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Hey gang! Quick update on video production. I'm working on several massive projects right now, along with a bunch of smaller stuff. I've been hesitant to release a lot of the smaller/sillier videos because I worry they'd crowd out the more researched video essay stuff.

But I think after the two big projects come out, I want to allow myself more freedom to make "bad art" so to speak lol. Make videos that are rushed and not perfect in between bigger uploads. And if it turns out that views on the channel overall go down and people want me to stop crowding the channel with goofier stuff, then I'll start posting those to the second channel and leave the main channel as a place for video essays exclusively. I just want to keep experimenting and seeing what works.

A friend told me recently that on YouTube you need to somehow give your audience the exact same thing they expect every time AND ALSO switch things up enough to keep them interested. I'm playing around in that space. Thanks for watching and providing feedback!



I do quite like the more casual experiences but you could maybe find a series name for the video essays to make them easy to follow for folks only interested in those? Have your cake and eat it too?


My personal experience, interspersing "serious," high-polish projects with small, fun, "it doesn't have to be perfect," indulgences is actually very good for the creative brain. Gives you variety, keeps you from burning out. And sometimes it's fun to flash back to those early days when you just blatted out your thoughts/vision and thought you were brilliant. So, yeah, definitely give yourself a break by doing the small, silly stuff. You can figure out where to put it later. (Hm. Maybe even make some of it Patron exclusives?)