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Sense-Grafting Poll

  • Offensive Grafting 23
  • Omniscient Grafting 17
  • Synesthesia 6
  • A mile in their shoes 8
  • Desensitize 4
  • Gaze into the Abyss 12
  • Compensation 7
  • 7th,8th,9th Sense 54
  • 2019-10-10
  • 131 votes
{'title': 'Sense-Grafting Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Offensive Grafting', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Omniscient Grafting', 'votes': 17}, {'text': ' Synesthesia', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'A mile in their shoes', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Desensitize', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Gaze into the Abyss', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Compensation', 'votes': 7}, {'text': '7th,8th,9th Sense', 'votes': 54}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 10, 0, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 131}


as usual, I used the most commonly suggested, and highest hearted abilities that seem decent. keep in mind every ability is self only until Offensive Grafting is taken. Jeez this is getting to be a big list. I may add more next time around.

Offensive Grafting: Sense grafting can now be used on targets other than the caster. Unwilling targets will resist. Success and duration is determined by Intuition.

Omniscient Grafting: The User can now graft senses without losing their own, as well as create and process multiple inputs simultaneously.

 Synesthesia: Bundle two or more senses together. Taste colors, see smells, etc. Extremely debilitating condition, but allows the user to process a particular input using more areas of the brain, allowing a more comprehensive understanding of the medium.

^For example, seeing and hearing music, allowing you to make music that looks and sounds good, with a depth that normal people will be amazed by.

A mile in their shoes: User copies any number of senses from a target onto themselves, allowing them to experience what the target is experiencing.

^Really, really good for sex, kid. I highly recommend.

Desensitize: reduce chosen sense from mild weakening to complete deprivation.

^Also good for sex, if you know how to use it, amiright?


Gaze into the Abyss: See from the perspective of any creature observing the User. May cause headaches without Omniscient Grafting

^unlocked by Third Eye and Feel Intent

Compensation: Sacrifice a sense at will to boost another drastically. Reversable.

7th,8th,9th Sense: 1 Bent: User may consume a creature and either improve an existing sense or add one that the user previously did not have, dependent on the creature's senses. One slot per five levels of Sense-Grafting

^Unlocked by Consume and Gift of Tongues



You could rename Synesthesia to Taste the Rainbow :)


I sure could ;) not on the poll though, I can’t change that shit after I click post.


is omniscient grafting the first step towards my sweet sweet perception sphere?! also is 7,8,9 sense permanent, like every five slots he permanently bolsters/adds a sense, without continuously costing a bent?


Every five levels right? Because he earns a slot every five of those.


You gotta dream up some cool animals with cool senses. I hear Gardors can sense whiskey from miles away.


I feel like synesthesia should grant extra senses at some point. Like i have read about people with synesthesia that have a math sense so to speak where they perceive numbers as shapes and math problems are just fitting the shapes together


that was the idea behind the expanded cognition, using two senses worth of brainpower to think about something.


I am saying that synesthesia should give unusual senses you can graft, like the ability to graft sense of balance etc as opposed to the usual 5 senses


sense of balance is a sense...lemme go check the story real quick, yeah it's in there already.


When i said sense of balance i was talking about proprioception aka sense of body in space. So grafting chronoception onto a sundial to get more accurate time. Or grafting sens of self onto a totem to thwart illusions and mind fuckery.