice bit of levity when everyone else is pulling their hair out, haha! I love the body language of Mei in these episodes; he doesn’t have to say ANYTHING for you to get what he’s thinking, especially between him and Harada! I think that’s a REALLY cool parallel that he respects people older than him, when Miyuki is very much against the “senpai” mentality…hmmm… And yeah, that freakout stunned me, especially how everyone else reacted to it! And yesss, the voice acting with Mei has been GREAT! :D Yeah, Sawamura did NOT deserve any dissing with these episodes; he’s been doing GREAT this whole game so far – I get it’s probably “main character” syndrome, but still…I feel bad for our sunshine boy! At least our sunshine boy is getting the interest of the coaches…I love it! And Kunitomo at that! And the fact that Sawamura seems “similar” albeit different to Mei is fantastic…and hilarious if you believe in the shipping triangles. Yuki and Harada really showcase what good captains they are in this, especially Yuki! I love how he went from being surprised he was elected captain to being a straight up BOSS this episode! That confrontation between him and Mei was so darn EPIC! Ahh, thank you for that clarification on how the extra innings work if there’s a tie! Haruichi’s backstory (SO CUTE) and his “moment” with the wooden bat was one of my favorite moments of this set of episodes (but there were SO many good moments, though!!)! And THANK GOODNESS Ryo finally told Kataoka. *breathes* Seriously…at least that’s out there now and it allowed for that amazing moment between Ryo and his brother! I still love Haikyuu a LOT for its characters and the dynamics between all of them and their journey, but for the “game” itself, I think Diamond No Ace has taken that #1 spot – again, I’m only in the first season, so we have a LOT of character development to go and it’ll be interesting to see how that changes, but I really do love this series…and who’d have thunk? Baseball of all things! I can’t believe the game will probably end in the next set of episodes… I’m not sure I’m ready for it to be over, but I’m also excited! Thanks for the comment!


Wow, these episodes were something else! And they really dialed-up the intensity! You would think after ten episodes, the game would start to drag, but it hasn't. If anything, the one inning in these episodes was as (if not more) exciting than all of the game up to this point. Having already established that I'm not his biggest fan, I must admit that Mei really came through these episodes. He's obviously prone to theatrics, and I would have expected him to melt down completely as he started giving up runs. I mean everyone - Harada, the rest of Inashiro, Miyuki (who I think would have straight-up punched him before the game was over if he were in Harada's position :D) - seemed to expect it. But while his control did start to slip, Yuki hitting that change-up was all due to his own skill. And while his frustration did eventually get the better of him, it was in "private" and not on the mound - where he was the definitive ace. I think it earned Mei some respect from his teammates and from me. Ryosuke also earned some respect from me. I've been critical of him for a while (and I feel called-out about it, LOL), but I felt bad for him when he had to leave the game. And it's especially heartening to see him supportive of Tanba in the present and of Haruichi both in the present and in the past; I wish we had seen more of this Ryosuke. (I'm also amused by some irony in the flashback - Ryosuke calls Haruichi "weak and short". But guess who's the taller one now? :D) And Sawamura is just awesome. If the show just had him pitching all the time, I would be satisifed. I mean, it's barely been a day in canon time since he suggested to Chris and Miyuki that he wanted to try a breaking ball. Now he's getting strikes with a cutter in the qualifier final. That is incredible talent. I'll never get tired of him being the center of the story. As for answering your baseball questions, generally speaking, no player can return to play once they're removed. But there is a player who can technically enter and exit play on - potentially - every offense. This is the "designated hitter" - a player who bats in substitute for the pitcher (because pitchers are typically bad hitters). Most leagues allow DHs, with the notable exceptions of MLB's National League, NPB's Central League and, apparently, Japanese high school baseball. As for ties, strictly-speaking, in the MLB a baseball game can end in a tie. But they're all but impossible in the modern game (I think it's happened once this century...?). In normal circumstances, innings are added and played normally until the tie is broken, even if the game has to be suspended and continued at another time or date. In Japan, however, games actually can end in a tie, although even there it is not after nine innings.


That's what I've been so amazed by and love -- 10 episodes in and the game is still FRESH and fun and intense -- I love that this series can keep the games coming without them seeming repetitive at ALL. I love it! Yeah, Mei was a total gremlin (that's interesting your theory on Miyuki to punch him if he'd been in Harada's shoes), but I agree with you -- on the mound, he's still "in the game" and the Ace. He doesn't let the frustration show to his opponents any more than he can; that freakout in private was surprising, but the team and coach seem used to it... and like you said, it's in "private" and not in front of everyone. I'm SO GLAD Ryo finally admitted his injury and trusted his baby brother! I LOVED the breaking bat moment! That was so well done!! And the flashbacks between them? GOLDEN. Sawamura has OWNED his time on the mound this game! I love it that he's getting to shine in this moment and showing off the skills he's QUICKLY improved upon! Chris-senpai would be proud! :3 I love seeing our sunshine boy successful, too! That is interesting about the info on the "Designated Hitter" and about the "tie." I'm soooo curious going into this next set of episodes...there's only one inning left...so....it's probably ending next episode and I'm not ready. T__T Thank you for the comment and info!!!