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I've been waiting to see this player with the terrifying smile, and we are already getting him this season! But he was NOT what I expected!

This set of episodes shows our boys Furuya and Sawamura pushed to their limits from the training camp prior, and how they handle having to play under these exhausting conditions! GOOD STUFF, these episodes!

LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/GnwVjiC1zwRmnTGxFeyEmb?

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Ace of the Diamond: Episodes 16-18 Reaction! The Bokuto of AOD is Here?!

Link to Reaction (starts at 2:22): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/GnwVjiC1zwRmnTGxFeyEmb? I've been waiting to see this player with the terrifying smile, and we are already getting him this season! But he was NOT what I expected! This set of episodes shows our boys Furuya and Sawamura pushed to their limits from the training camp prior, and how they handle having to play under these exhausting conditions! GOOD STUFF, these episodes! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Melanie Marie

It goes so fast right!!! I still can’t believe how long it is bc I are it up SO fast. I love Miyuki so much! He is such a great character. And Furuya is such a great foil for Sawamura. They complement each other perfectly. And I am so glad you are starting to get to know and love the third years. Tetsu, Jun and ryousuke are some of the best characters in the show imo. Can’t wait until next week!!! ❤️❤️❤️


First, you asked about what a "balk" is, and it's an prohibited move by the pitcher. Without going into too much detail, the pitcher can't pretend to pitch with the intent to pick-off a runner or stop a pitch in progress to pick-off. When a balk is called, the runners get to move forward a base, with a runner on third moving to home and scoring. Thinking about the different talents that Furuya and Sawamura possess, to me they are the separated aspects of the ideal player: physical and psychological. Furuya is the physical talent - his arm is strong-enough in middle school to overwhelm his peers (and without a team to play in, there's no chance to be scouted) and he bats well. But he doesn't seem to have much game experience. Sawamura, on the other hand, is seemingly no more or less athletic than any of the other first-years. And although his being left-handed is beneficial, it's not a weapon by itself. But his (at least) three years of playing experience makes him adaptable and resilient. As with other sets of rivals, they both have something the other needs to excel. Finally, I love how the other team's coach recognizes Sawamura. He had to struggle to get recognition at Seido - Rei and Miyuki aside - but when he's in his natural element on the mound, his potential catches the eye of anyone who is really looking.


Yessss, I definitely have gotten an appreciation for Tetsu and Jun already and I know that once we get more into the brother dynamic between Ryousuke and Haruichi, I'm going to love them, too! But yeah, Miyuki is just amazing and Furuya is a surprisingly fresh take on the "cool foil" to our sunshine protagonist! But yesssss, next set of episodes are going to be INTERESTING (I just finished watching them; now to edit! ^^). So excited!!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:30:27 Oooooh, okay, that makes more sense about a balk; thank you! #themoreyouknow That's a really good point about how Furuya and Sawamura (complete each other hahaha) come together to create the ideal pitcher -- I like that they have different aspects that could come in handy depending on the situation. I appreciate that the show doesn't just make Furuya a 'godlike' pitcher, but shows he has just as much to improve on as Sawamura -- though, I do think he gets a little more praise early on than Sawamura, if only because he has a little more technique figured out at this point. It will be interesting to see how they both develop against one another later on. Miyuki's spoiled for choice, isn't he? :P And yessss! The people that are looking are noticing! I love that, too! <3
2021-07-15 11:56:29 Oooooh, okay, that makes more sense about a balk; thank you! #themoreyouknow That's a really good point about how Furuya and Sawamura (complete each other hahaha) come together to create the ideal pitcher -- I like that they have different aspects that could come in handy depending on the situation. I appreciate that the show doesn't just make Furuya a 'godlike' pitcher, but shows he has just as much to improve on as Sawamura -- though, I do think he gets a little more praise early on than Sawamura, if only because he has a little more technique figured out at this point. It will be interesting to see how they both develop against one another later on. Miyuki's spoiled for choice, isn't he? :P And yessss! The people that are looking are noticing! I love that, too! <3

Oooooh, okay, that makes more sense about a balk; thank you! #themoreyouknow That's a really good point about how Furuya and Sawamura (complete each other hahaha) come together to create the ideal pitcher -- I like that they have different aspects that could come in handy depending on the situation. I appreciate that the show doesn't just make Furuya a 'godlike' pitcher, but shows he has just as much to improve on as Sawamura -- though, I do think he gets a little more praise early on than Sawamura, if only because he has a little more technique figured out at this point. It will be interesting to see how they both develop against one another later on. Miyuki's spoiled for choice, isn't he? :P And yessss! The people that are looking are noticing! I love that, too! <3