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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! The Harvest Festival begins! With it comes the Miss Fairy Tail Contest! A parade of beauties for all of Magnolia and the visiting tourist to see! However… A few certain people might just decide to ruin the fun.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 42 – Harvest Festival and Miss Fairy Tail

“Festival Time!” Natsu cheered as he walked with his family through the decorated Magnolia Town.

“Aye, sir!” Happy agreed as he flew about.

“Let’s eat food from every stall this year too!” Natsu laughed heartily with his buddy.

“I wouldn’t mind trying some of the autumn cakes that the bakery sells during the festival.” Erza smiled, clearly daydreaming about them already.

“As long as you don’t try and buy all of them like last year.” Mira teased the redhead with a grin. “You’d never be able to fit into any of your armors again.”

“They’re good.” Erza looked off to the side.

Lisanna spoke up from Mira’s other side. “Yes, but that’s why everyone should get to try them, Erza.”

“I still say last night was too harsh.” Lucy pouted at Mira and Erza, both women had one of Natsu’s arms to themselves as the family strolled through the festival together. It was part of the ‘punishment’ that Erza and Mira had instated last night.

“Yeah, just because we were a little late.” Cana grumbled at her Dragon Sisters. “We’re lucky that we can heal a bit.” She briefly rubbed her ass where she and the other three had been spanked the night before.

“Keeping Natsu all to yourself and making us watch was cruel.” Lisanna agreed, having been eager to join in again but not allowed to.

“Late?” Erza cocked an eyebrow at Cana.

“Cruel?” Mira looked at her little sister.

“Need I remind you who we found at home, having a foursome when they should’ve been at the Guild helping to prepare for today?” Erza deadpanned at the three women.

“A foursome that got so intense that Magnolia felt the heat increase at that, for hours!” Mira’s eyes needled Lisanna, Cana, and Lucy as she looked between them.

“Sorry…” The three women apologized and looked away.

“It was partially my fault too.” Natsu apologized with a smile.

His punishment had been done last night, spending hours well into the late night exhausting both Mira and Erza until they couldn’t go anymore was a task that put even Natsu’s ridiculous stamina to the test and left him sore in the morning. He had several small bite marks lingering on his body to prove how rough Mira and Erza had been with him.

“This is very interesting.” Juvia commented on the festival, her face bright red as she listened in on the conversation. She needed a distraction to let her face cool down!

“Yeah,” Lucy agreed, seeing that Juvia needed a break from the talk of their nightly activities. “I never knew Magnolia had so many people.”

It was true, the crowds in the streets were large today. People admiring the decorations, buying food and souvenirs from various shops and stalls. It was a truly festive atmosphere that livened up the entire town.

“People come from far and wide to see Fantasia, there’s always a big crowd.” Cana smiled at them warmly. “Even my old man is making sure to get here before the parade is held near dusk.” Gildarts may have reigned in his wanderlust over the years to be a better father to Cana and build a strong relationship with his daughter; but the desire to travel hadn’t disappeared. The man still took Quests that saw him leave Magnolia for two or three weeks at a time.

“The big parade, Juvia wants to see it.” Juvia smiled happily at the idea. She’d never gotten the chance before, what with being in the rival Phantom Lord Guild.

“You’ll be in it this year, Juvia.” Lisanna giggled at the Water Mage. “Almost all of the Guild members are part of the parade each year!”

Juvia nearly gaped at Lisanna’s revelation. “J-Juvia will be in the parade? Is that okay? Juvia is so new to Fairy Tail though!”

“Speaking of being ‘in it’, the Miss Fairy Tail Contest starts right after lunchtime, right?” Lucy questioned, wanting to make sure so that they wouldn’t be late.

“Yep, so we have the rest of the morning to enjoy the festival as a family.” Natsu smiled brightly at the girls.

“Aye!” Happy agreed, though he was also holding a grilled fish on a skewer, and no one could tell when he’d bought it or which stall it had come from. “I’m starting this year with shioyaki!”

“Happy…” Lisanna laughed at the blue cat’s voracious appetite for fish.

“Come on, Juvia!” Cana pulled Juvia along with them. “It’s family time!” The Card Mage smiled at Juvia warmly.

“B-But…Juvia is…” Juvia was sputtering at being included in ‘family time’.

“Family!” Natsu, Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Cana, and Lucy all said at the same time, clearly inviting Juvia to be part of the family if she wanted to be.

“Okay…” Juvia felt small tears form in the corner of her eyes as she accepted the warm, heartfelt welcome of her friends. “Family.” She smiled beautifully at them all and quickly found herself the center of a group hug. Happy even landed gently atop her head to ‘hug’ her over her hat.

Juvia had never felt so warm and accepted in her life, and she never wanted the feeling to go away.

-Miss Fairy Tail Contest-

“Welcome all citizens of Magnolia and those from out of town!” Max welcomed the massive crowd that was packed into Guild Hall to see the show. “Ah, and I hear some guests from the land of the dead have come to see the show too! Please return to your graves after the show, okay?” His joke got laughter from many of the gathered audience. “Now! The moment you’ve all been waiting for! The competition to see which nymph is the prettiest fairy in all of Fairy Tail! Let the Miss Fairy Tail Contest begin!” A loud cheer from the spectators nearly shook the building. “MC-ing this event is yours truly, Max Alors, Sand Mage extraordinaire!” Max whipped up a stream of sand and had it swirl around briefly before disappearing.

“Did he ask to do this or…?” Gray wondered as he saw how energetic Max was in his MC role.

“Maybe?” Elfman considered it. Max was the one that didn’t mind working around the Guild when he wasn’t out on Quests.

“I’m so joining this contest next year.” Ur grinned widely at the idea of strutting her stuff on stage when she could freely use her Magic again. “I’ll win that 500,000 Jewel prize easy!” With her beauty, that was a real possibility.

“Master!” Gray nearly choked on his drink.

“Aww, does that fluster you, Gray?” Ur teased her former student with a laugh.

“No.” Gray grumbled and turned away while Ur chuckled at him.

The lights focused on the stage as the curtains separated to reveal the first contestant. “Our first fairy is an exotic beauty who can drink any man under the table! Cana Alberona!” Max introduced as Cana posed on stage.

“WOOOOO!!!” The crowd cheered for Cana. She had quite a few fans of her own and the woman knew it.

“CANA!” Natsu hollered and whistled for his Mate while standing on top of a table.

“Now it’s time to cast some Magic and show off your appeal!” Max declared, getting another cheer from the audience.

Cana pulled a deck of her Magic Cards from her back pocket and let them fly out of her hand. The cards swirled around her, obscuring everyone’s view, before vanishing and revealing Cana in an orange and green striped bikini, showing off her tanned skin while she made a sexy pose that had graced the pages of Sorcerer Weekly last year.

“And she’s changed into swimwear!” Max bellowed into the mic while the crowd erupted into hot-blooded cheers.

“I’ll take the 500,000 in cash, please!” Cana winked at Natsu specifically, practically feeling his hot gaze on her skin.

“Swimwear, huh?” Lucy nodded at Cana’s tactic to get more votes from the crowd.

“Yes, I’ll have to hope my own tactic works just as well.” Erza nodded from beside Lucy. “Contests always get my competitive spirit going.”

“I’m glad that we’re on the same team…” Lucy laughed lightly, seeing an almost visible competitive aura form around Erza.

“Mm!” Makarov nodded at the appeal.

“Master… Your nose is bleeding.” Reedus pointed out with a deadpan look on his face.

“Now we present contestant number two! She may be new, but her abilities are S-Class! A woman whose beauty brings the rain, Juvia Lockser!”

Juvia walked out on stage with a bright smile for the crowd.

“JUVIA!!!” Natsu cheered the loudest, still standing on top of one of the tables.

Juvia beamed at Natsu as her body turned into water. A wave splashed upwards from the stage as she used her Magic.

“She can turn into water!”

“That’s amazing!”

The Water Mage was glad that the townspeople that were watching the contest enjoyed her appeal. The water parted in a spray of droplets to reveal Juvia, now wearing a bikini with thin ties holding it to her body. It was skimpier than the one she’d gone to Akane Resort with, but she’d gained more confidence in her body after seeing Natsu’s reaction to her last bikini. She posed with a bright smile, her arms held out wide, so that the crowd could see her fully.

“Ohhh! Now that’s a magical performance that brings out the ‘swim’ in swimwear!” Max hollered as the crowd went wild.

“Natsu-sama! Are you watching?” Juvia beamed at him, barely suppressing a blush when she saw Natsu watching her intently. It made butterflies in her stomach and Juvia felt giddy that he was watching her so closely.

“More sexy swimwear?!” Lucy was starting to wonder if her own choice was the right one now.

“Entry number three! The poster girl for the Guild! The woman whose beauty makes the entire continent drunk with desire, Mirajane!” Max introduced Mira to the roar of the crowd.

“It’s the one I’ve been waiting for!”

“The front-runner!”

“It’s her, in the flesh!”

“She’s even prettier in person!”

Mirajane was used to such fans and smiled at them while waving. “My Magic is transformation… So let me show you a nice one~”

“It’s her Magic Appeal time! Make some noise!” Max cheered, happy to be able to see everything up close.

Mira was covered in black and purple squares that hid her from view as she transformed. When the Magic was blasted away, it revealed the form that Mira had chosen from amongst the many Devil Souls that she possessed.

Her long white hair was the same, flowing down her back. She had two curved horns on the sides of her head and her ears were pointed. Her large breasts were practically spilling out of a skimpy leather top that only just covered her properly, leaving most of her breasts exposed. The rest of her torso was bare, showing off her flawless skin. Her bottoms were a tiny pair of leather short shorts, if they were any smaller then they’d be completely indecent, in fact. On her legs were sexy fishnet stockings that stopped at mid-thigh. Her feet were bare, and everyone saw the thin, spade-tipped tail that swung from behind her just above her amazing ass.

“Satan Soul: Succubus~” Mira purred out, her eyes only for Natsu as the two stared at each other with desire.

“WOOOAAAAHHHH!!!” The crowd roared in fervor, several of the older men in the audience grabbing their chests as if they were having heart attacks from the sexy display. The fact that all of them had nosebleeds (including Makarov) proved that they were just fine though.

“M-Mira!!!” Elfman sputtered out as he tried to figure out how to block everyone from seeing his big sister in such a revealing form.

Thankfully, Mira transformed back and walked off the stage with a wave to the crowd.

“Next up! We have a Mage with not only beauty and charm, but some of the greatest power within the Guild! It’s Titania, Erza Scarlet!!!” Max announced, getting amore cheers and roars from the crowd.

“There she is!”


“She’s so cool!”

“Wow! Erza is super popular too!” Lucy knew that, but seeing it was totally different.

“I’ve reserved a special Requip just for today.” Erza smiled as she glowed in golden light. When the light vanished, the audience went quiet.

Erza now wore a white and black button up blouse with white frills on the hem, sleeves, and collar, her large breasts covered by white cloth while her arms and stomach were covered by black cloth, further emphasizing her chest. She had a black string tie around her neck, and a large black bow keeping her hair in a ponytail. She wore a multi-layered, ruffled skirt in a dark purple color, that stopped at mid-thigh, long thigh-high black stockings covered her legs, and stylish, black boots covered her feet.

“A Goth-Loli outfit?!” Lucy exclaimed, seeing the Gothic Lolita style on Erza was unexpected, to say the least. “But damn… She pulls it off well.”

“YEEEAAAHHH!!!” The crowd approved too as they roared for Erza’s outfit.

Erza winked at Natsu, seeing his amber eyes following her every move as she walked off the stage.

“Entry number five is our little sprite, the cute and intelligent, Levy McGarden!” Max called out the next contestant and Levy appeared, looking cute as always. “Show us some magical appeal!”

Levy giggled as she wrote various words into the air: Flowers, Butterflies, Metal, Fire, Snow. All of them coming to life in a colorful and diverse backdrop behind the bluenette girl. With a grin she wrote out another word: Wardrobe. The word manifested and shielded Levy from the eyes of the crowd for a few seconds. When it disappeared, Levy had changed outfits. She now sported a long-sleeve, white button-up shirt that hugged her figure and was tucked into a tight, black, mini pencil skirt that stopped at mid-thigh. Stockings covered her legs and disappeared beneath her skirt, while her shoes were now black leather heels. Her blue hair was done up in a messy bun, and she had glasses on to complete the look.

“Sexy Librarian?!” Lucy cried out in shock at Levy being so bold. She hadn’t expected that from her friend at all!

“You’re the best, Levy!” Jet and Droy called out over the cheering of the crowd.

“I’ve got an overdue library book, Miss Librarian!” One man further back in the crowd yelled out while whistling at Levy. “Gah!” No one noticed as he was punched in the mouth by the man standing next to him and dropped like a sack of rocks.

“Prick.” Gajeel muttered out, his red eyes following Levy’s every move as she cutely sauntered off the stage.

“Our sixth contestant comes from the West! Give it up for the sexy sniper, Bisca Mulan!” Max kept the excitement going with a loud cheer.

“Watch close!” Bisca sauntered to the center of the stage, a sensuous sway in her hips. With a grin she unclipped her animal print dress and tossed it high into the air, leaving her in a sexy red bikini for the audience to enjoy. “The Gunner!” Bisca used her own specialized Requip Magic to summon a pair of revolvers to her hands. She tossed both into the air and whipped off her cowgirl hat, from within eight coins flew up into the air. The gun woman placed the hat back onto her head with flair as she caught both of her revolvers. She glanced upwards, thrusting her chest out (specifically in Alzack’s direction, making the gunman’s mouth drop open) and then fired eight shots, four from each revolver. The guns vanished in bright light and Bisca caught all eight coins as soon as they fell back into her line of sight. “How’s that?” She splayed the eight coins out between her fingers to show that each one had a hole straight through the center. Her show was finished as her dress landed in her arms perfectly.


“Yeah baby!”

“She’s so beautiful!” Alzack stared at Bisca like she was a Goddess come to earth. Bisca gave him a sultry wink as she strutted off the stage, her nice ass swaying with the roll of her hips. Alzack was suddenly grateful that he wore baggy pants.

“Our seventh contestant is a familiar face! You know her, you love her, the always cute, Lisanna Strauss!” Max called out the next girl to a loud round of cheers from the crowd.

Lisanna giggled and waved to the audience as she walked out onto the stage. She winked playfully and posed a little in her t-shirt and shorts.

“Show us some of that Magic, Lisanna!” Max prompted the Take-Over Mage with a grin.

“Sure thing!” Lisanna grinned as she was covered in a bright light for a second. “Animal Soul: Cat!” Lisanna was now in a tiny, fur bikini, white with gray stripes, real cat ears sat atop her head, and a real tail swayed behind her. Both her hands and her feet were like cat paws as well. “Who likes cat-girls~?” She purred out, showing off her curves to the crowd while staring into Natsu’s eyes.

“WE DO!!!” The audience roared back. Many of the men whistling and calling out to Lisanna.

“Let me play with your ears!”

“Can I touch your tail?!”

Lisanna only let out a bubbly laugh as she trotted off the stage, feeling Natsu’s hot gaze upon her bare skin and having to stop herself from leaping over the crowd to pounce on her Mate.

“Entry number eight is also a new fairy! With brightness provided by the Celestial Heavens, it’s Lucy Heartfilia!” Max introduced and Lucy took a steadying breath before walking out on stage, a long jacket draped over her body.

“Me and my Spirits are gonna do a little cheer for you!” Lucy whipped off the jacket to reveal a blue and white cheerleader outfit. The top was left unbuttoned and showed off a generous amount of Lucy’s cleavage. It stopped just below her bust leaving her midriff bare. The miniskirt was short enough that it teased a hint of what was beneath (bloomers, because only Natsu got to see Lucy’s sexy panties), and she had knee-high white socks along with matching tennis shoes on her feet to complete the look of a sexy co-ed cheerleader.

“LUCY!!!” Natsu cheered for his newest Mate, boosting her confidence even further.

The crowd was getting worked up, many of the men in the front row leaning forward, hoping to get a peek beneath the short skirt while Lucy did her routine.

Unfortunately, there would be no routine.

“Entry number nine!” A woman’s voice spoke up loudly from behind Lucy.

“Hey…” Lucy turned around to face the interloper. “This is my Appeal Time!”

The crowd was reduced from raucous cheering to much quieter mutters and murmurs at the unexpected ninth entrant that had just barged in.

“You want fairies? That’s me. You want beauty? That’s me. Actually, every part of this show is me!” Evergreen flicked her fan open with a laugh. “The contest is over, and the winner has been decided! It’s me!” She declared with a haughty grin. “Yes, I call this sham of a contest to a close!”

Makarov stared at the sudden, unexpected return of one of the Thunder Tribe.

“Evergreen?!” Gray stood up from his seat. Ur cocked an eyebrow at the sudden change in mood.

“She’s back?” Elfman also stood up, something telling him that Evergreen’s sudden appearance wasn’t good.

“Who’re you? Why are you interfering with my entry?” Lucy questioned the new woman curiously. She was a little annoyed, but she could read the room, anger wasn’t going to help her here.

“Lucy! Don’t make eye contact with her!” Gray yelled out a warning.

“Huh?” Lucy blinked at Gray’s words.

“What did you say, little girl?” Evergreen pulled her glasses down and looked directly into Lucy’s eyes.

The next instant, Lucy was petrified, a perfect stone statue.

“What just happened?”


“Is that her Magic Appeal?”

The crowd was completely confused now.

“This isn’t good!” Max yelled into the mic. “Please, everyone, run away!” He used his Sand Magic to make a large arrow with the words ‘Run Away’ on it that pointed to the front door of the Guild Hall.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhh!” The visitors cried out in panic as they ran away.


A table smashed to pieces after rocketing into the wall. Everyone turned to look at the commotion, only to see flames and heat pouring off of Natsu’s body. The Magma Dragon Slayer stalked forward towards the stage, each of his steps leaving scorched footprints behind.

“Evergreen… Turn Lucy back now.” Natsu growled at the woman, still stalking closer and closer to her. The only reason he hadn’t launched himself at Evergreen already was because they were both members of Fairy Tail. Anyone else pulling something like this would already have a magma fist smashing into their face.

“What are you doing, Evergreen?!” Makarov demanded, knowing how bad Natsu could get when his family was threatened. “You’re ruining the festival!”

“Festivals come with entertainment, right?” Evergreen snapped her fan closed and the curtain separating the stage from the backstage was quickly burned up.

What was revealed were seven statues, all of them the other Miss Fairy Tail contestants.

“What?!” The majority of the Fairy Tail members cried out, seeing multiple S-Class Mages petrified.

“She turned everyone backstage into stone?!” Max backed away from Evergreen and nearly fell off the stage.


“My sisters!” Elfman had stomped the table he’d been sitting at into splinters. Veins were pulsing across his neck and one across his forehead from sheer rage as he stomped towards the stage, his Magic Power coming off his body like an aura. “Change them back NOW!!!”

Unseen by the others, as their focus was on the stage, Gajeel’s left hand dug into the wooden pillar he’d been leaning against, his fingers splintering the wood as he restrained a growl. His red eyes were focused on Levy before moving to glare daggers at Evergreen.

“You fool! You turn them back right now!” Makarov ordered Evergreen, stepping forward to deal with this situation before either Natsu or Elfman snapped.


A lightning bolt crashed down onto the stage, blinding everyone for a second. “Yo! Idiots of Fairy Tail!” Laxus smirked as he looked down at everyone from atop the stage, Freed and Bickslow standing behind him. “The festival starts now!”

“Laxus!” Makarov stared hard at his grandson.

“Freed and Bickslow are here too?” Gray grimaced, eyeing each of the members of the Thunder Tribe, trying to figure out what the hell they were up to.

“The entire Thunder Tribe is here?” Macao didn’t like this situation one bit.

“Now, let’s play, grandpa!” Laxus smirked at Makarov.

“Stop being a fool!” Makarov shouted at his grandson. “We’ve still got preparations to make for Fantasia! Turn everyone back to normal!”

“Fantasia is at night.” Laxus scoffed dismissively. “I wonder how many will still be left to participate in it?” A crackling bolt of lightning blasted a hole near Bisca’s petrified form.

“You bastard!” Alzack hand his hand on his revolver, his teeth grinding together as his emotions warred with his logic. It was against the law to kill someone, and it was against Guild rules to kill another member. But Alzack’s roaring emotions nearly demanded that he put a bullet into Laxus’s smug face. That or between the eyes of Evergreen, to end her Magic the lethal way.

“These women are now the prizes of this game.” Laxus stated with a wide grin. “You beat us, you get them back.”

“If you think this is a game, Laxus, you’re in for a very rude awakening!” Makarov had veins bulging on his forehead from his anger, his Magic Power was seeping out and the entire Guild Hall was lightly shaking from the pressure.

“Oh, we’re very serious about this.” Laxus stated plainly, locking eyes with his grandfather.

“This is our chance to see just who the most powerful Mages in Fairy tail are.” Freed spoke for the first time since appearing.

“Yeah! Let’s play!” Bickslow laughed, sticking out his longer than normal tongue.

“Let’s play!”

“Let’s play!”

Two of Bickslow’s floating totems mimicked his words.

“The rules are simple! Last one standing is the winner!” Laxus declared loudly to make sure that everyone could here him. “The winner decides the leader of the guild! It’s the Battle of Fairy Tail!”

Flames flared higher into the air and the temperature inside the Guild Hall became sweltering. “If you want to fight, then let’s fight, Laxus! Right here, right now!” Natsu nearly snarled at the Lightning Mage.

“That’s not how the game works, Natsu.” Laxus scoffed at the enraged Magma Dragon Slayer. “And, to make sure that everyone participates.” He snapped his fingers and then grinned. “Go ahead and look outside.”

“What the hell are those?!” Nab (who was close to a window already) demanded as he looked up into the air.

“The Thunder Palace has been set.” Laxus chuckled darkly. “In three hours, it’ll go off and reduce Magnolia to rubble.”

“Are you fucking insane, you brat?!” Wakaba yelled at Laxus for putting all of Magnolia in danger.

“Should any of you attempt to violate the rules that have been set, know that these girls won’t be returned to normal.” Evergreen informed all of the members in the Guild Hall. “They’ll remain statues forever.”

“There’s four of us and almost one-hundred of you guys! We’re at a total disadvantage here!” Bickslow laughed in apparent glee. “The odds are stacked against us! Gyahahaha!”

“Laxus…” Makarov was visibly shaking with rage now, his Magic Power surrounding him in a golden aura.

“The battlefield is all of Magnolia Town. Once you find us, the battle begins.” Freed informed everyone with a dispassionate look on his face.

“Don’t TRY TO TOY WITH ME!!!” Makarov grew to massive size as he used his Titan Magic.

“Don’t fly off the handle, gramps! Just sit back and enjoy the entertainment!” Laxus held up his hand and a bright flash of lightning blinded everyone again. “Let the Battle of Fairy Tail begin!”

When everyone could see again, Laxus and the Thunder Tribe were gone.

“Those jerks!”

“We need Laxus captured!”

“No, crushed! We need him crushed!”

“Who does he think we are?!”

The majority of the Fairy Tail mages all charged out of the door in a rush, planning to hunt down Laxus and end this game of his.

“Bisca, I’m going to rescue you, okay?” Alzack promised the petrified woman that he loved, even if he hadn’t been able to tell her his feelings yet. The Gun Mage was out the door seconds later, planning to hunt down Laxus or Evergreen, he didn’t care which.

“I’m going to beat some sense into that brat!” Makarov roared as he rushed towards the door. “Guh!” The short old man bounced back as if he’d just run into a wall. “What?!”

“What’re you doing, gramps?” Gray questioned the old man, seeing him stopped at the door.

“I can’t move forward! There’s something in the way!” Makarov pushed against the invisible wall as hard as he could.

“There’s nothing here.” Gray waved his hand across the empty space without issue.

“Barrier Magic.” Ur spoke up after a moment to look at Makarov’s inability to pass through the door, while Gray could enter and exit freely. She cursed that her recovery was taking so long. If she was fully recovered, she’d smack those three punks into place and have them apologizing in front of everyone way before the three hour time limit was up!

Letters began appearing in the air, written in Magical Glyphs at first, then becoming a readable script a second later.

“The hell?” Gray had never seen this Magic before.

Makarov felt sweat form on his brow as he recognized the Magic. “Freed’s Jutsu Shiki!”

“What’s that?” Gray asked the old man. Just knowing the name didn’t tell him anything about this kind of Magic.

“A type of Script Magic that makes a ward.” Makarov explained as he eyed the writing that was forming. “It’s a pre-placed Magic that sets a trap for others to walk into. Freed must have placed them all the way around the Guild!” He pounded his fist against the invisible wall a few more times. “Anyone that falls into one of these traps must follow the rules if they wish to escape. Look!” He pointed to the now readable rule hanging in the air.


Anyone over eighty years of age or stone statues are forbidden from crossing this border.

“What the hell kind of Magic is that?! It’s like whoever sets the rules first wins!” Gray balked at the almost child-like ruling system of the Jutsu Shiki.

“Jutsu Shiki take a long time to draw. And it isn’t very useful in sudden battles, but there is no Magic better when it comes to setting traps!” Makarov glared at the floating words in the air.

“So his Magic is why you can’t leave the Guild Hall? Can’t you break it, Master?” Gray questioned the old man, knowing that he was a Wizard Saint and a master of many Magics.

“The rules of a Jutsu Shiki are absolute. Freed has weaved two together on top of that, both an Age Limit and a Material Limit. I have no idea when he had time to write such a powerful ward around the Guild.” Makarov clenched his fists tightly.

“They never intended to let you participate in the first place.” Ur scoffed at the cowardly tactic. “They thought this through.”

“If that’s the case, then we’ll just have to do it ourselves!” Gray turned away from the door. “He’s your grandson, but I can’t show him any mercy. I’ll deal with Laxus myself!”

“Gray!” Makarov didn’t like Gray’s odds in a one-on-one against Laxus.

“You can take down Laxus, Freed, or Bickslow for all I care.” Elfman stalked out of the Guild Hall after checking over his two petrified sisters along with Natsu. “I’m going to hunt down Evergreen and make her free the girls.”

His body was engulfed in bright squares of Magic Power as his already large form bulked up even more. When the transformation was complete, the light vanished to reveal Elfman’s strongest Beast Soul. It stood at a towering six meters tall, at the shoulder. Its body was a mix of various beasts: the head and paws of a black lion, the scaled body of a drake, the hissing serpent tail behind it, and the large goat-like horns that curled from the head.

“Beast Soul: Chimera!” Elfman growled out before throwing his head forward and letting out a bellowing roar. “ROOOAAARRRR!!!!” Gray, Ur, and Makarov all clapped their hands over their ears at the volume. The transformed Elfman leapt clear over the fence around the courtyard and onto the roof of a building across the street. Another leap and the three Mages lost sight of the massive beast entirely.

Chimeras were legendary Magical Beasts that had been written of in texts as far back as history was recorded. The beasts were unique in their ability to be born matching the body of their parents (whatever beasts the parents were made up of) but, by devouring other Magical Beasts, they could pick and choose what parts they grew and developed for their own bodies until they hit sexual maturity. This meant that no two Chimeras were exactly alike, and they could have a vast range of abilities and Magic at their disposal. There were even ancient accounts of Chimeras fighting Dragons in battles that lasted days or even weeks!

Elfman had defeated and Taken Over an adult Chimera (almost dying in the process, even with some support from Lisanna and Mira) but it wasn’t one of the ancient ones from legend or anything. Even still, it was a formidable and fearsome beast that contained the Magic and abilities of all the chosen beasts that it had consumed over its life until the point when Elfman had defeated it.

“That was…unexpected.” Ur mentioned, rubbing her ears to stop the ringing.

“Gramps, Master…I’ll be back.” Gray nodded to both of them before running out of the courtyard on his hunt for the Thunder Tribe.

Damn it, Laxus…what is going on in your mind?!’ Makarov ground his teeth in frustration. ‘He’s a fool, but his power is the real thing. Are there any among us that can beat him?’ He briefly looked at Erza, Mira, and Cana, the three S-Class girls could probably give Laxus a run for his money. ‘But they can’t do anything in the state they’re in right now.’ Makarov’s eyes went to Natsu, who was checking over the statues of his Mates carefully, and then to Gajeel who seemed to be staring at something on the stage. ‘I’ll have to place my hopes on Natsu and Gajeel.’ Left unsaid was his hope that this fight didn’t become a Draconic Blood Rage. Natsu would never kill another Fairy Tail member normally, but Makarov had seen what men could do when protecting their families.

“Master, I’m going.” Natsu spoke with a deep rumble in his chest, like a slumbering volcano starting to awaken.

“Don’t get in my way, Salamander.” Gajeel barely hid the growl in his voice as he walked towards the door.

Both slammed face first into the barrier.

“The fuck?!” Gajeel cursed and shook his head.


Anyone over eighty years of age or stone statues are forbidden from crossing this border.

“I’m not a stone statue OR over eighty, you bastard!” Natsu cursed at the barrier.


Anyone over eighty years of age or stone statues are forbidden from crossing this border.

Addendum: Dragon Slayers are prevented from crossing this border for one hour.

“DON’T FUCK WITH ME!!!” Gajeel and Natsu both roared, slamming their fists into the invisible wall.

Both Makarov and Ur backed away as the two Dragon Slayers flared with Magic Power as they raged against the barrier. Magma and flame s scorched against the Magic trapping them. Likewise, iron tore at the Magic clawing at piercing at the barrier trying to tear it apart.

-Thunder Tribe’s Location-

“Argh!” Freed nearly collapsed against the wall as he held his head in pain.

“You alright?” Bickslow questioned his friend, showing some concern.

“My Jutsu Shiki around the Guild…” Freed moved his hand away from his face, revealing blood dripping from his forehead and his nose. “It was almost broken…” The pain resounding in his head from the backlash was like a bad migraine.

“Are they escaping?” Laxus questioned without looking back at Freed.

“No…” Freed slowly shook his head so as to not upset his new headache. “I managed to reinforce it, but I had to redirect the Magic from the Jutsu Shiki that prevented anyone from entering Magnolia.”

“It’s fine then.” Laxus waved off the loss of the second barrier around Magnolia. “Gildarts isn’t around, and I doubt he’ll show up in less than three hours anyway. By that time, the game will be over and I’ll be the new Master of Fairy Tail.”

-Guild Hall-

“This bastard.” Gajeel was audibly growling now, both he and Natsu had been blasted backwards across the Guild when the barrier suddenly increased in power.

“In one hour, I’m going to beat Laxus within an inch of his damn life.” Natsu promised, a heavy heat haze rising off his body, making it uncomfortable for anyone to be near him. The slitted amber eyes were like molten lava as he glared at the barrier and the little timer counting down on it.


“Not if I get to him first.” Gajeel glowered at the barrier, his red slitted eyes gaining a hint of green as his Magic roiled like boiling iron beneath his skin.


The Battle of Fairy Tail was barely begun, and yet Makarov already feared for the safety of Magnolia for multiple reasons.

-End Chapter-


The Battle of Fairy Tail begins!

Laxus has slightly changed up his plot.

The Thunder Palace is activated immediately and is on a three hour countdown!

The Jutsu Shiki around the Guild is purposefully detaining the Dragon Slayers for an extra hour!

That still almost didn’t work with a pissed off Natsu and Gajeel attacking it!

We see Elfman’s strongest Take Over Form in this story! Since ‘The Beast’ Quest never happened, Elfman not only had more time with Lisanna, but Mira never broke and lost her power. With the Strauss Family whole, a different powerful Beast caught the attention of Elfman and with some help from his sisters, he managed to take over a Chimera!

How will the Battle of Fairy Tail go down with these changes continuing to pile up?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Thank you for the great chapter, keep up the good work!


Wait if Evergreen is being punished does that mean you aren't shipping her with Elfman?


I was actually surprised she developed a thing for Elfman. I honestly figured she'd go for the pretty boy in Laxus especially considering she follows him everywhere same with Freed and Bickslow. Lol then again maybe all 4 of them are a package deal

Zero Shadow

I have a question are the Natsu and the other Dragon slayers still 400 years old due to traveling though the Eclipse Gate, or they still the age they were when they passed through it?


As they traveled through the Eclipse Gate, instead of passing through time normally, they did not age. So, they're at their appropriate ages, even to Magics that check for such things.