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Hey everyone,

So I've been taking it pretty easy this week and working on some basic planning stuff. As this last update was a pretty big milestone. I need to think carefully how I want to work going forward.

So the biggest thing I want to accomplish is to increase the pace / shorten the time between updates. This I need to do in two ways. I need to make individual content shorter/simpler and set up a pipeline that requires less testing.

Complex multi character events and especially events and overall sequences that can span maps are some of the hardest to do. Which was a big part of the latest update.

One of the biggest time sinks is trying to sequence proof events. You need to think of and try and adapt to how a player might break or do something out of order. This requires allot of playing and testing.

In my last post I mentioned templates. This is primarily because a template will reduce the time needed to test and prevent soft locks. In theory I would only need to outline the template once and any subsequent events that could happen within a template could be assumed to be stable.

I've started drafting out how to improve and update/create better templates. This will hopefully go hand in hand with working with a new writer. I'm still in discussions on that front and I've had some very encouraging chats.

What I want to do is do a number of smaller chunked mini missions with simple directives that are more directly ABDL oriented. These would be my initial focus before looking at character relationships. Especially because some of my early design ideas involve a character relationship being a series of mini repeatable missions. So once you max out your relationship like with Clair you then have a series of small events you can do as many times as you want.  

Also while I say mini mission or mini quest it might be more like a sequence that is triggered by doing something. It's more active than just something that triggers but might be something as simple as bringing a character a fresh diaper.

That's all for now I'm still writing up how this stuff might work and I'm just getting into some bugs. But early days. My plan is in a couple weeks I'll push out a quick bug fix build with a way to get back into the other dimensional area after the main quest is over. 


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