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I meant to have this finished almost 2 hours ago, but I lost about 2 or so hours of writing time by taking my niece to the airport. Worth it, absolutely, I hope she enjoys her trip to Australia! And I hope that all of you enjoy this update!

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! Glad that this story has fans! With a successful visit to the Fox Lord’s Territory and meeting a friend from YGGDRASIL; things have definitely changed for Momonga. Many of his questions have been answered and now Nazarick will alter its path forward a bit. It’s time for Momonga to step out into the wider world and experience this new world firsthand!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 4 – The Dark Warrior and Beautiful Princess

Within Momonga’s opulent office, Demiurge bowed to the Supreme Being, his loyalty and respect for Momonga apparent in his every word and action. “I have come as you commanded, Lord Momonga.” The Arch Demon looked up at the Primordial Deity from his bowed position.

“Excellent, Demiurge, you may stand.” Momonga nodded to the Guardian of the Seventh Floor. Once Demiurge had straightened up to his full height, giving Momonga his absolute attention, the Master of Nazarick continued. “I have two tasks for you, Demiurge.”

“Whatever you desire, my Lord.” Demiurge placed his right hand over his chest and gave a slight bow. “Just speak your orders and they shall be carried out flawlessly to the absolute best of my abilities.”

“Both may be somewhat long-term, but I know that I can entrust them to you.” Momonga had taken to using small compliments and a little flattery with the former NPCs after having seen how much such things meant to them. Indeed, Demiurge’s smile got just slightly bigger and his long, armored tail swung behind him, seemingly out of joy. “The first task is to research Magic that could be beneficial to Nazarick. Anything that could be beneficial to us and our goals; whether that be Tier Magic like Spice Magic or Food Magic or even Magics that may not have existed in YGGDRASIL and are native to this world.”

“I shall uncover everything of benefit to Nazarick, my Lord.” Demiurge nodded as he proudly accepted the task. ‘Lord Momonga is clearly planning for the future already. Food and Spices made through Tier Magic will allow us to feed a growing population once we announce our future domain to this world.’ The Arch Demon thought to himself.

“Your second task,” Momonga spoke and watched Demiurge stand at attention. “Is to procure Magical Beasts or Monsters that we can use to experiment with parchment production for Magic Scrolls.” Demiurge clearly understood the benefit of this task, if the way he perked up was any indication, but Momonga recalled Seimei’s words and moved to make his orders more specific. “Seimei’s [Instruct] Scrolls are made from parchment that is processed from the skin and hides of a Magical Beast that lives along the southeastern border of his territory. The [Instruct] spell is Third Tier Magic; meaning that the Scrolls he so generously gifted us with are able to handle at least lower intermediate Magic. I would like Nazarick to have the same quality Scrolls; so we need to find our own Magical Beast or Monster to procure good quality parchment from. Mere human or demi-human skins will not grant us that; so avoid them and don’t attract attention.”

“As you command, Lord Momonga.” Demiurge bowed as he etched the orders into his memory perfectly, word for word. “I shall search for a Beast or Monster that will give us the highest quality of parchment to create Scrolls with.” Having an incredible intellect made Demiurge acutely aware of the usefulness of Scrolls that anyone could use.

Demiurge, himself, was one of the recipients of an [Instruct] Scroll. He now possessed the knowledge of the written language of the three largest neighboring countries. The others that received a Scroll were Albedo, Shalltear, Aura, Mare, Sebas, the six Pleiades Battle Maids, and the last one had been granted to Titus Annaeus Secundus, the Head Librarian of Ashurbanipal, the Grand Library of Nazarick. The Skeleton Mage was an avid and adept researcher, and would put the ability to read the language of this world towards the benefit of Nazarick.

With his orders given, Momonga dismissed Demiurge, allowing the Arch Demon to begin his tasks. Albedo had been put in-charge of Nazarick while he was going to be away for a bit. Sebas and Solution had been sent out, along with Shalltear, to gather information about Re-Estize Kingdom. Shalltear’s personal mission, however, was to learn more about the ‘Martial Arts’ that seemed native to the new world. Her current orders were to find a skilled user of the Martial Arts and bring them back to Nazarick for questioning and, if necessary, experimentation.

“That should be everything taken care of for now.” Momonga nodded to himself, relaxing for a moment in his comfortable chair. ‘Ugh… It’s hard being a leader. They all have such a glorious opinion of me too…I don’t want to let them down.’ After a long moment to let the building tension release, Momonga felt some excitement fill him as he stood up. It was time for him to begin his own task. “I always did like to roleplay the most.” He chuckled to himself as he left the office behind.

-Fortress City ~ E-Rantel-

“Who’s the guy in the black knight armor?” A male Adventurer whispered to another, watching the man in question walk down the street.

“No idea.” His buddy shook his head. “But I’m more curious about the beautiful lady with him.” The man’s eyes followed after the woman in a brown cloak with long, beautiful black hair and a stoic look on her gorgeous features.

“Right?” The first Adventurer chuckled, also admiring the beauty.


The cheapest (and worst) of the three inns in E-Rantel was filled with Adventurers as usual. Mostly Copper and Iron Plates, the two lowest Ranks among the Adventurer’s Guild rankings. But it was affordable and a good place to meet other Adventurers to form a Party with so that Quests could be accomplished easier.

The normal sounds of talking, drinking, and such filled the air. It was a normal day, just like any other. One woman, a redhead with notable muscle even underneath her clothing, was smiling at a blue potion on the table in front of her. Of all of the Adventurers there, she was one of the only ones that didn’t look more like a thug.

The sound of the two swinging doors being pushed open got everyone’s attention.

Standing in the doorway was a tall man in plate armor and helm, the metal a dark black and trimmed with silver. Over his shoulders was a white fur of some kind, possibly from a beast or Magical Beast, though no one there could’ve guessed. He had a sheathed two-handed sword on his left hip and looked every bit the image of a black knight from a legend or fairytale.

No one in this world would know the armor was based off a Faraam Knight from the old Soulsborne games in Momonga’s world; merely recolored to his liking and given different enchantments to buff it when he’d created it with the [Create Greater Item] spell.

By the knight’s side was a beautiful woman in a brown cloak, her face stoic and her long black hair in a ponytail, only her black boots could be seen as the cloak stopped at about mid-shin length. The more experienced could tell that she had a weapon hidden by her cloak, probably a sword. But the majority were too entranced by her features to pay attention.

The two walked across the large room, towards the bar where the innkeeper was cleaning a flagon with a rag. All eyes following them, some judging, others curious. The redheaded woman was no different, watching the two and wondering who they were. The knight’s armor looked pricey, to say the least.

“Need a room? It’ll cost you five Copper each. Meals are gonna…” The innkeeper, a fearsome-looking man that was somewhere between imposing and bestial in appearance, spoke up. His head was shaved and there were scars all over his face and arms.

“I just need one room. I won’t need meals.” Momonga cut the man off.

“Hmm?” The innkeeper glanced at Momonga’s Plate. “Oh, you’re a low-level Copper Plate. This place is gonna be too expensive…”

“It’s our first time registering.” Momonga cut the man off again. He’d decided his ‘warrior character’ would be a bit gruff and impolite when others showed the same attitude towards him. “Unfortunately, they make everyone start out at Copper.”


The innkeeper slammed his fist down on the bar top, clearly annoyed by being cutoff twice. “Now it’s seven Copper! Payment due up front!” He glared into the visor of Momonga’s helm.

“That’s not a problem.” Momonga placed the Copper coins on the car top without a care.

The innkeeper saw the full payment and sighed. “The room is upstairs in the back.” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the stairs.

Momonga turned away from the man and headed towards the stairs, Narberal following behind him dutifully.

But…things couldn’t be easy.

One of the thuggish Adventurers at a nearby table shifted in his seat and purposefully stretched his leg out in front of Momonga’s path. His two buddies snickering as Momonga stopped made it clear they did things like this often.

“Hilarious.” Momonga rolled his eyes behind his visor at the attempt at hazing him. He walked around the leg, purposefully making sure that his left foot roughly knocked into the other man’s.

“Hey!” The Adventurer shot up from his seat, annoyed by the knight-looking bastard brushing past him like that. “Watch where you’re going, you big oaf!” He looked up at Momonga’s visor since he was a head shorter. “How am I supposed to work with a busted ankle, huh?” He then looked over at Narberal, lust in his eyes at her beauty. “Well…maybe your lady here can kiss it and make me feel better?”

Narberal’s stoic expression morphed into one of utter disdain, looking at the bald-headed man like the lowliest of worms.

“Hahaha! Not even in your dreams.” Momonga mocked the other man. Narberal looked towards him, her eyes gaining a bit of warmth to them as Momonga defended her.

“Huh?” The Adventurer leaned forward in an attempt to be intimidating.

“Your uncivilized behavior is quite amusing; I can’t help but laugh.” Momonga stated plainly, not backing down in the slightest.

“What’d you say?” The bald-headed Adventurer looked like he was about to draw the sword from his back.

That was stopped before it could even begin as Momonga’s gauntlet-clad hand grabbed the man by the front of his shirt and lifted him off the ground entirely. The Adventurer’s feet flailed a bit in shock, trying to find traction in the empty air. The fact that the tight hold on his shirt had squeezed the garment around his neck, cutting off his air supply, only made the feat of strength more terrifying. “Look at that. You’re not so funny when you can’t breathe, are you?” The Adventurer’s feet kicked about as his hands struggled to pull Momonga’s hand off of his shirt. “Weakling.” The bald Adventurer was tossed across the room with the same arm that was holding him off the ground.

“Aaaahhhh!” The Adventurer yelled out before crashing through the redheaded woman’s table.

Neither of his two buddies so much as dared to stand up at the display of strength. Tossing a grown man across a room this size with one arm was a level of strength they didn’t want to mess with. They only stared at Momonga in fear and tried to give their best smiles, though the terror in them couldn’t have been more blatant.

“So?” Momonga turned to the two Adventurers, but he spoke loudly enough for the entire room to hear. “Does anyone else have something humorous they want to say about my companion?”

Narberal wasn’t a sadist, that was more Lupusregina’s thing, but she did feel a bit of satisfaction from the terror her Lord had just instilled into the human trash before them. The fact that he was doing it for her sake nearly made a smile break through her normal stoicism.

“KYAAAAHHHH!” The redheaded woman’s wail of despair got everyone’s attention. She put her hands in her hair, staring in shock and building rage at the broken potion on the floor. HER potion! She spun to look over at Momonga and glared as she stomped over to the knight. “I cannot believe this!” She nearly growled. “What the hell, man?! You just spilled my potion all over the floor!” She pointed back at the broken table, ignoring the unconscious Adventurer that was lying in a heap. “That wasn’t cheap, you know?!” Small angry tears were in the corner of the woman’s blue eyes.

“Potion?” Momonga questioned the enraged woman. ‘Is it that big of a deal?’ In YGGDRASIL potions could be bought from shops and weren’t even that expensive, at least, not until you got into the highest levels of the items at any rate.

“Yeah, that’s right.” The woman clenched her fists at her sides, visibly shaking in rage. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to buy that? I had to skip meals, and stop drinking, until I could afford it. It took months! You better pay for it, or things are going to get ugly!” She was shouting by this point, leaning forward with a glare.

Do I like feisty women?’ Momonga thought to himself, never really having considered what his ‘Type’ or ‘Types’ might be before, but noting that the angry woman was quite beautiful in her own right.

She was around twenty years old or perhaps slightly younger, she had untidy red hair trimmed short for easy movement. A clear sign that she took her profession as an Adventurer seriously. Her features were rather cute, she even had a beauty mark just under the corner of her left eye. She had sharp eyes and didn’t wear any makeup. Her skin seemed permanently tanned after long exposure to the sun. Momonga noted that her arms had solid muscles and her hands had noticeable calluses from wielding a sword.

Her equipment was a simple two-handed sword, leather leggings over what appeared to be linen pants, a leather tunic that was a color between orange and brown, a white vest under the tunic, with a nearly skintight, long-sleeved brown shirt beneath that, showing off the developed muscle of her arms. On her hands were fingerless leather gloves that covered all the way up to her elbows, and on her feet were knee-high leather boots. She also had a pouch attached to her brown belt, probably to hold things like potions or other equipment.

“Excuse me,” Momonga spoke up after his quick perusal of the angry redhead. “But I believe these men should reimburse you.” He vaguely gestured at the two terrified Adventurers still frozen in their seats.

“You really think these drunks can pay me back?” The woman looked over the two thuggish men with annoyance. “I doubt they’ve ever seen a piece of gold in their lives!” She turned back to Momonga. “You, on the other hand, are wearing some pretty expensive-looking armor, and I’m betting that you have a healing potion or two in there!” Her expression softened just a bit, a small smile on her lips. “I’d be happy with getting one of those!”

The barely audible growls of Narberal caught Momonga’s attention as the Battle Maid’s hand went to the hilt of the sword at her waist, the brown cloak moving aside from the motion. The Doppelganger woman was absolutely going to kill the redheaded Adventurer in the next second if Momonga didn’t do something.

“Wait.” Momonga’s lone word made Narberal stop moving entirely. “As a matter of fact, I do have a potion.” He reached into the small leather pouch on his hip, accessing his inventory while his fingers were hidden by the material. Momonga pulled out the lowest level healing potion from YGGDRASIL, only capable of healing 50 HP, and held it out for the woman to take. “Here.”

The Adventurer woman took the potion and eyed it oddly. “A red potion?”

“That makes us even, right?” Momonga looked at her through his visor.

“Sure…for now.” The woman agreed, looking at the taller, armor-clad man without backing down. “My name’s Brita. If this potion happens to be a fake, I’ll be hunting you down.”

“That’s fine.” Momonga at least now had a name for the Adventurer. He turned to head back up the stairs, Nabe glaring coldly at Brita as she passed the other woman and followed her Lord.

Once they were safely within their shared room, Momonga looked over at Narberal.

“[Silence].” Narberal held up her right hand and the walls and door of the small room briefly glowed blue. “No one outside can hear us now, Lord Ainz.”

“No.” Momonga sighed at Narberal’s address. “When I’m wearing this armor, you’re to call me ‘Momon’, remember?”

“Oh! Y-Yes, Lord Momon.” Narberal corrected herself.

“Drop the ‘Lord’ too.” Momonga nearly facepalmed, even with his helm still on. “We’re just Momon and his partner Nabe right now. A pair of new Adventurers in E-Rantel.”

“Yes, Lor…Mr. Momon.” Narberal corrected herself mid-sentence, but couldn’t drop the respectful address entirely.

Momonga deadpanned but relented. “I suppose that’s fine.” Nishikienrai had certainly made Narberal the respectful type.

“Lord…” Narberal stopped for a second before continuing. “You shouldn’t have to stay in such a small and disgusting place.”

“It’s not that bad, Narberal.” Momonga looked over the small room with a bed on each side. “But the Guild doesn’t seem to set any membership standards. Hopefully, not all Adventurers act like thugs. Then again…when you’re fighting Monsters, brains aren’t much of a requirement.”

“Sir, what should we do about the woman that took your potion?” Narberal questioned, not having any liking for Brita demanding things from him.

“As an Iron Plate Adventurer, she currently outranks us in this city. We’ll let it be and focus on other things. Besides, it was only the lowest level healing potion, so its loss is of no consequence.” Momonga made his helm disappear as he unmade it through his will. He could make and destroy anything that he made through the [Create Greater Item] spell. “I am curious about something; what are your thoughts on humans?”

“Complete garbage.” Narberal answered instantly.

Seriously? Are all of the NPCs like this? I’d understand it from Demiurge; because Ulbert was a misanthrope. But why Narberal too? Is it because we had a ‘No Humans’ policy for the Guild?’ Momonga sighed internally at how hard it might be to keep the NPCs from giving in to their Karma Values. “Narberal, I can’t order you to change your feeling towards humans.” He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, hoping to stave off a headache. “But I need you to control your hostility in public. If someone senses your bloodlust, it could be trouble. This is a human town, and there may be formidable ones among them.” Seimei had said that most weren’t more than around Level 10 at most, but there were outliers that could be stronger, in some cases MUCH stronger.

“As you say.” Narberal bowed to Momonga with her hand over her chest. Her eyes opened in surprise when she felt his hand gently rest atop her head.

“One more thing; don’t go all-out without my permission, got it?” Momonga ordered the highest-level Maid of the Pleaides. “Stick to Third Tier spells and lower.”

“Y-Yes, Mr. Momon…” Narberal accepted the order, her cheeks slightly pink as she enjoyed the gentle head pat.

“Now, we should discuss our plan while in this city.” Momonga sat on one of the beds.

“Yes, sir.” Narberal kneeled before him.

Momonga sighed, knowing that it was what Narberal was used to made it easy to understand, but it was going to be difficult to blend in if she continued like this. “For now, our goal is to succeed as Adventurers and rise up the ranks.”

“Right, these Adventurer Plates.” Narberal looked at the Copper Plate that she wore around her neck.

“Yes, Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Mithril, Orichalcum, and Adamantite. Eight levels, and we need to reach the highest rank where we can gain the most information and potentially make useful connections.” Momonga nodded to the Battle Maid.

“But Lor… Sir; Adamantite is such a soft metal.” Narberal looked genuinely annoyed that anyone would compare her Lord to such a material. “You should be a Prismatic Ore like Apoitakara or Scarletite.” Prismatic Ores were the strongest and most magical materials within YGGDRASIL.

“That’s the least of our concerns, Narberal.” Momonga almost sighed again. “I’ll leave you to handle the periodic check-ins with Nazarick; I’m going to scout the city and familiarize myself with the area. It wouldn’t do to get lost and look foolish in front of the people when our goal is to become respected, high-ranked Adventurers.” The helm reformed as Momonga stood up from the bed and left the room.

“Hah…” Narberal let out a sigh, partly of relief and partly of wistfulness. Her mind kept going back to when Momonga had patted her head. Shaking off the memory, for now, Narberal cast another spell. “[Rabbit Ears].” Two large, white rabbit ears materialized on Narberal’s head, looking very cute. [Silence] kept sounds from going out, but let sounds come in. With the [Rabbit Ears] spell, Narberal’s hearing increased and let her check for anyone that might be trying to sneak around outside. “No suspicious activity…check.” She nodded to herself after a moment. She ended the [Rabbit Ears] spell and prepared the next. “[Message].” The next spell was cast, reaching towards the one that Narberal was supposed to report to.

-Nazarick ~ Momonga’s Bed Chambers-

Albedo perked up from where she was snuggling into her beloved’s bed. Being away from him was so draining, but sleeping in his bed, surrounded by his scent, made it bearable for the Succubus. Not that it was currently anywhere close to night time. “Narberal Gamma? What is it?”

“Check-in.” Narberal answered the Guardian Overseer. “Lord Momonga’s first objective, becoming Adventurers, has succeeded easily. He’s currently scouting the city to familiarize himself with the area.”

“I see. Very good, Narberal.” Albedo confirmed the update. “Anything else?”

“When I asked Lord Momonga why he didn’t choose you for this assignment, he replied: ‘With Albedo taking care of Nazarick, I don’t have to worry.’” Narberal informed Albedo, having been requested (very strongly) to ask Momonga that specific question.

“Kyaaa~!” Albedo let out a little cry of happiness as she rolled about Momonga’s massive bed, revealing that she was completely naked under the blankets. The lovesick Succubus having wanted to fill her beloved’s sheets with her scent for when he returned to Nazarick. “Good! Good girl, Narberal! Make sure to talk me up when you can! That’s an order from the Guardian Overseer!”

“Yes, Lady Albedo.” Narberal agreed, not letting any emotion into her voice.

Albedo wasn’t a fool though; she was quite aware of which of Nazarick’s women had feelings for their Lord Momonga. “Keep watch over Lord Momonga, Narberal. A place in his harem will be yours.”

“L-Lady Albedo?!” Narberal’s normally kuudere personality nearly shattered as her face flamed red.

“Heehee~” Albedo giggled at the outburst from the usually reserved Narberal Gamma. “You don’t need to hide it, Narberal; I’m very much aware of all the women who love and desire Lord Momonga.” Not getting a response for a long moment, Albedo continued. “I will ensure that Lord Momonga recognizes your feelings, Narberal.” The softer tone from the Succubus seemed to work.

“Thank you, Lady Albedo.” Narberal had a tiny smile on her lips.

“Of course,” Albedo replied before her voice became a bit rough and nearly threatening. “As long as we all get along and no one gets greedy… Then everyone can have the love they desire with Lord Momonga.”

Recognizing the warning for what it was, Narberal nodded (even though Albedo couldn’t see it) and replied. “Of course not, Lady Albedo.”

“Wonderful.” Albedo’s voice was back to soft and sweet. “Check-in again at the scheduled time.”

“Yes, Lady Albedo. Narberal Gamma, out.” Narberal ended the [Message] spell and then sat on the bed opposite of the one that Momonga had sat on. Her heart was feeling light and there was an almost fluttering sensation in her stomach. “I can barely believe it.” She slowly collected herself, returning to her normal calm and stoic expression. Narberal never would’ve expected to have Albedo’s backing to hopefully be with Lord Momonga one day. “A harem…it makes sense.” The Doppelganger woman nodded to herself, the slightest little smile on her lips as she waited for her Lord to return.


Walking through the streets of E-Rantel, Brita looked around for the shop she needed. This red potion she’d gotten from the black knight guy had been bugging her. She needed to get it checked out by a reputable Apothecary. The best in all of E-Rantel was the Bareare Apothecary, run by the famous Lizzie Bareare and her grandson, Nfirea Bareare. The sun was beginning to set already, so she hoped that the shop would still be open. When she spotted the Bareare Apothecary, she quickly checked the door. Seeing that it was unlocked, she breathed a small sigh of relief that they weren’t closed yet.

Entering the shop, Brita looked at the many shelves filled with ingredients of more things than she could identify. Looking upwards, she spotted a blonde young man near the top of a ladder putting some things away on the top shelf.

“Welcome. Can I help you, Miss?” The young man smiled at the customer, slowly coming down the ladder. He wore a white, long-sleeved, button-up shirt, black pants, and a brown apron around his waist. His blonde hair was long, and nearly covered his eyes.

“Are you Mr. Nfirea Bareare?” Brita asked him, though she was pretty sure this was the rather well-known man.

“Yes, I am.” Nfirea confirmed with a small nod. “Is there something you need?”

“I need you to appraise a potion for me.” Brita told him, pulling the red potion from her leather pouch.

Not a minute later and Nfirea, with Brita following behind him, burst into the back room where he and his grandmother compounded potions. “Grandma! You’ve got to see this!” He placed the red potion on the table near her with an excited smile on his face.

“It’s red?!” Lizzie Bareare blinked at the potion in surprise. She was an old woman, decades having permanently tanned her skin from sun exposure, while wrinkles covered her face. Her blue eyes were still sharp though, her mind not having dimmed in the slightest. Her gray hair was tied up with a green bandana, she wore a brown dress with a tan apron over it tied to her waist with a red rope.

“What do you know about it?” Nfirea asked his grandmother, eager to learn more from her.

Lizzie stood up from her chair and stood in front of the red potion. “First, I need to examine it properly.”

“So, this is Lizzie Bareare, the famous Pharmacist?” Brita looked the old woman over.

“She’s the best there is; though I may be a little biased.” Nfirea smiled at Brita while he praised his grandmother’s skills and knowledge.

“I’ll use my [Appraise Magical Item] spell. It’ll detect any enchantments and tell me what this red potion is.” Lizzie held out her right hand. A green glow emitted from her palm and the red potion glowed the same color for a moment. “Eh?”

“So… What’s up with it?” Nfirea asked after the spell faded away.

“Heh…hehe…Ahahahaha!” Lizzie began to laugh brightly, a mix of shock and excitement that both Brita and Nfirea could practically feel. “Tell me, Nfirea, the modern production method causes all potions to turn blue, correct?”

“That’s right.” Nfirea confirmed, that having been one of the first things he’d ever learned from his grandmother.

“Well this,” Lizzie motioned to the red potion. “I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s made of pure Magic, like something from a fairytale! A True potion of healing resembles the color of God’s own blood! I never believed it actually existed…” The old Pharmacist turned to look at Brita. “You’re one lucky lady. This is equal to a Second Tier healing spell, easily worth eight Gold pieces!”

Brita’s blue eyes lit up at the information. That was a lot of money for a commoner!

“But there are risks with having such a rare item.” Lizzie’s face became serious. “There are people out there that would kill to get their hands on a potion this powerful.”

“Eh?” Brita felt a shiver go up her spine at the look that the old woman was giving her.

“I can help though…” Lizzie offered with a grin. “If you sold it to me, you wouldn’t have to worry about any of that.”

“But I…” Brita really wanted to keep the potion now that she knew how rare it was.

“Mmm?” Lizzie narrowed her eyes at the Adventurer. “Eight not enough? How about ten?”

“What?” Brita blinked as the offered price went up.

It was several offers later, Brita only growing more and more attached to the red potion as the offers from Lizzie got larger and larger, before the old Pharmacist gave up on buying the red potion and changed tactics. “Alright then, I have a proposition for you.” If she couldn’t buy this potion, then perhaps she could buy information about where the Adventurer had gotten it from.

-E-Rantel Graveyard ~ Night-

A figure in a black cloak slipped into one of the large mausoleums within the fortress city’s massive graveyard. With a little smile, they began to hum a tune as they stopped by one of the large stone coffins. Inspecting the engravings on the side, the figure pressed one part and with a slight grinding noise, the stone coffin moved aside to reveal a set of hidden stairs leading down.

“I’m coming down~” The figure pulled off their hood, revealing themselves to be a woman around twenty years old, with short blonde hair and delicate features, giving her a cat-like appearance. Her red eyes sparkled with a dark amusement as she descended the stairs into the depths.

The cavern she entered into as she descended the stairs was supported by large columns. There was a raised platform in the center and multiple statues of demon-like creatures surrounding it. The area was lit with several [Continual Light] spells, hinting that a Magic Caster of some skill resided here or visited regularly enough to recast the spell.

Not seeing anyone around. The woman grinned and knew exactly how to get the attention of the one she wanted to speak to. “Oh, Kahjy~ I need to talk to you, old man~!”

An old man with a bald head, wearing a dark red rob and carrying a wooden staff of dark wood stepped out from one side of the cavern. He had a necklace of golden loops that bore three bird-like skulls on the front, hanging in front of his chest. The old man glared at the woman with annoyance. “I told you to stop calling me that. It’s disrespectful to the great name of Zurrernorn.” He held his glare for a little longer, but it only seemed to amuse the woman. “So, tell me why you’ve come here.”

“Hehe… I thought you might be interested in this!” The woman twirled a sparkling item around on her index finger. It appeared to be intricate jewelry made of a silvery-white metal that glowed with a luster which clearly showed its magical nature. Multiple teardrop-shaped gems were hanging from the bottom of the item as well, giving it more luster and making it easy for the old man to identify it by sight alone.

“My God… One of the treasures of the Slane Theocracy.” The old man nearly gasped at seeing it up close. “One of their ‘princesses’ wore that Crown of Wisdom.”

“Oh, I know~” The woman’s grin became frightening. “A sweet little thing. She was going crazy while wearing it~” She caught the twirling item and held it in her closed fist. “So, I did her a favor and snatched it off her pretty little head!”

“Tch! As a former member of the Black Scripture, you should be well aware that this item suppresses the soul of its wearer and turns them into a magical conduit. It’s incredibly dangerous. Simply touching it could’ve meant your end! Yet you did it anyway!” The old man chastised the young woman.

“Boring~!” She through back her head and rolled her eyes.

“There’s a one-in-a-million chance that you could find a person that’s compatible; and without a true match, it’s nothing more than a fancy piece of garbage!” The old man scoffed.

“That’s why I came.” The woman looked back at him. “As a fellow member of Zurrernorn, you have to help me… Isn’t that right, Khajit Dale Bandantel?”

“Rrnnn…” Khajit growled before sneering at the woman. “I don’t answer to ‘Dale’ anymore.” He nearly spat. “Now, what do you want from me?”

“I’ve heard rumors about a Talent Holder in town that can use ANY magical item at will.” Her lips became a malicious grin. “Do you think he could make this crown work for little, old me~?”

“I highly doubt that you need my assistance to kidnap a defenseless boy.” Khajit didn’t look amused in the slightest.

“Normally, no.” The woman shrugged. “But I plan to cause a bit of an uproar in the process!”

Khajit still seemed unimpressed by the woman’s words. “You plan to use chaos as your cover to escape the city?”

“How’s this?” The blonde woman had a wide grin cross her face. “I’ll participate in your little ritual if you be a good boy and help me out~!” The grin became a wide smile, as she made her offer.

“I’d be a fool to turn that offer down.” Khajit’s expression was now a dark smirk. “Splendid, Clementine. In that case you have my full cooperation. We can perform the Ritual of Death sooner than planned.” He let out a dark chuckle, no mirth to be found. “Let’s figure out how to prep that Talent Holder.”

“I knew I could count on you, Kahjy~!” Clementine laughed, a hint of something terrifying in her voice as she threw her arms wide, her black cloak being tossed back and revealing her body.

What was revealed was a fit and trim body with light skin, one crafted to be a warrior focused on speed and precision. A nice bust, thin waist, wide hips, thick thighs; truly the woman would be considered a beauty by almost anyone. But her clothing and armor hinted at something much darker within. The clothing beneath her scant armor was barely covering. A pair of black short shorts that were like a second skin, and an equally small, black, strapless bra, with a matching black garter belt around her hips, connected by straps to her equally black stockings. Over the small amount of fabric, she wore armor that covered just her upper chest, while leaving her cleavage exposed. Small pauldrons where on each shoulder and a gauntlet was on each hand. Around her waist were short metal plates that barely went to mid-thigh and left her legs free to move however she wished. On her legs was a strange choice, her right leg only had armor over the foot, while her left leg was armored from foot to knee, with a guard over the kneecap.

What made her armor ‘dark’ or ‘strange’?

That would be the fact that the metal was literally covered in the Plates of all the Adventurers that she’d killed since having it made. Most of them were Copper Plates; but many were Iron Plates, several were Silver, a handful were Gold, a few were Platinum, and very specifically placed were five Mithril Plates There was one on each side of her breastplate, one on each side of her hips, and the last one was on the plate directly over the front of her short shorts.

All in all, over one-hundred Adventurer Plates covered the small amount of armor that Clementine wore. Each representing a life that she’d ended in her previous work as a member of the Black Scripture of the Slane Theocracy.

Her habit of collecting trophies had started out solely from targets that were actually a challenge. But over time that had warped into anyone that could fight in the slightest, even if they were weaklings. The only people that she didn’t care to hunt down and kill were the noncombatants. There was no fun in prey that didn’t struggle after all!

A dark giggle escaped Clementine as she sauntered off into the catacombs to find where Khajit and his followers kept their food, booze, and beds.

“Things are about to get crazy~” Clementine grinned wickedly. “Just how I like it!”

She couldn’t have known how right she was.

-End Chapter-


Oh dear…

Zurrernorn is colluding within E-Rantel and they’ve set their sights on a specific person. That’s bad for the unsuspecting target!

Momon and Nabe make their entrance into E-Rantel as new Adventurers! Already they’re causing some ruckus too! Tomorrow they’ll have to take their first Quest! While Nazarick has literal hills of gold and treasures, they can’t go around spending unfamiliar currency without gaining a shit ton of attention that they don’t want just yet. So, Adventuring and rocketing through the Ranks should help supply funds for tasks within the new world.

Brita gets her destroyed potion replaced! Does Momonga have a ‘Type’? Multiple ‘Types’ perhaps?! Kek!

Lizzie and Nfirea have seen the red potion! We all know where the information they buy from Brita will lead them! Or to WHOM it will lead them, at the very least!

How will the fates of these characters entwine?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



So possible sexy time with Brita? And hopefully a better ending for Ninya. Love your work


Thank you for the great chapter, keep up the good work!


While researching snakes, I had a thought. Since Nagas or Lamias exist in the New World and snakes molt, could Demiurge just offer or "offer" to have his minions help them shed their skin and use the shed skin for scrolls?


Can shed snakeskin be used to make parchment? I'll have to look that up at some point. Nice research!


My thought was "If Demiurge can use the skin of a human to make scrolls that hold up to 3rd tier spells, can he also use skin shed naturally for scrolls? If so; would snake skin or Naga/Lamia shed skin work too? What about different species of dragons? Are any of them close enough to snakes to be able to shed their skin?".


It's not so much about whether the creature sheds or not, but if their skin can be made into parchment. Not all skins can undergo the process successfully, from the research that I've done.