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Hey All,

I was going to have a poll on the animated moments for Slam Dunk...but how can one vote for just one moment, or rank them? When they're all so good?

SO, as we celebrate the last month of Slam Dunk with Volumes 29, 30, and 31 -- and the follow-up epilogue and art book, I will be working on a compilation of reactions for the series. 

I won't be doing episode-to-episode (that would be 100 weeks' worth @_@ and I will have already read the manga in its entirety), but it will be a celebration of seeing my favorite moments of the series animated and showing you all my reaction to them. 

I hope that sounds like fun! And then afterwards, we'll definitely have a livestream about Slam Dunk and the series coming after it! :) 




Oh yes! More slamdunk! 😊


Yes! It's going to be a big undertaking but I have waited for nearly a year to watch the anime and see my favorite moments animated, so it will be fun! I'm so excited!!


Rereading Inoue's Vagabond and being reminded how godlike it is, I know Real will eventually be done but will you ever tackle Vagabond?


I definitely want to (to finish the Inoue Trilogy!) eventually! :) I have come to LOVE Inoue's artwork and storytelling style, so I feel Real and Vagabond will be excellent follow-ups!


Great to hear! Looking forward it to when the time comes. Honestly getting chills just thinking about it lol. Hope to see them soon!


Yessss!! No matter the result of the poll, I want to read them both, so I'll definitely get to them in due time! ^^