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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! The numbers in Enel’s ‘game’ are dropping fast! Wyper was dropped by Luffy; Divine Soldiers are being taken down, as are Shandian warriors. The Straw Hats are either sailing along the Milky Road to get off Upper Yard, or somewhere in the forest. But Zoro has encountered Gedatsu, so a fight will happen between them. But there’s also Ohm and Holy, both of which are fighting against a large group of Shandians. It could be either beneficial or detrimental if someone else took over that fight.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 56 – Sword vs Swamp, Sand vs Iron

“Axe Dial!” The Divine Soldier blasted forward at Zoro.


Zoro blocked the unseen slash from the Dial with Yubashiri. “Get lost!” Sandai Kitetsu came around and blood went flying as the Divine Soldier was cut down.

Zoro didn’t have time to even see the goat-like man fall, a barely visible, purple blur slammed into his chest. “Jet Punch!”

“Gak!” Zoro slammed into one of the stone ruins and smashed through it.

“Lethal Type Jet Dial.” Gedatsu stared at the whole in the stone wall that he’d punched Zoro through, the elbow of his suit torn away to reveal a smoking Dial. “The speed of this punch is so swift; the enemy doesn’t know what hit them. The only drawback is that my clothes get torn up.”

“Don’t remember asking.” Zoro replied as he stepped out of the rubble with a grimace. “But if that’s al you have, then this won’t take long.”

“FOOL!” Gedatsu shouted at Zoro. “This place is my territory! Be careful where you step! There are Swamp Clouds everywhere. Get stuck in the bog and you won’t get out on your own!”

“Bog?” Zoro cocked an eyebrow, not seeing any sort of bog around the ruins.

“Oh, I forgot…” Gedatsu made a pose, looking up at Zoro. “Swamp Challenge!”

“YOU’RE THE ONE SINKING, IDIOT!!!” Zoro roared at the dimwitted man that was already chest deep in his own trap.

“Fool! I am immune!” Gedatsu declared with a glare. The purple-suited man shot out of the Swamp Cloud and high into the air with twin trails of clouds coming from his feet. “Effective on Swamp Clouds! Milky Dial!”

“So you can fly with your shoes, huh?” Zoro wasn’t impressed as he readied Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri.

“A lone swordsman is no match for me!” Gedatsu declared as he held his hands above his head and a thick, slightly purple, cloud formed between his palms. “Swamp Cloud Burger!” He threw the thick cloud down at Zoro.

“You can shoot clouds from your hands too?” Zoro prepared to cut the thrown cloud in two.

“It’s as light as a cloud and acts like a swamp! There is nothing you can do if it touches you!” Gedatsu declared, looking down at Zoro as the Swamp Cloud rapidly approached his enemy.

Zoro focused and unleashed a single slash from Yubashiri. The purple-ish Swamp Cloud split vertically in half before it ever reached Zoro, both halves flying wide of the swordsman. “Then I won’t let it touch me.” He smirked up at the vassal.

“You think you can stop all of them fool?” Gedatsu formed another large Swamp Cloud between his hands. “Swamp Cloud Burger!” He threw the new cloud at Zoro and promptly made another. Over and over again he created a Swamp Cloud and then threw it, covering the area in the thick, mud-like clouds.

“Tch!” Zoro continued to move, dodging the clouds easily with Observation. But quickly realized the problem of dodging as his left foot suddenly sank into a hidden Swamp Cloud.

“You’ve fallen into one of my Swamp Cloud traps!” Gedatsu declared triumphantly. “Now you’ll sink, unable to do anything to free yourself!”

“Taka Nami!” Zoro swung both of his swords and the Swamp Cloud was blasted away by the wind pressure the move unleashed. Not wanting to fall into another trap, he leapt up on top of one of the scattered ruins.

“Jet Punch!” Gedatsu blasted downwards like a meteor, his fist aimed directly at Zoro.


“Shit!” Zoro grimaced, having dodged the punch with Observation, but he’d been unable to clear the shockwave the attack had made as Gedatsu smashed through the stonework. Debris and dust pelted Zoro, obscuring his vision, and only his Observation saved him.

“Jet Punch!” Gedatsu blasted upwards through the ruin and his fist impacted Zoro’s crossed swords. The combination of the Jet Dial on his elbow and the two Milky Dials on his shoes gave Gedatsu enough lift to send Zoro flying along with him.

“Tora Gari!” Zoro roared, his two swords flashing forward at Gedatsu.

Gedatsu blasted himself away with the Milky Dials on his shoes. “Fool! The sky is my territory!” He cocked back his fist again. “Jet Punch!” He blurred forward and Zoro tried his best to angle his body out of the path his Observation predicted. “It’s useless to resist!” Gedatsu had used his Mantra to predict Zoro’s attempt to dodge and corrected his path at the last fraction of a second.

Zoro went rocketing downwards and smashed into another crumbling ruin.

“Ah! I forgot! I should’ve knocked him into the Swamp Clouds!” Gedatsu realized, his face a portrait of shock.

“Sanjūroku Pound Hō!” A blue wave of displaced air cleaved through the distance between Gedatsu and where Zoro had landed. Gedatsu barely moved out of the way of the Flying Cut in time. “I’m getting a little excited now, vassal.” Zoro smirked as he stood atop the smashed ruins.

“You don’t know when to give up!” Gedatsu glared at Zoro, he put his palms together and formed another cloud. “Swamp Cloud Burger!” This one was larger than the rest, clearly meant to trap Zoro entirely.

“That trick isn’t going to work on me!” Zoro declared as he readied all three of his swords this time. “One life contains thirty-six worldly desires… Two lives contain seventy-two desires… And three lives…” All three of his blades seemed to vibrate slightly as he imbued them with Armament Haki. “Have one-hundred-eight worldly desires! Santōryū: Hyakuhachi Pound Hō!”

Three slashes.

The massive Swamp Cloud split into six smaller pieces.

“GAAAUUUGGGHHH!!!” Gedatsu’s torso exploded into a shower of blood as three large lacerations opened up. He’d never even seen the Flying Cuts coming.

Gedatsu fell from the air, blood following after him. The man landed headfirst into the Swamp Clouds he’d thrown all around the area in an effort to trap Zoro. Only his legs stayed above the Swamp Cloud, sticking straight up.

“Are you done?” Zoro questioned from where he stood atop the crumbling ruins.

Milky Dial… Escape!’ Gedatsu activated both of the Milky Dials on his shoes and launched himself straight through the Swamp Cloud he was trapped in.

The only problem with that, was that he was upside down…

Gedatsu’s legs vanished in a burst of white clouds as he rocketed straight down through the Swamp Clouds at high-speed.

“DID THAT IDIOT JUST SINK HIMSELF?!” Zoro roared out with sharp teeth at the stupid way that the fight had ended. “These damn vassals…” He’d been hoping for more of a fight, but Gedatsu was an idiot. ‘Those Jet Punches hurt a good bit though, even with Haki.’ He sheathed his swords and rubbed his chest where he’d been hit. “So, these are the ruins, right?” Zoro looked around and started hopping from one to the next, avoiding the purple-ish Swamp Clouds that littered this area. “Looks like I got here first.” He grinned at that, now he was on the lookout for the rumored gold.

Upper Yard Survival Game: One More Down

Fifty-Eight Remain


After finding the edge of the ruins, Vivi wasn’t expecting to come upon the scene that she did.

Nearly a dozen Shandian warriors were beaten and bloody, being forced back by a massive dog and a bald man with sunglasses on, holding an odd-looking sword. One of the warriors, his head shaved into a red mohawk, looked worse than the rest. The man had a massive laceration across his chest from right shoulder to left hip. His torso was covered with his own blood and he was being carried by a large man with a brown jacket and a matching beanie-like hat over his head as they attempted to retreat.

“Damn you!” Raki fired her rifle at Ohm over and over again.

The strange sword formed a wall in front of Ohm and the bullets bounced off. “That’s useless.”

“Grrrr!” Holy growled threateningly at Raki and the other injured Shandians.

“You actually got close with that last attack.” Ohm mentioned with a nonchalant tone, his hand gently touching his chest. A small hole was visible on his green sleeveless shirt, made more prominent by being stained with a bit of blood. “But you can’t escape my Mantra.”

“If it wasn’t for that damn dog!” One of the Shandian warriors cursed at Holy for interfering with their tactics to take Ohm down.

Ohm looked at the complainer unamused. “It’s your own fault for being so weak.” All of the Shandians, aside from the unconscious one being supported by his friend, nearly snarled at Ohm’s words. “It looks like I’ll be adding ten new skulls to my Trial area.”

Vivi’s eyes widened as she recalled the ghastly and barbaric field filled with skulls on poles that she, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp had passed through on their way to the sacrificial altar.

“Raki watch out!” Braham yelled out as Ohm launched himself forward and his Eisen Sword shifted into a large sickle blade aimed to decapitate the woman.

“Shit!” Raki leapt backwards, lifting her empty rifle up to try and block the blade.


“Huh?” Ohm blinked as his sword hit a thick cloud of sand that had suddenly appeared between him and Raki.

“What is that?” One Shandian warrior questioned.

“Sand?” Braham blinked at the grains levitating in the air.

The cloud of sand expanded rapidly, shoving Ohm and Raki away from each other.

“Ugh!” Raki hit the ground with a grunt, she nearly scrambled backwards when she noticed someone standing between her and Ohm. “Who are you?!”

“My name is Vivi, I’m from the Blue Sea.” Vivi introduced herself simply, not going into her family name, nor her homeland and title. “You should take your injured and retreat.”

“One of the Blue Sea dwellers?” Ohm raised an eyebrow at the interloper. “I’m afraid you can’t take away my trophies.” He changed the form of his blade again. “Eisen Whip!” Ohm lashed out with his flexible blade and it raced across the ground like an undulating wave, heading directly for the injured Shandians.


Only to impact another, larger, cloud of sand and stop dead.

“Raki!” Braham called out. “Let’s go!” He motioned to the injured Kamakiri to emphasize that they needed to retreat.

“I’m in your debt, Blue Sea woman.” Raki told Vivi before rushing off after her tribesmen. If they could save Kamakiri, who had nearly died in the attack that would’ve killed Ohm if his massive dog hadn’t gotten in the way, then it would be a blessing. None of them were in any condition to fight anymore.

Ohm returned his sword to its katana-like blade and grimaced. “Holy! Hunt them down!”

“Grawr!” Holy raced towards the retreating Shandians, his jaws wide, looking to snatch them from the ground one by one.

Vivi grabbed the massive canine as her right arm turned into a wave of sand. She threw Holy to the ground with force and used the pressure of the sand to hold him there. “None of that.” Her eyes stared hard into the sunglasses covering Ohm’s eyes.

“Why are you interfering, Blue Sea dweller?” Ohm questioned Vivi, his tone derisive, showing that he clearly didn’t care about her reason.

“You made that horrible field full of skulls on poles.” Vivi stated with a disgusted look on her face. “You treat people’s lives like a game. It’s beyond reprehensible.”

“What separates people is their ability to survive.” Ohm spoke almost philosophically. “Humans are fragile. The weak die. It’s a sad fact of life. Humanity fights constantly to achieve happiness; but only the strong ever have a chance of it.”

“What does that have to do with you killing people?” Vivi questioned the man with narrowed eyes.

“It’s ironic that in the conflict to achieve happiness, the fragile humans destroy themselves and are therefore unable to achieve the happiness that they fought for.” Ohm replied, seemingly solemn. “That is why I’ll eradicate them, offering them salvation from the constant conflict.”

“So you’re just a monster with a twisted ideology?” Vivi’s dislike of Ohm just continued to grow. People deciding to kill and sacrifice others for their own happiness or ideology reminded her far too much of the World Nobles. It also brought up memories of Crocodile’s desire for power and the dead Warlord’s attempt to sacrifice her entire kingdom for his ambitions.

“Yipe!” Holy yelped, drawing Ohm’s attention to his massive dog.

“What the hell?!” Ohm actually took a step back in shock as he watched Holy shrink, seemingly drying out and becoming like a desiccated corpse. “What’re you doing?!” He demanded of Vivi angrily.

“My hands steal the moisture of anything they touch, if I so desire.” Vivi answered him, feeling Ohm’s gaze briefly shift to the mass of sand that had replaced Vivi’s arm and held down Holy. “Beasts, plants, the ground…” She locked her eyes on Ohm with a cold look. “People.”

“Then I’ll just have to eliminate you quickly.” Ohm growled at her. “Holy will need a lot of water after I’m done taking your head.”

“I’m not letting you walk away from here.” Vivi’s tone was final.

Ohm thrust his Eisen Sword forward, shooting the sharp tip straight at Vivi. “Eisen Rapier!”

“Tirs El Rimal!” Vivi’s transformed arm exploded into a rush of sand, putting a wall between her and the incoming sword.


“This sword is made of Iron Cloud! Do you think clouds have a set shape?” Ohm mocked Vivi as his Eisen Whip traveled up and over the wall with another swing. “I know exactly where you are, thanks to Mantra!”

“Inhimar El Rimal!” Vivi focused and her sand shield exploded forward into a wave of bullet-like balls. This sudden forced knocked the Eisen Whip off course and Ohm was caught flatfooted as he could only do his best to guard against the barrage.

“Gah!” Ohm bit out as some of the fast-moving sand shots sheared against his skin like sandpaper, leaving bloody streaks behind.

I can’t become intangible against that sword.’ Vivi narrowed her eyes at the Eisen Sword. All clouds, regardless of their properties, were made of water. That would prevent her from being able to disperse into sand if it hit her. ‘It’ll be best just to keep him at a distance.’ She decided quickly and produced more sand. “Dafn Al Sahra’!” The massive amounts of sand raced towards Ohm, trying to grab the vassal.

“Your sand carries intent from you! I can track it all with my Mantra!” Ohm proved his words as he quickly leapt backwards to escape the first wave. Ducked under a lashing tendril of sand, and then hacked down three more that tried to rush him with his Eisen Sword. “This long-range style means that you’re not confident in your close-range combat, right?!” He rushed forward and the Eisen Sword changed again. “Eisen Back!” A large square wall of Iron Cloud blocked the wave of sand directly in front of Ohm as he closed the distance.

“Sayf Al Rimal!” Vivi formed a large, scimitar-like blade with her left hand, using her Observation to track Ohm’s position and moves.

“Yah!” Ohm knocked aside the wave of sand and lashed out with his sword.


The sound of two solid objects hitting each other rang out, surprising the vassal.

“Hah!” Vivi used her body strength, as well as her Devil Fruit, to push back against Ohm’s strike and knock the man backwards.

“How?!” Ohm didn’t understand. He was clearly physically superior to Vivi in strength! He should’ve won that clash easily! “Eisen Fan!” The sword shifted and became a large, sweeping weapon that knocked Vivi’s sand blade into a cloud of grains flying through the air.

“Dafn Al Sahra’!” The sand rushed at Ohm in a large wave, once more trying to grab him.

“Eisen Rapier!” Ohm struck with the extending blade, but his target was the ground this time. The Iron Cloud rapidly extended taking Ohm high into the air, away from the grasping sand. “Eisen Whip!” The blade shifted again as Ohm lashed it at Vivi over and over again.

“Tirs El Rimal!” The sand blocked the multitude of lashing attacks, small bits of it falling to the ground as it got soaked from repeated contact with the cloud blade. “Sarab!” Vivi launched a wave of sand at the airborne Ohm. The sand formed into a physical likeness of Vivi, like a sandstone sculpture that could move. “Sayf Al Rimal!” Some of the levitating sand heading for Ohm along with Vivi’s double turned into another large scimitar-like blade.

“Eisen Back!” Ohm had no choice but to go on the defensive as his Iron Cloud blade turned into the large square wall again. The sharp sand blade slammed into the defense and sent Ohm falling back towards the ground at greater speed.

While Iron Cloud had the strength of iron, it also maintained the lightness of cloud. These two properties made it infinitely malleable and easy to use since it had little weight paired with great strength. But without any footing, the lack of weight made it easy for the sand copy and the large sand sword to bat it out of the air.

“Grkh!” Ohm gritted his teeth as he managed to land on his feet, somewhat painfully. “Eisen Rapier!’ He thrust his sword forward at Vivi, launching his fastest attack. The cloud blade shot forward, looking to impale the princess.

Vivi shifted to the side in a cloud of sand. Her Observation allowing her to predict the movement and target of the sword.

“Mantra?” Ohm was perplexed as to how a Blue Sea dweller could possess it, but he knew that his was superior to all save for God Enel’s. “Eisen Fan!” The cloud sword shifted into the wide form again as Ohm swung it while it was still extended, giving Vivi no space to escape the attack.

Vivi blocked the fan-like end of the Eisen Sword with another sand shield. “Dafn Al Sahra’!” The sand wrapped around the cloud blade tightly, getting wet in the process as it tried to crush the Iron Cloud.

“You fool! You can’t hold a cloud!” Ohm mocked as the blade lost cohesion and shot back from the sand, reforming into the katana-like blade that seemed to be the default.

“Then I’ll just crush you and the sword!” Vivi declared as she focused intensely on her Devil Fruit power. “Dafn Al Sahra' El Imbiraturi!”

The ground rumbled and Ohm looked shocked at what his Mantra predicted. The ground of Upper Yard cracked, lurched upwards, and then shattered as thousands of tons of sand erupted from it like a volcano. The soil and rock that remained intact from the sudden burst were quickly dried out, broken down, and then added to the insane amount of sand. The area the two were fighting in had now become a miniature desert!

“Impossible!” Ohm cried out as the sand all rushed after him under Vivi’s control. “Eisen Rapier!” He stabbed the ground and lunched himself backwards much faster than he could run. The waves of sand crashed down on his previous location with a rumble. “Eisen Fan!” He swatted away more waves of sand that came at him, pushing his Mantra as hard as possible to keep up with the never-ending tide of rushing sand. “Eisen Whip!” The undulating wave attack scattered another wave of sand, getting it wet and slowing it considerably. “Above?!” A large tendril of sand was bearing down on Ohm before he could do anything about it. “Gah!” It grabbed him and threw him backwards where he collided harshly with a wall of sand that rose up. The vassal only had a fraction of a second to realize through the pain that he’d literally bounced off the sand wall before two crushing waves of sand smashed him into the ground. “Eisen…Back…” He was swallowed up by the sand.

“A burial is more than you deserve.” Vivi uttered out even as she slammed her hands down on the sand and forced it to compress with a loud rumble.

All was quiet for a moment before something was caught by Vivi’s Observation.

“Eisen Rapier!” Ohm roared as a sphere of Iron Cloud burst from the compacted sand with the long length of cloud blade launching it forward at speed. The vassal, in a last ditch effort to survive and strike a fatal blow, had used two different forms at the same time. Something he’d never done before because the single Eisen Dial that was in the pommel of his sword could only produce so much of the Iron Cloud at any one time. “Die, Blue Sea dweller!” The Eisen Sword returned to its default blade form as the airborne Ohm closed in on Vivi, looking to skewer her.

A flash of teal and gold.

Ohm watched as his hand went flying, still holding his Eisen Sword.

Blood fell to the sand as Vivi’s Peacock String Slasher spun through the air at high-speed, the length of blades having been what sliced Ohm’s hand off at the wrist.

She wasn’t lacking in close-range…’ Ohm thought as time seemed to slow down for him.

“Dafn Al Sahra’.” Vivi spoke coldly, disliking what she felt like she had to do.

The sand rushed upwards from the ground again, swirling around Ohm and dragging him below. Vivi clenched her fist and the sand compressed, creating immense pressure. Ohm’s voice vanished entirely. Vivi decided not to think about the bloody mess that was now a dozen or so meters below the sandy ground. Instead, she stowed her Peacock String Slashers back where she kept them hidden in her outfit.

“I’m sure Nami could find some way to use this.” Vivi picked up the Eisen Sword, burying the severed hand next to it in a wave of sand. “I doubt Zoro would want it, given that it’s not a traditional sword.”

Not looking back at the miniature desert that she’d made on Upper Yard, Vivi turned her legs to sand and spun it into a tiny sandstorm to launch herself back above the tree line, hoping to see some sign of her nakama within the ruins.

Upper Yard Survival Game: Eleven Down

Forty-Seven Remain

-Unknown Location-

“Work faster!” Enel commanded imperiously of the exhausted and nearly collapsing slaves. “Displease the Almighty at your own peril!” He sparked with electricity to emphasize his threat. ‘Voices are going silent one after another, though some are merely too quiet to continue the game. Both Gedatsu and Ohm now too.’ He scoffed in annoyance that all four of his vassals had now fallen. “It’s of no concern, soon this land will not matter.” He gazed up in pride at the culmination of six years of work. Work that he’d forced the former God, Gan Fall’s, servants to perform as slaves, but work that was of his divine inspiration!

It was a massive ship, an ark, with a massive golden face on the front of the top cabin. It had one massive propeller on the back of the ship, and three more on each side for a total of seven. At the bottom of the bowsprit was a pillar of gold, and from it rose an axel that was turned by three more, much smaller propellers. On either side of the massive ark were eight massive oars for rowing, and on the upper cabin was the kanji symbol for ‘God’.

“Soon, I will make my way towards the Endless Vearth!” Enel smiled widely as his plans were so close to fruition.

Left unsaid was that with his Devil Fruit powers powering the Maxim, the ark would not only fly, but would amplify his power at the same time. With the power the Maxim afforded him, Enel was planning to lay waste to both Upper Yard and Skypiea, removing both of them from the sky forever.

I am God. My will is divine providence! Nothing shall exist in the sky but me! Even as I ascend to an even higher plane of existence!’ Enel laughed aloud, startling and scaring the slaves as they worked.


Looking over the large stone memorial before her, Robin quickly and neatly wrote down what she was able to translate from the writings on the stone. “A stone memorial to the city itself. Its heirs must have built this after the city fell.” She looked up at the top of the tilted and damaged memorial. “Shandora… That is the name of the ancient city.” Looking closely at the faded and worn hieroglyphs on the memorial, Robin slowly pieced together legible information. “The year 402 of Kaien… The city thrived over eleven-hundred years ago. And it was destroyed… Eight-hundred years ago!” She gasped at the time of destruction; her eyes lit up with even greater interest. “It falls right into the hundred year gap in the history of this world. Perhaps this island…” Her heart began to thump in her chest. “Holds the secrets of the unspoken history that the world below has ceased to talk about.”

Dare she to hope to find a true lead towards her goal here?

Unbeknownst to Robin, the hulking form of Yama was creeping closer and closer through the forest, making his way between the ruins. The huge man wasn’t trying to be especially stealthy, more that Robin was just so absorbed in her discovery and note taking that she wasn’t paying attention.

This is the complete map of Shandora.’ Robin was quickly making herself a rough map on one page of her notebook. ‘Maybe I’ll find out more if I go towards the center of the city? Perhaps clues about the Void Century will be there?


The loud snapping of a fallen branch made Robin shit gears instantly. “Who’s there?!” Her eyes feel on what had to be the most heavyset man that she’d ever seen before.

“Oh my, what a pretty young lady.” Yama leered at Robin.

One of those types of men…fantastic.’ Robin doubted that she could express the depths of sarcasm she was feeling verbally. After twenty years on the run, it was not the first time that a man had said something similar to her, thinking that they had some kind of advantage over her.

“BAA!!!” Yama hollered loudly and Robin’s eyes widened while birds took flight from the nearby trees.

-End Chapter-


Vivi’s Moves

Dafn Al Sahra’ – Desert Burial

Tirs El Rimal – Shield of Sands

Sarab – Mirage (Sand Clone)

Sayf Al Rimal – Sand Blade

Inhimar El Rimal – Sand Downpour

Dafn Al Sahra' El Imbiraturi – Imperial Desert Burial

And so, the last two vassals fall.

Gedatsu wasn’t much of a match for Zoro, though he did put up a decent fight. Until he was an idiot and sunk himself…

How far will he fall? All the way down? Will he live and have his cover adventure, or does he die? Well the Straw Hats will never see him again, regardless, so that’s up to the reader to decide! Kek!

Ohm, as the strongest of the vassals, put up one hell of a fight, and Vivi had to show just how far she’s come in the time that she’s had her Devil Fruit!

Turns out, training Logia powers with Luffy produces results! Not to mention picking his brain about what Crocodile did during their fight for ideas to borrow *cough*Steal*cough*.

This is definitely NOT the upper limit for Vivi though! Just wait until she has months or even YEARS of experience and training under her belt!

Maxim is about to be complete, and Enel is personally speeding the work along instead of participating in his own game like he said that he would. Which does explain his suspicious absence for the last few chapters!

Now, Robin is confronted by Yama!

How will she prevail in this fight after Haki awakening and training?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Damn Vivi is good she will be unstoppable in the future arc .


Yep! Vivi is gonna be strong as hell! lol Desert Princess will MAKE deserts wherever she fights seriously!


Vivi hasn't even awakened her fruit yet like Crocodile had so she's still not at full power.


Wait, Crocodile's powers were awakened? You mean here or in canon?


Not in Canon, and I didn't say they were Awakened in this story either. But some people suspect that Crocodile might've Awakened his power and that's what he meant by "Mastering his Devil Fruit". I'm not a follower of that theory though, so in here he'd just mastered it to the absolute limit of HIS ability. Vivi (thanks to Luffy) is thinking further outside the box earlier, so her growth and development when it comes to using the Suna Suna no Mi is staggering compared to having to learn from trial and error like Crocodile did. Ergo, she's already learning faster, at a younger age, and therefore will assuredly take the Devil Fruit further than Crocodile did when he had it.