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Hey, you Wonderful Nerds! Scott here.

I want to start posting more updates directly to Patreon in addition to our Discord server. I want to get you more involved and updated about new videos and projects we're working on, and get your feedback on things. The way I want to start this is by having more polls here on Patreon to learn what you guys want to see.

I'm thinking weekly polls, behind the scenes photos, maybe some simple digital exclusives for you guys, and even just an occasional lengthy blog post about the status of NerdSync and what we have planned for the future.

So here's a good first poll: Do you want to see more content posted here on Patreon, or do you just want it for occasional updates and new videos?



Honestly, Patreon is just a convenient way for me to give you a buck or two. I enjoy the lens videos but I rarely have time to watch them. I think more will always make the hardcore fans happy though...


Not that I'm not a hardcore fan (I hate that word, why do I use it?). I'm just hella-busy.


Ditto to above statements of digging of polls- however also agree with focus upon quality and kick back more than content necessity for me Scott. Also love the Pods from before and recent


Maybe I should create some kind of podcast for Patreon. I miss podcasting.