Patreon Reward Tier Changes (need your input!) (Patreon)
So, I haven't changed around the NerdSync Patreon reward tiers in a while, and with all the new support, I would like to change stuff around. But before I do, I want to know what you think is a fair reward for which tier! Tiers can have multiple rewards. Most do already. Let me know in the comments where each reward belongs so I can keep that in mind as I restructure things!
- Discord access
- Thank you video
- Name listed in video credits
- Name spoken in video credits
- Discounts on merch
- Behind the scenes updates including screenshots, access to scripts, polls for upcoming topics to cover, etc. (these will always be available to all patons eventually, but which tier should have early access?)
- Commentary videos where I talk over my latest videos and discuss how filming went, stuff I had to cut out, editing tricks, and even video performance (again, it will be available for all patrons, but which tier gets early access?)
- Any other reward you might like
What feels fair to you all? Current tier prices are $1, $3, $6, $10, $15, $25, $50, and $100. I would like to not change the price values because that will be confusing to existing patrons if suddenly the $15 tier raises to a $20 and there's nothing being offered for $15 anymore, y'know? Anyway, I'm going to go on a grocery run, and I'm excited to read everyone's thoughts when I get back! Fill out them comments!
We are also having a big discussion about it on the Discord as well if you want to hop in there!