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I've thought about it all day, and here's an idea as I move forward with reactions and the channel! I'd love your input! <3

I can't stress enough how thankful I am for you all. 

I love you all! <3 ^^ Thank you for supporting me and my discussions/reactions!


Asking for a Friend: One Year Later and Moving Forward with the Channel

A year of reacting on YouTube, and still ironing out the kinks... Thank you for watching with me thus far and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Melanie Marie

The other reactors I know who have full reactions at patreon and don’t use vimeo, use either dropbox or google drive. They don’t post those links to youtube though and instead put a cut reaction so Idk if they choose not to do so or if youtube doesn’t allow for those types of links….I really hope you find a way to keep posting as you have been that’s easy and affordable 💕💕 ps. Should we stalk the SOS bros until they answer? 😂😂😂 jk


Vidyard is a service I've most seen other reactors use to post full PIP reactions, but I've also seen them use Google Drive, Mega, Dailymotion, and BreachTV. I'm not sure what the terms are there, though. Timer reactions can be kinda inconvenient since depending on the version you watch, things can continuously be out of sync, But I understand if it turns out to be the best option.


That would be a surprise sticker shock for sure. I'm personally not a fan of timer reactions because it can be very difficult to sync up - especially if the video is paused at all (valid need to stop to discuss). I have done it for many years though with several reactors having to switch to that (usually for copywrite reasons). I would personally suggest still making them as normal but distributing them through a different platform. BreachTV is a site one of my favorite reactors has been using that may be an option. We would have to watch a couple of ads on the videos but I would prefer ads to a timer reaction if it came down to it.


You all have been SO helpful! I thought about Google Drive but I have a LOT of storage needed, and GD and Dropbox didn't seem to cover it, but I think I'm going to split between Streamable and Breach for now and see if that works! :) Thank you so much, and no stalking for SOS! Hahaha, I'm a huge fan and the last thing I'd want is for a mob to go after them for me, haha! ^^


Thank you so much! I researched Breach and it looks like it would work! I think I'm going to split between it and Streamable so I can avoid timers -- everyone's cons about them have been mine, too! Thank you so much for the info about Vinyard, too!


IT WAS! I was currently paying $50 a month for Vimeo storage, so I hadn't even considered bandwidth...I was like, "Say what?!" I think I'm going to use both Breach and Streamable (both are STILL cheaper than Vimeo currently) to put up reactions and hopefully solve the bandwidth issue. :) Thank you so much for the info!!

Toni simi

Uff, that had to be a big shock. Personally I'm not really a fan of timer reactions since it can be pretty hard to sync up. When it comes to different platforms Pixeldrain and vidyard are two that I see more often at the moment. But I'm not sure how excactly they work and how much it costs etc. Whatever you decide, I continue to support you.


It was definitely something to wake up to! @_@ I'm not really a fan of timer reactions, either, but I think going with some different platforms might be helpful. Also, thank you so much for the information and kind words! :) I really appreciate all of the help and support! ^^

Anastasia -

I don't mind timer reactions, or heavily muted/edited/mirrored videos since I mostly watch shows I already know well. I guess there is not many options that give you huge bandwidth for little money. Maybe some series could be time-limited, like, disappear after a month or three... Anyway, I support you in any decision. And the new haircut looks awesome.