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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! We’re at the semi-finals now! Bulma is about to take on Jackie Chun! But the genius knows that the old man is a bit of a pervert, and she is a beautiful young woman… Perhaps she’ll have to use that to her advantage? After that match, it’ll be Goku vs Nam! Will Goku have an easier time in this match than canon? About the same? Will it be totally different?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 11 – Bulma vs Jackie Chun, Goku vs Nam

Bulma was stretching as she prepared for her match against Jackie Chun. The old man was definitely strong and skilled, he’d proven that when he’d beaten Krillin. But Bulma had gained some useful info from that previous fight, and she would definitely be putting it to good use.

“Good luck, Bulma!” Goku grinned at her, his hands behind his head.

“Knock that old man’s block off!” Caulifla encouraged the other girl with a fierce smirk, and one fist raised in front of her.

“D-Do your best.” Kale offered a small smile to Bulma.

Krillin looked up at Bulma seriously. “Don’t let your guard down with that guy. He’s crazy strong, and I’m sure he knows more techniques than he’s shown so far.”

“I’ll do my best, thanks, you guys.” Bulma smiled at her friends as she made her way towards the ring.

Goku, Caulifla, Krillin, and Kale quickly following after her and standing behind the wall that Goku had destroyed in his match against Caulifla. The view was good since they were right beside the ring, and they could cheer Bulma on.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience! Contestants Jackie Chun and Bulma have entered the ring!” The referee motioned to the two fighters. “We’ve seen impressive matches from each of these skilled fighters today! Will experience trump youthful vigor?! Let’s find out!” He raised his hand into the air and then brought it down in a chop. “Begin!”

“Whenever you’re ready, young lady.” Jackie Chun looked relaxed, his hands behind his back and his body loose.

Bulma wasn’t fooled though, having seen the old man’s speed and knowing that he could react faster by keeping his body relaxed instead of tensed up. “I’ll get there, old man.”

In a blur not seen by the audience the first exchange happened.

Bulma grimaced as she reassessed Jackie Chun, while the old man now had both of his hands in front of his body and his feet set into a strong stance.

“What just happened?!” The announcer questioned loudly, none of the audience having been able to keep up at all.

What had happened in the instant clash was Bulma moving forward with a jab, which she pulled back in a feint, and launched a front kick with her leading leg at Jackie Chun’s torso. The old man had stepped back and brought his own leg up, kicking Bulma’s aside, before lunging forward with a punch aimed at her face. Bulma had guarded with one arm, only for the punch to stop short, and then a knee strike came at her midsection. Bulma had raised her own leg to block the knee, and countered with a straight punch at Jackie’s face. That punch was redirected by Jackie’s left hand, and his right slammed into Bulma’s stomach sending her backwards, though she’d been able to tense her abdominals to help take the blow, so she didn’t have the wind knocked out of her at least.

“My, my, you do have some good training.” Jackie praised Bulma with a nod. “But how about this?” He moved in, his feet sliding across the ring floor, and his elbow striking at Bulma’s stomach again.

Bulma pivoted to the side, getting out of the line of attack, and taking Jackie’s back. She drove her knee into his back, but felt no real resistance, as Jackie sprung forward, rolling with the blow and reducing the impact. The old man was back on his feet and examining Bulma with experienced eyes again.

“Take him out, Bulma!” Launch cheered loudly from the crowd, a large grin on her face.

Krillin had been following the fight and looked kind of grim. “This is what he did to me too. He probes your defense and offense, tries out a technique or two, and then he has you figured out.”

“What? Bulma’s still in this! Don’t be a downer!” Caulifla declared, having been able to keep up with the exchanges so far.

“Bulma could win, but she’ll need to speed up more.” Goku looked between Jackie Chun and Bulma. “The old guy still isn’t moving as fast as he did when he fought you, Krillin.”

Kale looked at the match contemplatively, but kept eyeing Jackie Chun. “I think he’s going to do something we haven’t seen before.”

“Hm? Like what?” Krillin asked the somewhat timid girl.

“I… I don’t know, but he’s not fighting the same way as he did against you.” Kale didn’t really know how to explain it, but that was how it seemed to her.

“The blows come faster than one can believe! But so far, both competitors are still raring to go!” The announcer exclaimed, the entire crowd of spectators doing their best to try and see more of the fight, despite the crazy speed.

Jackie Chun was the one that moved first, coming at Bulma in a rush. Bulma went with a roundhouse kick, looking to capitalize on her opponent’s charge, only for the old man to flip into the air just outside of her leg’s reach and bring down an axe kick. Bulma hastily raised her guard, but was forced to the ring floor regardless because she’d been off balance. Jackie took advantage of Bulma’s fall, stepping on her shoulder to pin one of her arms and then raining punches down on Bulma’s face.

“Bulma!” Goku called out as his friend was forced to try and guard with only one arm while pinned down.

“Wha?!” Jackie Chun felt something wrap around his ankle that was on the ring floor and give a powerful jerk. His footing disrupted, he staggered for a second, catching a glimpse of Bulma’s tail around his leg and realizing that she’d found an escape because of his foot placement. ‘Clever girl.’ He kicked the monkey-like tail off his leg as he retreated and was in a stance by the time Bulma hopped back to her feet.

“Hell yeah, Bulma!” Caulifla cheered her new friend on.

Bulma breathed out, feeling the sting of pain on her arm and face from the few punches that she hadn’t been able to guard against. ‘I doubt that’ll work again. This old man is breaking my moves down with each exchange.’ The genius eyed Jackie closely, looking over his form and picking out any areas that she could exceed him in. ‘Huh, that might just work.’ The Saiyan grinned a little as she readied herself for the next exchange of blows.

“As much as I don’t mind looking at a pretty girl, do you plan to just stand there all day?” Jackie questioned Bulma with a cheesy grin, knowing that it would get to the girl a bit.

“I know I’m a sight for the eyes, old man.” Bulma smirked at the banter, before she moved.

“What an obvious After Image technique.” Jackie Chun turned away from the Bulma in front of him and faced a low lick that he raised his left leg to avoid. The Bulma from before went hazy around the edges and then disappeared. The actual Bulma wasn’t letting up though, her low kick switched into a midsection kick, forcing Jackie to block, and when he did, Bulma used the impact to partially reset and kick again, this time aimed at the old man’s head. “Trying to out-speed me, eh?”

“Not yet.” Bulma’s high kick was dodged, but she brought it backwards, and aimed at the opposite side of Jackie’s head. The old master ducked under it and raised an eyebrow when it looked like Bulma was going to throw a punch. It was completely telegraphed, something that no martial artist would do unless they were desperate.

“Gekh!” Jackie Chun stifled a yelp of pain as Bulma’s other leg had swept low almost as soon as her opposite foot had touched the ring floor again. But instead of trying to sweep the old man’s feet, she’d aimed higher, slamming her kick into his lower leg, nearly making it buckle. That same leg pulled back slightly, about half of Bulma’s range, and then kicked again, this time slamming into Jackie’s thigh. ‘She’s targeting my leg to slow me down!’ The master realized her ploy quickly. ‘Experienced and quick I might be, but her youthful energy and limberness give her an advantage if she can reduce my speed enough!’ He held his hand out to his side, palm forward and fingers together, before swiping at Bulma.

“Whoa?!” Bulma was hit full-on with the sudden gale that came form Jackie’s palm. Her feet left the ground and she was sent hurtling towards the edge of the ring.

“Shit!” Launch cursed as she saw the ring out coming.

“What was that move?!” Krillin had never seen a technique like this before.

Kale had her hands over her mouth. “He…He didn’t even touch her!”

“Bulma!” Caulifla and Goku yelled at the same time.

Bulma tucked herself into a ball and flipped backwards, she slammed her feet down near the ring’s edge and stopped herself from falling out. There was visible sweat on her face from the close call though.

“Amazing! With just a swipe of his hand, Jackie Chun created a powerful gale of wind that nearly knocked Bulma out of the ring!” The announcer shouted into his microphone while the crowd roared in shock and excitement at seeing another strange move from the old man.

“How’d he do that?” Goku tilted his head, trying to figure out Jackie Chun’s weird move.

“All he did was wave his hand; he didn’t even touch her.” Caulifla looked confused as hell.

“It wasn’t like that Kame…ha move, either.” Kale didn’t remember the name of the incredible technique from earlier, but she vividly remembered it. “There was no blast, it was just air.”

“Kamehameha.” Krillin reminded the Saiyan girl as he tried to wrap his head around what he’d just seen. “Is that old man just strong enough to do that?!”

“Did you enjoy the breeze?” Jackie Chun questioned Bulma with a grin. “You look a little sweaty, young lady; would you like me to cool you off again?” He held up his palm as if he was going to hit her with another gale.

“No thanks!” Bulma blurred, leaving behind another After Image.

Jackie Chun turned and swiped his hand again, but blinked when the ‘Bulma’ that he hit with the ensuing gale faded away. “Double After Image?!” He hadn’t expected her to figure out how to advance the technique already!

“Hyah!” Bulma’s kicks came in a flurry, blurring so much that it almost looked like she had more than two legs.

Jackie Chun backstepped, parry, dodged, sidestepped, and every other maneuver he could to deal with the relentless assault from the Saiyan girl. He took a few blows here and there, but his evasion was slowly backing him into a corner. His leg still hurt a bit from the previous two kicks he’d taken and the brief flare ups of pain weren’t helping.

There!’ Jackie noticed the incoming kick and took a half-step back, just enough to let the kick miss him. With Bulma’s back to him for a fraction of a second, he moved to punch her in the back of the head and end the match by knockout. “Eeyow!” His head whipped around as Bulma’s tail slapped him across the face. ‘I forgot she could do that!’ He staggered into the corner of the ring near the crowd and Bulma planned to capitalize on the chance.

With a smirk, Bulma pulled off her gi top.

“Oho?!” Jackie Chun’s eyes widened and a pervy grin crossed the old man’s face at seeing the black sports bra covering Bulma’s breasts.

Bulma threw the orange gi top at the old man, briefly obscuring his view.

Oh, dang it!’ Jackie realized what Bulma was doing now. ‘I can’t believe I fell for that!’ He swiped the gi top aside, only to find Bulma’s incoming fist right behind it. Jackie leaned backwards to avoid the punch and Bulma went still, her fist passing over the old man’s head, barely brushing the top of his white hair.

“Ack…!” Bulma hacked out; the wind knocked out of her. Jackie Chun’s dodge hadn’t just been to avoid her punch. He’d used the leverage of leaning pack to drive his knee straight into her stomach at full force!

“You did very well, young lady. You should be proud.” Jackie gave Bulma due praise as shoved her aside and Bulma fell onto the grass surrounding the ring.

He baited me…’ Bulma realized after a second to pull her mind together from the unexpected pain. ‘He let me think I’d driven him into the corner, just so that he could toss me out of the ring.

“Contestant Bulma is out of bounds!” The announcer declared loudly to all. He was happy that the last bit of the fight had been visible for everyone this time. The Budokai hadn’t seen competition like this since long before he’d been around. “Jackie Chun takes the victory and is our first Finalist!”

“Aww, man, Bulma lost.” Goku sighed at his friend losing her match. “That old guy is really good.”

“Well, he’s the one to beat now.” Caulifla focused on Jackie as he helped Bulma stand up, only to be swatted upside the head when the blue-haired girl caught him staring at her tits while drooling. “He’s a weird old man, but he’s strong.” A desire to fight Jackie Chun was building up within her and she wondered if she’d get the chance.

“Bulma did so well too.” Kale had hoped that her new friend would pull out the victory, but it wasn’t to be.

“He’s got to be hurting from that match though, right?” Krillin murmured thoughtfully as he looked over Jackie Chun, seeing the scuffs on his black martial arts outfit and his slightly disheveled hair. “The next person he fights might be able to use that.” Krillin had already gone up against the old man, and he knew exactly how strong Jackie Chun was, so he thought of strategy rather than trying to overpower the obvious master.

“Looks like I’m out.” Bulma exhaled as she approached her friends. “I thought I had him for a second, but he totally baited me.”

“You still did great, Bulma!” Goku smiled brightly at her. “He was on the backfoot a few times!”

“Old man has an answer to everything, huh?” Caulifla put her fists on her hips with a shrug. “That just means we have to get better and take him down next time!”

“Yeah!” Goku and Bulma agreed, pumping their fists into the air.

“Y-Yeah…” Kale pumped her fist a second later, her cheer noticeably quieter than her friends. She blushed a little when she saw the other three Saiyans smiling at her.

“Tsk!” Launch grimaced as she watched Bulma and Jackie Chun leave the ring. “Who the hell is that old guy, anyway?” She wasn’t well-versed in the martial arts or the martial arts ‘Who’s Who’…but you’d think an old man that strong would be more well known in the wider world.

Ooh, that smarts.’ Jackie Chun thought to himself as he went to the side of the waiting area and sat down for a bit. ‘If I have to keep up with these youngsters, then I’m going to need to get myself back in shape!’ That was especially true if he needed to play this role again come the next Tenka’ichi Budokai. ‘The things I do for my students…’ The old man lightly shook his head. It was all for their continued growth and development as martial artists. He wouldn’t want any of them getting a big head while they were so young.

For now, the old master would rest a bit, settle his breathing and heartbeat, and let his internal Ki flow to help his body recover a bit faster.


“Alright, Tenka’ichi Budokai guests! We have our first Finalist in the amazing master, Jackie Chun!” The crowd cheered and applauded loudly at the announcer’s declaration. “But to decide who will face him for the title of ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’ our next two contestants will fight it out in match number six!” The audience practically radiated excited energy, eagerly waiting for the next fight. “Contestant Nam! Contestant Son Goku! Come to the ring!” The announcer called both fighters out.

“You better win, Goku!” Caulifla lightly punched his shoulder. “If I have to lose, it better be to the winner of the whole tournament!”

“Do your best, Goku.” Bulma smiled and hugged him briefly.

“Don’t wear yourself out if you want to face Jackie Chun.” Krillin fist bumped with Goku, both of them grinning at each other.

Kale fidgeted for a second before looking at Goku with a small smile. “I believe you’ll win, G-Goku.”

“Thanks, you guys!” Goku smiled at his friends as he walked over to the ring and started stretching.

Nam came out a moment later, but even the cheers of the crowd didn’t seem to get through to him, such was his focus. He stood across from Goku, his hands clasped in front of him as if in prayer.

“Both fighters are in the ring!” The announcer was almost as excited as the audience and it showed in his voice. “Who will go on to face the amazing Jackie Chun in the finals? Will it be the intense Nam? Or the young powerhouse, Son Goku? Which of these two great warriors will compete for the 500,000 Zeni prize?!”

“500,000 Zeni…” Nam’s eyes opened at hearing about the prize money. ‘Mother… Little brother… Fellow villagers… I swear to you, I will triumph and bring home vessels overflowing with water!

“Let match number six…BEGIN!” The announcer declared, chopping his hand through the air.

Nam and Goku both took their stances and watched each other carefully. Neither wanted to miss the instant that their opponent made a move.

“Hee!” With a grin, Goku blurred.

“Eh?” Nam blinked only to realize what had happened as the edges of the After Image became blurry.

“Hayah!” Goku tried to kick Nam from behind, but the man jumped into the air to dodge. “Whoops!” He looked up, realizing that Nam had seen through his technique.

“Hyoh!” Nam dropped form the air with a kick, which Goku backflipped away from. Nam landed on the ring floor and dropped into a slightly more defensive stance.

“Huh… And I thought my technique was pretty good.” Goku mentioned, not having expected Nam to be able to dodge it like he had.

“He saw right through Goku’s After Image.” Krillin was impressed with Nam.

“Neither of them has landed a hit yet.” Caulifla waved off the dodge, more concerned about who would take the first strike.

Bulma wondered how Nam had seen through the technique since she hadn’t seen him watching the other fights at all. ‘Maybe he’s seen something like it before?’ Her mind hypothesized the chances of that occurring, but she was still a relative newbie to martial arts with only about eight months of actual training.

“You’ve got this, Goku!” Launch cheered Goku on from the crowd with a grin on her face.

“Hyah! Tah!” Nam kicked at Goku twice, one low and the second high.

Goku blocked the two kicks, noticing Nam’s greater reach, and countered with a barrage of punches. “Hah! Hah! Hah!”

Nam did his best to redirect and block the blows, feeling the power behind each one with a grimace. His leg appeared to blur as he brought it around in a hook kick that slammed into the side of Goku’s head and knocked him off his feet. Attempting to take advantage of his off-balance opponent, Nam rushed in with a knifehand chop.

“Hya!” Goku spun while still on the floor and swept Nam’s feet out from under him.

“Waa!” Nam squawked at the unexpected counter.

“HAAA!!!” Goku’s palm slammed into Nam’s chest and sent him flying at the intact wall at the back of the ring.

“Ugh…” Nam managed to land with his feet on the wall and sprung forward faster than anyone expected. “Hyah!” His next knifehand chop caught Goku in the neck and sent the Saiyan to the ring floor.

“OOOWWW!!!” Goku hacked out, holding his throbbing neck.

“This match is mine!” Nam rushed the downed Goku. “You’re going out of bounds now!”

Goku caught Nam’s ankle with his tail and jerked the leg upwards with as much force as he could.

“Ack!” Nam’s back hit the ring floor hard, but he managed to kick the tail off his leg and get back to his feet with a pained grunt. “Your tail…” He eyed the appendage waving behind Goku.

“Bet you wish you had one!” Goku chuckled at how often Saiyans used their tails in a fight.

“Goku and Nam are going back and forth with intense speed! Neither fighter is willing to give any ground!” The announcer roared into his mic, the crowd’s energy sky-high again.

Goku and Nam clashed again in a flurry of fists and kicks.

“YAH!!!” Nam changed the target of one of his strikes at the last second, the punch morphing into a chop that slammed into Goku’s neck again.

“Gack!” Goku hacked out as he staggered.

A rain of blows was delivered onto Goku in the brief moment that his guard was down. Nam struck over and over again, hitting the chest, stomach, shoulders, and head repeatedly, trying to knock Goku unconscious. “HYAH!” Two chops slammed into both sides of Goku’s neck, much the same as Jackie Chun had done to Krillin earlier.

“Ack... Gah…!” Goku hit the floor, hacking and coughing from the barrage.

Nam moved to kick him out of the ring, but jerked his leg back when Goku’s tail whipped out to try and grab it again. “That tail is more dangerous than a cobra…” Even as Goku coughed and tried to get back to his feet, the tail waved slowly, ready to swipe at or grab anything that came at Goku. “Then I attack from the sky!” Nam declared and leapt high into the air, so high in fact that everyone had to crane their necks to try and see him, and still lost sight of him as he disappeared into the clouds.

“WHAT AN INSANE JUMP!!! Contestant Nam has disappeared into the clouds!” The announcer had never seen or even heard about such a thing happening in the Budokai before!

“Prepare my foe!” Nam yelled out loudly, though only he could hear it with how high he’d jumped. “Chō Tenkū-Jiken!” Nam crossed his arms in front of him as he dived down from the sky with his strongest technique. ‘Forgive me, lad. But I cannot show you any mercy! My village is depending on my victory!

“Where?” Goku looked around the ring, not seeing Nam anywhere. At least he could breathe properly again.

“Goku, above you!” Bulma, Krillin, Caulifla, and Kale all shouted at the same time.

“Above?” Goku looked up just in time to see Nam coming at him.

“FORGIVE ME!!!” Nam slammed the cross strike straight into Goku’s neck.


The impact of the falling man colliding with Goku was incredibly loud, making many spectators visibly flinch.

Nam stood up from his attack and placed his hands together again while closing his eyes. “You may start counting.”

“Huh…?” The announcer was speechless, much like everyone else. But after taking a second to look at Goku and see that the teen was still breathing, he began. “R-Right! One… Two…”

“H-He took that full force…” Bulma’s eyes were wide in shock.

“Is he even alive?!” Caulifla questioned loudly, looking at the downed Goku.

“G-Goku…” Krillin couldn’t believe that Goku had taken such a powerful blow. There was no way his friend was getting up from that!

“Oh no…” Kale bit her lip in worry for her new friend’s wellbeing. A brief spark of anger rose up in her chest as she looked at Nam standing over Goku.

“I am a peaceful man. I would not kill.” Nam confirmed that Goku would live, even after taking his best attack. “However, no one who receives that blow can awaken in less than ten days.”

“Five… Six…” The announcer continued the count.

“Son of a bitch…” Launch growled and debated pulling a gun on Nam, her fists clenching on top of the wall surrounding the ring.

“Seven… Eight…” The announcer was almost finished with the count.

Goku’s fingers twitched.

“Hm?” Nam caught the movement.


Goku hopped back onto his feet, shocking the audience, the announcer, his friends, but no one was more shocked than Nam.

“Hak! Gag…” Goku hacked and coughed a bit as he tried to get his breath back. “Y’know… You could’ve hurt me with that!” He narrowed his eyes at Nam.

“It… It can’t be!” Nam backed up a step out of sheer shock.

“YEAH!!!” Caulifla and Bulma yelled loudly at seeing Goku back on his feet.

“Goku!” Krillin threw his fists into the air.

Kale placed her hand on her chest, where the spark of anger had burned for a moment, and sighed in relief. “I’m glad…”

“What in the world is Contestant Son Goku made out of?!” The announcer questioned in complete disbelief.

“No mortal being could be back on his feet after a blow like that…!” Nam looked at Goku like he wasn’t human (not realizing how right he was). “Th-That’s it… I must’ve missed the pr-pressure point…!” He rationalized why Goku was able to get up as he watched the teen stretch his neck, everyone was able to hear the pops if they were close enough to the ring.

“Woo~” Goku finished popping his neck and looked at Nam with a grin, he was clearly ready to keep fighting.

“I will not make the same mistake twice!” Nam declared bending his legs and getting ready to leap again. “Now I decide the match!”

Goku shot across the ring in a blur, a skipping sidekick slamming into Nam’s chest before he could jump. A normal skipping side kick is meant to move the user forward so that their opponent is in range of the kick after the skip. Goku’s foot hit Nam’s chest from the skip, enabling him to hit Nam with the full force of his kick and shove him backwards at speed.

“GUH!!!” Nam felt the air leave his lungs form the kick as he flew out of the ring. He tried to grab the ring as he flew, but only succeeded in slowing his speed a bit. He crashed down onto the grass and rolled until he hit the stone wall separating the audience and the ring.

“It’s OVER! It’s OVER!” The announcer declared, still amazed by what they’d all just witnessed. “One of the most brilliant matches I’ve ever witnessed is over…from a ring out! Contestant Nam has been defeated! Contestant Son Goku is heading for the final match!”

“He did it! He did it!” Caulifla grabbed Kale and cheered loudly, making Kale blush, but she returned the hug all the same.

“Yeah! Goku!” Krillin was yelling and clapping for his buddy’s win.

“You were so awesome in that match, Goku!” Bulma beamed at him brightly.

Launch was almost cackling in the crowd. “That’s the way, Goku! Fuck yeah!” Seeing his wilder nature when he got into a good fight was always incredible to her. ‘That ferociousness is hot.’ She grinned to herself.

“The defeated Nam is climbing back into the ring!” The announcer called out. “To be back on his feet already is simply incredible!”

Nam walked over to Goku and gave him a smile (thought it was hard to give his best, stemming from his feelings of shame and guilt for failing his village). “Congratulations, lad. I hope you win it all.” Nam shook Goku’s hand respectfully.

“Thanks a lot!” Goku smiled at the taller man.

“Now that’s the sportsmanship we like to see here at the Tenka’ichi Budokai!” The announcer nodded at seeing the match end with respect. “Let’s give Nam and Goku another round of applause for their incredible match!”



The crowd clapped loudly, cheering for the two fighters that had shown them something so incredible.

“We’ll be taking a short intermission before the final match! So make sure you head to the restroom and get those refreshments, because you won’t want to miss a second of Son Goku taking on the incredible Jackie Chun!” The announcer informed everyone of the short break.

-Fighter’s Waiting Area-

“Leaving? Not even going to watch our match?” Jackie Chun asked Nam as he approached the younger man.

“I wish I could… But I cannot afford to dally here…” Nam gave the old man a wan smile. ‘Forgive me, my fellow villagers… For I have failed you… I return to you empty-handed, without water…’ He looked down at his small bag of supplies to make the journey back home with regret.

“Hey, Nam, take this with you. Catch!” Jackie Chun tossed something small to Nam.

“This is…” Nam looked at the capsule in his hand. “A Hoi-Poi Capsule? But why?” He looked over at the old master.

“I don’t need it. There’s nothing in it.” Jackie shrugged in reply. Seeing Nam looking at him confused, the old man raised his hand, his index finger pointed upward. “But you could fill it full of water and carry it home.”

“Water?! Y-You know…? But how?!” Nam gaped at Jackie in absolute surprise.

“Minds are like books, Nam. They’re very easy to read, if you know how.” Jackie smirked at the man. “I’m the Invincible Old Master, give me some credit.”

“Y-You are the In-Invincible…!” Nam gaped at meeting the legend himself.

“Shh! Shh, shh, shh!” Jackie shushed Nam with one finger in front of his mouth in the universal sign for ‘quiet’. “I don’t want those three to know.” He motioned with his head to Goku, Krillin, and Bulma. “They’ve all far surpassed my expectations in their training. I had them enter this tournament as a test of their strength and skill, only to find out that they had a good shot at winning it! So, I entered in disguise to teach them that there’s always someone better out there. If they won, it could easily go to their head. They’d think they had nothing left to learn! But… With a little humility and determination…” He smiled, proud of his newest students. “I could make them some of the best martial artists ever!”

Nam smiled back at Jackie, a true smile this time. “I’m honored to have met you, Muten R­ōshi.” He bowed to the legendary master. “I’m afraid that I’ll have to return this capsule to you though. Without the prize money, I have no way to buy the water.”

“Follow me, young man.” Jackie motioned for Nam to follow him and took the younger man outside. “Do you notice anything ‘odd’ about that well over there?” He pointed to the temple’s water well.

“There’s no money deposit on it, and no one watching it.” Nam mentioned, you’d never see a well unguarded in his homeland.

“You’re not in the desert anymore, lad.” Jackie chuckled at Nam. “In this region, water is so abundant that people give it away. You can take as much as you like.”

“It…It’s FREE?!” Nam exclaimed loudly, never having imagined that the necessity of life would be free anywhere in the world.

“Fill that capsule up and take it home with you, Nam.” Jackie turned to head back inside.

“Thank you, so very much, Lord Mu… I mean Jackie Chun!” Nam clasped his hands together and bowed at the waist to the old man. “I will never forget your kindness!”

“Don’t mention it, my boy!” Jackie waved over his shoulder as he entered the temple.

Nam looked at the capsule in his hand with a smile. Muten R­ōshi’s words and gift had not only given him the chance to save his village from the current drought, but from all future droughts as well! As long as he had this capsule, instead of buying water, he could simply make the trip to this land where water was overflowing and free, and bring back enough for their village to survive!

“Truly, I have been blessed this day, to come to this tournament and to meet such amazing people.” Nam clasped his hands and closed his eyes, offering up a prayer of thanks and for the wellbeing of all those that he’d met today.

-End Chapter-


Now THAT’S a real Master!

Strong, but kind, and even with his quirks, Master Roshi is far and away a good soul to others that deserve it.

Bulma versus Jackie Chun ended with the master’s victory, but Bulma put up a hell of a fight, thinking tactically and trying to capitalize on the age difference. Also the perversion, though that didn’t work out as well as she hoped! It’s hard for the student to outwit the master, huh?

Goku and Nam’s fight was very similar to Canon, but Nam was a tad fiercer as he fought for his village, going straight for his most powerful move once he had Goku down long enough to execute it properly.

Unfortunately for Nam… Saiyans are just built differently!

Now the final match is approaching! Goku vs Jackie! Will Goku defy expectations and win? Will Jackie hold true to canon and win? What about after the Tenka’ichi Budokai?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 126

Bulma – 109

Krillin – 108

Roshi – 139

Launch – 5

Caulifla – 78

Kale - 83

Until I get your reviews, later!


Julian Casarez

Great chapter excited for the next story update now

Chason Wright

Liked this before I even read it

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and very enjoyable chapter. I also really like how you are making sure they incorporate the use of their tails in there fighting style, a very useful appendage. I always thought it would be cool for a weapon to be added at the tip, though it doesn’t really fit the franchise. Out of curiosity because I happen to forget, does Goku still have his power pole?


Yes, but weapons are prohibited in the Budokai, so it's capsulized right now. Yeah, Saiyans having a fifth prehensile appendage opens up a whole new dynamic in their fighting! Glad you're enjoying the story!


What I am happy is that you're having Roshi actually be a great master unlike the anime where it pushed his perverted tendencies too much for my liking Kai Dragon ball z is really good but it has it's faults.


So good, one of the best DB fics I've read. I'm actually really hyped for RR arc. It would be interesting to see how Bulma reacts to Blue with her new biology and we need best boi Eighter!


Thank you! I'm happy that you're enjoying the story so much and looking forward to the future! Every small thing builds upon itself to make other changes later on down the road!