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**HEADPHONE WARNING** You know the drill. ;)

This episode did things I did NOT expect: Gave us backstory on Joe/Cherry/Adam -- and a potential new love triangle -- while also giving us a glimpse of Langa and Reki possibly reconnecting (but not YET of course, because...we can't have nice things), and then THAT ENDING. HOW DARE YOU, SHOW! How dare you end the episode on that! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1E8J7KgvybUiNiksRE268T?

There is SO much to talk about, as per the Sk8 The Infinity usual, and I can't wait to break down this insane episode! 

Thanks for watching with me and for the support!


SK8 The Infinity: Episode 9 Reaction! "We Used to Be Special Back Then!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1E8J7KgvybUiNiksRE268T? **HEADPHONE WARNING** You know the drill. ;) This episode did things I did NOT expect: Gave us backstory on Joe/Cherry/Adam -- and a potential new love triangle -- while also giving us a glimpse of Langa and Reki possibly reconnecting (but not YET of course, because...we can't have nice things), and then THAT ENDING. HOW DARE YOU, SHOW! How dare you end the episode on that! There is SO much to talk about, as per the Sk8 The Infinity usual, and I can't wait to break down this insane episode! Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Rom... Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack ​


Rei Hasuke

Aww you know it’s gonna be good when Romania’s after-thought segment is as long as the episode. ^^ UN.RE.QU.IT.ED everything. Just everything is unrequited. Cherry’s crush on Adam? UNREQUITED! Joe’s feelings for Kaoru which he STILL HAS TO THIS DAY?! UNREQUITED! Tadashi trying to get his (boy)friend back while dealing with his dog fetish? UNREQUITED! Adam wanting Langa to be his Eve? SO UNREQUITED! (and illegal) The only ship I can feel safe with is Renga. Everything is such a mess. Btw something I’ve noticed is the similarity between Ash (BF) and Langa. How they’re both “monster” prodigies? Both were closed off emotionally until they met that special someone who breathed new life and feelings into them. The way everyone is scared of their abilities. If they had gone down a different path they would’ve ended up like either Adam or Yut-Lung? Idk it’s just fascinating to me.

Aaron Carrico

I was just as dumbfounded as you were, when that happened! Really didn't think he'd go all-out homerun-bat on Cherry's face. It's trope-y but I still love Reki screaming Langa's name, Reki being in the reflection of Langa's eyes... his heart racing once again. I'm such Renga trash T_T And then when Langa is like a sad puppy looking for Reki after his board is broken... ahhhhhhh ;lkajsdgl;. And Joe is SUCH a shipper, too. "Run, Langa." And oh my GOD the fodder for angst with Joe/Cherry/Adam... Teen Joe with an "unrequited" love for Cherry as Cherry has a thing for Adam. Maybe Joe starts becoming a complete ladies' man just as a way to get Cherry jealous. This in turn leads Cherry into thinking his own feelings for Joe could never lead to anything because Joe obviously likes the ladies. Idk if I want to read this fanfic or write it myself :P! And imagine watching episode 7 in real time and then being like "is this the week they make up and my reki is happy again?" and ep 8: no, ep 9: no... and then a recap episode out of nowhere!? pandemonium, I tell ya.


I REALLY didn't think Adam would go there...but...shows what I know! @_@ Yeah, the shipper tropes I'm so okay with in this! The unrequited love with Cherry/Joe/Adam/Tadashi -- especially in those flashbacks with the three in high school are just heartbreaking; just like the Reki/Langa moments in this episode, too! And I'm 100% on board with your theory about Joe's post-high school actions! I could watch a whole season about the backstory on Joe and Cherry, to be honest! And yeah....I remember Twitter being a buzz because of the Crazy Rock Jam. At the time, I did NOT get the insanity...uhm, but now I do! @_@