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This is a support skill primarily aimed at increasing the complexity of his spells.

You know what to do.

funny ones welcome.



Molecular Master: Create materials by pulling their respective molecules from the environment. Limited to the molecular environment.


Matryoshka: Intuitive adaption when resizing a schematic.

Pastor Joubert

Steady Hands - Your fine motor control is impeccable. Perfectly reproduce the same motions with your arms, hands and fingers. Wonderful for art, drafting, and other things.

Mike G.

Structural Engineering: the ability to design structures to take optimal advantage of available materials, increasing the strength and reducing the material (or bent) costs

Douglas Bevil

“Rube Goldberg” you make shit unreasonably complicated. Side effects = mania

Jonathan Grant

Igor’s Brain - Submind that remembers things exactly as visualized, things can be edited in this submind as in mediation. Support up to Level*5 images of Level cubed feet. ^Yes Master. Of course, master.


Pie in the sky: explanation of plans results in perfect understanding by audience of what the user wants done Perfect recall: exact mental image recall of any drafts laid out Reverse engineering: able to understand composition/construction method of target object/structure and create accurate plans to replicate it Mutation: Laser eyes: veiw an overlay of draft in wireframe superimposed on reality Never go without: can turn appendage into pencil - doubles as shiv


Are you Draft, man?: Applies correction to finding and pointing out flaws in other's plans.


Mass redistribution: when summoning or creating duplicates allows for percent (based on level) redistribution of mass to modify result. IE. a larger stinger on his wasps but makes them thinner, or larger parts of the anatomy on his more humanoid summons at the “cost” of making them thinner or shorter.

seth dauer

Slipstream- use the exhaust of an opponents warp when casting to fuel your own casting. How does it work? Clearly you just make more aerodynamic fireballs!

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

Draft Me like one of your french girls: Use drafting skill to identify week points both biological and social. Useful for gaining advantage in any situation wink wink

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

Drafted Grimoire: a book containing previously crafted spell creations to quickly reproduce them on the fly. Create a termite grenade once have it forever and just make dupes using your little black book


Mental Tessellation: as long as you can visualize an object, you can easily visualize an infinite repetition of that object along any set of axes.


Z80 Co-Visualization Unit: gain the ability to visualize parametric equations. (the Z80 is the CPU in a TI-83 graphing calculator) (Alternative name: Wolframic Sight)


Shapefile Database: gain access to a mental database of 3D models. Gain the ability to access further database caches if in sufficiently close proximity. (aka: get access to part of thingiverse, get on local Warp wifi to get access to more)


Stop! Hammer Time / Zoom and Enhance - Puts the user a hyper focus state with vision and awareness very localized to a single task and sense of time slowed briefly while you work on it. Would allow Calvin to greatly increase the complexity or execution of something he is building, casting or doing in combat. Cost, 1 bent could buy him a small pool of time he can spend in that state. Downsides, would make him less aware of other things while in it.


Hyperspace imagination: gain the ability to visualize objects in a higher-dimensional space. (the immediate benefit would be that it allows Calvin to easily visualize the internal structure of 3-d objects, like how you can imagine a circle filled with a honeycomb drawn on a sheet of paper)


Grand Design - Provides an intuitive sense for how things interact and lets the user split their awareness with only minimal loss in focus for every extra detail / summon being controlled or watched.


mass distribution(high level play only): draft 1 use scrolls that contain the bent form of one of your other know spells(no breaking the system) that let others convert their bent into the contained spell form. costs equal (cost of spell/skill level)*number of drafted scrolls.


Multi-Track Drafting!!: can now draft two independent objects at the same time. If drafting on physical paper, you can use both hands simultaneously.


That's actually a really strong ability. For example, you'd be able to design a model airplane real quick, or even just fold a paper airplane and then quickly figure out how to make a functional full-sized one. Calvin could have air superiority in a medieval fantasy world.


unlocked by Abyssal Alchemy? So effectively it lets you create a spell focus and allows Calvin use that instead of material components. No more vials and he doesn't need to come back to the abyss for materials for the more esoteric spells.


Idiot-Proofing: Designs created by the user are correction % more capable of preventing nonmalicious misuse and correction % less likely to be nonmaliciously misused while simultaneously minimally negatively impacting other design goals. ^ We can finally compete in the race against nature's ability to create a better idiot.


Just instal AutoCAD and that’s good enough? XD


DeepMind: Dedicate a portion of user's subconscious mind to testing iterative parameter optimization of created designs via Shadowboxing instances. Correction % to increased simulation speed relative to given available resources. Correction % to help properly define the optimization algorithm heuristics. (To avoid getting stuck in local maxima, or to avoid overfitting, etc.)


Clearly drafting should give speed/stamina bonuses while traveling at speed behind another moving object

Zach Collins

Brain Child: Projects that require large investments in bent now have have a chances of gaining a life of their own along with additional abilities an enhanced effects. Level of sentience, intelligence as well as possibility of gaining such scale (insert math) x level% plus amount of bent invested percent. High chance of effects and additional abilities being based on those involved in the creation process. ^Papa (o__o'')

David Burchfield

I like, especially if the unreasonably complicated thing works. Perhaps applies correction to the likelyhood of the plan/device working as intended if you make it unreasonably complicated RG style.

David Burchfield

Tony Starks VR Workshop (from meditation), lets you build and test constructs in Shadowboxing (manifesting whatever you can visualize and manipulating details at will). You can perfectly recall your designs when you leave shadowboxing.

David Burchfield

Frankenstein was Noob, allows drafting to apply to all manner of biological constructions from the mundane to the outlandish (from abyssal alchemy, and chimera).


Jerry-Rigging: Allows you to do things with materials on hand rather then the correct ones and get the same outcome.


That's the Plan Stan : Stores manually exectued spells ( as in not ones you have skills for) at 1 spell per 5 levels of skill.


Minecraft: this skill automatically calculates the distance between each and every object in your vicinity, their mass, chemical composition, etc. All divided into cubes. WARNING: May cause the desire to punch random trees, animals and dirt.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

draft horse. due to bowser. while following a planned sequence of events physical stats are enhanced until deviation from plan occurs at which time stats are reduced by half of the original enhanement

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

all according to plan, user can alter and change plans they have drafted to account for changes of situations on the fly in the equivalent of bullet time for a bent cost (think the shirlock holmes movie fight where he makes a plan in split second)


Even the best laid plans. Minions can be incompetent even in the best of times. This skill has level% correction to choose the right minions for the job to prevent bad outcomes


Plans within plans : shows his different plots’ probable outcome within meditate (a bit like he did with fort cobalt).


Bishojo (dating sim in Japanese) : when talking to a woman, suggests different sentences to get in their pants. Never screw-up flirting again


Two-steps ahead : (1 bent) grant a near-surnatural sense of what people’s actions will be for the next few seconds.


CTRL+Z - Undo a mistake and reclaim wasted resources.


Master Builder - Lego like construction abilities. Cost maybe 1 bent per 4 sec of construction time.


Back to the drawing board: Points out flaws of past creations. could be really useful if matched with abyssal alchemy to help figure out better recipes. Also good in general to perfect different creations by repeatly using the skill and fixing and trying again. Meditation can also really help with this.