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WotR Beli Ma Abilities Poll (Geeze, so many polls)

  • The Iroh Special 50
  • Rooted Lotus Style 10
  • With Interest 25
  • Dragon Clutches Pearl 36
  • Slippery When Wet 8
  • 2019-10-19
  • 129 votes
{'title': 'WotR Beli Ma Abilities Poll (Geeze, so many polls)', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Iroh Special', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Rooted Lotus Style', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'With Interest', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Dragon Clutches Pearl', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Slippery When Wet', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 19, 22, 0, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 129}


 I may add more later, but a lot of the suggestions overlapped, or didn't make a lot of sense (to me), or felt just a tad too wuxia. I'm also gonna try to slow down on the polls for a while, these cost me 2 hours. That's about...2/3 of a chapter.

The Iroh Special: Learn from the best. Spend 1 Bent to redirect an Ability you are the target of and can respond to. You choose new targets for the Ability. If used on a electrical/ lightning based Ability redirect it for free and instead Bent is used to amplify the redirected Ability. 

 Rooted Lotus Style: Double Beli Ma Correction by standing still. 

 With Interest: Add (correction) force of deflected attacks to counter-attacks. can be used with thrown weapons, if one is on-hand, but primarily used for Melee.

^ This number can go higher than 100%


Dragon clutches Pearl:  Absorb (Correction*1)  of a successfully deflected Ability's Bent cost. limited to original Bent cost.

^i.e. @ lvl 20, absorb 1 Bent, @ lvl 30, absorb 1.5 Bent if the ability cost more than one. *From Lady Killer mutation. 

Slippery When Wet: Able to excrete a slippery substance through your pores to make it more difficult for others to grapple or hold you. Can be directed with practice.  

^Never need lube again!

At higher levels :
These were kept separate because they act as passive auras, and the ability isn't there yet. maybe...level 20? Idunno.

Capacitance: Bent circulating you as part of Beli Ma is removed from your pool. You can regenerate it as normal. You can still reabsorb the Bent used for Beli Ma. 

 Kinesthetic Aura: Bent circulating around you becomes sensitive, giving the user another sense that emenates outward in every direciton *From Sense-grafting. There you go, Gardor

 Internal Circulation: direct a portion of the Bent used in Beli Ma inwardly, improving your reaction time and speed  



IMO: Rooted Lotus Style is kind of a waste, because what Wizard-King spends time standing on the ground like some sort of peasant? As soon as Calvin finds a way to fly with high uptime that's probably what he's gonna be doing most of the time.


Does that mean he could use the Iroh special to redirect and amplify lightning attacks of his summons/allies for free? To amplify the power of their attacks? The stacking on this could be crazy.


Iroh Special and then With Interest, bam.


Exactly, he's no earth king. But he could combo that with other styles to amplify their effects


Ooof yeah especially since he chooses new targets for the ability, which means he can choose himself... and then redirect it again... and also he can be multiple targets, with Heart of the Swarm... Imagine some sort of AOE lightning effect on swarm-Calvin, which he then redirects back in to himself a couple of times before focus-firing on a single target for massive damage - aka the Archimedes Special. Also Elliot should have the know-how to turn a massive instantaneous charge into a single very fast railgun shot (all you really need is two parallel conductors and a metallic bullet), so that would be fun as well.


no, no selecting yourself, damnit....unless you're willing to pay the extra bent, i guess.


Yeah it gives him the classic protagonist "unleash everything I have at once to destroy my enemies" ability. He would have to pay bent each time he redirected, and if someone interrupted him in the middle of the process I imagine it would implode on himself for massive damage. Like a glass cannon ability


There really should be an ability for redirecting from any part of your body.


that's kinda how I picture it becoming the aura. just kinda naturally getting better at it.


Here's what I was thinking: Wasp Mode Calvin puts a wasp on each of his Special Bent Forces cadre, then hits the rest of his personal swarm with Chain Lightning. Each wasp in the swarm redirects the lightning back in to the swarm at the cost of 1 Bent, while the wasps stationed on the SBF start draining with Lady Killer. Even assuming a fairly small swarm in the target area (like idk, 10 wasps?), you'd burn through hundreds of Bent in seconds, depending on the cast time of the Iroh Special redirect; I'd assume that the number of active LK connections needed would scale exponentially as you increased the number of wasps in the target area (and thus the number of redirects per second). Like, one wasp might only need 3 LK connections, but two wasps need 3 * 3 = 9 connections. That's something Calvin can figure out thru small-scale experimentation though. The main question is whether the Iroh Special augmentation is multiplicative or additive. It's might not be worthwhile to do this if IS is only additive, but if the augmentation is multiplicative you could have a (literally) earth-shattering kaboom given enough Bent.


I has questions. The iroh special. If used effectively would it count as a deflection using beli ma? If so does that mean if it is used in conjunction with dragon clutches pearl will calvin always get his bent back and possiblt then some if the spell is costly. Provided that what he trys to block is an actual deflectable spell with the iroh special?