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Caitlyn's Patron Poll

  • Tom 51
  • Elora 48
  • 2019-10-19
  • 99 votes
{'title': "Caitlyn's Patron Poll", 'choices': [{'text': 'Tom', 'votes': 51}, {'text': 'Elora', 'votes': 48}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 19, 20, 39, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 99}



These are the two I could stand making the Patron. Focus more on the powers and what they'll do to the story than the deity and their portfolio.
Unblockable scrying: Pretty self explanatory, boosts scrying magic and sense enhancing magic like her earring. possibly not unblockable. When pitted against Pala's protection, odds are the stronger caster will win.

Aura of normalization: This one is the hidden gem.  anything Caitlyn does while under this effect is something observers think she should be doing. Attending a meeting of elders? of course she should be there. she's supposed to be there. Listening in on a private conversation between the king and a representative of the Dan Ui? couldn't forget Caitlyn the Stenographer, taking notes for us. Busts a cap in the head of some guy at dinner? of course she was....Wait a minute..  It will be inversely strong compared to how outlandish and out of place her behavior is. Killing someone in public might break it, but changing in the men's room probably wouldn't.

Mental fortitude: Resistance to mind magic. always a good idea.

Night vision: Night vision. duh.

With Tom's blessings, her role in the story will shift to be more spy-oriented. Tom's blessings are REALLY good for spying...even the normal kind.

Talent: will get better faster at inventing and crafting objects.

Inspiration: sudden leaps of logic provided by divine sources (the Author, when he feels like it.)

Imbue with Self: pour a piece of her soul into an object to make it better and more reactive to her, and worse for anyone else. may have additional effects. * most interesting ability.

 Lucky Logistics: She will more often have what she needs when she needs it. Deadlines blown less often.  

With Elora's blessing she'll most likely take up semi-permanent residence on The Fertility and take the role of a Q-like character.



"Unblockable scrying" could be useful as an annoyance tactic (provided Garth could protect her from retaliation). i.e. set Catelyn to frequently spy on her enemies that can detect her spying but can't stop it!


Tom's Aura of Normalicy opens the door to the scary world of anti-memetics. 'tis a silly place, let us not go there.


I vote both :p


My thinking is this : While Elora can polish her strengths, Tom offers her access to greater knowledge – the greatest obstacle to her research and an obvious weakness. Additionally, her survivability would improve when confronted with Garth's OP enemies (or his less-than-safe whimsies). Surely she will have the opportunity again later to accept Elora's patronage, at which point she would be able to make the most of the benefits reaped from Tom's patronage.


We already have Garth to make new things, and Halo to make them better. We need an information officer.

Max Lopo

Tom forever. The abilities are stupidly versatile and overpowered. She already has an heavy knack on inventions. The other abilities would be kinda redundant even if helpful.


Voted for Tom. I agree going the gearhead route is probably more in line with the character, but I think the spy thing would be a more interesting story than cool and conveniently timed gadgets.


Macro, the problem with the Ton route is that Halo exists. Anything she does invention wise becomes exponentially better, allowing her to take up the spy role with gadgets. Tom's blessing would somehow have to synergize with equipment to come even close.

The Human

I'd rather more garth and cool sentient artifacts than magic-pervert Jennifer bond


Works both ways though, why would you need an inventor when halo can make anything do whatever you want it to do?


They can't stop it, but they can probably trace it back and blast the origin. Or like put up a mind-trap of some sort or something. There's all sorts of countermeasures that are worse than a flat block. That being said she'd definitely want to take some of Tom's Mental Fortitude, since one of the obvious countermeasures is to force the unblockable scrying to eff something ineffable.


Not really, Halo seems to be multiplicative on a base. Hier quality starting product produces exponentially better end result for the same amount to time.


You're not wrong about Halo, but I stand by my previous comments. What's more, which route offers more to the story? Potentially even more OP development on Garth's side with no clear direction for advancement yet established, or patching the party's lack of information resources while also rounding out Caitlyn's own personal weakness? I strongly support Elora's patronage of Caitlyn. Just not at this point in the story.


Heh, I clicked and made it 42:41 ^.^


I think Tom would be better because he allows her to do something she couldn't before where as Elora just makes her better at what she can already do