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So, I'm taking a small vacation after my latest video and getting a little too much sun, but I wanted to pause for a moment and say THANK YOU! Thank you for all the love on my D&D video!

If you're an old fan of mine who still watches my videos even if they aren't always about comics and superheroes, or you're a new fan who decided to support me on Patreon simply because you liked the last video, you're all amazing! But for now, UPDATES!

Thank you videos

Okay, so I posted about this on Patreon a few weeks ago, but once again the workflow I use to send out personalized thank you videos to new patrons broke for a bit. If you're a brand new patron as of my D&D video, I've got your name on my list already. No need to do anything! But if you signed up to be a Patron between the start of July and the first week of August, there's a chance that your name wasn't sent my way. So if you want a personalized thank you video and you haven't gotten one already:

  • Check your email, including your spam folder to make sure I haven't already sent you one
  • Comment below saying you want one and I can record one for ya!

Apologies that this keeps breaking every couple of months. I think I know why, and I'm working to fix it. Thanks for understanding!

Monthly Social Media Shoutouts

This was a reward tier for a while, but I always kept forgetting to do it. It's that thing where I would record myself thanking each of the patrons and post it on twitter each month. I haven't done it in a while, so I figured I would take it off of the reward tier it was on. I think it was the $6 tier. In its place is a discount code for 15% off all NerdSync merch over at NerdSyncStore.com. Patreon should automatically inform you of the promo code, but if it doesn't, let me know! I will also probably message all patrons at that tier and above the discount code soon, just to make sure everyone has it.

I might still do those twitter video shoutouts, just more sporadically and not an official part of a tier. But as always, let me know your feedback! Maybe we could find something new to put into that $6 tier as well to make it a little more worthwhile!

Next New Video

I updated the next goal here on Patreon! If we reach 450 patrons, I will release a 30-minute long video talking about how much I love Bob Ross and The Joy of Painting. We're about 20 new patrons away from that, so I hope we can cross that milestone and get me started on that new video! I'm already writing up a few bullet points just in case!

Wonderful Nerd Pins

Everyone who has signed up for the $10 tier for the Wonderful Nerd pin special offer, THANK YOU! I'm so excited for these pins! I still don't have them in hand yet to show off, but everything is running a bit slow because of COVID, as you can imagine. Just remember that if you were already a $10 patron before the special offer, add or update your mailing address so we can send you your pins as soon as we can! Here's how you can do that. 

Thanks again for all the love on the latest video! It has warmed my heart!




i got my bonjoro! Thanks Scott!

Scott Ritchie

I don't think I got a video either. No rush at all, thanks for all you do!