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Hope you're having a lovely Sunday!

Quite a few monogamous folks have asked me to touch on mono / polyam dynamics, where a monogamous person is in a romantic or interdependent relationship with a polyamorous person. So, let's talk about it!

While it isn't something I participate in anymore, I've chatted with quite a few mono / polyam folks in my community this month. They offered insights on what they consider, what questions they ask themselves, and other things they look out for in this dynamic specifically. Maybe it will be helpful for you!


  • 00.00 Intro
  • 00.59 Different reasons for choosing mono / polyam
  • 05.37 "Is mono / polyam for me?"
  • 07.23 Discussing power structures
  • 10.25 Shame and social stigma
  • 14.10 Considering couples privilege
  • 15.21 Fears of abandonment, "leapfrogging", DADT
  • 20.48 What to check in about as things change
  • 22.55 Outro


Captions provided by Vimeo
Automated transcription attached at the bottom of this post, via Otter AI




mono / polyam


Chiara Tripaldi

Yes, my problem is that I started right know a long distance (not so long though😅)

Chiara Tripaldi

*with a poly guy. My first problem and anxiety is: will be the relationship asimmetric?

Genevieve King

Hi there, I'll see if I can include this in my next Live chat Q&A. Most dynamics have asymmetry, and LDRs include privilege of the local partner having more access to time and resources. Sometimes balancing can happen, sometimes its beyond anyones control. It's something to be negotiated with the hinge partner for sure.