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Hey everyone,

Just a quick post to just give you an idea what I've been working on. I decided before putting too much time into bug fixes I'd look at just updating / fixing the in game bug options.

The biggest update is you should be able to access the bug menu above all other elements. If the screen is stuck grey or black you "should" be able to still access the bug menu.

I also found a possible solution for if you get stuck falling. When you travel above or below ground the above ground / below ground objects are turned off / on. In some situations if you fall off the level it tries to spawn you back on an area of the map that isn't currently active. I updated the system to check and activate the map it wants to spawn you on.

I made minor adjustments to the Stuck commands that should catch more cases where you might not be able to move along with making sure the stuck command will also remove any dialogue that might get left on.

The black screen stuck command should reset the player controls fade the screen up and allow you to move but won't teleport you.

Another useful command is Remove Last Game Event. So basically this will delete the last game progression piece of save data. Each time you do this it will delete another entry. The idea is if an event breaks you can rewind time in a limited way. This isn't perfect so won't be able to re-wind time or like player relationships but major events.

This is also linked with Reload Save. This was a more complex command. This sort of soft re-loads the game without actually quitting and starting again. If you rewind a save state you can then reload where your at and it should re-set the world to match the current save game state. This can also work if something else breaks down.

There are a few more commands and helpers I want to integrate but these were a few of the larger ones. I haven't had a chance to test them yet but I'm going to do a bit of bug hunting so I hope to get the chance to use them soon!. That's all for now I'll have more info next week!



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