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This is a support skill primarily aimed at increasing spell potency, preventing counterspelling, and counterspelling in turn.

go nuts.



I am going to reiterate my suggestion from discord: Tainted Bent

Mike G.

Bent pickpocket: interrupt another caster's spell, and steal (efficiency)% of the bent for your own pool


1) Something sensory, giving Calvin an idea of what someone is doing with their Bent. Not just seeing it but understanding it to some level, like is it fire or lightning or whatever. 2) Use an additional Bent to shield the actual spell, so if someone tries to counterspell it they counterspell the additional Bent, not the one actually doing the spell.

Pastor Joubert

Mutation : I-Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not-Warp : your bent looks and behaves like warp when casting a spell. Making it very hard to notice your spells and counter them.

Ethan Gardner

A sub skill that reduces the effectiveness of others bent or slows its cast rate would be good, e.g if it was used on someone with dupdomancy it would reduce the mass he could produce or make it take longer to produce things, making it use more bent would seem op due to the small bent pools I think


Quantum Freeze: Remembers a perfectly cast effect. Requires a Perfect cast. 1 slot per 5 levels.


Bent Bank: he can hold more bent than he can naturally regenerate (for a combo with "Lady Killer")

seth dauer

Tentacles manipulation- practice has given you corporeal/physical tentacles to interact with reality. Keep the world at WARPS reach! Number per 5 skill levels, tentacle strength and endurance based on skill modification mental stats. Stability for defense, will for strength, intuition for flexibility


Contingency: Explicitly define an activation trigger and Delay when spending Bent to instead wrap the Bent construct in another using an additional 1 Bent. The construct will follow the user around shielded in an interdimensional pocket until its activation condition is met, at which point the user has Delay to define the targeting and other parameters of the encased Bent structure before it is activated. Bent Manipulation correction % applied to maintain the integrity of the Contingency, to defend it from counterspelling, to detecting when a contingency is about to activate, to successful activation, and to mitigate the negative consequences of undefined Bent behavior if user fails to define the proper parameters in time. 1 Contingency may be created and maintained with the assistance of the skill per X (5?) Bent Manipulation levels. ^ Pretty useful for panic button spells, etc and effectively gives more spells in a day if you'd otherwise be sitting at maximum Bent, however it's only as useful as the foresight given to the activation conditions, and requiring explicit conditions significantly reducing versatility regardless. It also has the tendency to explode in your face if you're distracted enough. For example, not a good idea to be hit with a crowd control spell when a Contingency is about to activate or decide to go to sleep with a Contingency stored.


Bent in all colors initiative (mutation): Change the default color of your Bent at will. ^ Including colors outside the visible spectrum.


no one plays an abjurer! : spent equivalent bent to counter spell spell effects you can perceive. more efficient if countered while the caster is casting. bend the force(s): use bent to manipulate the four fundamental forces of warpless reality. (warning extremely difficult, beware runaway fusion reactions, spontaneous singularities, and planetary vaporization.)


Condense Bent: you can condense Bent down into a tarry black liquid. 1 point of Bent creates 100 grams of liquid. 200 grams of liquid restores 1 Bent when imbibed. May have other applications.


Full Counter (can be changed as needed) Gives the user the ability to detect bent and counter it by sending it back towards the caster. With the price of additional bent, the user can double the affects back onto the original caster.


Stored Spell Effect: instead of casting a spell immediately, you can create an orb of Bent that will cast the spell when triggered with Bent manipulation.


Persistent Bent Manipulation: you can persist some Bent manipulation effects. These effects continue after you stop paying attention to them.


The Nuclear Option: Can infuse up to 1 bent/ 10 levels in bent manipulation into a spell to achieve a multiplicative effect on the outcome


Nerf / Buff : The more times you use a skill in a short time the stronger it gets temporarily. (effective level) The opposite could also be placed on an opponent making their abilities weaker each time they use it short term. Alternate version - Steamline, instead of effective level it could impact cost, making your own abilities cheaper the more you use them in a short time or an enemies more costly the more they use it. This ability could let calvin keep trying things to push through counter spelling or to make counterspelling more of a struggle or costly for an opponent. Could also be used to shut down / restrict a troublesome ability.


spell penetration: (skill) force counterspellers to spend bent*(1+skill lvl/5) to counter spell for the cost of spell bent +(3/(1/3skill lvl rounded down)) minimum 1 mesmerizing spell craft: (mutation) your spell craft is severely distracting, drawing the eyes and seeming to Twist and shudder in odd ways, causing any counterspelling to force a will power vs will power test between you and the caster or they become lost in the intricate patterns at to distracted to counterspell. ^gained from vampirism and mesmerizing eyes


Hostile Bent: spread tiny motes of bent in an area of effect to actively attack and disrupt foreign bent from spells and constructs. Size of area determined by bent manipulation level and amount of bent used.


Inverse wave function: shape bent into an equal and opposite spell that completely cancels a spell or ongoing spell effect


Also - You Bent Bro?: Can create fake spells out of bent - 1 per/ 5 levels of bent manipulation to trick enemies into counter-spelling fake spells


destructive interference: possible upgrade for my previous suggestion send out a rapidly oscillating wave of bent to either cancel or weaken any spell in an area


constructive interference: cast a spell twice so that they will converge into one stronger spell (similiar to dual casting in the elder scrolls series) also I work in computer science can you tell. for some reason i keep envisioning spells as similar to energy wave forms(electircal/ radio, etc)

Jamie Trevino

Quantum Conundrum: Chance of spells randomly morphing into other effects when counter spelled instead of being fully dispelled. Schrödinger’s Law: Delay Wave Form collapse of Bent by (x)% when spell disrupted. Entanglement: Allow connecting of Bent constructs so that when one is effected so is the other. (Would allow other spells to gain the effect of Bad Penny, also allow dispelling multiple spells at once). Mutations: All Seeing Eye: Allow wire frame sight of Bent. (Warning, may show visions of things best left unseen) Delicious Bent-o: Allow Bent and warp to provide nutrition for the body. (Side effects may include mutations, hallucinations, and vampirism). Warp Spasm: Gain random stat bonuses as density of warp in area increases. (Warning: gaining more than (x)% of total natural warp tolerance may cause temporary mutations) Inheritance(because of Lady Killer): Reduce target’s Max Bent by (Level), within (x*level^2)m bent can be accessed by you at anytime, use of bent restores capacity to target.

Ryan Naquin

Bent Hardening: Your spells resist effects intended to change the spell result or destination. Your Will vs Their Will.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

Wingless bird, what that you want to tether your bent to your body to move yourself telekinetically,thats not how physics works! Oh right magic ( from having shifting )

Zach Collins

Count Count. Everyday you are given a random number between 1-100. Interactions with bent are counted until the number of the day is reached and then reset back to 0. Upon reaching the specified number you gain access to a random boon/ bless associated with with the universes most powerful vampire for the rest of the day. Who the F##K is Dracula? May Cause addition Vampirism Boons & Blessings (examples): -Fabulous Cape: Conjure a Dark a mysterious cape that makes you cool and mysterious....at kids birthday parties. Has the side effect of allowing you to fly and ignore light/ sun based effects when hiding behind it. -Kill Count, Count Kill: Stacking body buff with every sentient kill. Only counts if you verbally say the number and laugh afterwards. 1 Ah Ah Ah 2 Ah Ah AH. Supreme DILF: Women that are younger than you are now be easily charmed by you. Effects stack and has percentage chance become permanent if the target is also MILF, Single parent, Loney, Desperate, Has low standards, may or may not have dady issues, was physically abused in previous relationship, Really only wants some stability in her life....I'm seeing a pattern here. Your really the worst kind of person aren't you. Thought this would be a fun reference. Abilities have been very serious lately ah ah ah.

Zach Collins

Actually looking at this again probably would have made better as a skill....is that last skill slot still open? I have my vote^


Get Bent: If your spell casting is interrupted or countered, have corrction% chance not to lose the spent bent.


Manual Execution : Allows (%) ease of use while doing a spell that you dont have a discreet skill for.


Maybe a way to drain Bent or warp from someone else.


The Horcrux of the matter: 20 Bent, permanently sacrifice 10 Will, 5 Stability, and 2 Mind to imbue an item with your corrupting influence. You can communicate telepathically with anyone who has this item in their possession, and they are ((Skill level*possession days)/their Will)*100% more likely to follow any directions you give. In the event of your death, you may take control of their body if they are sufficiently corrupted. ^Technically You-Know-Who was a wizard "Lord," but this is a nice skill for a king too. From Chained Spirit.


Evasion: has correction% chance to completely dodge a bent effect


Totally Original Donut Steel: After witnessing a bent effect, you may attempt to copy it with a correction% chance to succeed, with a cost of ?/bent upon success. Ritual Master: For any bent effect, you may hold it for a maximum of lvl/minutes, with the effect increasing the longer it is held. Bent Vampire: Attacks from you and your summons have a correction% chance to drain bent.


I know Ju Jitsu: intercept an enemy’s bent based attack and use said bent to power your next bent skill for free or use said bent to over charge your next skill. ALTERNATIVE- sum levels of Bent Manipulation and Beli Ma used as correction for counter spelling (maybe limited to cqc?)(could also be used for beli ma and come from bent manipulation)


An ability that increases or decreases the speed of a temporal field in a sphere with a volume based upon the users level. This can be used to accumulate bent in the sphere due a rapid increase in time passing, or it could be used in reverse to block an attack and hold it in place by slowing the time down enough that the spell moves slowly forwards. By turning the sphere, you could adjust the spell to be sent back to the sender. Of course the intensity of the temporal increase or decrease would have to start low and be based upon the skill level. I feel like this could work great with his current combat style of redirecting attacks. He could have a temporal field on his hand, and use it to momentarily slow down an attack to adjust the incoming angle and bend it around himself.


Call it a bent in time as a nod to the popular novel a wrinkle in time


Bent efficiency: Add +/-(level)% to one spell limit(duration, mass, etc).


Naruto no jutsu: allows user to save 5 different bent manipulation spells and bind them to a hand signal for instant casting.


I’m inside of you: allows user to manipulate bent inside of another person. Max distance in meters = skill level. Control = correction % divided by 5.


More like Sharingan. Just give a correction % to learning to cast Bent manipulations (spells, techniques, etc) that the user has witnessed someone else cast before.


Bent field, have a passive field of up to level bent surrounding you when skill is turned on. This bent can only be used to disrupt casts, but can be fluidly controlled. From shifting .. ie, charge up with spare bent when not in combat, gain semi passive skill to use charged bent to deflect, reflect or disrupt spells and skills in combat


Bent creature (mutation): you now subsist on just bent but you can't digest normal food anymore


Into The Fold (Mutation): correction per level to guiding the mutations of others to useful results. Requirements: Ben Manipulation, Abbyssal Alchemy, having more than 5 mutations. Sideeffects: Patients who undergo mutation with your aid are more likely to mutated later. They will also be more likely to become fanatical


Skill Tree : Hybrid skills are able to use parent skill abilities/mutations. ^- Note: Not all abilties or mutations will always work or work in the intended way.


Choices, choices : allows you to enable/disable abilities/mutations for other skills when they would not normally allow it. ( Would allow him to take the bent ability or disable Mesmer it eyes etc.)


Mutation: Body Cultivation : Circulate bent though your body allowing your body stats to have an boost equal to skill level /2 but not higher then remaing bent you have. ( For example you have the skill at level 10 and 5 bent remaining it allows an increase of +5 to body stats but if you had 2 bent it would be +2)


PolyGlot: Spells incorporate language. Bonus chance of counterspelling if you are fluent in the language the caster was using at time of casting, bonus chance of your spells succeeding when using a language the target is not fluent in.


Mutation: Overpower/Power Overwhelming/By the power of (dunno what to use instead of Grey Skull) : allows you to spent (level / 5) extra bent on any Bent ability to strengthen its natural affects by (correction%) for each bent added. This would allow some abilities/mutations that are limited like Heart of the swarm to have much more flexibility.


Mutation: Transmuter: Your external Bent can temporarily manifest any combination of traits unlocked by Trait Doctoring at will without inhibiting its ability to be used as normal, unspent Bent. ^ Unlocked by Passive External Circulation and Trait Doctoring ^For example, assigning an external point of Bent the Elastic and Adhesive traits (found at later levels of Trait Doctoring) lets you throw the Bent around outside your normal Beli Ma range as a tethered projectile and pull small objects towards you, or you towards large objects, just like Spiderman.


Heighten Spell Metamagic is what you're looking for.


Ability: Suspend Spell Metamagic: The effects of any Ability that costs Bent may be temporarily suppressed for up to (level)^2 seconds total for each usage, and resumed so long as none of the suspended Ability's casting nor usage requirements are violated when reinstantiated. A suspended spell's bent structure still exists where it was suspended, but will not have any effect on reality. The duration is extended to match how long it was suspended for. ^The most likely problem you'll find is if you move out of range of the spell while it's gone, it will cancel instead of reinstantiate.


Ability: Dispell Trap: Allows the user to pack another spell into any spell user casts, such that if the overlaid spell is dispelled, the underlying spell is cast instead of the whole construct fizzling. The user can choose whether or not to let the underlying spell manifest if the spell duration is reached. ^ spell recursion becomes easier to learn with this Ability.