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Good morning and happy Easter, if you celebrate!

Today's chat will be about scarcity, specifically with finite resources like time or money. What do we do when there's not enough to go around? How do we know when asymmetry is hierarchy in disguise?

This is not a comprehensive "how to" video.

I'll share how I approach this tension, what I consider with my partners, including anecdotes from my life. My experience is limited so there will be aspects that don't apply to you, or might not work for your situation. Please only take what resonates, and I welcome your feedback on any angles that I missed. This is a massive conversation that can easily have a lot of videos, so I'm happy to keep expanding on it.

I reference an earlier post in the video, also anecdote-driven, that I'll link here now: 7 Time Management Conflicts and How to Resolve Them


  • 00.00 Naming it / starting the conversation
  • 04.30 Is getting more the same as hierarchy?
  • 08.32 Addressing different class backgrounds
  • 12.17 Addressing different needs and abilities
  • 15.09 What if a metamour is in crisis?
  • 17.35 When my worldview totally changed...
  • 19.55 What if you want a hierarchy, though?
  • 21.27 What if we actually do want different things?
  • 24.03 Outro


I hope it may be of service.


Theres Not Enough - Part 1


Elias Roberto

This was very helpful and timely. Thanks!


Love. Really looking forward to the follow-up video(s?)! :D