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Hey, friends and fans, just wanted to give you a quick update on my IRL situation.

The crawlspace was finished, but it still needed the ductwork replaced. So, I called a company, and they sent out an inspector. He opened the newly refinished crawlspace and finds a puddle of water sitting on top of the new vapor barrier.

Naturally, I panic slightly, call the crawlspace company and tell them what's going on. They say they'll have a guy out here as soon as possible this morning. The ductwork guys arrive and start working first. The crawlspace guy arrives and cleans up the water and fixes the leaking dehumidifier (the damn drain hose wasn't connected properly!) so that it won't leak anymore. The ductwork guys finish their work. I pay almost $2,800 and the crawlspace is FINALLY done, and I can turn on my A/C and stop sweating like a pig in my own home.

Then I have to immediately leave and take my niece to meet with her travel group for the big Australia Trip they're going on through their school. It's been pushed back for about 4 years thanks to COVID. But everything went well and she's excited for the trip. Now I have to take her to the airport tomorrow afternoon as well.

All in all, the last week and change has been hectic as hell, and I've been running around trying to keep up. I apologize that this has slowed down the updates, but I hope that you'll be happy with the updates as they come out.

My goal is to try and have another update out tomorrow night (my time: EDT) for all of you to enjoy! These last 9 days of June are going to be a bit of a rush after this past week kinda screwed up my time to write. I'll do my best to get out all of the updates and make this Patron Appreciation Month a success!

Thank you for putting up with my IRL issues, as well as your constant support and patience when things aren't going so well. *Bows*



what state do you live in? It's been fairly hot the past week here in the Upper Peninsula but open windows and a couple good fans have been enough to keep me from dying of heat stroke lol


I don't know if I speak for all of us when I say this, but I know that we all understand that RL has to come first. As much as I appreciate and love your writing, it is a secondary to what goes on in the Real World. Have a break.....Have a KitKat