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It's gonna hit 5 eventually in the story and I need to be prepared with abilities and mutations. This one was always meant to be a silly skill, so go nuts. But not too nuts.



Princess Party - expand the definition of princess to include anyone of sufficienr social status in their group (now a cheiftans daughter or merchant princess counts)


Princess Bride - mutation - if a princess is taking care of you, it is possible to recover from any injury given sufficient time. Inconceivable!


WELL EXCUSE ME, PRINCESS - mutation - princess are more likely to find gauche or inappropriate behavior endearing. Be yourself around your princess, even if you are terrible, especially if you are terrible


Princess Power - mutation - being intimate with your princess will allow you and your princesses to copy a skill of the other so long as you love eachother.


Just peachy- Any attack’s made by a princess on you have reduced effectiveness by (2.5 x level) %


Princess collector - Gain 2 maximum bent (or appropriate stat) per princess kidnapped.


You're my princess - name someone your princess, confer on them the benefits of the average princess while getting the bonus to talking to her - I'm drunj


Magic touch: lady killer can now be used on unwilling targets unsuccessful uses will still transfer the feeling and reduce resistance to further uses


White knight: gives drastic bonuses when defending the life of a princess.


Always There For Her: you can teleport to any princess you have kidnapped once per week per princess (princess doesn't have to be willing)

Scott Frederiksen

Genosian chieftain's daughter already counted but still cool idea that has possibilities.

Zach Collins

Plumber Supplies: Requirement, One of your princesses being addicted to drugs...standards right? A set of consumable and or wearable items, randomly chosen upon selection of this skill become 'beneficial' drugs with bent based effects based off the needs/desires of your princesses. The amount of drugs available is based off level. She said you where big enough but this magic mushroom does more than provide a good time.


Idea just came from shifting, allows Calvin to shift the bonus from Bowser to other stats