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These were the episodes that cemented it: I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SERIES.
Get ready for 2+ hours of me straight-up FANGIRLING!

From Miyuki's backstory, to the build up and payoff with Chris and Sawamura, to Sawamura taking inspiration from Sanada, to Mei and Miyuki's past, to showing just how serious the stakes are with both Inashiro and Seidou...HOLY SMOKES...

...This is going to be an EPIC Finals, isn't it?!

The thumbnail doesn't do this justice, but this has been my favorite set of episodes so far!
I can't wait to watch and talk with you all!

LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2fks1BBcGR8XiVFxEUuMfQ?

Thanks for watching and for all the support!


Ace of the Diamond: Episodes 47 - 50 Reaction! I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SERIES!

Link to Reaction (starts at 5:03 ): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2fks1BBcGR8XiVFxEUuMfQ? These were the episodes that cemented it: I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SERIES. Get ready for 2+ hours of me straight-up FANGIRLING! From Miyuki's backstory, to the build up and payoff with Chris and Sawamura, to Sawamura taking inspiration from Sanada, to Mei and Miyuki's past, to showing just how serious the stakes are with both Inashiro and Seidou...HOLY SMOKES... ...This is going to be an EPIC Finals, isn't it?! The thumbnail doesn't do this justice, but this has been my favorite set of episodes so far! I can't wait to watch and talk with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Melanie Marie (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:17:51 Mei: “You should have come to Shiratorizawa…oops wrong anime” 😂😂😂 Miyuki as a kid is the CUTEST! I can’t get over his smarty pants troll attitude. And I love how Rei went to recruit Chris and ended up asking Miyuki. I love that she can see the potential of the players in the losing team (like she did with Sawamura). Speaking of Miyuki, one of the things that make him clash with his teammates is how he’s “disrespectful” towards the older students. Both Azuma & Tanba have said he hate that about him and until this episode, I had always thought that the disrespect was just part of him being such a troll. BUT, now that we have seen his backstory, his attitude makes total sense. He has led a very independent & grown up childhood, in which he has essentially raised himself and has not have to answer to anyone. So it makes total sense that he doesn’t see himself as less grown up than the older kids in the team. I ADORE the third years, especially Jun, Yuki & Ryosuke. As players, they are so inspiring and as characters they are all so interesting, unique and lovable. I just love them so much. I am so glad the mangaka took the time to develop most of the characters in the team because it is what takes this anime from good to great imo. And he also takes the time to build up the “antagonist” team BEFORE the match which I found super necessary since it makes us sympathize with them, especially Mei, and gives us at least a little bit of regret at wanting to see them lose. Plus, the hints of the relationship bt some of the players with Miyuki makes it even more exciting to see how they further explore it during the match. He’s just such a brilliant storyteller. I had never though of Jun/3rd year manager and now I can’t unsee it! Totally joining you on this ship!
2021-09-22 16:10:11 Mei: “You should have come to Shiratorizawa…oops wrong anime” 😂😂😂 Miyuki as a kid is the CUTEST! I can’t get over his smarty pants troll attitude. And I love how Rei went to recruit Chris and ended up asking Miyuki. I love that she can see the potential of the players in the losing team (like she did with Sawamura). Speaking of Miyuki, one of the things that make him clash with his teammates is how he’s “disrespectful” towards the older students. Both Azuma & Tanba have said he hate that about him and until this episode, I had always thought that the disrespect was just part of him being such a troll. BUT, now that we have seen his backstory, his attitude makes total sense. He has led a very independent & grown up childhood, in which he has essentially raised himself and has not have to answer to anyone. So it makes total sense that he doesn’t see himself as less grown up than the older kids in the team. I ADORE the third years, especially Jun, Yuki & Ryosuke. As players, they are so inspiring and as characters they are all so interesting, unique and lovable. I just love them so much. I am so glad the mangaka took the time to develop most of the characters in the team because it is what takes this anime from good to great imo. And he also takes the time to build up the “antagonist” team BEFORE the match which I found super necessary since it makes us sympathize with them, especially Mei, and gives us at least a little bit of regret at wanting to see them lose. Plus, the hints of the relationship bt some of the players with Miyuki makes it even more exciting to see how they further explore it during the match. He’s just such a brilliant storyteller. I had never though of Jun/3rd year manager and now I can’t unsee it! Totally joining you on this ship!

Mei: “You should have come to Shiratorizawa…oops wrong anime” 😂😂😂 Miyuki as a kid is the CUTEST! I can’t get over his smarty pants troll attitude. And I love how Rei went to recruit Chris and ended up asking Miyuki. I love that she can see the potential of the players in the losing team (like she did with Sawamura). Speaking of Miyuki, one of the things that make him clash with his teammates is how he’s “disrespectful” towards the older students. Both Azuma & Tanba have said he hate that about him and until this episode, I had always thought that the disrespect was just part of him being such a troll. BUT, now that we have seen his backstory, his attitude makes total sense. He has led a very independent & grown up childhood, in which he has essentially raised himself and has not have to answer to anyone. So it makes total sense that he doesn’t see himself as less grown up than the older kids in the team. I ADORE the third years, especially Jun, Yuki & Ryosuke. As players, they are so inspiring and as characters they are all so interesting, unique and lovable. I just love them so much. I am so glad the mangaka took the time to develop most of the characters in the team because it is what takes this anime from good to great imo. And he also takes the time to build up the “antagonist” team BEFORE the match which I found super necessary since it makes us sympathize with them, especially Mei, and gives us at least a little bit of regret at wanting to see them lose. Plus, the hints of the relationship bt some of the players with Miyuki makes it even more exciting to see how they further explore it during the match. He’s just such a brilliant storyteller. I had never though of Jun/3rd year manager and now I can’t unsee it! Totally joining you on this ship!


RIGHT?! I get the Ushijima comparison, now. And Miyuki and Oikawa being similar...not that unreasonable! ;) Miyuki is one of the CUTEST anime kids I've ever seen! His go-to attitude and that towards his seniors all makes sense now; it was so sad seeing him making his own food and eating alone in the kitchen, but not being mad about it -- totally understanding what his dad had to do. @.@ He's always had to be self-reliant...it's SUCH a stark contrast to Sawamura, who's surrounded by his whole family at the dinner table in the beginning of the series. The third years are just GREAT, and of course, I'll totally ship Jun and the 3rd Year Manager now! :D I love the character development that has happened with these third years over the course of the show so far...it adds to the stakes because this is the finals, and either we're going to nationals together...or it's their last game. And I'm not sure I'm ready for that. :( And man, Inashiro is built up SO WELL -- the Coach? Intimidating! Mei -- relatable more now that we've seen his backstory with Miyuki, his motivations, and that he did have that moment of weakness in nationals last year. And I like the other players and their dynamics with Miyuki, too; especially Shirakawa (I think that's right) -- he was SUPER sassy with Miyuki....I'm so hyped for this final game! @.@

Melanie Marie

It’s gonna be SO good! Cant wait to see you fall even more in love with this anime 🤩💕


Oh man I have so much to say about this reaction lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the 4 together. I definitely felt like you'd benefit from Miyukis past and the 3rd years past being in the same block of episodes instead of at the beginning of next week. The flow of it all just went too well together to not at least suggest it 😂 Now, I am fully on board with the Kataoka and Rei ship lol. I've thought they would work well together for so long. They're on the same wavelength most of the time, he very clearly respects her opinion and her analysis and she's brought him some amazing players. Jun and Takako however, I'll debate about lol. Takako is the 3rd year manager by the way but I have always shipped her with Yuki lol. I think they look beautiful together and she's always been so supportive of them. I do understand the JunxTakako ship though. Yuki was the one who told someone to walk her home lol You're definitely right about Miyuki and the way he is when backed in to a corner. He makes decisions on his own and will not change it for anyone else's reasoning. He's stubborn in a really determined and admirable way. Even from a young kid he was like that. As soon as he decided he liked the idea of leading the field and having some control, he was never going to change from being the catcher. It's a good thing he's amazing at it. His home life makes me sad too. His Dad is very much a handyman who owns his own steel factory (Miyuki steel) but Miyuki seems to respect that he works so hard. Kids cooking for themselves at such a young age makes me sad but if it's just the 2 of them and it works for them then I think its cool that he's so independent. Seeing him get hurt by those teammates however.... man those kids are on the top of my list lol. I'm glad to see he still has the same mentality about all players on the field being equal regardless of their age or year. I think something that's cool to see is the difference between coaches and their preference for the pitchers on their teams. Kunitomo obviously prefers having an ace that can carry the entire game, as a stable leader for the team. Kataoka prefers multiple strong pitchers who can relay and carry the team individually and as a lineup together. You're right that none of them would be able to pitch the whole game at this point but the fact that they all train and they all get play time instead of just one of them being trained heavily to carry the whole team really shows what Kataoka values. Now it's just which technique works better lol. Ryosuke having an injury in itself was one of those things that came out of nowhere and while I'm sad he got hurt, I'm more mad at him for putting so much pressure on Mochi to make the decision for the entire team. I think that was really irresponsible and almost manipulative, especially the way he mentioned to Mochi that "if it comes from my partner, I won't complain". Now it's on Mochi to way the health and safety of his teammate and partner, someone he respects so much, over the win or lose of the team. It shouldn't have even been put on Kuramochi to decide if Ryousuke was weighing the team down or not when Ryousuke is the only one who should know what he can handle. Personally I think once Kuramochi confronted him about it, Ryousuke should have at least talked to Kataoka to warn him about an injury. Just so it's not down to Kuramochi. Obviously he wants to play the finals and he's the best second baseman they have so he doesn't want to ruin the mood of the team nor does he want to cause panic at losing a key player, I just don't agree with the way he handled it with Mochi. Sawamura being inspired by Sanada is so cute lol. He was told when they first met Yakushi that Sanada was an upgraded version of Sawamura since Sanada also has moving fastballs, and then after him being inspired by Sanada handling that homerun in their game against eachother, it's adorable that he's been so aware of Sanadas pitching and what works for him. He's very perceptive when he wants to be and honestly he learns very quickly while watching other people. He very clearly respects all the pitchers he's come against and wants to learn bits and pieces from all of them. Chris as a first year. Ahh what to say about Chris as a first year lol. I love him. He clearly never once thought he was better than any of them regardless of what people were saying to him. Seeing him watch them all work so hard with running and practice was so heart warming. He respects hard work. He respects people that are passionate and that want to get better and I love that type of player. Clearly the other players in his year also respect him back and care about him a lot. Chris' backstory and seeing him as a first year makes it all so much sadder that he hurt his shoulder while they were all getting better and then dropped off the first string. And knowing that Miyuki then eventually took his spot, not because he earned it but because he hurt himself, is so sad. It changes a lot about how I see dead eyed Chris and why Miyuki is so protective of him. It's no wonder they're all so close now as third years. They've been through a lot and motivated eachother and literally picked eachother up to put back on their feet. I love it. What makes the back story so good to me is that it shows the origin of the team swinging their bats after practice. Yuki and Jun started this tradition that carried into the next year and the year after that. I think that's amazing. Yuki is probably one of the most determined characters of the whole show and seeing him create such an important tradition for Seidou while he works to get better himself is so heartwarming. And the fact that they all had the same idea at the same time without ever talking about it says so much for their motivation and passion for getting better. Figuring out how to improve every day in more than just afternoon practice. I love it lol. Finally, that last scene in episode 50 could literally make me cry lol. Seeing them do a very real fielding practice where they're all so focused and so good, Miyuki getting the last catch with the ball going so high, all the players looking up at it together, ugh. It's so good. Them all standing there saying they want to come back to this field with smiles on their faces is just so good. This is the third years last time practicing on this field if they lose the next game and they all know it. That's what makes it so emotional. But the animation in that scene was also so good and it just matches up so well with the importance of it. Anyways, that's all I got to say lol. I'm glad you had a moment where you can now say you love this series. There's still a lot to see and I'm excited for next week. It's gonna be a good one 😊🎉


I'm really glad you're loving the show. Maybe you'll be a full-on baseball fan by the end! ;D And four episodes! You're spoiling us! Seeing so much of Miyuki's backstory is such a treat. I had never thought about one of the reasons for choosing catcher was that he was so short as a kid; that's officially canon for me now! :D It makes sense from everything we've seen that Miyuki to wants to earn his victory and not coast to it on an "all-star" team. (And now we know, Mei is the jilted crush out for revenge :P). Where's the fun in that? And he had already set a challenge for himself: going to Seido to win starting catcher from Chris (too bad it didn't work out that way, but I'll get to that later), and it's poetic that Miyuki seemingly chose Seido to follow Chris, and in turn, Sawamura chose Seido to follow Miyuki. I also like how it kind of circles back to the first episode; that is, Miyuki fully believes that seniority has no place on the field - you earn your place through merit. In a similar way, Sawamura gives no respect to, and even challenges, a senior whom he sees as unsportsmanlike (and we learn today that Azuma was merely using the tough love approach to teaching; but I think that method is counterproductive). The main difference between the two is that Miyuki won't back down from a challenge, while Sawamura initiates them. I like how you understand Miyuki's family dynamic with his father. Let's just say, if you ever get into reading DnA fanfiction with Miyuki as a main character, his relationship with is father is often brought up, your interpretation is - to me - quite rare. The facts of the matter are that his father works hard (and maybe, if Miyuki's mother is dead, he does so to escape from his grief), but he also buys the - quite expensive - equipment that Miyuki needs to play baseball. Nevertheless, it's seems like Miyuki had a lonely childhood, and his personality on the field led him to fights that affected his ability to make friends off of it. As for Mei, I'll say this for him: confidence only becomes arrogance when your actions fail to back your words. Even though he may not be perfect, Mei is justifiably confident; especially with a team like Inashiro at his back. With a decorated coach (and probably my favorite after Todoroki) who knows Seido's weaknesses and an all-star team that can exploit them, Seido feels more like an under-dog rather than a power-house. The final is really setting-up to be a nail-biter. Going into the pre-game meetings on Seido's side, I'll start by saying, Yuki is the perfect captain, building-up the teams confidence with just a few words. And Tanba is more and more like the ideal ace. It would be a shame if this coming match is the end for them; not only for them, but because it's hard to see anyone replacing them. Especially among the pitchers; none, not even Sawamura, seem ready to take up the mantle. One the other hand, the first-years seem to have come in with overflowing with talent compared to the "hopeless" third-years. Maybe it won't be so bad. :) I'm not all gushing, though. Although we can't really tell from his stance, the pitch Chris calls a crossfire certainly doesn't look like one to me. And what we do see of Mei's pitching is overhand, so he shouldn't be able to do it. And there's either a translation error, or if not, a research error, but crossfire pitches are not southpaw exclusive. It has the same effect, but flipped, if thrown by a right-handed pitcher against a left-handed batter. I think also that they should better explain the difference between breaking balls and moving fastballs. Technically, all thrown balls break, but fastballs break less than others because they reach the strike zone faster. True "breaking balls", however, are much slower. As example's Sawamura's/Sanada's cutter is a moving fastball, and Furuya's splitter is often called a fastball but is generally viewed as a breaking ball. Another thing is what I think is a continuity error. Rei says that it's been ten months since Sawamura's first show-down with Azuma. However, in the first episode, Rei visits Sawamura's home within a few days of Akagi's loss, which would have been in early July. Considering that we know Episode 49 takes place on July 30, that's over a year; and 10 months would be the end of September. And finally, my big issue. Ryo hiding his injury. And him manipulating Kuramochi into hiding it as well. Also, looking back, Chris and his shoulder. They both disappoint me; but especially Chris, since he's usually so conscientious. Don't get me wrong. I get it. It's perfectly normal for someone, especially young adults and athletes, to hide an injury if they thought that revealing it would harm the team. But it also creates a situation where the injured person can flame-out when it's too late, and that harms the team more. Or it could be even worse, and they're left permanently injured. But it's for those reasons that I'm more frustrated with Kataoka and the secondary coaches. They're teachers on top of coaches, and as the adults, knowing and having probably experienced those same thoughts, they should be looking extra hard for any sign of injury among their charges. The ball to Tanba's face was an accident, but he was already recovering from an injury that only Chris (ironically) discovered and reported. That's three players under the coaches care that have been injured just within the last year through, what is in my opinion, negligence. I'll get off my soapbox now. Looking forward to next week!


I'm so excited!! It's been a while (since Haikyuu probably) that I've been so eager to dive into new episodes! :D At least with this long-running intensity!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:17:51 I am DEFINITELY happy I watched all four together! Good call, there! :D I’m all for Katoaka and Rei! But honestly, I debated mentioning Yuki and Takako – because you’re right, he did offer to walk her home! A third-year love triangle? I’m here for it, haha! Yeah, I LOVED seeing Miyuki’s backstory – it explains SO MUCH about his character! It’s crazy when you see the parallel of how Miyuki eats by himself and then you see Sawamura surrounded by his expanded family. Hm. But yeah, a stubborn gremlin who’s grown up to be self-sufficient and hard-working. I like that his dad is just “busy.” There’s no malice to it; he’s just working hard to support Miyuki and him, and he doesn’t seem to mind Miyuki playing ball and Miyuki doesn’t seem bothered that his dad works so much. But yeah, those kids that beat him up. Straight up JERKS. You hit the nail on the head with Kunitomo vs. Kataoka – it’s going to be interesting to see how that all plays out in the upcoming game, for sure! @_@ I am very conflicted with Ryosuke and Kuramochi – I get why Ryosuke wouldn’t want to bring it up and shrug it off…we are in the finals, after all, but yeah, pushing the decision to Kuramochi was not cool. That’s so much pressure to put on your friend! Yeah, I’m not crazy about how he’s handling it, either. I couldn’t see Haruichi doing that with Furuya or Sawamura, which is maybe where the brothers differ even more… And YES! Sawamura finding inspiration from the “version” of himself he was originally jealous of – I love it! I’m SOOOO ready to see how Sawamura views and interacts with Miyuki’s ex—I mean, Mei. Chris and Miyuki in middle school were PRECIOUS. Chris a first year, second year, third year – he’s just our cinnamon roll of wholesome goodness. It definitely impacts how I view those first couple of episodes, when Miyuki got mad at Sawamura for putting his foot in his mouth, and just how strong that relationship between Miyuki and Chris is. I loved the flashback of the 3rd years and how they’ve grown to be where they’re at – which makes me wonder how crazy Sawamura, Furuya, and Haruichi and the current 1st years will be in two more years’ time! @_@ Baby Tanba as a first year is also PRECIOUS. How his voice changed and EVERYTHING! :3 And yes, that final shot in episode 50? Ugggghhhh…I’m no ready for this finals game to happen and be over…but it’s here. There’s so much at stake, and I know it’s going to be a crazy game! And yes, I’ve enjoyed watching this series week to week, but these episodes cemented it up there with Haikyuu that I truly LOVE it. <3 Thanks so much for the comment!!
2021-09-23 19:49:22 I am DEFINITELY happy I watched all four together! Good call, there! :D I’m all for Katoaka and Rei! But honestly, I debated mentioning Yuki and Takako – because you’re right, he did offer to walk her home! A third-year love triangle? I’m here for it, haha! Yeah, I LOVED seeing Miyuki’s backstory – it explains SO MUCH about his character! It’s crazy when you see the parallel of how Miyuki eats by himself and then you see Sawamura surrounded by his expanded family. Hm. But yeah, a stubborn gremlin who’s grown up to be self-sufficient and hard-working. I like that his dad is just “busy.” There’s no malice to it; he’s just working hard to support Miyuki and him, and he doesn’t seem to mind Miyuki playing ball and Miyuki doesn’t seem bothered that his dad works so much. But yeah, those kids that beat him up. Straight up JERKS. You hit the nail on the head with Kunitomo vs. Kataoka – it’s going to be interesting to see how that all plays out in the upcoming game, for sure! @_@ I am very conflicted with Ryosuke and Kuramochi – I get why Ryosuke wouldn’t want to bring it up and shrug it off…we are in the finals, after all, but yeah, pushing the decision to Kuramochi was not cool. That’s so much pressure to put on your friend! Yeah, I’m not crazy about how he’s handling it, either. I couldn’t see Haruichi doing that with Furuya or Sawamura, which is maybe where the brothers differ even more… And YES! Sawamura finding inspiration from the “version” of himself he was originally jealous of – I love it! I’m SOOOO ready to see how Sawamura views and interacts with Miyuki’s ex—I mean, Mei. Chris and Miyuki in middle school were PRECIOUS. Chris a first year, second year, third year – he’s just our cinnamon roll of wholesome goodness. It definitely impacts how I view those first couple of episodes, when Miyuki got mad at Sawamura for putting his foot in his mouth, and just how strong that relationship between Miyuki and Chris is. I loved the flashback of the 3rd years and how they’ve grown to be where they’re at – which makes me wonder how crazy Sawamura, Furuya, and Haruichi and the current 1st years will be in two more years’ time! @_@ Baby Tanba as a first year is also PRECIOUS. How his voice changed and EVERYTHING! :3 And yes, that final shot in episode 50? Ugggghhhh…I’m no ready for this finals game to happen and be over…but it’s here. There’s so much at stake, and I know it’s going to be a crazy game! And yes, I’ve enjoyed watching this series week to week, but these episodes cemented it up there with Haikyuu that I truly LOVE it. <3 Thanks so much for the comment!!

I am DEFINITELY happy I watched all four together! Good call, there! :D I’m all for Katoaka and Rei! But honestly, I debated mentioning Yuki and Takako – because you’re right, he did offer to walk her home! A third-year love triangle? I’m here for it, haha! Yeah, I LOVED seeing Miyuki’s backstory – it explains SO MUCH about his character! It’s crazy when you see the parallel of how Miyuki eats by himself and then you see Sawamura surrounded by his expanded family. Hm. But yeah, a stubborn gremlin who’s grown up to be self-sufficient and hard-working. I like that his dad is just “busy.” There’s no malice to it; he’s just working hard to support Miyuki and him, and he doesn’t seem to mind Miyuki playing ball and Miyuki doesn’t seem bothered that his dad works so much. But yeah, those kids that beat him up. Straight up JERKS. You hit the nail on the head with Kunitomo vs. Kataoka – it’s going to be interesting to see how that all plays out in the upcoming game, for sure! @_@ I am very conflicted with Ryosuke and Kuramochi – I get why Ryosuke wouldn’t want to bring it up and shrug it off…we are in the finals, after all, but yeah, pushing the decision to Kuramochi was not cool. That’s so much pressure to put on your friend! Yeah, I’m not crazy about how he’s handling it, either. I couldn’t see Haruichi doing that with Furuya or Sawamura, which is maybe where the brothers differ even more… And YES! Sawamura finding inspiration from the “version” of himself he was originally jealous of – I love it! I’m SOOOO ready to see how Sawamura views and interacts with Miyuki’s ex—I mean, Mei. Chris and Miyuki in middle school were PRECIOUS. Chris a first year, second year, third year – he’s just our cinnamon roll of wholesome goodness. It definitely impacts how I view those first couple of episodes, when Miyuki got mad at Sawamura for putting his foot in his mouth, and just how strong that relationship between Miyuki and Chris is. I loved the flashback of the 3rd years and how they’ve grown to be where they’re at – which makes me wonder how crazy Sawamura, Furuya, and Haruichi and the current 1st years will be in two more years’ time! @_@ Baby Tanba as a first year is also PRECIOUS. How his voice changed and EVERYTHING! :3 And yes, that final shot in episode 50? Ugggghhhh…I’m no ready for this finals game to happen and be over…but it’s here. There’s so much at stake, and I know it’s going to be a crazy game! And yes, I’ve enjoyed watching this series week to week, but these episodes cemented it up there with Haikyuu that I truly LOVE it. <3 Thanks so much for the comment!!


Hahaha, I’m glad I watched these four together! And I actually WANT to watch a live baseball game, now; that is a HUGE step from where I stood with baseball before starting this series, haha! I love seeing Miyuki’s past! Him wanting to play catcher because he was short (and it’s the position that calls a lot of the shots – having that aspect/angle of control) is my canon, too! I like that we see where his motivation and personality comes from and how his position influences that. And him chasing that starting position from Chris! T__T How fitting that Sawamura initiates a challenge, and Miyuki won’t run away. Heh. Heh. Mei is SO the jilted crush – dude was hardcore crushing on Miyuki! @.@ I hadn’t noticed that his dad bought him the expensive equipment! Hmmm…it at least seems to me like his dad is busy, but at least supportive of Miyuki’s passion. Or at least that’s how it looks from these episodes so far. But yeah, poor baby Miyuki struggling to make friends after being a loner and self-sufficient all these years. The catcher’s position makes perfect sense for him. Ahhhhh, I love that line about “confidence and arrogance.” Well said! I already know I’m going to like Inashiro’s coach! And yessss, Seido being the “under dog” is crazy and the stakes are certainly set up, here! I LOVE how our third years started out and grew to be how they are; yes, Yuki is a perfect captain, and Tanba transitioning from adorably meek to an ace? Love it! It has me excited to see how much our current first years will grow! Hmmmm, that’s really interesting about the pitches! The timeline does get a little confusing, but your comment makes sense. And YES, I was really conflicted about how Ryo handled his injury, ESPECIALLY involving Kuramochi…that’s a lot of pressure to put on a friend. It definitely reminds me of Chris and his shoulder…but maybe worse, because at least Chris didn’t involve anyone else? I’m definitely worried about Ryo and his leg going into this final game, and Kuramochi’s mental state with it, too. Thank you for the comment!! I’m SO excited/nervous/hyped for this finals game!


"The main difference between the two is that Miyuki won't back down from a challenge, while Sawamura initiates them." This is such a good quote and honestly it makes me wonder how different things would've been had Miyuki and Sawamura met as kids. Sawamura wouldn't have let those kids beat Miyuki up especially with how loyal he is. But I really like how both of those traits go together. They're so complimentary while contrasting as well. I think I'm going to have to disagree with you on the coach negligence part though. I understand your point but to me, if you have players that aren't exhibiting any signs of injury, they're playing exactly how they were before and they aren't mentioning any stiffness or any issues, I don't think it's fair to expect them to know. Chris very clearly was quite good at keeping it a secret until it couldn't be kept anymore and with 100+ players on your team in high school, it's impossible to catch things that are hidden. I think there should be some responsibility on the shoulders of the players who are keeping the secrets. They're the ones who should be forward with their injuries. Obviously they have an intense passion for the sport and they don't want to miss games or be on the sidelines but it's their careers. They need to be more proactive in talking about their bodies needs. And injuries are inevitable when you play high level sports. Someone is always going to be injured at some point. There's not much a coach can do to stop that, not even talking about injuries like Tanbas chin crack. Seidou does also do player checkups regularly we just don't often see them so if even the doctor didn't catch Chris' injury then I dont think we could expect the coaching staff to. With Tanbas elbow injury I think Chris caught it early before it was actually showing in a visible way. I understand your opinion though.


Miyuki and Sawamura as childhood friends! Awwwww, I still like that Miyuki's seeing this fresh perspective as a young adult than just as kids. But yeah, Sawamura wouldn't have stood for them acting like that! I would be interested to see if the coach does catch onto Ryo's injuries -- if he does, I do think he should step in like he did with Tanba, but I guess we'll see? I feel the most for Kuramochi, who is juggling helping Ryo, helping the team, and keeping true to his own morals about the situation...that's a hard spot to be in. :/


@Romania lol I feel like they'd be a little devil combination. No one would want to mess with them. Miyuki will tell you when you're screwing up with no hesitation and Sawamura, with his whip wrists, will slap you into next week 😂 I really feel for Kuramochi too. Hes a really perceptive person, sees a lot of things that others don't so the weight of importance must be killing him. The respect he has for Ryousuke is probably the highest of any other on the team. He respects him endlessly and they work together flawlessly. He must also be thinking about the fact that Ryo being hurt could also mess him up during the game. But its also Ryos last summer so is it really right to put a hault to it by saying something when Ryousuke himself says he's fine. But if he's not fine and he hurts it more and it becomes a worse injury then is it his fault that he didn't put a stop to it. So many things flying around over this singular injury that really shouldn't have been placed on Kuramochis shoulders.


They would be such a devilish duo, like you say Kelsey. And there would be no fights between teammates with Sawamura around - unless he starts them. :D It would be so fun to see them like that! I may be harsh on the coaches, but I read to many news stories of student athletes dying in practice to be very forgiving in that regard. But I'll agree with you and romania in regards to Ryosuke putting the pressure of making a decision on Kuramochi; it's unfair to have his loyalty used like that.


Yeah, I agree, Kelsey, I really feel for Kuramochi -- you get why Ryo is pushing it off (it's potentially his last game), but it could have dire consequences for both him and Kuramochi's mentality later on...I guess we'll see how it goes! At least Sawamura's apparently good at bunting, so there's that possibility he can help Kuramochi! :)


Zero, I get where you're coming from! I think that was a big issue I had with Slam Dunk -- I love Shohoku's coach, but there were times that players had an injury and the motto was to "keep going," and that's perhaps not the best message to promote -- at least Kataoka doesn't know at the moment. It will be interesting to see where it goes to, especially with Kuramochi and Ryo's friendship and trust through this development! @_@


Ahahhaa Romania, Sawamuras godly bunting is probably the most random (and hated) skill he has but he's probably the best bunter on this team. The problem with the idea of Sawamura replacing Ryou with batting if something happens is that he would have to also take his place on the field. He'd have to play second base to slot into Ryous batting line up slot. If Sawamura pitches in the finals he'd be put near the bottom of the lineup because other than Furuya, most of the pitchers aren't that good at batting (though that's very normal of pitchers in general. Most pitchers aren't great at batting). Ryousuke and Kuramochis partnership also extends into the batting lineup. They compliment eachothers styles very well. Mochi is fast and can get around the bases very quickly and Ryousuke is such a tricky batter that it always makes an opportunity for Mochi to get home. Having a good bunter on the team, regardless of how high or low they are in the order, can help though depending on the situation.


I love that his bunting skill is strong, but hated, haha! True, I hadn't thought about how the fielding would work in that case. :/ At least in the future, after Kuramochi and Ryo have graduated, the team will have a player that's a good bunter still on it! :) But yeah, that lineup would ruin the chemistry with Kuramochi -- good point!