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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Luffy and Enel clash! Goro Goro no Mi vs Biri Biri no Mi! As the heavens shake with lightning and thunder, the Straw Hats can only look up, along with the rest of Skypiea, as the clash goes on. When the dust settles though, what will become of Skypiea and Upper Yard? The Skypieans and the Shandians? Will Luffy and Crew get the gold they’re seeking?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 59 – A ‘God’ Falls

“Get up.” Luffy demanded of Enel as he walked towards the injured ‘God’, having just punched him straight through several stone ruins on the floating island cloud that surrounded the halfway point of Giant Jack.

Enel forced himself to his feet, his vision swimming from the blackened and lightning coated fist that he’d been punched with. He could feel the pain radiating throughout his body just from that single blow. He spat out some blood from his mouth and with wide, almost crazed, eyes, he flared with a bright electric aura again, making his entire body seem to glow. “Your blasphemy against me ha gone on long enough!” Enel roared at Luffy. “KARI!!!” Enel’s electric aura sparked and then became a blindingly bright flash of light followed by an air-shaking thunderclap.


“Bright!” Luffy grimaced and closed his eyes, also covering his ears, from the flash and thunder.

“100,000,000 Volt Hino!” Enel struck the leftmost drum on the steel ring attached to his back. The drum crackled loudly with electricity before a bird was formed form the sparks and flew at Luffy. Enel wasn’t done though, as he struck the rightmost drum next. “100,000,000 Volt Kiten!” A roaring beast made of electricity leapt from the drum and charged at Luffy along with the Hino. “How much can you take, Blue Sea dweller?!” Enel struck the top two drums on his steel ring, making them spark and crackle loudly as he poured his power into them. “100,000,000 Volt Jamboule!” An eastern dragon made of electricity twisted through the air, coming at Luffy from the center, while the Hino came at him from the left, and the Kiten came at him from the right. Over the loud electrical discharge and the thunderclap that followed a second burst of blindingly bright light, Enel fled as his three electric beasts descended on the blinded and deafened pirate.

Only Luffy wasn’t blinded or deafened.

He could ‘see’ the incoming thunder beasts through his Haki. He could feel their electrostatic discharge in the air. He could even predict their path based on the electrical current that they were following.

Luffy charged straight through the three electrical beasts and scattered them with some Haki-imbued lightning, rendering them nothin more than static and spark in the air. He vanished in a bolt, only to drive his foot into the fleeing Enel’s back at the edge of the small island cloud.


Some rubble and island cloud was thrown into the air as Enel smashed face first into the ground. Luffy’s foot was practically folding Enel’s spine in the opposite direction.

“GAH!!!” Enel hacked out painfully, bouncing along the island cloud and nearly falling off if not for his electrically enhanced perception and reaction time.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Luffy questioned with a burning gaze, both of his fists now blackened by his Haki.

Enel ground his teeth in pain and frustration. ‘The Maxim… If I can just get to my ark, I’ll over power this Blue Sea dweller easily!’ But the Maxim was still in the cavern it had been built in, and that was a fair distance away from his current location. “You foolish mortal! How dare you stand in the way of God’s design!” Enel’s electric aura intensified even further and he came at Luffy in less than the blink of an eye. “100,000,000 Volt VARI!!!” He touched Luffy’s raised arm and unleashed the built up electricity.


A bright discharge of electricity covered the small island cloud, blasting away the remainder of the ruins in the process and destabilizing the island cloud itself.

-Below Giant Jack-

“Is that Luffy?!” Vivi exclaimed, looking up and seeing lightning destroying the small island cloud above them.

“Probably.” Zoro partially covered his eyes with his hands to be able to look up at the bright discharge above.

“Luffy is fighting the ‘God’ of this land.” Robin said as she approached the two, having followed their presences from the edge of her Observation range. “Enel found me below, in the runs of Shandora, and attempted to attack me.”

“Robin!” Vivi was glad to see the other woman appeared to be alright. “Are you okay?”

Robin gave a small smile to the princess and nodded. “I’m fine. Captain intervened and protected me.”

“Looks like I won’t get a chance to fight this ‘God’ then.” Zoro said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Did you find any gold?” He looked at Robin curiously.

“It was taken by Enel and his men over the last few years. Where it is now, I’m not sure.” Robin shook her head.


All three of the pirates flinched and slapped their hands over their ears from the sudden thunderclap. The daylight gained a blue tint as a tower of lightning was blasted upward through the island clouds above. The small island cloud that had been dispersing had vanished instantly from the blast.

-Luffy and Enel-

“Grnnnggghhh!” Enel hissed and spasmed as his body was overloaded with electricity. His Devil Fruit was quickly mitigating any damage and undoing the overload, but for a brief couple of seconds, the self-proclaimed ‘God’ was immobile from the head-on blast that Luffy had just hit him with.

“You managed to guard…you’re faster than I thought.” Luffy said as he landed on the island cloud that housed God’s Temple, or the ruins that Enel had left it in at any rate. There was now a massive hole through the cloud from Luffy’s Raiken. “You diverted the current from my Raiken, right?” Ace and Sabo had both found ways to do something similar over the years, Ace with heat and air currents (Luffy hadn’t really understood the explanation) and Sabo by giving the lightning an easier path to follow through his ashes, which were conductive to a degree.

Enel vanished in a spark, though Luffy’s eyes followed him, and the man raised his hand above his head. A crackling stream of electricity was launched into the air and struck one of the many large clouds floating around. The white-gray cloud was illuminated from within by the current, before it began to spark and rumble as it darkened. “SANGO!!!” Enel dropped his hand down, the line of electricity still connecting him to the new thundercloud he’d created.

Luffy looked upwards and with both his Observation and his Devil Fruit, felt what was going to happen.


A massive lightning bolt fell from the thundercloud and blasted a second hole straight through the island cloud that God’s Temple was built on. That wasn’t the end of the attack, however, as a second bolt fell from the thundercloud and blasted through the island cloud. This was followed by a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth in rapid succession as Enel continuously fed the thundercloud with more electricity, rapidly charging it and altering its natural properties.


The resounding thunder crashes still shook the air, but Enel could still ‘hear’ Luffy through his Mantra. “H-How?! How could you dodge my Sango?!”

“Observation.” Luffy answered simply, standing between two of the new large holes through the island cloud. With the combination of his Haki and Devil Fruit, he knew exactly where to stand to not get hit.

“Damn it…’ Enel bit out, his God Complex taking another brutal blow as he was forced to realize and even grudgingly accept that he was outclassed by Luffy. “If only I could get to Maxim.”

Luffy didn’t even bother asking what Maxim was. Instead he was suddenly in Enel’s guard and slugging him with another blackened fist. Enel’s arms shot up and blocked the blow, but he was still sent backwards from the force.

“AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!” Enel howled with pain as his left arm hung limply with a rapidly darkening bruise forming at the point of impact. His arm was clearly broken, and through the pain, panic began to seep into Enel’s mind. “Kanmuru!” Enel’s electric aura intensified for an instant before vanishing into his skin, leaving only a bright glow to his blonde hair and his eyes. Then he vanished without a sound.

“Eh?” Luffy blinked in surprise, his Haki only keeping pace with Enel after a second for Luffy to adjust his perception to the suddenly higher speed that Enel had just utilized. “Are you trying to run away again?!” He vanished in a spark and almost four-hundred meters away dropped an axe kick onto Enel’s fleeing form. “Goro Goro no Battle Axe!” The lightning leg smashed into the island cloud as Enel seemingly reacted automatically to Luffy’s sudden appearance and dodged.


Lightning blasted from the point of impact, tearing apart more of the island cloud.

Enel was already almost fifty meters away, rushing towards the edge of the island cloud.

“URK?!” Enel’s feet left the ground as the steel ring attached to his back was caught and stopped moving suddenly.

“YAAAHHHH!!!” Luffy swung Enel over his head and slammed the injured man into the ruined remains of one of the buildings that had been destroyed earlier. “Goro Goro no Hammer!” Luffy slammed a crackling fist of lightning down on Enel.


The ruins of the building exploded into fragments flying through the air.

Enel spat blood from the painful blow, feeling something break within him as well, and couldn’t even cry out in pain as the wind was driven from his lungs. His autonomous reaction through his electric aura still saw him moving, even though his body was in no shape to do so. He blitzed across the island cloud and ran straight up Giant Jack to escape. To the eyes of most people, it would appear as if a blue-white streak of light was shooting straight up the side of the towering plant.

“I wanted to get to the top anyway!” Luffy yelled after Enel, vanishing into a spark.

Gather the static electricity… Pass it through the clouds… Take it in… Amplify… Repeat.’ Enel was hyper-focusing on his Devil Fruit to ignore the pain of his injuries. As he shot through the island cloud near the top of Giant Jack, he was passing out his max current of electricity into the clouds to gather and strengthen the voltage. Building up more power as he took the charge back into his body, then repeated the process with the greater power. He managed this five times before he cleared the island cloud and landed near the top of Giant Jack.

“What took you so long?” Luffy questioned Enel with a grin, his body sparking with lightning.

“Yahaha!” Enel felt the build up of electrical power within him and gained confidence once more, his damaged God Complex quickly reasserting itself in his mind, since he’d lived with it as his ‘normal’ mental state for so long. “You’ve put up a good fight for a mortal, Blue Sea dweller! But now you’ll face the true power of the Almighty!” His electric aura exploded from his body, creating a thunderclap, before his body seemed to vanish into a much larger body made from electricity. “200,000,000 VOLT AMARU!!!

Enel’s new form was similar to a towering, pot-bellied, Raijin-like thunder god, complete with a crackling hagoromo around his shoulders. This was the maximum power that Enel could generate after amplifying his Biri Biri no Mi’s power through the clouds and taking it back in. His normal height was a bit over two and a half meters, but his Amaru form stood at eight meters tall. It crackled with powerful electric discharge capable of electrocuting anyone that got close to him.

“You got big.” Luffy glared up at the towering form that Enel had taken. He held his right arm out to the side, the blue-white lightning crackling around the limb condensed, becoming brighter and letting off a keening wail along with the sound of small thunder crashes over and over again. “I’ve fought bigger.” Luffy grinned unflinchingly in the face of Enel’s ultimate power. The condensed lighting around his blackened arm started to darken as his focused his Armament Haki into it. In mere seconds it was a dark purple color and seemed to be nearly solid as he held the lighting that was vibrating the superheated air around it even further, letting off multitudes of thunderclaps as if a storm was being held within Luffy’s hand. “Goro Goro no… Mjölnir!”

It happened in less than the time it took to blink.

“EL THOR!!!” Enel’s giant Amaru form shoved both palms forward and blasted a titanic beam of electricity at Luffy, no less powerful than Luffy’s own Raiken.

But Luffy wasn’t there anymore.

The beam of electricity blasted through the island clouds, and even the regular clouds without slowing in the slightest. Thankfully the angle was away from Angel Island, so the citizens wouldn’t be blasted by the immense power that had been unleashed by their tyrannical ‘God’.

“OOOUUUAAAGGGHHH!!!” Luffy roared out a battle cry that was like thunder unto itself. He was directly in front of Enel, standing just before the towering Amaru form that Enel had assumed. He swung his Mjölnir attack straight up and blasted through the built up electricity with far greater power. Enel barely had time to process the fact that his ultimate form had been overwhelmed before the dark purple lighting struck him full-on.


The Amaru form burst like a balloon.

Enel’s felt like he’d been physically hit with the hammer-like lightning within Luffy’s hand, his ribs snapping under the force. His Devil Fruit couldn’t keep up with mitigating the damage from all of the lightning that was pouring into his body, he was overloaded far beyond what he could handle! Blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, his flesh burned from where the dark purple lightning touched him, everything was fading from his failing senses.

-Going Merry-


Thunder crashed throughout the clouds above Upper Yard as the Going Merry sailed around the island towards the rendezvous spot on the eastern shore.

The clouds above had turned an ominous black and flashes of lightning could be seen within them. The last and loudest thunderclap had been enough to shake the trees across Upper Yard.

“IS THAT LUFFY?!” Usopp yelled out, holding his ears from the powerful thunder that had nearly shaken Upper Yard.

“It has to be!” Nami was also covering her ears, but refused to look away from the stormy clouds. “I didn’t sense any kind of storm forming at all! And at this altitude that would be impossible to miss!”

“Luffy’s crazy!” Chopper cried out, trembling in instinctive fear of the resounding rumble of thunder throughout the sky.

Mikita, also with her hands over her ears, was much like Nami, staring up at the dark clouds. “You think this ‘God’ is really that strong?”

Sanji flicked his spent cigarette over the side of the Going Merry. “I’d bet my next three meals that was Luffy ending the fight.” He had no doubts about his Captain’s strength. For all that Luffy could be a dumbass, he never let his nakama down. When he said that he was going to do something, he did it. “I’m sure that ‘God’ came looking for a fight and Luffy gave it to him.”

“Y-You think so?” Usopp looked a cross between worried and hopeful.

“He better have protected Vivi and Robin!” Sanji clenched his fist in front of him tightly. “I’ll kick his head in if he let either of them get hurt!”

“Way to show you care about Luffy and Zoro…” Mikita deadpanned at Sanji.

“Luffy’s probably fine.” Sanji gave a smile to Nami and Mikita to reassure them both. “Marimo…meh.” He shrugged, unconcerned about the swordsman’s fate.

“So cruel!” Chopper pointed at Sanji with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

“What a heartless jerk!” Usopp also pointed at Sanji.

“What’d you say?!” Sanji demanded with a tic mark on his forehead.

“Nothing!” Usopp looked away, trying to whistle innocently.

Nami could only sigh at their antics before turning to look back up at the dark clouds above. “Luffy… You better be alright.”

Mikita pulled her into a side-hug and then gently kissed the navigator’s lips. “He’ll be fine, Nami.” She smiled softly at her lover. “When has anyone even come close to beating Luffy?”

“I know…” Nami smiled slightly, leaning into Mikita.

-Zoro, Vivi, and Robin-

“Ow…” Zoro grimaced, cleaning out his ear with his pinky. “That’s a loud fight.”

Vivi slowly removed her hands form her ears. “I thought I was going to shake apart.” She remarked on the vibrations they’d felt because of their closeness to the fight high up above.

“I don’t hear anything else.” Robin still felt like her insides were shaking a little from the air-shaking thunderclap that had passed through the area. She crossed her arms and activated her Devil Fruit powers. An eye formed on the stalk of Giant Jack. Another appeared a good distance above it, but still within the line of sight of Robin’s first ‘bloomed’ eye. A third eye formed, then a fourth, on and on as Robin’s sight reached further and further up the immense stalk. As she got to the point where Giant Jack pierced the island clouds above, she could see no further and therefore couldn’t continue her chain of eyes. “Luffy is too far away. I can’t see him.” Robin dropped her arms and all of the eyes vanished a split second later.

“I think I can get us up there.” Vivi turned her left arm into sand and formed a square board with it.

“Let’s go see Luffy then, maybe he actually found some gold.” Zoro was still confused as to where all of the gold from the legendary ‘City of Gold’ had gone. The whole point of this trip to Upper Yard had been to get their nakama back and then to get a bunch of gold. So far, they had only done one of those things.

“We should make sure he’s alright.” Robin agreed with a little smile. “I doubt that he’d lose…but he could be in a rather bad state.”

“Don’t say that!” Vivi snapped at Robin with worried eyes.

“Fufufu…” Robin giggled lightly at Vivi’s reaction to her little joke.

-Luffy and Enel-

Luffy stood over the downed Enel, looking down at the self-proclaimed ‘God’ and his beaten, broken, and burned form. He was a mess of injuries and even the steel ring that had been attached to his back was broken, leaving only bits of metal still within Enel’s skin. The fact that Enel hadn’t been vaporized was a testament to the power of his Devil Fruit.

“Hm?” Luffy turned when something caught his eye in the distance.

Through the hole that Enel’s Amaru form had blasted through the clouds and island clouds, an object of green and gold could be seen. As it was different from all of the white and black clouds this high up, it was little wonder that the sight had managed to catch Luffy’s attention, even from a distance.

“What’s that?” Luffy’s curiosity, always boundless when it came to something new or interesting, was immediately focused on the new object.


A spark of electricity briefly appeared on Enel’s chest while Luffy’s attention was elsewhere.


A second spark made Enel’s injured body jolt.


A third jolt occurred and Enel took in a weak, shuddering breath as his heart restarted. He still couldn’t see or really hear, and his nerves were fried, so feeling anything was practically out of the question. But as the Biri Biri no Mi worked out the residual overload, the nerves that weren’t destroyed slowly began to work again.

“I can’t see it too well from here. But it kinda looks like a bell.” Luffy muttered as the white and black clouds partially obstructed his view. He could feel the massive mount of static in the air, a sure sign that immense amounts of electricity still lingered in the clouds, both white and black. “I know!” Luffy let lightning arc from his body and into the clouds all around him. He connected to the static and electrical potential within the clouds and took control of it all, much like he did when using his Raiu Keihō. “CLEAR THE SKY!!!” Luffy declared loudly and threw his hands into the air.

Lightning erupted from every single cloud, shooting high into the air. The clouds were blasted away by the sudden movement of energy and the sunlight shone brightly through the now cleared sky above Upper Yard. The mass of lightning that now existed in the thin air leapt toward Luffy’s raised hands and struck him.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed at the feeling as he easily absorbed the electric energy without issue. As a Logia, he was an infinite amount of lightning, meaning that he could also absorb ridiculous amounts of electrical energy without issue. “Hm?” He felt a bolt of electricity hit him from behind. His body sparked for a second but Luffy turned around without a care, not even mildly bothered by the attack. “You still want to fight?”

Enel had forced himself to sit up enough to properly aim his right hand at Luffy. Having restarted his heart with his Devil Fruit, his ‘voice’ had been weak enough that Luffy barely paid attention to it. Unbeknownst to Luffy, Enel could only see out of his right eye, and had been using what little of his Mantra that he could to target Luffy for his last attack. His body was in no shape to continue, but the God Complex wouldn’t just let him lay down and die.

“Okay then.” Luffy was a blur as he grabbed both of Enel’s incredibly long earlobes in his right hand. In a spark, they both vanished, when they reappeared, Luffy was grinning up at the absolutely massive golden bell that sat on the edge of a lone island cloud. “Old man…” Luffy recalled Cricket talking about a golden bell in the ‘City of Gold’ and remembered the bell-shaped ingots that Shoujo and Masira had shown them. “This must be it!” Luffy declared with a huge smile. He swung Enel bodily by his long earlobes and slammed the broken ‘God’ into the giant golden bell as hard as he could. “LET IT RING!!!”

The immense bell of gold swung backwards, the solid gold clapper inside slammed into the approaching side with a deep, loud sound that seemed to reverberate throughout the heavens.


Luffy tossed the severed earlobes of Enel aside without a thought, the dead man’s body now laid out on the altar of the golden bell like it was a sacrificial offering to the Gods. With a huge smile he leapt high into the air and laughed.


The bell made its return swing and the clapper struck the opposite side.

Luffy inhaled deeply before yelling out as loud as he could. “HEY, OLD MAN!!! CAN YOU HEAR IT?! THE CITY OF GOLD IS REAL!!! IT’S BEEN UP HERE IN THE SKY!!!”

-Upper Yard-


“That sound?” Raki looked up, as did all of the other Shandian warriors that were conscious.

“I-It can’t be… Can it?” Braham could hardly believe what he was hearing.

“The Light of Shandora…” Wyper breathed out, staring up into the sky where the glorious sound was coming from.

“Wyper?!” Raki was by his side in an instant. “You’re awake!” He’d been unconscious when they’d found him, looking as if Enel had attacked him, but he’d still been alive, so they’d brought him here.

“Of course I’m awake…” Wyper said absently. “How could I sleep through this?”


All of the Shandian warriors could only look up at the sky in wonder and joy at the Light of Shandora ringing once again.

“Are you listening, Mont Blanc Noland?” Wyper murmured to himself, closing his eyes to better listen to the Light of Shandora. “We kept you waiting a long time. I hope this sound reaches your descendants down on the Blue Sea.”

-Zoro, Robin, Vivi-


“Is that a bell?” Zoro question, hearing the reverberating tone echoing throughout the sky.

“How beautiful…” Robin smiled, both form the sound and from what it meant. If the Golden Bell, the Light of Shandora, had been found and rung, then the Poneglyph that was with it had to be just above these clouds!

“Did Luffy find the golden bell from Noland’s Log Book?!” Vivi’s amazement was clear and her beautiful smile practically glowed as she listened to the sound.

-Going Merry-


“No way…” Nami gasped at she realized what they were hearing.

“What a pretty sound!” Chopper exclaimed with a bright smile. “What is it? I’ve just gotta know!”

Sanji chuckled a bit as he also listened. “I think Luffy found what old man Cricket and the Monkeys were looking for.”

“So, this is the sound of the bell that Noland heard?” Mikita smiled reflexively at the wonderous sound ringing out across Skypiea.

“He did it! He actually did it!” Usopp cheered loudly. It was an amazing feeling to hear the proof that Cricket’s dream hadn’t been a lie. The ‘City of Gold’…El Dorado…it was all real!

-Upper Yard ~ Maxim’s Cavern-


“A-Almighty…is…is this…?” One of the formerly enslaved Divine Forces members asked as they all looked up at the clear sky above.

Gan Fall had tears in his eyes and was shaking slightly. “I always…believed this day…would come.” The island’s song was heard once more! The former ‘God’ of Skypiea sank to his knees in joy. ‘Now…the four-hundred years of war…it can finally end.

-Shandian’s Hidden Village-


“It’s a miracle! After four-hundred years of silence., I didn’t think that bell would ever ring again. I’d almost given up!” The Chief of the Shandians felt tears stream down his face. “Great Warrior Kalgara, can you hear it? The Light of Shandora rings again!”

“The Light of Shandora!”

“The Light of Shandora!”

The other Shandians were cheering and rejoicing as the sound of their ancestors rang throughout the land again.

Aisa, one of the youngest, and the one that had been born with Mantra, could only listen to the beautiful sound in stunned amazement. In all her life, this was also the first time she didn’t hear the suffering of the people across her village and Upper Yard.

-Angel Island-


“What’s going on?!”

“You hear that?!

“What is that sound?!”

“It can’t be… is this the legendary?!”

The Skypieans were all taken aback by hearing the sound only spoken of in the tales passed down by their ancestors from four-hundred years ago.

-Gan Fall’s Home-


“F-Father…” Conis looked at Pagaya in surprise. “Could this be…the Varse singing?”

Pagaya had just finished working on the old Waver that the Straw Hats had brought with them when the first sound had reached them. He stood still, his eyes closed, and a smile on his face, though it was still hidden by his beard. “Yes…Conis, I do believe it is.”

-Jaya ~ Mont Blanc Cricket’s Home-





The South Birds in the forest took flight, letting out their deep cries in response to the almost resonating sound that filled the air from above.

“Hey Boss… Isn’t this?” Masira looked at Cricket.

“Yeah.” Cricket nodded with a wide smile, his cigarette hanging from the side of his mouth. “There’s no mistake.” He began to chuckle. “Now that’s a great adventure.”

“From the sky…!” Masira cried out in shock, his mouth agape.

“I’m all shaken up!” Shoujo declared loudly, looking up at the sky.


“There’s only one bell that rings like that.” Cricket crossed his arms with a grin. “The monsters that appear along with the Emperor Cloud… That finally makes sense now.” Seeing the confused looks of Shoujo and Masira (along with their crews) Cricket continued. “If there was a person way up in the sky, and that person was in strong sunlight… His shadow would be projected onto the mist and clouds far below. It would almost look like a giant monster.”

Masira’s eye lit up with understanding. “Then, those monsters were really…people in the sky?!” He looked at Shoujo and Cricket for confirmation. “Then you mean we’ve finally confirmed it? That there are people living in the sky?!”

“Sure looks that way.” Cricket nodded with a smile. “That sound if proof.”


“We can hear the sound of a gold bell!” Shoujo agreed with a bright smile.

“El Dorado really exists…in the sky. Noland, my ancestor, wasn’t a liar.” Cricket smiled up at the clouds in the sky. “And you… You told me so, didn’t you? You believed.”

On the clouds above was a large shadow of a man, his legs kicked outwards as if he had jumped into the air, one hand holding a hat on his head, while the other was raised into the air in a fist. Even the man’s clothing was moving in the massive shadow he cast on the clouds.

“So, kid…El Dorado…really was up there.” Cricket smiled at the massive shadow that could only be Luffy’s.

“THANK YOU!!!” Cricket, Masira, Shoujo, and the dozens and dozens of men that made up both of the sworn brothers’ crews yelled out as one.

“Uggghhhh…” Cricket hunched over a little, almost like he was in pain.

“BOSS?!” Shoujo and Masira cried out. “Are you hurt?! Are you sick?!”

“Those guys… I’m so glad they’re okay. I was worried…” Cricket admitted as small tears fell from his eyes and down his cheeks.

“Hahaha!” Masira and Shoujo laughed in agreement with their Boss. All of them had been worried about whether the Straw Hats had made it up to the Sky Island or not.


“Shishishishi!!!” Luffy laughed brightly as he landed on the ground in front of the giant golden bell. “I hope everyone heard it!” Glancing down at the Bell’s altar, Luffy saw a section of it that was partially overgrown with moss. “What’re these weird letters?” Luffy couldn’t read them at all, but he had the strangest feeling that he’d seen something similar before somewhere. “Maybe in Robin’s note thingies?” He didn’t understand any of the complicated words the archaeologist used in the few times he’d seen her notes since she’d joined his crew, but the weird letters were something Robin was interested in if he remembered right. Luffy perked up when he felt Vivi, Zoro, and Robin approaching from below.

“LUFFY!” Vivi called out with a beautiful smile as her floating square of sand settled on the island cloud back where he and Enel had initially broken through.

Luffy vanished in a spark and was in front of his nakama a split-second later. He scooped Vivi into his arms and spun her around. “We found the golden bell, just like old man Cricket said!”

Vivi giggled brightly and hugged Luffy tightly. “You found it, and you rang it!”

“Do you think they heard it?” Luffy smiled brightly at Vivi.

“I’m sure they did.” Vivi nodded, smiling warmly at Luffy for helping Cricket complete his dream. She kissed his lips softly, unable to stop herself with her heart fluttering in her chest like it was.

“Heh!” Luffy smiled widely at Vivi when their lips separated.

“So, you found gold, but it was the bell…we can’t take that though, it’s way too big.” Zoro pointed out the massive size of the golden bell and its altar. Just one of the supporting posts looked way bigger than the Going Merry. “Our treasure hunt isn’t working out too well.” He chuckled at Luffy.

“Oh yeah, treasure!” Luffy perked up, as if he just recalled something. “We might not have found any gold, but I think I found a ‘treasure’ for Robin!” He smiled at the archaeologist.

“Treasure for me?” Robin raised an eyebrow in amused curiosity. She certainly wasn’t expecting Luffy to pick her up in a bridal carry and then vanish in a spark. The next thing she knew was being directly before the altar of the golden bell in Luffy’s arms.

“Is this a treasure for you, Robin?” Luffy asked with a hopeful smile as he motioned his head towards the section of the altar with the strange letters.

“Poneglyph…” Robin’s eyes widened at finding another one so soon after the one in Alabasta. Luffy gently set her on her feet and she walked over toward the ancient artifact with reverence. Her eyes quickly scanned the text, reading the Poneglyph quickly. “The Ancient Weapon that bears the name of a God… ‘Poseidon’. Its location is…” Robin sighed at the information this Poneglyph contained. ‘Another weapon… A different one from the Pluton in Alabasta! To think that such dangerous things still sleep in this world even now.’ With a small shake of her head she turned away from the Poneglyph. “Another miss, I guess.” The Ancient Weapons weren’t what she wanted to learn about.

“Hey, Robin! Someone carved more of those weird letters on the side too!” Luffy pointed out, only having spotted them as he was looking around the golden altar.

Robin perked up and instantly headed over to Luffy’s side. Seeing more Poneglyph text, she quickly read it aloud. “I hereby guide this document to its end. Pirate, Gol D. Roger.”

“Hm? Gold Roger? The Pirate King wrote this?!” Luffy looked at the text with sparkles in his eyes now. “That’s awesome! So he came up to the Sky Island too!”

But how did he know these letters?’ Robin wondered as she pieced together everything that she knew of the late Pirate King to see if he had any connection to the Poneglyphs in some way. “There are two types of Poneglyphs…those that contain information, and those that show the location of others. This stone is one with information… But what did Roger mean ‘Guide this document to its end’? Guide this document…” Robin quickly had a hypothesis on Roger’s message. “It can’t be! The Rio Poneglyph?!”

“Hmm?” Luffy looked at Robin curiously.

“There are several Poneglyphs that hold information scattered throughout the world.” Robin was more thinking aloud than speaking to Luffy, but he listened to her anyway. “I’m sure that by connecting them and reading them they’ll become a document that fills in the Void Century for the first time. Connecting all of those separate parts will complete a text, the Rio Poneglyph, which doesn’t exist yet.” Which went a LONG way to explaining why no one had ever found the Rio Poneglyph before. It wasn’t a single Poneglyph, it was multiple ones with their information all put together! “I’m certain that the Pirate King delivered this document to its destination. In other words, I too have to guide the information from the Poneglyphs that I’ve read so far, to the same destination…the end of the Grand Line…to Raftel.” It was the only way to complete the Rio Poneglyph and finally accomplish her dream and the dream of all the scholars of Ohara.

“Great! We’re headed there already!” Luffy beamed at Robin brightly. “Shishishishi!”

Robin nearly jerked in surprise, almost having forgotten that Luffy was right beside her. ‘Monkey D. Luffy… Another ‘D.’… You’re quite interesting…Captain.’ She smiled at Luffy and felt a little warmth in her chest when he smiled back at her.

Zoro and Vivi came over next, looking up at the massive golden bell in awe.

They needed to get the rest of the crew together and figure out what to do next. If there wasn’t any gold or treasure to be found, then they’d be leaving Skypiea without anything but some interesting memories.

None of them could’ve known that the Skypieans and the Shandians would soon make peace after four-hundred long years, now that the ‘Song of the Island’ and the ‘Light of Shandora’ had been heard again. Nor could they imagine that they’d all be welcomed as guests to the celebration of said peace for their defeat of Enel and his forces that had cruelly toyed with the lives of the for the last six years.

But the Straw Hat pirates were never a group to turn down a party!

-End Chapter-


And Enel, the ‘God’ of Skypiea, falls.

Luffy wasn’t playing around with Enel, and isn’t so prideful that he’d let Enel run to his ark to get a power boost.

It wasn’t much of a fight, given that Enel couldn’t do much of anything to Luffy, but Luffy could beat the hell from Enel.

I do hope that it was still satisfying though! We got to see another of Luffy’s Haki-infused techniques too! This one also named after the weapon of a Norse Deity! How many ‘divine’ weapons does Luffy have in his arsenal of moves? Kek!

Everyone has heard the golden bell ring!

Peace at last for the Skypieans and the Shandians! Woohoo!

It’s gonna be time to party soon! YEAH!!!

What will the Straw Hats come away with from Skypiea if they don’t know about the treasure that was swallowed by the ‘Lord of the Sky’?

Well… A certain vehicle that no one wants, or can even use, is still just kind of sitting around… *Cackles*

Nami: *Beri Symbols for Eyes* “Take it apart! All of it! I want it all!” lol

Next chapter we leave Skypiea and return to the Blue Sea to start the next Arc! What will be waiting back on their home sea for the Straw Hats?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Maxim for luffy he now has a flying ship hahahq


Damn Luffy just wipe the floor with Enel now the straws hats got a flying ship and gold , my question is what's next Davy back fight or water seven ?


if he takes the maxim can't he use it to lower the Merry to the blue safely I really don't want Merry to die it always breaks my heart when she does


They can't 'take' the Maxim because only Enel understands it and how it works. They can take everything of value FROM the Maxim, but that's about it. As for Merry, no worries, I have plans.

Mr. Khaos

Fun fact the average lighting bolt is around 300 million volts and can reach as high as One Billion volts. In other words Enel best attempt was 100 million short XD.


Yep! Enel was trying to fight WAY above his weight class here. It didn't work out for him at all!