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Hi cutie,

I hope your weekend is calm and that you're able to rest and restore. :)

Not sure how I'm *just* hearing about this podcast, Polyamory Weekly, but here we are. They're a community-driven podcast, which really got my attention, because I'm a big fan of spaces that allow for multitudes of experiences and identities in non-monogamy.

As well, they've platformed fantastic guest hosts recently, like Kevin Patterson @polyrolemodels, Dr. Liz Powell, and Michelle @polyamorouswhileasian. They cover a lot of practical case studies, and in general offer some interesting and often well-rounded discussions.

But I'll let you be the judge of that, and see if these voices resonate with you!

With love,



Polyamory Weekly

Minx and her listeners discuss loving more and polyamory, the lifestyle of being involved in more than one commited, long-term, loving relationship with the full knowledge and consent of all parties involved. In this community-driven show, each week Minx talks sex, relationships, communication, family, erotica, psychology, orgasms and anything else that comes up in the ins and outs of the daily polyamorous lifestyle.


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