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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Familia Myth: Journey to Hero! The morning of Floor Eighteen dawns, and a certain group definitely needs a bath after last night…hehehe~. The time has come for the Loki Familia Expedition’s departure from Floor Eighteen. A bit after they leave, Bell and the Rescue Party will head out too. Well, that’s the plan at least. Certain people may end up getting in the way…but will that lead to an even bigger incident?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 28 – Morning, Departure, Incident

The large crystal that covered the entire ceiling of the Eighteenth Floor slowly began to emit light once more, signaling that ‘day’ was about to return to the Safe Zone. The light started out weak, like the very first rays of sunlight peaking over the horizon, but over time, the luminosity grew until it was similar to morning sun.

The coming ‘morning’ (though it was probably closer to noon on the surface) slowly roused the people of Rivira, as well as the camping Loki Familia expedition in the woods. Some of the earliest risers like Finn, Riveria, and Gareth easily got up with the ‘sun’ and started getting ready for the day ahead. They had to direct the breaking down of their large camp and then make the trek back up the remaining seventeen Floors. Of course, that was after they dealt with Goliath first, the Monster Rex had respawned in the time they’d been on expedition, so they needed to deal with it to progress.

In the tent that was lent to the Hestia Familia, five people were waking up in the early morning as well.

“Mmm~” Tiona snuggled closer to the warmth that she was holding, even as she slowly awoke from her slumber. She was still out of it from sleep, but she was warm, comfortable, and perfectly content to stay right where she was.

“Mnn…” Tione was in the same state as her sister, cuddled up to the warmth between them, a steady and reassuring ‘thump’ heard from what her head was resting on. She was content, warm, and didn’t want to move, even as she awoke, still keeping her eyes closed.

I really slept in today…’ Bell thought to himself, his eyes still closed, though he’d been awake for a little while now. His internal clock was still set to the years that he’d spent in the farming village he’d grown up in. Normally that meant he woke up at around five in the morning without fail. But after last night, a warm smile spread across his face, he was fairly certain he’d earned the extra hours of sleep.

Tiona’s eyes slowly opened as her mind began to process again. Her surroundings slowly came into focus, and she noticed a few things. One, she could see Tione’s face in front of hers. Two, they were both laying their heads on a man’s chest. Three, the man’s arms were wrapped around them and holding both sisters close to his warm body. “Argonaut~” Tiona smiled as she nearly mewled like a kitten in comfort.

“Good morning, Tiona.” Bell replied, opening his eyes and looking over at Tiona warmly. The warm and loving smile he got in return brightened up his day more than the crystal ceiling above ever could.

Tione nuzzled into Bell’s chest some more, clearly not wanting to get up, but she slowly opened her eyes anyway. “Mmm… Morning.” She greeted her sister with a gentle smile on her lips. She turned her warm eyes onto Bell and leaned up to kiss his lips. “Good morning, Bell~” She nearly purred when their lips separated. The tingles that ran through her body as phantom pleasure made her want to just stay in bed for as long as possible.

“Good morning, Tione.” Bell returned with his own warm and loving smile.

“You were amazing, Argonaut~” Tiona pressed her body against Bell’s and kissed his lips next.

“Absolutely perfect.” Tione agreed with her sister, a little giggle escaping her lips.

Bell chuckled softly as he squeezed them both closer. “You two are perfect.” He praised them, his hands slowly trailing down their bodies, his fingers leaving warmth in their wake along the Amazons’ soft bronze skin. “We should probably get up soon.” Bell sighed his own contentment to stay right where they were though, his hands going over their hips and resting on their amazing bottoms.

“Oh~ Already in the mood, Bell?” Tione pressed her ass back into his hand with a grin.

“We could go again~” Tiona hummed in pleasure as Bell’s hand gently squeezed her butt.

“We could all use a bath first, otherwise everyone is going to be able to smell what happened last night.” Hestia’s soft voice reminded the three that they weren’t alone. “Unless you want that to happened, of course.” The Goddess giggled and leaned over the three of them. Her lips stole Bell’s for a good morning kiss for a long moment before she pulled away. “Good morning, you three.”

“Good morning, Hestia.” Bell smiled at his Goddess lover. “Did you sleep well?”

“Very well.” Hestia nodded with a grin. “Lili and I helped each other relax after watching you three last night.”

“Five times for each of you.” Lili leaned over from the other side of the three and quickly got her own good morning kiss from Bell. “Lili was shocked that Master Bell had so much stamina.” Her eyes were half-lidded as she looked into Bell’s rubellite gaze.

“I have some experience.” Bell chuckled, looking at Hestia and making the Goddess grin smugly.

“Good morning, Lady Hestia, Lili.” Tiona reluctantly sat up first, letting the blanket fall off of her body, revealing her nakedness. Bell’s eyes quickly focused on her face, then trailed down to take in her breasts, her trim tummy, and then her sex, which he could see since Tiona had purposefully sat up with her legs spread. “Like what you see, Argonaut?” She teased him, happy that he was so focused on her body.

“He certainly made a mess of us~” Tione hummed approvingly as she also sat up, the blanket falling away from her body. Bell looked her over as well, Tione eagerly letting him do so, even trailing her hands over her body temptingly. “Look at all the sweat we still have on us.” It was true, both sisters were covered in dried sweat and the thick, musky smell of sex from their long night of lovemaking with Bell.

“A bath would probably help.” Bell grinned, a feeling of masculine pride in his chest at seeing Tione and Tiona so satisfied by him. “I’ll make sure it’s a hot bath for us.” He promised with a smile.

“That sounds great.” Tiona giggled, leaning over to kiss Tione’s cheek as she always did whenever they slept next to each other.

Tione smiled and gave Tiona’s cheek a kiss in return before stretching her arms over her head, her large tits bouncing caught everyone’s attention and she smirked knowingly at them. “A hot bath would be wonderful.”

Lili peeked out of the tent and then smiled at the others. “It doesn’t look like any people are up yet; so we should be able to sneak out.”

“Not that we care, but it’ll be easier to explain back on the surface, rather than dealing with all the questions in the Dungeon.” Tiona shrugged, not having any problem with walking out of the tent arm in arm with Bell and reeking of sex for her Familia to see. Tione nodded in agreement with her sister, the idea of proudly declaring her relationship with Bell is such a physical way was even appealing to her Amazonian instincts.

The five made their way out of the camp and through the forest until they got pack to the pond that they’d bathed in the day before.

“Firebolt! Firebolt! Firebolt! Firebolt!” Bell blasted his spell into the water until steam slowly rose off of the surface, signaling that the water was at a good, hot temperature for a bath.

The girls quickly pulled off their clothes, having only dressed enough to be ‘decent’ if someone spotted them. Tione and Tiona quickly washed their clothing (mainly Tione’s bikini bottoms and Tiona’s panties and loincloth) to get the smell of sex off of them and then hung them up to dry. Afterwards they all slipped into the warm water.

“Ah~ So nice~” Tiona sighed in bliss, stretching her arms as she relaxed in the hot water.

Tione dunked her head, soaking her long black hair, before coming back up and beginning to run her fingers through it. “You’re going to spoil us in more than one way, Bell.” She grinned at her lover as he was being washed by Hestia and Lili. If washing involved the two women running their hands all over Bell’s naked body and clearly feeling him up the whole time.

“As much as possible.” Bell agreed with a laugh, before it turned into a small yelp. Hestia and Lili were both smirking as they began to stroke Bell’s length beneath the water. “Aren’t we supposed to be getting clean?” He wrapped his arms around them and pulled them close, kissing Lili and then Hestia.

“Lili is still eager from last night.” Lili replied with a giggle, running her hand up and down his half-hard length in time with Hestia’s own hand.

Hestia giggled as she kissed Bell’s cheek. “We’re just cleaning you off, Bell…” The little grin on her lips made it clear that she wasn’t being truthful though.

Bell couldn’t help but laugh and pull them both into another kiss each. “I’ll wash all of you myself.” He offered and didn’t wait for and answer as he turned Hestia around and began to wash her back.

“Bell~” Hestia moaned as Bell began to wash her while also massaging her shoulders and back. “So good…” She let her head fall forward as Bell loosened her muscles and cleaned her at the same time. “Naughty boy~” Hestia giggled when Bell’s hands came around to her front and began to ‘clean’ her tits. The way Bell gently squeezed and fondled her girls made Hestia lean back into him with a light moan.

“Master Bell…” Lili gasped when it was her turn. The Prum was quickly reduced to a warm and happy puddle as Bell massaged her and playfully ran his hands over her ass and tits. “Don’t tease.” She pouted up at him when he played with her nipples, only to be kissed deeply in response. “Ehehe…” She giggled when their lips separated, her eyes hazy and half-lidded.

“My turn, Argonaut?” Tiona giggled and eagerly surrendered herself to his hands. “Ooh~” The Amazon moaned when she got to experience Bell’s massage for the first time. “You’re good.” She felt her muscles loosen up and rested the back of her head against his shoulder when his hands finished with her back and moved to her front. Bell trailed his hand up her body, starting at her thighs, but going around her pussy, and then trailing up her tummy as he made sure to play with her handfuls, teasing her nipples and making Tiona mewl.

When it was her turn, Tione sighed happily as Bell began to comb his fingers through her long hair. He seemed to know that she cared for it, and was gentle as he cleaned it as best as he could without a comb. “Yes…” Tione groaned as Bell’s hands began to work on her body, massaging her and relaxing any tension he found with his experienced hands. She spread her legs and purred when he trailed his fingers up her thighs, but pouted at him when he completely avoided her sex. That pout disappeared when his hands trailed up her tummy and then cupped her tits. “You just love my tits, don’t you, Bell?” Tione pressed her breasts into his palms even more as she turned her head to look at him.

“Yes.” Bell answered with a smile, kissing her cheek as he played with her boobs for a bit. He teased her a little, playing with her nipples and even gently squeezing her girls in a slow milking motion a few times, since she seemed to enjoy it so much last night.

Hestia had to be the voice of reason as everyone was getting a bit worked up again. “We’d better stop, otherwise this is going to become way more than just a bath.”

“I guess.” Tiona pouted a little. “Riveria would probably get mad.”

“The Captain and Gareth too.” Tione sighed as she stepped away from Bell.

The five of them got out of the water and dried off with the same towels they’d used the day before. As they dressed, Bell happily watched the show the four women made of putting their clothes back on. Hestia, Lili, Tione, and Tiona all making sure their curves and assets were on full display for Bell until their clothes covered them up.

Making it back to the camp near the tent the Hestia Familia were using was a little harder than leaving now as more people had woken up. The campsite was quickly coming to life as the light grew brighter and the ‘day’ started in earnest. The smell of food cooking was a sure sign that breakfast would soon be served as well.

“See you soon, Bell~” Tiona kissed him softly, pouring her love and affection into it. She hummed happily when Bell returned the simple kiss, feeling his love through it.

“Let’s meet back up on the surface soon, okay?” Tione requested as she looped her arms around his shoulders.

“Of course, Tione.” Bell smiled and pulled her closer with his hands on her hips. The two kissed, keeping it simple and soft, just expressing their feelings for each other.

The sisters separated from the Hestia Familia with happy little smiles on their faces that would last throughout the entire morning.

“We should get ready.” Bell looked at Lili and Hestia. “It would be bad if we held up the expedition by not being ready to move out of their tent.”

The three headed inside to quickly pack up their things before breakfast would be served.

-Cooking Area-

Several of the women and a few of the men of the expedition were cooking the last of the rations that had been brought along on the expedition. It would lighten the load as they made the last leg of the trip back to the surface over the next few hours. Plus a hearty breakfast would give everyone energy for the trek, and the lead team needed it to take down Goliath.

Tiona and Tione came by, looking to be some of the first to get some breakfast after their night with Bell. But they didn’t expect to see one of their friends cock an eyebrow at them and motion them over.

Anakitty Autumn, Aki to her friends, looked between the Amazon Sisters as they approached at her beckoning. She grinned at them both when they were close enough and lowered her voice. “Couldn’t even wait until we got back to the surface, huh?”

“Hm?” Tiona cocked her head to the side at the question.

Tione’s eyes briefly widened before narrowing at Aki. “How?” The simple question had no accusation behind it, only genuine curiosity.

“You can bathe, but the smell lingers.” Aki wiggled her nose cutely, and made her ears twitch as well to emphasize her Cat Girl traits. A Beastman’s senses were naturally sharper than most other Races to begin with. With Aki being Level 4 (pushing Level 5 at that) her natural senses were further strengthened by being boosted for each of her Levels.

“Hehe…” Tiona rubbed the back of her head with a bright smile. “Can’t hide anything from Aki.”

“Just keep it quiet until we get back home. We don’t need the flood of questions while trying to get out of the Dungeon after this crazy expedition.” Tione sighed at Aki’s perceptiveness.

“Wasn’t planning on spreading it around, but I’m sure a few others will probably notice too.” Aki waved off the concern that she would speak about their personal lives. “But…” She got a mischievous little smile on her face. “How was he?”

“Amazing.” Tiona giggled happily.

“Incredible.” Tione had a warm smile on her face.

“Oh? He must be good to get those reactions.” Aki teased them lightly.

“Five times, each.” Tione and Tiona said at the same time.

Aki’s eyes widened and her tail stood straight up, bristling slightly. “F-Five times… Each?!” She couldn’t stop herself from gaping. That was ten rounds total…in a row…with Amazons that were both three Levels higher than himself!

“Mhmm!” Tiona was practically glowing now.

“Yeah…” Tione’s whole body was relaxed, and her expression was best described as ‘lazily smug’.

Aki didn’t have anything she could say to that. The Cat Girl just shaking her head in shock at what she’d learned.


“Good morning, Ais.” Bell greeted her with a smile as the Hestia Familia sat down to eat with the rest of the expedition group.

“Good morning, Bell.” Ais smiled back, her expression changing from the slightly introspective look that she’d had before seeing Bell. The talk with Finn and Gareth last night had brought up her past and the strange connection to the corrupted Spirit they’d seen down on the Fifty-Ninth Floor; along with the redheaded woman called Revis. The turmoil in her heart (the ugly black flame of revenge that burned inside of her) had flared up again after everything that had happened. ‘But seeing you always quells the flame… Being with you, makes the black flame go out.’ Ais smiled warmly at Bell as they began to eat. Even after all of this Spirit stuff had come up, her past being brought up, and even nearly dying on the Fifty-Ninth Floor to the corrupted Spirit; Bell’s presence (and his love for her) could free her from the turmoil within.

Ais, Tione, and Tiona got to enjoy breakfast with the Hestia Familia and just relax after all they’d been through on this long and dangerous expedition.

-After Breakfast-

“Mister Welf said that he’d have our gear in the best shape that he could before we left.” Lili mentioned the lack of their Party member this morning. “Lili will go find him and bring him to the tent so that we’re ready to leave after the Loki Familia’s expedition.” The Supporter smiled and hugged Hestia and then Bell before taking off.

“That’s good.” Hestia smiled as she watched Lili until she couldn’t see the Prum anymore. “If we want our group to follow along behind the Loki Familia’s second group, then we need to be ready to leave when they do.”

“I’m sorry that Welf has to put in so much work before we head out.” Bell sighed, knowing that with Welf’s work ethic, the Blacksmith may not have even had breakfast, choosing to work on their gear instead. “I should probably thank the Loki Familia again for all of their help before the first team leaves.”

“You take care of that, and I’ll go get our stuff from the tent.” Hestia kissed his cheek and gently pushed him towards the center of the campsite with a giggle.

-Loki Familia Advanced Team Location-

“What the hell is all this about the rabbit boy bein’ here?! Why does no one tell me anything?!” Bete demanded after hearing from Raul about what had happened after he’d gotten back and then gone to bed yesterday.

“Shut up, Bete…” Tiona said with a little smile on her lips, all the while giving her Urga some light maintenance. Her reply to the Werewolf was noticeably calmer than it normally was when he got loud.

“What was that?!” Bete nearly growled at Tiona, only to blink at seeing her not paying any attention to him. “Why the hell are you so…mellow?” He questioned the normally combative Amazon.

It was true, Tiona was smiling softly and had been practically glowing all morning. Tione was the same, looking relaxed and happy since breakfast. It was clear to everyone that both sisters were in a very good mood this morning for some reason.

“Hey, Ais!” Bete looked over to the newly arrived swordswoman. “Is it true? About the rabbit brat?!”

Ais blinked and tilted her head for a second at the sudden question. “Yes…it’s true.”

“The hell…” Bete’s face got a little red, but not from anger. He covered his mouth with his hand and thought about how he wanted to ask his follow up question. “…uh, hey, Ais… Is that other thing true too?” Seeing Ais looking at him confused, Bete coughed into his hand. “You know! That! That, you know, uh…” Seeing Ais still looking confused, Bete lowered his voice a bit. “About him peeking on you girls in the bath…that.”

Ais blinked and her cheeks got slightly pink before she nodded.

“It…is?!” Bete’s face was a portrait of absolute shock at the confirmation. He turned away from Ais and muttered lowly to himself. “Th-That bastard… Doing something that I’ve never done… Is he for real?!”

“…Um, it was Lord Hermes’s fault.” Ais tried to explain the situation to the Werewolf.

“…Ais.” Bete straightened up and turned to look at her. “If he made it down here to the Middle Floors…that means he’s Level 2, right?”

“Mm.” Ais nodded with a small smile on her lips.

“Tch, that bastard.” Bete scoffed and decided to give the punk a piece of his mind. “Ais, where’s the rabbit brat?”

“He should be…” Ais was about to point towards the Hestia Familia’s tent, but after thinking about how…abrasive…Bete’s personality could be. Not to mention the last interaction the two had back at the Hostess of Fertility. Ais decided to not be honest with Bete. “…over there.” She pointed in the opposite direction of the Hestia Familia’s tent.

“Over there, huh?” Bete was stalking off in the direction Ais pointed to immediately. “Where are you, rabbit brat?!” It wasn’t long before he was out of sight, searching for Bell.

Not even two minutes later and Bell approached Ais from the opposite direction that Bete had left in. “Ais…” He greeted her with a smile. “I heard that the first group is leaving soon.”

“Yes…” Ais confirmed, giving him a smile in return.

“Please be careful.” Bell cautioned her, even if she was still much stronger than him. It was done out of concern and love for Ais, regardless of anything else.

Ais felt her cheeks warm slightly as a bright grin formed on her face. “You be careful too… I’ll see you on the surface.”

Bell looked around briefly, with only Tiona and Tione nearby, he leaned forward and kissed Ais’s cheek softly. “I’ll see you on the surface.” He promised her with a smile and a nod. He moved over to say goodbye to Tione and Tiona next, both Amazons welcoming him with large smiles.

Ais held her cheek where she’d been kissed, a warm smile on her face as her heart fluttered in her chest. ‘Be careful… It’s been a long time since someone has said that to me. After joining Loki Familia and becoming the Kenki…I stopped hearing it.’ She smiled as joy filled her and watched Bell head back towards his Familia after kissing Tione and Tiona. ‘It feels like the old days. Kind of nice…I think.

“So, Ais…” Tione looked at her surrogate sister with a teasing grin. “Do you want to know? We can be discrete about it.” That was code for them to switch to Amazonian so that others wouldn’t know what they were talking about.

“Siz... Siz ikiniz... dün gece işi pişirdiniz mi? (Did… Did you two… Last night?)” Ais questioned, feeling her cheeks start to burn as she asked something so…intimate.

“N'oldu? Merak mı ettin, Ais~? (What? Are you curious, Ais~?)” Tiona grinned at her friend with suggestive eyes.

“Sana tüm detaylarıyla anlatalım mı? (Do you want all the details?)” Tione asked with a teasing lilt in her voice.

“Ben... Şey... Belki... (I… I… Maybe…)” Ais began to fidget a little at the topic, but something inside of her wanted to know what the three had done last night.

“Neyse... Dün gece Argonat'un çadırına sızıverdik... (Well… We snuck over to Argonaut’s tent last night…” Tiona giggled as Ais leaned forward, her interest clearly captured.

“Sonrasında da onu öptük... Ardından öpmenin çok ötesine geçtik~ (And then we kissed… Then we did more than kissing~” Tione purred sexily and then winked at Ais.

Ais’s entire face burned red at Tione’s words.


“Ryu,” Bell grinned at seeing the Elf woman hanging back away from the campsite within the trees.

“Bell.” Ryu had the lower half of her face covered by her green mask. “Did you need something?”

Bell shook his head with a small grin. “No, I just wanted to spend more time with you, Ryu.” He held out his hand to her, offering to hold hers and walk through the forest together before they had to leave the Eighteenth Floor.

Ryu took his hand, not hesitating in the slightest anymore, and gently pulled him into the forest. Once they were out of sight, Ryu pulled her mask down and gave Bell a beautiful smile. “Let’s walk together, Bell.” She felt her heart beating strongly beneath her breast, but unlike before, when she’d felt bad for infringing upon Syr’s feelings for Bell; her friend had been, quite strongly, pushing Ryu towards Bell for the last few weeks. With Syr’s blessing, Ryu had decided to follow her blossoming feelings for the young man, leading to them sharing a wonderful beginning to their relationship. “I’m still surprised you kissed my cheek, Bell.” She gently rested her head on his shoulder as they walked through the forest hand-in-hand.

“I wanted you to know how I felt, Ryu.” Bell told her truthfully. “I didn’t want to regret not telling you, even if you didn’t feel the same way.” He gently squeezed her hand with his.

“Kissing the cheek of the one you wish to court, in the middle of a forest, with no one else around, is how the Elves of my home forest begin relationships, Bell.” Ryu told him, an actual giggle almost escaping her lips as Bell nearly stumbled from his surprise. “I very much doubted you knew the custom,” She looked at him with warm eyes and a smile on her lips. “But I’m happy that you made your feelings known to me, so that I could make mine known to you.” She gently rested her forehead against his.

“Is this another custom?” Bell asked with a small chuckle, gently pulling Ryu into his arms.

“No,” Ryu denied with a soft, beautiful smile. “I just wanted to do this.”

Bell leaned forward as Ryu’s arms wrapped around his shoulders, Ryu tilted her head and their lips met for the first time. It was soft, sweet, and simple; but it was a kiss that they both poured their feelings for each other into. When they pulled back, Ryu’s entire face was flushed, all the way to the tips of her ears.

“I never thought I’d see you flustered like this, Ryu.” Bell held her close. “It’s cute.”

Ryu hid her face in Bell’s neck, feeling her heart flutter and knowing her face was burning red. “I…can’t look you in the eye right now.” She admitted her own embarrassment to him. To be fair, they’d only started their relationship yesterday, so kissing each other was actually moving a bit fast for the Elves of her forest.

“Did I go too far?” Bell didn’t want to make Ryu uncomfortable or feel like he was rushing her.

“No… I wanted to kiss you too.” Ryu mumbled from where she was hiding her face against his neck.

Bell gently started to sway side-to-side as he held Ryu. “There’s no rush, Ryu, we can take our relationship at whatever pace you like.” He murmured softly to her as he gently nuzzled her hair.

“Thank you, Bell.” Ryu tightened her hold on him, matching his gentle movements as they swayed, it was the simplest ‘dance’ possible, and yet Ryu felt her feelings for Bell deepening even more.

“Your hair is beautiful.” Bell whispered as they stayed there, gently moving. He really liked getting to see Ryu’s natural blonde hair color instead of the darker color that she kept in the Hostess of Fertility. But given what she’d told him of her past, he understood why she kept it colored differently.

Ryu nuzzled into him even more, feeling her blush renew itself. “Thank you…” She was happy that he liked her true appearance, but compliments filled with genuine love and affection were fast becoming a weak point of hers; or they were when they came from Bell at any rate. ‘I’m not going to be able to look him in the eye the whole way back to the surface at this rate.’ Ryu thought to herself as she enjoyed the gentle ‘dance’ with her new…boyfriend. For a second, she could swear she heard her old Familia member Lyra laughing, but she put it out of her mind for now. The smiling face of Alise in her mind made her let out a small sigh as she relaxed a little more in Bell’s arms. ‘I won’t let him go, Alise; just like you said.’ There were still things to live for, a bright future that she once thought she’d lost forever was being offered to her in the form of this young man with a heart of gold.

-Entrance to the Seventeenth Floor-

“I’d like to go over a few things before we head to the Seventeenth Floor.” Finn spoke to the group that made up the First Team of the expedition that would clear the way through the Middle and Upper Floors for the Second Team. He had his normal spear in his right hand and his new Durandal spear (made by Tsubaki for this expedition) in his left hand. “The Floor Boss, Goliath, lurks in the hall above us. Normally, this would be a great opportunity for everyone, not just the elites, to get some good Excelia, but…” Here he sighed a bit heavily, mirroring the feelings of the group as a whole. “We are still hurting from the string of irregulars that we encountered on this expedition. For this reason, I’d like everyone to participate in the battle right from the start. I’m sure everyone here is anxious to see the sun again, right?” Finn gave them all a knowing grin, getting some chuckles from a few in the group. “Truthfully, even I’m itching for a good night’s sleep in my own bed.” He went into ‘Captain’ mode now that he knew everyone was ready. “Tiona, Tione, and Bete are on the front line. I won’t say anything if you take it down yourselves, but focus on containing it first.”

“Okay!” Tiona confirmed with a smile.

“Understood.” Tione nodded to Finn.

“Got it.” Bete replied to the Captain.

“Make sure to retrieve the Magic Stone.” Finn set the stipulation that they couldn’t eliminate the Monster Rex by destroying its Magic Stone.

To be fair, the Loki Familia was going to be in the red from this expedition if they didn’t make some money on their way back. The small boulder of a Magic Stone that was the core of Goliath would no doubt help keep the Familia out of debt at the very least. Funds would still be tight for a while, but at least they wouldn’t owe any other Familia money.

“Ais, take center.” Finn looked at the swordswoman. “Act as backup wherever you’re needed.”

“Understood.” Ais gave a firm nod to Finn, her hand already resting on Desperate. She still remembered the state that Bell and his Party had been in when she’d found them. This incarnation of Goliath was going to be eliminated a bit more brutally than a standard extermination for what it had done to Bell; she’d make sure of it.

“Raul, your unit is protecting the back line. Make sure any Monster overflow from the walls gets taken care of.” Finn assigned the second squad as a whole. Keeping their backs clear was imperative when dealing with a Monster Rex.

“Yes, sir!” Raul drew his sword.

“Magic users, begin casting as soon as we enter the chamber. When everyone is ready, unleash everything all at once. Lefiya, you give the signal!” Finn’s orders were clear and precise as always.

“Y-Yes!” Lefiya held her staff tightly at being put at the head of the Magic users of the team.

“Everyone, get ready.” Finn led the First Team into Goliath’s chamber. “Let’s finish this within three minutes.”

OOOUUUAAAGGGHHH!!!” Goliath’s bellow shook the air as soon as it spotted the Loki Familia entering its lair.

-Hestia Familia Tent-

“All done, now I just have to wait for the others.” Hestia smiled at the bags she was watching over as the Loki Familia took the tent down and moved it back towards the center of their campsite to pack it up. “I wonder where Bell and Lili are right now?” She didn’t get to wonder long as something grabbed her from behind. Hestia couldn’t see what had a hold of her, but her mouth had been covered by what felt like a hand, and an arm was wrapped around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. She flailed and kicked at the air, but wasn’t strong enough to get free as she was dragged off into the woods.

A tied up scroll was left sitting atop the bags that Hestia had been watching. The edge of the campsite now completely empty with no one around.


“Goddess?” Bell looked around the area their tent had been.

“Master Bell!” Lili came jogging up to him with Welf following behind her. “Lili has been looking for you!”

“Sorry about that, Lili, I was with Miss Ryu.” Bell told her honestly, and he saw the corner of Lili’s lips twitch upward as a knowing look crossed her face.

“Yo, Bell.” Welf greeted with a wave, before tossing a duffle bag to his buddy. “Here. All of the remaining armor and weapons, sharp and shiny.”

“Thanks, Welf.” Bell unzipped the bag and saw his armor and both of his knives inside, all freshly maintained.

“How did you get the equipment for that?” Lili couldn’t help but ask. He surely hadn’t paid the ridiculous prices in Rivira.

Welf rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “I had to lower my head and call in a favor… Tsubaki was having a ball at my expense.” He shook his head at his Captain making him practically beg to use her equipment with an all to amused smile on her face.

Bell began to put on his armor with the ease of experience. “Have either of you seen Hestia? She said she’d be right here when I got back.”

“I haven’t seen her, but I’ve been busy working most of the morning.” Welf shook his head.

“Our stuff is here.” Lili mentioned, looking at their bags on the ground. “The only person that Lili can think of that Hestia might need to talk to is Lord Hermes, maybe?”

“What’s this?” Bell placed the Hestia Knife and Ushiwakamaru on his belt and noticed the scroll lying on top of the bags. He picked up the roll of paper and untied the string.

Rabbit Foot

We have your Goddess.

Come to the crystal pillar east of the central tree, alone, if you ever want to see her again.

“Who the hell would dare?!” Bell was shaking in pure rage, the note nearly tearing apart under his grip. “Lili, Welf, read this and then grab whatever help you can get. I’m going ahead.” Bell handed the note to Lili and then bolted towards the crystal spire that could be seen from almost any point on the Eighteenth Floor.

“Master Bell?!” Lili blinked at seeing her boyfriend run off so fast. She turned to read the note, Welf reading over her shoulder, and her face went stone cold instantly. “Fucking bastards…” Lili was nearly grinding her teeth in anger, once more reminded of all the shitty Adventurers that she’d had to work for as a Supporter for years. “Hurry up, Mister Welf! We need reinforcements!” Lili was off like a shot, her first targets being the Takemikazuchi Familia and Asfi.

“Damn it! The second Loki Familia Team already left too!” Welf bit out as he ran after Lili. If they had still been around, he could’ve asked Tsubaki for help. A pain in the butt his Captain might like to be from time to time, but she protected her own. As a Level 5 she could beat the entire population of Rivira by herself. Not a single Adventurer in the Dungeon Town was higher than Level 3, after all. “I’ll just have to do what I can!” He’d grab Bell’s spear, his sword, and even his last Magic Sword creation while he was at it. No matter how much he didn’t want to have to rely on it.

-Forest Path-

“Jiiii…” A Mad Beetle, a large Insect Type Monster normally found on the Nineteenth to Twenty-Fourth Floors, hissed at the running Bell as they crossed paths. The Mad Beetle swung one of its blade-like arms, looking to cut Bell down, only to be cut down itself when Bell blitzed past it. Its blood hit the ground in a spray as its head followed, perfectly decapitated by the Hestia Knife.

Bell hadn’t even slowed down in his run towards the crystal spire. “Almost there, Goddess!”

“Mord! He’s here!” One of the Adventurers from Rivira that was acting as a scout called out loudly.

Bell emerged from the treeline in a blur and skidded to a stop, his rubellite eyes looking around for Hestia immediately.

“That was fast, Rabbit Foot!” Mord called out with a mocking laugh.

“My Goddess!” Bell demanded after not seeing Hestia around.

Mord waved Bell’s concern off. “We ain’t done nothing to her, boy! We’re not stupid enough to harm a Deity!” That was a good way to get your soul tortured after you passed on. Gods and Goddesses could be vindictive as all hell if they felt like they, or someone they cared about, had been wronged.

“Then why did you kidnap her?!” Bell nearly growled at Mord.

“She was just the bait to draw you out and get you to Duel me.” Mord revealed his plan, and that it had worked.

“A duel…” Bell looked around at the circle of Adventurers that had surrounded them already.

Mord saw where Bell was looking. “Don’t have a fit. None of these guys will touch you. This is between you and me!” He puffed out his chest a bit, projecting confidence and bravado. “The loser has to do what the winner says…how’s that sound? Are you man enough, Record Holder?!”

“Okay then,” Bell agreed immediately. “Once I win…you’ll bring my Goddess to me.” Every Adventurer in the circle suddenly felt like they were looking at a man stronger than them, though they didn’t understand why. “And if there’s a single hair out of place on her head, I’m going to beat the hell out of each and every last one of you until I find the culprit…understand?!” Half of the men surrounding Bell and Mord took a half-step back instinctively.

Unbeknownst to Bell or the gathered Adventurers, his Heroic Will Skill was activated and increasing his stats in the face of their adversity. The secondary effect was bearing down on them all, making Bell seem unassailable to the other Level 2’s.

“Big talk coming from a greenhorn!” Mord caught a sword that was throwing to him. “But fine, if you win, we’ll bring your Goddess over to you, safe and sound.” He raised the sword high above his head. “But don’t get the wrong idea, you punk-ass brat!” He slammed the sword down on the dusty ground and a cloud of grit and dust obscured him from view. “This is a show where I beat the hell outta ya!”

Bell drew the Hestia Knife and Ushiwakamaru, his passive Skill Dual Wield increased his Strength and Dexterity in response. “What?” He looked around as the dust settled, but didn’t see Mord anywhere. “That fast?!”

A blow struck Bell in the side of the head and knocked him off his feet.

Bell rolled and pushed off the ground, getting back onto his feet. “What was that?!” He hadn’t seen anything at all!

A kick slammed into his breastplate, and Bell crashed onto his back. He felt the heavy step of a boot stop right beside him and rolled away from it. A stomp that cracked the ground landed right where Bell’s head had been. He rolled a bit more and forced himself back to his feet.

I can feel his steps, feel the air move as he gets close, I can even hear him if I focus…’ Bell was quickly putting the pieces together. ‘He’s invisible?!

“Kick his ass, Mord!”

“Amazing! We can’t see him at all!”

“Smash his head in!”

“Rip that little punk rabbit’s nose off his face!”

The yells and cheers from the crowd of Adventurers were loud and violent.

All this anger and hate is nearly making my head spin…’ Bell backstepped and felt the air move past his head from what he assumed was a punch. ‘This place is different… Completely different from the kind people that I know.’ He didn’t even know what their problem with him was. He’d only had the single altercation with Mord the one time. ‘This is part of being an Adventurer?’ Bell sidestepped and heard Mord stumble from missing his attempted kick. ‘No…this is being an Adventurer!’ He recalled hearing about the depths of jealously and envy that being high-ranked came with from Tiona and Tione back during his training. Those that excelled were often quietly despised by those that floundered and failed to surmount the wall that was Leveling Up.

-Hermes and Asfi-

Looking down on the circle of Adventurers from a tree branch high above, Hermes and Asfi watched as Bell fought the invisible Mord.

“You have vulgar tastes…” Asfi side-eyed Hermes. “Do you really find this entertaining to watch?”

“Pretty harsh, Asfi.” Hermes looked over at her like she’d misjudged him.

“You said that you wanted to see Bell Cranel’s abilities with your own eyes…but was it really necessary to give him one of my helmets?” Asfi questioned her God pointedly. “Do you have something against that boy?”

“Hmm… I’d rather call it tough love.” Hermes looked down at Bell in the center of the ring of Adventurers. “Young Bell has no idea what the ‘children’ can really be like. He might even find himself in a stickier situation than this one in the future.” Hermes watched as Bell acclimated to fighting an invisible opponent rather quickly. “Vulgar or not, I wanted him to know this other side of Humanity as well.” Left unsaid was that he wasn’t the only interested party in making sure that Bell understood the realities of the world. “Then again, I can’t deny that this is entertaining.” But Hestia would almost assuredly send him back to Tenkai via her weaponized sandals if she ever found out about his involvement in this scheme.

Asfi turned her head to face Hermes. “And if he should fall here?”

Then he didn’t have what it takes.That’s all.” Hermes spoke factually, his voice holding no emotion, as if he was stating a simple truth. “But even now…” He glanced over in the direction that Bell had come from. “Bell and the others shine brightly with thoughts of their friends.”


Tied to a tree and gagged, Hestia could only glare at the two Adventurers that had been left to watch over her. She couldn’t get free of the ropes, nor could she speak to them and try to get them to release her.

“Man, you hear that?” Guile India, Mord’s friend and Party member with the large shield on his back looked over at his buddy and fellow Party member.

“They’re really having fun over there, huh?” Scott Olds, the lanky member of their Party that wore a purple stole over his shoulders mentioned while covering his nose. “Yet here we are watching over the Goddess and having to smell that horrible stench.”

“It might not be pleasant, but that Morbul stuff repels Monsters, so we don’t have to worry about fighting anything.” Guile replied, not a fan of the horrible smell either. The Blue Pharmacy where it was sold had recently gained some popularity for the new Dual Potions, and a few of their unique items that were apparently made by the Captain of the Mercantile Familia.

A rock about the size of a chicken egg slammed into the side of Scott’s head from out of nowhere. The Level 2 Adventurer was taken off his feet and collapsed to the ground like a sack of dirt. He was clearly unconscious from the unexpected attack.

“Who the HELL?!” Guile was on his feet with his shield raised and his mace in hand.

It didn’t do him any good as a blow to the back of his head knocked him unconscious. He collapsed forward like a tree falling over.

“Mm?!” Hestia made a noise of shock.

“Hestia!” Lili bolted out of the trees and was at her Goddess’s side instantly cutting through her ropes.

“Lady Hestia, are you alright?” Ryu questioned as she gently removed the gag from the short Goddess’s mouth.

“Lili! Miss Elf!” Hestia was so glad to see them both.

“The bastards that took you left Master Bell a note threatening him!” Lili explained as the ropes fell of Hestia, cleanly cut by Lili’s knife. “Lili and Welf rounded up help as fast as we could!” That was how she’d found Ryu, since she couldn’t find Hermes or Asfi.

“Take me to Bell!” Hestia requested and followed along as best as she could while Lili led the way. “How did you find me?”

“Lili has a good nose, when she wants to.” Lili answered, but only those who knew about her Cinder Ella Magic and her ability to transform into Monsters with acute senses of smell would understand. “Your perfume is a rather distinct scent, Hestia.”

“I was surprised that you could take out a more experienced Level 2 with only a rock.” Ryu mentioned while looking sideways at Lili.

“Lili has a new Skill that makes her attacks with projectiles stronger and more accurate.” Lili told Ryu as they ran through the forest towards the crystal spire. Apparently, Hestia very much counted as a ‘member of her Familia’, so Merídio Range boosted Lili’s attack in response.

The three of them met up with Welf and the Takemikazuchi Familia on the way, the now seven member Party rushing to Bell’s aid.


Bell ducked under an invisible blow and lashed out with Ushiwakamaru, slicing against something solid.

“You little!” Mord grunted out, but the words gave away his position.

Bell’s leg came round and kicked Mord in the head, knocking off the Hades Head helmet in the process and removing the other Adventurer’s invisibility.

“Ack!” Mord cried out as he hit the dirt painfully. “You little shit!” Bell was on top of him in the next instant, the Hestia Knife resting against Mord’s neck while Ushiwakamaru was hovering over his right eye.

“I win.” Bell stated with finality. “Where’s my Goddess?”

“M-Mord lost?”

“How the hell?”

“No way!”

“Beat the shit out of that uppity brat!”

“Let’s get him!”

The crowd of Adventurers rushed forward, but the mob was stalled as three arrows struck three of the Adventurers from behind.



“My arm!”

Bell stood up and looked at who had come to his aid. Seeing Lili, Hestia, Ryu, Welf, and the three form Takemikazuchi Familia, Bell smiled. “Hestia!”

“Bell!” Hestia beamed at him, seeing that he didn’t look badly injured at the very least.

The six Adventurers set upon the crowd of Level 2’s from Rivira. Ouka wielded a spear, pushing back two of the other Adventurers simultaneously. Chigusa fired from the short bow she had, nailing any Adventurer that tried to gang up on her allies. Mikoto showed incredible skill with her katana, slicing through armor and even some weapons as she took down any Adventurer that came at her. Welf was in a deadlock against another Adventurer with an equally large sword. The two men pushing against each other, until Welf seemingly lost out, only to pivot on his left foot and take the other Adventurer’s back as his large sword hit the ground. Welf’s blade slammed into the man’s armor and flattened him into the ground. Lili was tossing stones and knifing anyone that got anywhere near Hestia, several of the Rivira Adventurers crying out in pain at being pelted in the face with a rock, or having their hand or forearm sliced. Ryu made short work out of anyone dumb enough to be in her sight. The sheer Level disparity made it less of a fight and more of a one-sided beating as she knocked out every opponent with a single hit from her wooden sword.

“You little bastard!” Mord forced himself to his feet and charged at Bell’s back.

“Bell!” Hestia called out in warning.

Bell spun and dropped low, Mord’s sword passing through the air above him. He shot upwards and drilled his fist straight into Mord’s chin in a powerful uppercut, lifting the older man off his feet. The Level 2 hit the ground like a sack of rocks, grabbing his chin and rolling around in pain from the blow.

“Take this!” One man pulled out a large knife. But it was no ordinary knife. Similar to Lili’s Magic Knife, this blade wasn’t the normal silvery-gray steel…no, it was colored red and orange along the full length of the blade. It was clearly a Magic Weapon and the Adventurer was about to swing it at Bell’s exposed back.

“You will stop.” Hestia’s voice rang out clearly, even though she was speaking at a normal volume. Everyone felt the shift in the air and saw Hestia surrounded in the ever-shifting prismatic aura of a Divinity. Immediately the man with the Magic Knife dropped it to the ground and then prostrated himself without a thought. Everyone quickly followed suit, none of the still conscious Adventurers could stop their natural reaction to put their face in the dirt and not even look upon Hestia’s divinity. Ryu, Mikoto, Ouka, Chigusa, and Welf all kneeled, rather than prostrate themselves, allowed to look at Hestia by her will. Only Bell and Lili were permitted to stand in her presence. “There will be no more fighting.”

No one said a word against the Goddess. They quite literally couldn’t when she was revealing a fraction of her true being to them.

Hestia sighed and reigned in the tiny bit of Divinity that she’d let loose to stop this madness. “Bell!” She was at his side and in his arms near-instantly, hugging him tightly. “Are you okay?! They didn’t hurt you, did they?!”

“I’m fine Hestia.” Bell assured her, hugging her just as tightly.


“What the?!” Mikoto steadied herself as the ground began to shake.

“An earthquake?!” Ouka questioned as he stabbed the butt of his spear into the ground to have something to hold onto against the shaking.

“The Dungeon is shaking…?” Bell blinked, never having experienced anything like this.

Ryu grimaced, having more experience within the Dungeon than anyone else present. “This is a bad tremor.” Something horrible was about to happen.

“Oi…what’s that up there?” Welf was staring up at the crystal ceiling in shock.


A large crack shattered part of the crystal ceiling. It looked nearly identical to a new Monster being spawned by the Dungeon.

“A Monster?!” Lili cried out upon seeing the size of the expanding cracks.

“That’s not possible! This is a safe point!” Chigusa shook her head in disbelief. Everyone knew that Monsters weren’t spawned in the safe point Floors!

“You’ve got to be kidding…” Hestia muttered lowly, staring up at the cracking ceiling. “That tiny bit of Divinity was actually sensed?”

-Hermes and Asfi-

“It’s too sensitive…” Hermes narrowed his eyes as he looked up at the crystal ceiling.

“Lord Hermes! What did you do?!” Asfi demanded of him as the light from the crystals above changed from resembling sunlight to an eerie reddish color.

Hermes took his feathered hat off his head and held it to his chest. “None of my amusements could’ve caused this, I assure you. Even what Hestia did shouldn’t have been enough…”

“Please, tell me what’s going on!” Asfi requested, though it came out like a demand of her God. “What’s about to happen?!”

“A tantrum.” Hermes answered. “For some reason, it’s more sensitive than ever about us being down here.” He stared up at the expanding cracks in the ceiling as the Floor continued to shake. “The Dungeon hates it, you see. Hates the fact that Gods are all the way down here.” Hermes put his hat back on his head. “Asfi… Go to Rivira and get reinforcements.”

“Reinforcements?! Don’t tell me we have to fight?! Wouldn’t running be better right now?!” Asfi demanded as the Dungeon continued to shake angrily.

“Look around, our exit to the Seventeenth Floor has been cut off.” Hermes motioned to part of the wall that had collapsed and buried the only way up to the higher Floors. “The Dungeon isn’t going to let us retreat.”

“Fine!” Asfi activated her Talaria sandals and flew off the branch. “But if I don’t return, I’ll haunt you for the rest of time!” She took off towards Rivira as fast as her creation could get her there.

“Now then…” Hermes watched as a chunk of the ceiling shattered and a large Monster fell towards the ground far below. It only took him a few moments to identify the newly spawned Monster. “Yep…that’s a Monster Rex.” He deadpanned, looking unamused by what the Dungeon had produced in its tantrum.


The newly spawned Monster crashed into the ground like a meteor. A large cloud of dust flew into the air from the impact, only to be cleared away quickly as the huge creature stood up. It was humanoid, with shaggy white hair and baleful red eyes, its skin was pitch-black as well.

“A Black Goliath?!” Hestia easily noticed the identical looks to the giant from the Seventeenth Floor. Aside form the skin and the hair being different colors, it was a Goliath.

But the aesthetics of its body weren’t the only differences between the normal Monster Rex and this version spawned by the Dungeon’s anger.

A normal Goliath stood at seven meters in height. Truly a giant. But this Black Goliath easily stood at least twenty meters tall, making it titanic as it towered over the Eighteenth Floor.

OOOOOUUUUUAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!” The Black Goliath bellowed loudly, shaking the air around it.

-End Chapter-



The Black Goliath has been spawned on Floor Eighteen!

It’s almost three times the size of a regular Goliath and its powers and abilities are greater than normal too!

Me thinks that Rivira, Bell’s Party, and everyone else is going to have to fight as one to survive!

How will this life and death battle play out with a Bell that’s quite a bit different than Canon? With all of the new gear, stats, and spells? With a stronger Lili?

And if they manage to win, what would victory mean for the Hestia Familia going forward?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you think with a review!

Until next time, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

...............I sincerely hope Hestia beats the tar out of Hermes for this shit.

David Zimmerle

I really hate Hermes. Honestly would send him back to heaven along with evilus.


He does have his moments, yes. But he's also doing part of this to build Bell up to actually BE a True Hero too. And there's no Xenos Arc in this fic to worry about later, so no Hermes being a dick there at least.


He’s a jerk but he isn’t as bad, I give him a ton of crap for the shit he pulls but he’s still better than Thanatos or *Spoilers* Dionysus, or even Apollo, Ishtar or Freya. He genuinely wants to see Bell become a hero and isn’t pushing his growth out of a selfish interest(well aside from the entertainment he gets from seeing Bell in action) like Freya did the entire story basically


Yep! Basically. But since I've already dealt with/changed Freya's outcome, now I can focus on OTHER enemies in this story!


Kai, I do enjoy the story but I don't know if it's happening to you but I'm getting an error 520 code when trying to access fanfiction.

Julian Casarez

Great chapter excited for the next update

Sin Hunter

I am so pumped for the upcoming battle. Improved Bell vs. Black Goliath is gonna be almost as satisfying to read as Hestia beating the shit out of Hermes afterwards.


Thank you for the great chapter, honestly have always had mixed feelings about Hermes and I feel like you captured that really well here. He wants Bell to survive, but he is very much going by the "sink or swim" approach. I look forward to the Black Goliath fight, keep up the good work!

Hayden Stuart

Dang that was a satisfying beat down! And now the grand finale is at hand. I can’t wait for more!


Can’t wait to see what happens next and I always felt bell should have gotten more from the black Goliath instead of just a stat increase after what he pulled


Oh yeah! I'm gonna do my best to make it one hell of a battle!" Happy that you're looking forward to it!


You're welcome! Yep, Hermes has two sides of himself, one that wants the best for others, and the side that will put them in harm's way to bring out the best in them. Truly, a polarizing character. Black Goliath vs Floor Eighteen is gonna be as epic as I can make it!


Glad that you liked it so much! I'll do my best to make it a great grand finale!


Happy that you're looking forward to it! As for gaining anything, does extra Drop Items count? Or a good reputation in Rivira? Not sure If I have another Skill that would be applicable, and he already has three Spells.


Well in canon it wasn’t even a big stat increase if I remember right pretty much as much as a normal dungeon trip from him which would have good for anyone else but bell cause if you think about it. It was a feat that impressed two gods so I don’t know


Well, I can promise a good stat increase, that's for sure. And he'll definitely be well on his way towards Level 3 afterwards. But his current stats simply aren't high enough to let him Level Up right now.


Ok I knew how would not lvl up yet cause of stat but the good stat increase is good

Trent Mander

Are you planning to adapt the dungeon hot spring OVA?


No, because it doesn't serve any real purpose. I'll be moving the story along to the next Arc.

Boss Redd

One of several stories You can't update fast enough seriously a good chapter You always leave us hanging though right when things get good it adds the suspense of waiting for the next chapter You're doing that on purpose aren't you


Glad that you liked it! And no, I'm not making cliffhangers on purpose. Cliffhangers leave you asking questions about what the hell is going on. You all KNOW what's going on; you just want to see the ensuing battle! That's different. lol