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Today, I will be interviewing a VFX artist who has worked for Marvel and WB — including the cancelled Batgirl film.

What questions would you want to ask them? Leave your questions in the comments or on the NerdSync Discord via this thread.

I'm taking questions from you Patrons first before anywhere else! Thanks for supporting me here!



I'd definitely want to ask them about nighttime scenes--how are they made to look like nighttime? And how has the process changed over the years? I ask because I've heard that there have been distinct changes over the years that have resulted in movies looking darker now than they used to, and I'm curious what caused that. Also, what reference materials are they given (if any) when assigned a project? How much of it is personal research as opposed to what a studio gives them? (The answer is probably "It varies" but I'd be interested to hear more about it.)


I'd personally would like to know if the insane hours and deadlines are true. I mean I'm 100% convinced that movie studios and executives would absolutely create these nightmare scenarios for these VFX artists. I'd also like to know if there's a union being started for them, because if there's not there should be.