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Hey, gang! Sorry I've been silent for a bit. I was on vacation for a bit, and I'm also working on A LOT of new projects that are all going to come out this month.

Firstly, my new series where I hangout with my YouTuber friends as we watch old media had its first episode last month with my buddy Tulok the Barbrarian! We watched some old D&D stuff and it was a blast! If you haven't seen it, check it out here. 

As for this month, I have another one of those videos lined up, but I also have a video about Thor: The Dark World that is nearly done and should be out next week. It's another video that ends in an unexpected way, but I hope you like it! I'm also working on a quick video reacting to the Scoob: Holiday Haunt and Batgirl news since my video about Velma a couple months back was very successful. That video should be out sooner, even this week at some point if I can finish it.

My biggest project I'm working on is one about me turning 30 this month. A big birthday, for sure. My video is going to reflect on some movies, shows, and music that have impacted me over the past 10 years of me making YouTube videos. It will also coincide with me doing a branding refresh of the channel AND the launch of an entirely new line of merch that has some AMAZING things! Seriously, I'm so excited for you all to see what I've been working on!

I do have to get back to work immediately, but I just wanted to drop in an update for you wonderful patrons! Thanks so much for supporting me! I appreciate it so much!



Happy to be here Scott! Something to think about for Probs Not Aliens ... instead of being the one who "knows nothing" you should be the "empty cup". Based on this folklore you can find floating around the internet : "There is an old Buddhist story of this saying about a scholar and a zen master. Scholar Tokusan, who was full of knowledge and opinions about the dharma, came to Ryutan and asked about Zen. At one point Ryutan re-filled his guest's teacup, but did not stop pouring when the cup was full. Tea spilled out and ran over the table. "Stop! The cup is full!" said Tokusan. "Exactly," said Master Ryutan. "You are like this cup; you are full of ideas. You come and ask for teaching, but your cup is full; I can't put anything in. Before I can teach you, you'll have to empty your cup."


I can't wait!