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I know this is a really long one, but I hope you all listen to it! This audio update covers where your money goes when you support NerdSync.

If you have any questions or concerns or feedback of any kind, please let me know in the comments here or via a private message.

Thanks, nerds!

- Scott



Scott, appreciate how open you are on the state of affairs. Wish I could help more with Patreon, but I'd love to help in any other way like if you ever need another place to crash when you're in SoCal (I'm 20 miles from LAX, 10 miles from Anaheim) let me know. Good luck!


Uhhhh.....ruh roh, like Scooby Doo, that's fun. Honestly, if people are upset about what you are spending the money on, they are missing the point. You are performing a job. My employer doesn't get to dictate what I spend my money on after I get paid. You are providing a service and we are paying for that service. The only obligation you have to us is to put the videos up. If people have a problem with that, then they are just being entitled. I know that since this is your livelihood and you are a good person you may feel differently and good for you for trying your best to accommodate those people. But in this patron's opinion, they are asking too much of you if they feel they can dictate how you spend the money when they already got the service they are paying for. You don't get to buy a burger at a restaurant and then say "Do you really need to buy that new oven?"