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WHAT a penultimate episode that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! The TWISTS! The TEA! The FANGIRLING!

I was really nervous going into this episode, but there was so many little surprises and hilarious, heartwarming, and DISTURBING moments that made me confirm why I can trust Psycho-Pass with my anxiety...Akane ain't gonna let my hue stay TOO clouded. ;) Only one episode to go for Season 3! I am READY!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WKLsvu72ov5F5f8P5dDG3o?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Season 3: Episode 7 Reaction! DON'T TAKE GOD'S NAME IN VAIN!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WKLsvu72ov5F5f8P5dDG3o? **OEDIPUS COMPLEXED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** WHAT a penultimate episode that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! The TWISTS! The TEA! The FANGIRLING! I was really nervous going into this episode, but there was so many little surprises and hilarious, heartwarming, and DISTURBING moments that made me confirm why I can trust Psycho-Pass with my anxiety...Akane ain't gonna let my hue stay TOO clouded. ;) Only one episode to go for Season 3! Wow! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! I really enjoy the preambles – especially when you describe more of the mindset prior to an episode. Watching the transition from ‘what is Psycho-Pass gonna do?!’ to the excitement of the discussion was excellent. 🤌 Many, many delicious character moments in this episode 🥰: Hinakawa getting more action, poor Tenma feeling unacknowledged (and being hilarious), Kisaragi getting that conversation with Maiko, Gino and Sugo hanging out as they do (fixing everyone’s problems), etcetc. Then that heartbreaking scene between Kei and Arata – we know why Kei is so angry, we know why Arata doesn’t want to and deserve (in his mind) to make excuses, we’ve seen so much of their relationship in just 7 episodes and it makes that scene so moving to me. Speaking of shipping. On this rewatch, I think Irie is my most-shipped character of S3 😂: Hinakawa, Kisaragi, Arata, Tenma, Enomiya, Oishi – no one is safe. Also, everyone needs to get on the Maiko/Kei/Arata train – life is so easy here and everyone is welcome! 🥰 I loved getting the moment of Maiko taking out Torri – exactly for the reasons you describe. It felt both like a reveal and made total sense. Also, the looks on Torri’s face in that whole sequence were spectacular. RB 2024: “Too close to critical mass hotness.” 🤣🤣 Cannot wait for next week!🧡#KagariDeservedBetter 🧡


Thank you for the comment and kind words – this series and seeing what I think is going to happen vs. reality was so much fun and is so much fun with this series! Yessss, all of the character interactions, but the ones with Kei and Arata are so hard - they are such OPPOSITE characters who were deemed “incompatible” working together, but it had worked before because of their overall goal and friendship - but now both of those fronts are being tested and we’re seeing just why they are shown to not be compatible. It’s heartbreaking (more on that with episode 8 *sobs*). No one is safe from Irie and Ginoza shipping! Or Kogami shipping, either! Hahaha! I love how everyone is shippable in this series! Psycho-Pass reaching “Critical Mass Hotness” is indeed an ISSUE! And DAMN, Maiko is not messing around! I LOVED IT. And Torri’s devolution into a Shakespearean villain was just *chef’s kiss* - I loved it too! I loved getting the moment of Maiko taking out Torri – exactly for the reasons you describe. It felt both like a reveal and made total sense. Also, the looks on Torri’s face in that whole sequence were spectacular. I am so excited and so terrified of this week’s episode to come! And yes, Kagari deserved better. :’)

Anime Annie

Glad I'm not the only one to ship O'Brien and Shinogi! 🥰 The chemistry they had definitely had a different vibe to it compared to how we saw her interactions with Auma. I slowly came to like Azusawa just a teensy bit with his interactions with Enomiya and Torri 😆 For both his fellow Inspectors he gave them a chance to realise where their actions would lead them. But just like you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink, Azusawa makes Torri aware that his current plan is a foolish one, but he does not force Torri to change. He gives his fellow Inspectors their autonomy, and washes his hands of any result that comes from their choices and chooses to continue on his own path. Just Psycho-Pass dropping the information that in their world people are giving artificially created illnesses...I do adore how blase the characters are about such a thing that would be shocking to us, but at the same time it is terrifying because that suggests it's a rather common occurence. The idea of medical professionals purposely giving someone an illness such as cancer definitely leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can see the benefits of it providing medical professionals with human guinea pigs to help in researching various illness (and possibly potential treatments), and I suppose it wouldn't be too much different from how labs infect animals with such things in order to study. It just feels like quite a shocking "progression" of their society. Shindo giving Hinakawa that silent thumbs-up really reminds me of how Akane praised Hinakawa for his efforts 🥺 He's also like Akane when he stops Irie and tells him that Enforcers are people too 🥰 I feel like that moment meant a lot to Irie. People can always talk a big game about seeing everyone as equal, but in a situation like that (a sniper killing their potential witness) some would forget about anything they said before and be focused just on getting a result. Shindo however didn't put the mission first, and instead his team's lives were the most important factor for him. "Dangerous bottoms" indeed 😏 I honestly love them using that to describe Kei 🤣 But it's definitely interesting that they use the English word "bottom" rather than any Japanese term associated with that meaning. Definitely allows us the viewers to leave it up to us on what kind of bottom they mean 😏 Seriously so proud of Hinakawa speaking up and being able to be the voice of reason when Shindo gets frustrated at not knowing what Torri's reasoning for the plan is 🥰 The progression his character has undergone is one of my favourite parts of Psycho-Pass. The series does have a big overlying plot each season/movie, but so much of the story is character driven. And I think that kind of writing is why it was so easy for the anime to make us care about and worry for all these new characters we only met seven episodes ago. Your reaction to the Ginoza reveal did not disappoint 😂 It's done so well that it is a shock and leaves you happy, even if it was at the expense of Kei getting tased again 😅 Yeaaaah Mika is definitely not the one to use people with clear Hues as a barrier 😆 But I gotta say that her giving that clear order to use tear gas on them does show the progression her own character has undergone. If you remember back to Season 2 when Aoyanagi was being held with the hostages Mika wouldn't/couldn't act or give any orders. Her indecisiveness in that moment cost all those hostages and Aoyanagi their lives. In this moment she instead doesn't even take time to issue her commands. She uses a painful method that should be relatively safe in the long term for those trying to bar her way from acting to save her people. I say "relatively safe" because there are risks of using tear gas in crowds like that. I imagine the people accidentally being struck by the cannisters is lowered considering their fired by the drones rather than needing to account for human error. However tear gas can acerbate certain medical conditions such as asthma, so there is a small risk to the clear Hued believers. Sugou protecting Ginoza 😍 It feels very reminiscent of when they were under fire at the drone factory back in Season 1, that led to them being able to repair their relationship 🥺 Only this moment, especially with that momentary kabedon, I can just enjoy my ship without feeling pained by Sugou's guilt and Ginoza's anger over Aoyangi's death. The Shindo reveal I feel is done brilliantly. It's an emotional scene with basically O'Brien's goodbye, and Shindo thinking of his own father, yet we see his crime coefficient continually drop just like Akane watched Makishima's. With Makishima's in that moment it was a lot more horrific because he was physically hurting (and then brutally murdered) Funahara, whereas this moment with Shindo was a very emotionally charged moment that in anyone else would have raised their crime coefficient. Also yes, almost felt kind of Inception-esque with Sakurai voicing Hinakawa who discovers Shindo is criminally asymptomatic just like Makishima. This entire Season Maiko has definitely been shown as quite the calm and, somewhat, submissive character. Loved your shock at her being the one to turn the tables on and shoot Torri 😆 Also can I say how much I love Torri saying that they hide their weaknesses from each other by covering it all under the term "love", and yet instead we see Kei crying and clinging to Maiko when he knows she can see him. He's not hiding his weakness from her 🥺 I do appreciate the confrontation between Kei and Shindo rather than it being an emotional reunion between them. Kei was fine about going undercover because he trusted Shindo to look after Maiko and keep her safe. It wasn't Shindo's fault (he can't be blamed for not knowing Heaven's Leap might go after Maiko if Kei was found out), but I do like he doesn't make any excuses. So, um, yeah. We got multiple parental reveals this episode: O'Brien's son is from his marriage but he and Shinogi raised him; and Torri is the result of an incestuous relationship 👀 Honestly Psycho-Pass does such a great job with giving us these reveals that give us a little more character depth without derailing the story from the main plot, or weaving said details into the main plot. The reveal really did make this episode like the Red Wedding: gave us good times and made us sigh in relief over the good guys prevailing (for the moment at least); and then gave us an incestuous relationship a la Walder Frey and his wives/daughters; add in a little backstabbing with Shirogane, Azusawa and Torri working together, before somewhat horrifically killing off Saionji [meaning her line is dead as Torri died this episode too]. That look between Sugou and Ginoza definitely read so much as "Oh this woman, can you believe her trying to wrangle us into her relationship drama with our boss?" 🤣 Definitely love the diverse range of characters in Psycho-Pass. It's certainly not a show that screams inclusivity but it's one that does it spectacularly in how understated they are about having such characters. They manage to give us equality with gender, sexuality, and age without it being like they are pandering to a specific audience or being really in your face about having said equality. It adds yet another realistic dimension to the world of Psycho-Pass. Shindo as Makishima and Akane's lovechild could be an *interesting* AU 🤣 I adore the idea of Mika being stood there for ages after basically being put on hold whilst the brains of Sibyl discuss and come to a decision on Heaven's Leap 🤣


O’Brien and Shinogi had GREAT chemistry! I have a slightly varied position with Azusawa in light of episode 8 and the first Inspector episode (which is as far as I’ve gotten with him) but it does say something as he gives an opportunity to them to make a choice. That IS something. The whole “artificial disease” element is a…little too on the nose for me at the moment. But the idea of its use for research is there! I love any moment that Hinakawa gets praise! Our bean deserves it! And him standing up for himself! YES! His growth has been so great in this series! “Dangerous Bottoms.” I feel the translators had a field day with that one! Ginoza just popping in and giving me life! Yes! And Ginoza with Sugo protecting him! Hahaha, I can take some Kabedon moments with them! Their connection through Aoyanagi is not lost on me! 😛And their reaction to Mika trying to get them in on her drama with Frederica? HILARIOUS. Mika can be so cold to the point it’s hilarious, hahaha, but I do love her more than her Season 2 counterpart for sure! #growth. Yes, her actions are much different than those back then! The moment with Shindo and O’Brien was done soooo well! And the connection back to that Akane and Makishima moment was so good! And yeaaaaaah, Makishima’s VA as Shindo is discovered to be asymptomatic was SUCH a cool moment! I’m not usually an Akane and Makishima shipper, but Shindo as their kid DOES make sense! Not sure Kogami would approve, though. ;) Maiko is literally the glue in the Shindo/Kei/Maiko bond but DAMN – she showed she is NOT to be trifled with in this episode! And Kei crying and holding Maiko once they’re together? STOP. Girl, you got lucky with him. :3 But yeah, I can see why Kei was made at Shindo, but it wasn’t his fault…these two bakas. Psycho-Pass does SUCH a good job with relationships in this show and having a diverse cast; I love it! I am sad we’re nearing the finish line with the series (for now) but excited as well! Thank you for the comment and kind words!