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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! The first day of the training regime begins! Goku and Krillin are about to find out just what they’ll be undergoing for the foreseeable future…and it’s not what they expect! Bulma has a bit of catching up to do as well! But! There is quite the reward for the disciples if they’re diligent in their training under Kame Sen’nin! A chance to compete in the greatest Martial Arts Tournament in the world!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 7 – The Kame School Way

Kame Sen’nin stood before both Goku and Krillin, the light of the early morning sun still just barely above the horizon at the early hour of the morning. All three were dressed for training, but the old master had some words for his newest disciples first.

“At last you will begin your education in the Kame-Sen School Bujutsu, the Way of the Turtle Master.” Kame Sen’nin nodded to the boys. “As you are now officially my disciples, both of you will refer to me as Master Roshi from now on, understood?”

“Yes, Master Roshi!” Krillin and Goku nodded eagerly.

“Very good.” Roshi nodded at the prompt reply. “Firstly, let me just say a few words about Martial Arts.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “One does not study Martial Arts in order to win a fight or have girls say ‘Ooo, you’re so strong!’ One masters those arts for health in mind and body, for the ability to live one’s life as courageously, uniquely, and energetically as one wishes! But!” Roshi raised his right fist in front of him. “If there are any who seek to terrorize you or any other decent people with undeserved power, you must defeat such enemies with one mighty blast!” He looked at Goku and Krillin. “Do you understand so far?”

“Uh…” Goku looked like he’d lost track somewhere in the Master’s words.

“Just ‘Train hard and enjoy life’…can you get that?” Roshi simplified the message.

“Oh, yeah, that’s easy!” Goku nodded along, a big smile on his face.

“You really are kinda stupid, aren’t you?” Krillin deadpanned at Goku.

“Enough talk! Let’s start training!” Roshi declared, his staff in one hand as he turned and began jogging away from Kame House. “First, some light jogging! Stay with me!”

“Yes, sir!” Krillin and Goku replied before jogging after their Master.

The jogging took them from Kame House and into the nearest group of small dome houses. Though all of them clearly belonged to one farm. The pace wasn’t difficult and Krillin grinned to himself as he kept up easily. ‘I’d heard that the Invincible Old Master’s training regimen was tough, but this doesn’t seem bad at all.

“Halt!” Roshi stopped their jogging as they reached a dome-shaped building with ‘MILK’ written on the side. A Bull Man that was stacking crates of milk bottles looked up at the three of them with some confusion. “Good morning! I’m Kame Sen’nin, I called yesterday.”

“Oh! Right, right, thank you so much!” The Bull Man brightened up that his new helpers had arrived. He pulled out a map of the island and showed it to Roshi. “Here’s the map of the delivery route.”

“Uh-huh…Uh-huh…I see.” Roshi was quick to plot out the route and was allowed to take the map with him just in case. Goku and Krillin just watched on in confusion, having no idea what Master Roshi was doing. “All right, boys!” Roshi turned to face his disciples. “Pick up one crate each! We’re going to deliver some milk!”

“What?! Deliver milk?” Krillin’s confusion filled his tone and colored his face.

“Yup.” Roshi nodded to the former monk. “It’ll be good exercise.”

“Wait! Don’t tell me you’re planning to do it on foot?!” The Bull Man gaped at Master Roshi. “You’re not going to use the helicopter?!” He pointed at the machine a bit further away.

“Don’t be silly. If we did that, it wouldn’t be training!” Roshi waved the idea off. Seeing that both Krillin and Goku had a crate of fresh milk bottles in their hands, Roshi looked at the map again. “Okay, now! After me! We’ll do the two kilometers to the first house…skipping!” With that, Roshi started skipping down the road. “Go!” Goku and Krillin followed after him, both skipping as well, though it took Goku a second to get the movement down, having never skipped before. “Skip, skip, tra-la-la~!”

Goku and Krillin continued to skip as they followed after Roshi. Krillin started to lag behind about a kilometer into the trek. Goku passed him, taking up the spot behind Master Roshi. The former monk kept skipping though, determined to try and catch up.

“C’mon now! Skip, skip!” Roshi was clearly having no trouble with the trip down the road, having never once faltered even as they approached the first house on the route. “Skip, skip!”

Goku and Krillin switched out the empty glass bottles in the milk box outside the home for the cold, fresh ones in their crates after being shown how by Roshi. Goku still seemed fine, but Krillin was huffing, a bit out of breath from the two kilometers of skipping.

“Alright, you’ve got all the empties? Now for the next kilometer…” Roshi looked down the road and pointed with his staff. “This tree-lined path!” Roshi took off in a jog and started zig-zagging between the trees. “Zig-zag, zig-zag! One, two! One, two!”

Goku and Krillin followed Roshi’s path around the trees dutifully. Krillin’s legs starting to burn as he realized that he was falling behind further. Goku kept up as best as he could, but it seemed like he was always the same distance behind Roshi, even if he sped up a bit.

“Krillin, you’re lagging.” Roshi remarked as he and Goku waited for the monk to catch up at the second house. “Take too long and the milk will go sour!”

“Huff, huff, sorry, Master!” Krillin apologized, switching out one of the empty bottles in the box for one of his full ones. He vaguely noticed that even Goku was starting to sweat, which he was at least somewhat grateful for. It meant that he wasn’t the only one getting worn out by this odd form of training.

“Next up, we’re climbing these stairs!” Roshi pointed at a series of stone steps leading up to a mountain plateau. “But, well, I suppose you don’t really have to do this at a run.”

“Phew!” Krillin audibly exhaled in relief. Walking up a staircase, even a long one, would be much easier than skipping and zig-zagging like they’d done for the first three kilometers.

That thought lasted until he was about a third of the way up the massive winding staircase.

“AAARRRGGGHHH!!!” Krillin cried out as he saw the distance between himself and Goku, and the even further distance between him and Master Roshi.

“Gasp…gasp…” Goku panted as he finally reached the top of the plateau, milk crate in hand. He’d never worked his body like this in the mountains!

“Ho ho! So, even Goku is running out of steam, eh?” Roshi chuckled, sitting on a rock and smoking a kiseru pipe, smoke rings rising from the end.

“Old timer…are you sure I can’t deliver these with my flying cloud?” Goku panted, sweat running down his face.

“That wouldn’t be training, now, would it?” Roshi questioned, blowing out a smoke ring into the air. “What memories… Long ago Son Gohan and Gyu-Mao delivered milk just as you are doing now.” He reminisced his last two disciples as he put away his pipe.

“Really?!” Goku perked up at the mention of his grandfather. “My grampa did this too?!” A smile broke out on the young Saiyan’s face at doing the same training as his grandpa. “Wow!”

“Wheeze…wheeze…” Krillin was huffing and puffing as he finally made It up the stairs and switched out the empty bottle in the box for a full one.

“You’ve made it, well done.” Roshi praised the boy for not giving up.

“My, my, thank you very much.” An old monk with a bald head and a trimmed mustache and goatee put his hands together and bowed to the three of them for the delivery to the mountain top temple.

“Hiya!” Goku waved to the monk with a smile.


Only to get bonked atop the head by Master Roshi’s staff.

“It’s not ‘Hiya’ it’s ‘Good morning’.” Roshi explained, giving a short bow to the monk.

“G-good morning.” Goku bowed, one of his hands rubbing the area he’d been hit. Krillin only snickered lightly at the chastisement that Goku had been given.

Ho-ho-ho…training, venerable Mūten Roshi?” The monk inquired with a chuckle. “It has been a long time.”

“Yes, yes indeed, it has been a while, hasn’t it?” Roshi chuckled along with the monk.

“You look hale and healthy, as always.” The monk complimented the old master. “And how goes these two lads’ training?”

“Well, they only just started…” Roshi looked over at Goku and Krillin. “But I already feel that both have quite some potential.” He nodded to the boys.

“He said we have potential!” Krillin smiled brightly at Goku.

“Heh heh heh! All right!” Goku fist bumped with Krillin, a laugh escaping him at the praise.

“As long as they continue training obediently, they should be able to enter the tournament eight months from now.” Roshi nodded to the monk.

“Ho! The Tenka’ichi Budokai, eh?” The monk seemed impressed at Roshi’s assessment of the two boys’ potential.

“Th-The ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’ tournament?!” Krillin gaped at what the two old men had just said.

“Huh? What’s that?” Goku looked at Krillin curiously.

“They gather Martial Arts masters from all over the world and decide who’s the ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’! It’s an awesome tournament that’s been held repeatedly for over a hundred years now!” Krillin explained with excited energy.

“Wow! Tenka’ichi, huh?” Goku tested out the name, the idea of a tournament full of Martial Artist intriguing to him.

“You think we’ll be good enough to enter?” Krillin asked Roshi directly.

“If you train without shirking.” Roshi replied, needling Krillin with his eyes from behind his sunglasses. He wouldn’t let the boy forget his attempt at deception too soon. It wouldn’t be right to let the boy squander his talent by being lazy, after all.

“How exciting!” The monk smiled at the boys, giving them encouragement to continue their training.

“However, your goal is not to aim for the title. Life just isn’t that easy. “Roshi shook his head. “I simply feel that if you have a goal such as entering a great tournament, you will strive that much harder in your training.”

“Yeah, yeah! Just to be able to enter!” Krillin was all smiles just imagining participating in THE Tenka’ichi Budokai!

“There’s gonna be lots of strong guys going, right?” Goku was getting excited too. If there was going to be a lot of strong fighters there, then he definitely wanted to go!

“Well boys, the milk is going to get warm, so…” Roshi reminded them of their training by motioning to the crates they’d set down.

“Good luck.” The old monk smiled jovially at the disciples as Master Roshi led them across a long log. The felled tree was an impromptu bridge across a canyon to a hill on the other side which gently sloped down to the island flatlands again.

“One-two! Balance, balance.” Roshi called back to the boys, his arms out to his sides as they crossed the log. Krillin gulped as he looked down into the canyon.

“Huff…huff…” Krillin panted, lifting his foot out of the shifting sands beneath his feet.

“Pant…pant…” Goku tried to step high to prevent himself from sinking with every step on the sand.

“Keep it up! Walk slowly and you’ll be swallowed by the sand!” Roshi told the boys as they crossed a sandy area at the base of the hill. It was like a miniature desert, but without the insane heat. “The next house is just passed this area…only about a kilometer!”

A kilometer of this?!’ Krillin cried out in his mind, lifting his feet from the sand again.

“Careful now! You don’t want to get swept over a waterfall!” Roshi warned the boys as they waded through a fast-moving river on the path to the next house. Both Goku and Krillin held their milk crates above their heads as they searched for stable footing against the strong current.

“RUN! Lose step here and you’ll be devoured!” Roshi ran with Goku and Krillin hot on his heels. Behind the three of them a large T-Rex chased after them.

“WAAH!!!” Krillin and Goku ran as fast as they could to escape the predator.

Another three stops (each a kilometer apart) and all of the milk had finally been delivered. Krillin and Goku were flat on their backs, panting for breath.

“We’re done…finally…” Goku inhaled and exhaled heavily.

“Believe me, this will get much easier as you do it everyday for the next eight months!” Roshi promised the two, still looking like he’d only taken a light morning walk. “So…that’s all for your early morning routine. Now, for you morning routine…”

“Gluk!” Krillin barely held back vomiting at hearing that they weren’t even done for the morning yet. “There’s more?”

“Of course,” Roshi nodded as they returned the milk crates to the Bull Man at the farm. “Now that you’re done with our little wake-up routine, it’s time to get our day going!” Roshi pointed his staff at a man plowing a massive field with a simple farming hoe. “Moring training consists of plowing these fields!”

“Plowing?” Goku tilted his head, not familiar with the term.

“Guh…” Krillin gaped at the size of the field. “What a huge field.”

Roshi walked over to the farmer and spoke with hm for a moment before pointing to Goku and Krillin.

“These two boys?” The farmer looked them over as he wiped off his sweat with a towel around his neck. “Sure! I’d appreciate it!” He nodded to Roshi.

“Come on, don’t dilly-dally!” Roshi spoke up as he walked over to his disciples. “The longer you take, the longer breakfast is delayed.”

“Milk delivery…farm work…” Krillin sighed as he picked up one of the farming hoes. “They never had training like this back at Orin Temple.” Goku picked up a different farm hoe and looked it over, looking at how the farmer had used it, he struck the ground to start plowing.

“What’re you doing?” Roshi questioned the boys. “You can’t use the hoes!”

“Huh?” Goku and Krillin blinked at Master Roshi.

“This is exercise for your arms and hands, not just your legs!” Roshi explained, holding up one of his hands. “You’ll plow these field bare-handed!”

“What?!” Krillin’s shock was almost palpable. “With out bare-hands?!” The two got to work when they saw that Master Roshi was serious, both of them digging into the dirt with their hands and making rows of soil ready for planting.

“We-We’re…done…” Goku panted, covered in dirt and his stomach audibly growling at not having eaten yet today.

“Owww…my hands…my poor hands…” Krillin winced, seeing his hands covered in dirt and the various scratches and cuts on them from tearing through the soil.

“What took you so long?” Roshi questioned the boys. “I’m starving here. You’ll have to go faster tomorrow, when the fields start getting bigger!” Goku and Krillin could only gape at Roshi as he led them towards a restaurant for a late breakfast.

The owner of said restaurant was happy for the large sale he made, but his kitchen crew were having trouble keeping up with the voracious appetites of two hungry disciples. Doubly so when one disciple was a Saiyan that hadn’t eaten since waking up hours ago!

When the trio returned to Kame House, Roshi hung a blackboard from one of the nearby palm trees, and sat a chair beside it and a log in front of it. “From now until lunch is study time! No Martial Artist becomes a Master by strengthening the body alone. You must train the mind too!”

“Ugh…I’m bad at this part…” Goku groaned as he held the book Master Roshi had handed to him.

“Heh heh…in this part I can’t lose!” Krillin grinned smugly, a notebook in his lap and a pencil in hand.

“We will begin with a study of the finest literature. Goku, begin reading from page twelve!” Roshi instructed as he opened his own copy of the book.

“Ok…” Goku flipped to the appropriate page, thankful that both his grandpa and Bulma had helped him learn to read as well as he could. “Don’t Bob, please. Moaned Margaret. Mama will be home soon. But Bob only ran his hand down…”

“…” Krillin was speechless at the material that Master Roshi had chosen for their first study time.

At about twelve-thirty, shortly after lunch, Roshi hung up three hammocks for them. “From now until one-thirty is nap time.”

“Nap time?” Goku questioned Roshi.

“Many on the path of Martial Arts, and even in other paths in life, neglect the aspect of rest.” Roshi explained as they all settled into their hammocks comfortably. “They wear themselves down constantly until they’re doing far more harm than good.” The old master sighed, feeling the gentle breeze blowing by. “Move well, study well, play well, eat well, rest well…that is the Turtle Master Way!”

“Zzz…” Goku was out like a light less than a minute later with Krillin following shortly afterwards.

After their nap time, Roshi moved the boys to a construction site. “Your next training exercise will be in construction! You’ll break a sweat and build up your muscles! Plus, you’ll get to earn a little money besides.” He put hard hats on both of their heads and sent them off to the foreman to receive their tasks. Watching the two boys hauling wheelbarrows piled high with dirt across the construction site made him nod. “Come, come. If you don’t push yourselves, you’ll never be able to enter the Tenka’ichi Budokai!”

“Such hard working lads.” The foreman nodded to Roshi with impressed eyes. The old master only chuckled as he watched the two boys work.


“Now, since you’ve sweat so much, your next exercise will be swimming.” Roshi motioned towards the lake he’d brought the boys to.

“Y-You mean we’re not done yet?!” Krillin didn’t think he could take much more.

“Done? Why, you’ve hardly begun!” Roshi shook his head. Krillin wobbled on his feet at the response.

“Old timer…instead of all this…couldn’t you teach us some techniques?” Goku looked a little put out at not getting any Martial Arts instruction yet.

“Haawwkkhh…ptoo!” Roshi spit off to the side. “You little fledglings! How dare you be so insolent?! You haven’t even laid the barest foundations for strength or stamina…and yet you expect me to teach you techniques?!” That was far too similar to Crane and his style of cramming technique after technique into his students.

“But…Master, aren’t techniques an important part of Martial Arts?” Krillin looked at Roshi imploringly.

“Let’s have a little test then.” Roshi tapped a nearby boulder with his staff. “Can you move this boulder?”

“What?! That’s impossible!” Krillin declared, seeing the size of the rock. It would take a few strong men to have a chance of moving it; that or a large machine made for such things.

“Oh, really?” Roshi set his staff to the side and placed both hands on the boulder. “Gnnn!” With some exertion, the boulder moved in the direction the old man was pushing, tearing up the ground beneath it. Roshi pushed the boulder a full meter before stopping. “Now…do you understand?” He did his best to steady his breathing and not let any strain show. “Give your all to your training regimen every day, and one day you too will be able to do this!”

“Y-yes, sir…” Krillin agreed, thoroughly cowed into listening to Roshi’s lessons.

“Hnnnng!” Goku growled as he pushed against the boulder that Roshi had pushed.

“Don’t you get it yet?!” Roshi resisted the urge to bop the boy on the head with his staff. “Without training you can never…” His words died out as he saw the boulder shift.

“Rrraarr!” Goku heaved with all his strength and the boulder dragged through the dirt for three meters before the Saiyan had to stop.

Roshi’s eyes nearly popped out of his head and through his shades. Krillin’s bugged out in the same manner at seeing Goku move the boulder so quickly.

“Wahoo!” Goku cheered as he turned to face Master Roshi. “I did it, Master!”

“He…moved it further than you did…Master…” Krillin couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“Ha…ha ha…ha ha ha!” Roshi forced a laugh as he rubbed the back of his head. “Well, it looks like you’re stronger than you look, Goku!” His eyes scanned the area, hidden by his sunglasses. “But this tiny rock is only the beginning! Why, anyone with some training could move this little thing!” He walked over to a massive rock sitting on the ground, most likely having broken off from the nearby mountain and rolled all the way down near the beach long, long ago. “Try moving this boulder!”

“Eh! Th-This boulder?!” Goku gaped up at the massive stone. It was bigger than Kame House!

“Gah!” Krillin craned his head upwards to try and see the top. ‘There’s no way!

“Nnnnngggg…” Goku struggled, not giving up without trying first. His shoes dug into the ground, but the boulder didn’t move. “Hah…hah…th-this one, I can’t. It won’t budge.”

“Of course not, you’re completely lacking in training.” Roshi told him firmly.

“Old timer! Can you move it?!” Goku asked with wide eyes.

“Of course.” Roshi held up a hand and gave the peace sign.

“Wow! Show us, please!” Krillin had to see this!

Roshi looked up at the immense boulder and felt a trickle of sweat roll down his brow. ‘Time to put your money where your mouth is, Roshi…’ He took a fortifying breath and channeled his inner ki before placing both hands on the boulder. He felt his muscles expand a bit, his body bulking up slightly from the use of his energy. It wasn’t anywhere near what he’d done back at Fry Pan Mountain, but he didn’t need to go that far…he hoped. “GNNNNGGG!!!” Roshi pushed against the titanic stone and after a second, felt it start to give. The ground was parted as the boulder moved backwards as Roshi took a step forward. He pushed it five meters, even as his body protested the sudden strain, just to prove his point and further encourage his new disciples.

“WOW!!!” Krillin exclaimed, his eyes wide and his jaw nearly on the floor.

“You did it, Master!” Goku was bouncing on his feet in sheer excitement.

“Huff…huff…” Roshi took a second to get his breath back before turning to face the two boys. “D-Do you see…now?” He questioned them both. “Only through diligent training can you forge the proper foundation of strength! Once you can move this boulder, THEN you’ll be ready for techniques!”

“Yes, sir!” Goku and Krillin exclaimed with eyes full of awe.

“Good, now back to training!” Roshi declared, glad that he didn’t have to put on anymore shows. “Listen closely! Swim to the far shore and back, ten laps!” Roshi pointed with his staff to the other side of the lake.

“Ten laps?” Krillin estimated the distance. “Finally, something easy.” He and Goku both stripped down and jumped into the water.

“Nothing to it. A veritable siesta.” Roshi agreed as the boys swam further and further away. “Just watch out for the bull shark.”

“GAAAAHHH!!!” Krillin and Goku cried out as the dorsal fin of a large shark swiftly started following them. The massive predator lunged at them, its jaws filled with rows and rows of teeth, and quickly motivated the boys to swim faster.

After ten laps, Goku and Krillin dragged themselves back onto the shore. Roshi was sitting on a rock, having watched the boys’ laps. “Good, good. Now the next exercise.” He waited for them to get dressed before bringing them over to a large tree and then tying them to it with a thick, sturdy rope. “This one is to hone your reflexes.”

“What’re you tying us up with rope for?” Goku questioned the oddity. Even Krillin looked completely confused.

“You’re to dodge the enemy’s attacks within the range of this rope!” Roshi instructed the two with a firm nod.

“What enemy?” Krillin looked around, not seeing anyone or anything that could be construed as a threat.

“Let it begin!” Roshi declared and tip-toed towards the tree.

“Old timer, who’s the ‘enemy’?” Goku asked when Krillin didn’t get an answer.

The ‘enemy’ was revealed when Roshi whacked a bee hive hanging from the tree with his staff. The old master blurred away, much as he’d done during their one-hundred meter dash.


“GYAH!” Krillin ran as fast as he could, only to be nearly folded in half as the rope was pulled taut.

“BEES!!!” Goku cried out, running around and trying to escape the angrily swarming insects.

“Step lively!” Roshi called out form a safe distance. “If you don’t dodge them quickly, you’ll only be stung more!”


A swollen Krillin and Goku stood before Master Roshi, neither of them able to escape the bees while tied to the tree. Goku was a bit less swollen though. His Saiyan physiology meant that the bee stings barely penetrated his skin at all. The amount of poison was lessened, and in turn, his swelling wasn’t nearly as bad as Krillin’s.

“Good! That should do it for one day’s training.” Roshi nodded to the boys.

“Phew…” Goku let out a little exhale of relief. He didn’t want to be stung more at the very least.

“M-Master…the type of training that we underwent today…do we have to do it e-every day?” Krillin asked with trepidation.

“Of course not. Today was just a warm up.” Roshi told them both. “Starting tomorrow, and for the next eight months, you’ll be doing the same exercises you did today…but wearing this twenty kilo shell besides!” The old man held up a smaller version of the turtle shell that he normally wore himself.

“Guh…” Krillin collapsed forward in a full-on faceplant.

“And…whenever I think you’ve gotten used to the weight, you’ll be given an even heavier shell!” Roshi continued as Goku tried on the twenty kilo shell and staggered a little before adjusting his balance. “Now do you see why they call me the Turtle Master?”


After baths and dinner (another delectable meal cooked by the blue-haired Launch) the group settled down to sleep. Krillin was out as soon as his head touched the pillow. Making Roshi laugh a bit as he turned out the lights and settled into the other futon next to the former monk.

At some point Launch had sneezed, and the blonde Launch nearly dragged Goku into the single bedroom. The young woman was quick to cuddle up next to the Saiyan and even smiled slightly when Goku had dozed off before her. He looked downright harmless when he was asleep. A far cry from the ferociousness she’d experienced when they’d first ‘met’ and he’d clearly been capable of laying her out without issue.

Maybe my tastes are a bit skewed…but I like that wild side of him.’ Launch grinned and closed her eyes, sleep taking her a few moments later.

-Sixth Day of Training ~ Late Afternoon-


The same single-person jetcopter that had taken Bulma away from Kame House landed in front of the pink home. Bulma hopped out of the vehicle and capsulized it quickly. She was wearing a red t-shirt and denim shorts that stopped just above mid-thigh, with white and pink sneakers on her feet. After placing the capsule into her case she looked around for signs of anyone. The female Saiyan stretched her arms above her head, unintentionally thrusting her chest out, and then closed her eyes to listen. Saiyan hearing was incredible when it was focused on, especially to the exclusion of sight or smell. She heard someone in the house, so she opened her eyes and went to the front door to knock.

“Yes?” Launch (currently blue-haired) answered with a pleasant smile.

“Uh…is Goku here?” Bulma didn’t know who this woman was, but was fairly certain this was the ‘hotty’ that Krillin had brought back with Goku to become a disciple of the old pervert.

“Oh, not right now, sorry.” Launch shook her head. “The boys should be back soon though. They usually get back around this time. Who’re you, if I may ask?”

“Bulma, Goku’s friend, and a disciple…I guess.” Bulma wasn’t sure how much she wanted that title given how much of a lech Kame Sen’nin was.

“BULMA!!!” Goku’s voice rang out and the Saiyan male bolted towards her, his previous fatigue forgotten at seeing his fellow Saiyan again after days. Behind him, both Roshi and Krillin picked up the pace as well.

“Goku!” Bulma laughed, opening her arms for a hug and was nearly swept off her feet as Goku not only hugged her, but picked her up and spun her around too.

“I missed you, Bulma!” Goku smiled at her brightly.

“I missed you too.” Bulma smiled back, neither of them realizing that their tails had entwined already. “What’s with the shell?” She questioned the shell on his back.

“It’s a part of the old timer’s training.” Goku answered as he set her back on her feet.

“How did you know where to find us?” Roshi was confused, given that he’d actually forgotten to tell her where they were going to be training at.

“Check under your table.” Bulma smirked at the old man. She’d left a tracking device that she’d borrowed from her dad’s collection of things stuck to the underside of the table inside of Kame House. As long as it wasn’t capsulized, she’d be able to track the house no matter where it was. ‘No way was I letting you potentially disappear with Goku!’ The blue-haired Saiyan thought as she looked away from Roshi.

“Dinner is just about ready.” Launch smiled at everyone. “Get washed up in the meantime!” With that, she headed back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

“I could eat.” Bulma nodded before her nose wrinkled. “Ugh…you two reek.” She looked between Goku and Krillin.

“We just finished daily training.” Krillin replied tersely. “You’ll smell the same if you can even make it through the day tomorrow.”

“Even if I was doused in sweat, I’d still smell better than you do, baldy!” Bulma shot back with a glare.

“Now, now, no fighting, we’ll all take turns in the bath and be fresh and clean soon enough.” Roshi defused the building argument.

“I brought some extra space.” Bulma pulled out her capsule case and picked up the largest capsule. “Hoi!” She threw the capsule almost twenty meters from the porch of Kame House.


A cloud of smoke erupted for a moment, and when it cleared a Capsule House was sitting on the formerly bare ground. Not the same one that she and Goku had traveled with, but a slightly bigger model she’d brought with her for the training. Given the size of Kame House, she’d correctly guessed that it had only one bedroom, and no way was she sleeping all cramped up!

“Oh, well, that will solve the sleeping space issue.” Roshi looked at the Capsule House and then back at Bulma. Behind his shades, his eyes were filled with the loss of any opportunity for potential ‘peeks’ that might happen when people lived together.

“Come on, Goku, you need a bath.” Bulma walked towards the door of the Capsule House.

“Sure thing, Bulma.” Goku followed after her without a care, reminded of their travels during the search for the Dragon Balls.

“I guess we’d better get washed up then.” Roshi nodded as he entered Kame House. “You first Krillin, don’t need you stinking up the place.” The old master laughed.

“Master…” Krillin grumbled at the joke while heading towards the bathroom to bathe.

-Capsule House-

“Can I wash my clothes, Bulma?” Goku asked, seeing a similar washer/dry in the new Capsule House to the one that had been in the old one.

“Of course, they definitely need it.” Bulma agreed without hesitation.

Goku set the twenty kilo shell gently on the floor, and then quickly pulled off his blue gi top. He threw it into the washer and then removed his pants and tossed them in as well. He was just about to pull off his boxers when he recalled that he should use a towel to cover up first. He’d gotten better about that after living with Roshi, Krillin, and Launch for almost a week now.

“Bulma, do you have a towel?” Goku turned around to ask, but Bulma wasn’t in the living area anymore.

“It’s fine Goku, hurry up, I’ll wash your back.” Bulma’s head popped out from the bathroom.

“Thanks, Bulma!” Goku smiled at the offer, pulling off his boxers and tossing them into the washer before closing the door. The machine turned on and began its cycle, but Goku was already entering the bathroom.

“No problem, not like we haven’t seen each other naked before.” Bulma chuckled as Goku got in the tub. She’d only taken a short glance below his waist this time! The genius former human chalked up her nonchalance with nudity between her and Goku as a Saiyan thing, given that she wouldn’t let someone like Roshi or Krillin see her naked. But she was still dressed herself right now, since she planned to bathe later tonight.

“Ah…that’s nice.” Goku sighed as the warm water from the handheld showerhead in Bulma’s hand covered him, washing away the day’s sweat.

“Can’t say I’m not looking forward to this training…even if I will smell afterwards.” Bulma lathered up the sponge with body wash and started scrubbing Goku’s back.

“It’s hard at first…but you’ll start getting used to it.” Goku told her, enjoying having his back scrubbed. “The old timer even says we’ll get to enter the Tenka’ichi Budokai in eight months if we train hard enough!”

“Tenka’ichi Budokai?” Bulma wracked her brain to recall where she’d heard that name before. “The world tournament on Papaya Island?” She asked after it clicked in her mind.

“I think so?” Goku tried to remember what Krillin had told him about the Budokai. “It’s gonna be filled with lots of strong guys! I can’t wait!” He smiled widely at the idea of going to the tournament.

“I guess I’d better do my best to catch up then.” Bulma laughed as she finished his back and moved the sponge and her hands around to his shoulders and his chest.

Once everyone had gathered for dinner, Launch nearly gaped at seeing what two Saiyan appetites could do to the large meals she prepared. She was glad that Bulma and Goku enjoyed her food so much, but the pantry and refrigerator were going to be empty in a day or two at this rate.

Krillin could only watch his two fellow disciples eat more and more, while also stuffing his face and filling his empty stomach that cried out for sustenance after another hard day of training. He’d gotten sort of used to Goku’s bottomless stomach, but to see ‘the girl’ eating just as much was a shock. He was used to the demurer girls that lived in the village near Orin Temple.

“My, my…you two are going to eat me out of house and home.” Roshi stared at the amount of food that was rapidly disappearing from the table.

“I’ll hunt for us if you want, Master.” Goku offered after swallowing his current mouthful of food. That jungle below the cliff had lots of big animals in it.”

“If we need more food, I can just buy it.” Bulma shrugged off the expense. She and Goku put together couldn’t hope to make even a small dent in her family’s finances. Hell, just two years ago her father had written a ten-billion zeni check to a charity for impoverished region development. They’d made back that money in less than a day.

“Oh, well, that’s very kind of you.” Roshi let the matter drop seeing as it was obviously not really an issue.

“I think the pork might be a little better with just a dash of pepper.” Launch smiled as she picked up the pepper shaker. A small amount of the stuff tickled her nose and both Roshi and Krillin dove behind the nearest cover. “Achoo!”

“What the…?” Bulma blinked at seeing Launch’s hair change from blue to blonde, and her eyes change from brown to green.

“Huh?” Launch looked around for a second. “Oh, dinner.” She noticed and continued eating. “Who’re you?” The blonde questioned, seeing someone new at the table.

“Um, Bulma, we met earlier…” Bulma was very out of her depth right now.

“The other me and I don’t share memories.” Launch shook her head.

“Well, my name’s Bulma, and I’m Goku’s friend and I’ll be a disciple starting tomorrow.” Bulma introduced herself to the other woman, again.

“Goku’s friend, huh?” Launch looked between the two of them sitting side-by-side at the table. “You mind if I keep him as my hug pillow at night?”

“Your what...?” Bulma questioned, a barely perceptible twitch in her eye.

“I’ve been bunking with him the last couple nights.” Launch pointed out without a care. “Not like I’d let old lech or bald-and-short over there share the only bed with me.” She pointed her thumb at Roshi and Krillin, hiding behind the kitchen island.

“Goku…you remember what I said about boys and girls sleeping in the same bed?” Bulma looked at him unamused.

“Can’t be helped, there weren’t enough futons to go around, Bulma.” Goku explained the situation simply.

“Then it’s a good thing I brought the Capsule House.” Bulma nodded to herself. “You can have the single bedroom all to yourself, Launch.” She smiled at the other woman. “Goku will be staying in the Capsule House with me from now on.”

“I don’t mind.” Launch waved off the offer. “He’s warm and good to hold at night.”

“I insist.” Bulma shook her head. “Goku and I are used to living together in a Capsule House.”

“Kinda don’t want to give up my hug pillow.” Launch smirked at Bulma before taking another bite of food.

“Goku isn’t your hug pillow.” Bulma leaned forward a bit.

“Is he yours?” Launch leaned forward as well.

“He’s not anyone’s.” Bulma put her hands on the table, leaning forward further.

“What if I want him to be mine?” Launch had no issues speaking her mind.

“Hell no.” Bulma denied immediately.

“Stingy.” Launch smirked at Bulma.

“Shut up.” Bulma narrowed her eyes at the other woman.

“Don’t hog him if he isn’t yours, missy.” Launch broke eye contact to look at Goku. “I really like that strong, ferocious side of him.”

Lightning was practically sparking between the two women now.

“Is there anymore rice?” Goku spoke up, looking at the empty table. The tension shattered like a rock through a windowpane and both Launch and Bulma blinked a couple of times.

“Y-yes…it’s in the cooker.” Roshi spoke up from where he and Krillin were still hiding. But now they were hiding from what they believed to be an impending cat fight.

“Great!” Goku smiled at having more to eat. “I don’t mind where I sleep.” He told both women. “Whatever works for you two.” He happily got himself more rice and put a little soy sauce on it.

“Looks like we’ll have to learn to share then…ah-ah-achoo!” Launch sneezed and the blue-haired version was back. “Is everyone alright? I hope I didn’t do anything bad.” She looked around but didn’t see any bullet holes anywhere, nor any blood spilled.

“No, no, everything was fine.” Roshi assured her with a slightly forced laugh.

“The other you didn’t pull a gun this time.” Krillin did his best to smile at the nice woman.

“Ah, that’s a relief.” Launch smiled at everyone.

Unseen by anyone was Bulma’s tail wrapping around Goku’s, this time consciously as she reaffirmed that she’d keep him with her tonight.

-Capsule House-

“Is this really okay, Bulma?” Goku asked as he sat on the king-sized bed, whatever that meant. He wasn’t versed in mattress sizes, having never needed to learn them.

“It’s fine, Goku.” Bulma finished blow drying her hair and started running a comb through her long blue locks. “We slept together naked after transforming into Oozaru. Sharing a bed isn’t really a big deal at this point.” Once more, Bulma believed that her new Saiyan instincts were what kept any form of awkwardness from coming up as she thought about sleeping beside Goku tonight.

“I guess you’re right.” Goku laughed after thinking about it for a second.

“Alright, light’s out.” Bulma turned off the lights. “If we have to be up at four-thirty in the morning, we need to get to sleep.” In the dark she slipped into the bed with Goku, both of them nearly naked, given that Goku was only in his boxers and she was only in her panties.

“Mm, you’re warm, Bulma.” Goku smiled as they cuddled close.

“So are you.” Bulma grinned, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him.

Their tails sought each other out, gently wrapping around each other as her breasts pressed up against his defined pectorals. Bulma withheld the pleased little gasp the sensation caused. Instead she focused on Goku’s scent and the feeling of his heartbeat, letting both lull her to sleep along with his warmth.

-Next Morning-

“Milk delivery, huh?” Bulma rubbed her eyes, still trying to wake up. Goku had told her that he’d teach her forms and proper strikes after daily training if she felt up for it. Bulma had quickly agreed, both her instincts to get stronger and her desire to spend more time with Goku making the decision for her.

Having Goku explain what they did every day for training nearly made Bulma’s eyes bug out. But she resolved herself to persevere, another aspect of her new mind that she rather liked. Since she knew what was coming, she’d dressed appropriately. She’d bought some martial arts clothing before leaving West City, basing it off of Goku’s for the most part. Gi pants and a gi top, both in a simple blue color similar to Goku’s. On her feet were hydrophobic, breathable shoes, and instead of underwear she was wearing a swimsuit beneath it for the swimming portion of the training. It wasn’t a sexy bikini to give Goku a show either, despite a part of her wanting to tease him a bit. But a full top that covered everything and swim shorts that molded to her form without being skintight and constricting.

“Everyone have your crates?” Roshi asked rhetorically before taking off down the road. “Today we’ll start with skipping, like the first day, since Bulma has joined us.”

“Yes, sir!” Goku and Krillin acknowledged and started skipping behind Master Roshi. Bulma quickly copied them and was skipping down the road at the back of the line.


“Kill…me…” Bulma wheezed out as she finally got to the top of the long winding stairs up the mountain plateau. Her legs were burning and she realized just how piss poor her conditioning was as she struggled to draw in enough air. Becoming a Saiyan had kicked up all of her physical parameters, but it couldn’t fix a lifetime of never training.

-Plowing Fields-

“My hands…my nails… ow…” Bulma held back tears at the pain in her fingers and the injuries she’d gotten. Blood was on her hands from various cuts and scratches, and she could only imagine how much worse it would’ve been if she had done this when she was human without any of the training and conditioning that Krillin had obviously gone through before coming to Master Roshi’s.

“You okay, Bulma?” Goku asked as he helped her over to the well where he and Krillin always washed their hands after field work.

“I’ll live…” Bulma was valiantly not letting any tears fall.

“Do you want me to help you wash the dirt off?” Goku offered with a smile.

“Be gentle.” Bulma agreed and held her hands out to him.

“Sure thing.” Goku was surprisingly gentle, Bulma noticed, as he worked to clean her hands of the dirt and blood.


Bulma had never eaten so much in her life!

Even after becoming a Saiyan she had never stuffed herself like this before. But she was so damn hungry! Waking up at four-thirty in the morning and then doing so much physical activity before breakfast had practically turned her stomach into a blackhole! The restaurant had to use the money they’d made from feeding the three disciples to rush out and buy ingredients for the upcoming lunch rush! That was just how much the two hungry Saiyans had eaten in one sitting.

-Study Time-

“PERVERT!!!” Bulma threw the erotica novel into Roshi’s face as hard as she could. “How much of this filth have you made Goku read?!” She looked like she was about to go on the warpath, and her first target was the old man with the squashed face from the book that had just slammed into it.

“N-Now, just c-calm down, Bulma!” Roshi held up his hands in front of himself.

I’LL take over the lessons from now on!” Bulma declared without any room for argument. “Because apparently YOU can’t be trusted with it!”

Master Roshi just nodded his head in agreement and hid behind the hung up blackboard.

-Construction Work-

“Oh wow…”

“You don’t see girls like her working like this.”

“You think she’d got a boyfriend?”

“Like you’d have a chance.”

“Maybe she likes older men?”

Either they don’t know that I can hear them, or they don’t care.’ Bulma rolled her eyes at what the various construction workers were saying. She could practically feel them eyeing her up, but she ignored it as best as she could. They weren’t wrong…at least not about there being no women around. Bulma was indeed the only female in the entire construction site.

“You’re doing great, Bulma!” Goku praised her as he brought back the empty wheelbarrow and took the one that she’d piled high with dirt while he’d been gone.

“Thank you.” Bulma smiled at him before he rushed off and she started filling the next wheelbarrow with dirt.

-Swimming Laps-

“Hmm…practical, but boring.” Roshi muttered to himself upon seeing Bulma’s swimsuit that had been under her Gi.

“I can hear you, you old pervert!” Bulma snapped at the man.

“W-Why, whatever could you mean?” Roshi rubbed the back of his head.

“I bet you were hoping that I’d strip down like Goku and Krillin, weren’t you?” Bulma glared at the old master.

“P-Perish the thought!” Roshi denied, but his red face and the slight drool at the corner of his mouth told a different story.

“Whatever…” Bulma rolled her eyes and waded into the lake. The cool water felt amazing on her heated skin and sore muscles. She started swimming quickly though, trying to keep pace with Goku and Krillin, knowing about the bull shark already thanks to Goku telling her about it. At the very least, becoming a Saiyan had made her a much faster swimmer than she had been before!


“You…jackass…” Bulma would’ve punched Roshi in the back of the head if she could lift her arms properly. She had little swollen bumps all over her from that dumb ‘Dodging Training’ as the old hermit called it.

“You did well for your first day, young Bulma.” Roshi praised the girl for toughing it out. “As you’ve passed your first day, you’ll now go through all of those exercises with your own twenty kilo turtle shell from now on!” He smiled at the girl.

“Yay…” Bulma tried to put as much sarcasm into her tired response as possible.

“Don’t worry about outgrowing it either.” Roshi ignored her sarcasm. “When I feel like you’ve gotten used to the twenty kilo shell, you’ll move up to the forty kilo shell!”

“One day, old man, one day…” Bulma muttered under her breath, vowing vengeance for this torture.

-After Dinner-

“Mmm…” Bulma sighed in pleasure. “I didn’t know you could give a massage, Launch.”

“I’m good with my hands.” Launch (currently blue-haired) smiled at Bulma, continuing the massage. “Are you really going to learn from Goku even after such a hard day?”

“Yeah…” Bulma groaned as a particular spot was worked on. “I know nothing about Martial Arts except for what I’ve observed from Goku for the most part. So, I’m basically starting from nothing.”

“I see…” Launch nodded, not knowing much about Martial Arts either. “Ah-Achoo!” She sneezed and blonde Launch froze with her hands still on Bulma’s skin, the blue-haired girl having stripped down to just her panties for the massage. “Huh?” The rough woman moved her hands over Bulma’s skin, looking the other girl directly in the eyes as she did so. “You’re muscles are tight as hell, girl.” The massage resumed.

“Why do you know how to give a massage?” Bulma questioned, not moving to stop her.

“Not sure, I don’t remember learning, but I know what to do.” Launch worked over a knotted area until the muscle group relaxed. “You willing to share the Goku hug pillow yet?”

“No…” Bulma hummed as Launch continued to loosen her muscles. “Mine…”

“I get that…I’m selfish too.” Launch laughed, working Bulma over more to make her compliant. “But I’m sure we could come to an arrangement, right?”

“…Maybe.” Bulma looked over her shoulder at Launch with a sigh of contentment as the last sore spot on her body started to relax. “Goku won’t find you as attractive as a normal man would though.” She knew that from experience.

“I’ve got the equivalent of a second person as baggage, normal was never going to be a thing for me.” Launch shrugged that worry off. “We’ll figure something out. I’m selfish, but even I know I can’t steal a person like I can steal a car.”

“What’s up with the switching anyway?” Bulma had wanted to ask since she’d seen it.

“No fucking idea.” Launch shook her head. “I’ve been like this since birth, I think. Or at least as long as I can remember.”

“Hmm, must be tough, you two seem to want different things in life.” Bulma mentioned as Launch trailed her hands down Bulma’s soft back.

“That’s the short version, for sure.” Launch agreed as she stopped her hands right on Bulma’s booty. “I see something I want right here.” She playfully squeezed Bulma’s cheeks.

“Stop that.” Bulma lightly swatted Launch’s hands away. “I’m not into girls.”

“Hey, can’t blame a girl for trying.” Launch teased as she finished up the massage. “Maybe we’ll come to an agreement on trying that out too at some point.”

“You wish.” Bulma sat up and stretched her loosened muscles, not bothering to hide her tits. “I’ve got forms and practical stuff to learn.” She started getting dressed as Launch left the Capsule House with a backwards wave.

“Hit me up if you want another massage.” Launch called back before closing the door behind her.

-Bulma and Goku-

“Like this?” Bulma performed a roundhouse kick without losing her balance this time.

“Yep!” Goku smiled brightly at her. “You got it in only three tries!”

Learning had never been a problem for Bulma, hell, it had always been easy for the genius. Adding in the Saiyan’s insane kinesthetic learning prowess and Bulma was quickly memorizing forms, strikes, blocks, and kicks at an astounding rate.

“If you keep learning at this rate, you’ll only have to work on polishing your form and building up your stamina before we can move on to sparring!” Goku praised her with a challenging look.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Bulma felt the smirk form on her lips as she locked eyes with Goku. “You just want to get your hands on me, huh?” To be fair, she did just come from a massage where a hot blonde had basically admitted that she wanted a piece of both her and Goku. She could be forgiven for her mind going a little into the gutter.

“Sparring is fun, Bulma!” Goku grinned, bouncing on his feet a little. He totally missed the subtext and innuendo of Bulma’s statement. Something that she actually liked about him.

It’s not all about sex with Goku.’ Bulma had been hit on plenty of times in school by horny teenage boys after all. She knew what they thought about and what they wanted from a relationship.

-One Month of Training-

“Hah, hah…” Goku breathed in and out as the three of them carried the milk across the shifting sand beneath their feet.

“Hey, when do you think…Master will…teach us something?” Krillin questioned, waling quickly so that he wouldn’t sink.

“Not…until we can…move that…stupid boulder.” Bulma had grown by leaps and bounds over the past weeks, now able to consistently keep up, even if she was still at the back of the pack. She’d seen the boulder Roshi had moved and it still boggled the mind that a single person could move that barehanded. But Goku had told her and he wasn’t one to lie for no reason.

“He said we wouldn’t be ready…for techniques…until we could move it.” Goku reminded as the three of them ran away from a T-Rex on the flatlands.

-Two Months of Training-

“I’m starving.” Krillin grumbled as the three plowed their row through the field.

“Me too.” Goku’s stomach rumbled in agreement.

“He keeps increasing the number of fields we have to do!” Bulma grumbled as she tore up the soil, leaving behind dirt that was ready to be planted. She was glad that she always tied up her hair before doing this or it would be filthy.

“Hmmm…better that I expected…much better.” Roshi mused as he watched over his students from the edge of the fields. Even Bulma had surprised him, given that he could tell with a single look that she’d never done a day of training in her life when they’d first met. Krillin, not to be outdone, had also pushed himself harder, trying to overtake Goku’s physical prowess while clearly aware of Bulma’s growing strength as well. “I think it’s time to increase their shells!” He chuckled to himself. He could already hear the groans of complaint!

-Five Months of Training-

“Shit…I wish I could guarantee myself the time to go through this training.” Launch (blonde) whistled, impressed as Bulma bench pressed her easily. “I was joking about this, but you made me eat my words.”

“Don’t make the challenge if you don’t want it tested.” Bulma smirked letting Launch get up onto her feet before standing up from the floor as well.

“I’m done.” Goku stretched, coming out of the bathroom of the Capsule House bathed and in his boxers.

“Fuck…that body should be illegal.” Launch hummed in appreciation of Goku’s physique. How the hell was he not an adult yet?!

“It is illegal…for you.” Bulma teased, wrapping her arms around Goku’s right arm. “But not for me~”

“Yeah,” Launch grinned, sliding out of her shorts, leaving her in just a tank top and panties. “Well I break the law all the time!”

“Are we going to bed soon?” Goku asked the two girls. “I think Master Roshi is going to increase our shells again tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s hit the hay.” Bulma slipped into bed after Goku, while Launch climbed in from the other side.

Master Roshi would applaud (and envy) Goku if he could see his disciple sleeping between two women tonight. Launch kept things ‘appropriate’ between her and Goku, but Bulma had no problems sleeping in just her panties while snuggled up with Goku every night.

-Seven Months of Training-

“Hey! Master!” Goku entered Kame House to see Launch (blue) and Roshi enjoying some shaved ice.

“Eh? What’s up?” Roshi questioned, not used to seeing Goku coming back alone from the daily training.

“You gotta come see, quick!” Goku’s excitement was through the roof. He nearly dragged Roshi out of the house and rushed across the flatland to reach the massive boulder where Bulma and Krillin stood.

“What’s the rush?” Roshi questioned curiously, looking between his three disciples.

“Look, look!” Goku pointed at the massive stone.

“The boulder? What about it?” Roshi questioned, not seeing anything different about the rock.

“Master…we can move it now!” Krillin smiled brightly as he looked at Roshi.

“Look at this!” Goku put his hands on the house-sized rock and then began to push.

“Eh?! Y-You don’t m-mean…” Roshi realized what the excitement was about, but could hardly believe it.

“NNNRRRR!!!” Goku’s feet tore up the soil, but the boulder rumbled as it moved through the dirt with each step the boy took. After pushing it roughly a meter and a half, Goku stopped and panted.

“…” Roshi could only gape in shock at seeing Goku move the colossal rock.

“See?!” Krillin beamed at their Master. “I can’t move it quite as far yet, but watch me!” He moved over to the rock, switching out with Goku, and placed his hands on the stone. “HNGH!!!” Krillin heaved, his feet sinking into the ground a bit, but the boulder moved, pushing apart the ground behind it as Krillin shoved it a meter forward.

“O-Oh my…” Roshi felt a bead of sweat run down the side of his face as Bulma switched places with Krillin.

“MMNNGGHH!!!” Bulma took three steps forward, the boulder rumbling along the ground as she forced it forward about the same distance as Krillin had done.

“There! Now will you teach us techniques?!” Goku asked, while both Krillin and Bulma looked at the old man expectantly.

“Okay…not bad…not bad……” Roshi admitted as he wiped his brow with a handkerchief. ‘I thought I was joking about them being able to move it in just eight months!’ Seeing the expectant looks of all three of his disciples, Roshi decided to just bite the bullet. “I’ve got to be honest, you three…there’s not much left that I can teach you.”

“What?! No way!” Krillin and Goku exclaimed, while Bulma raised an eyebrow at the old man.

“All the basics of the Kame School of Martial Arts are incorporated into the training that you’ve been doing every day for these past seven months.” Roshi explained his methods to them patiently. “It seems you haven’t noticed it yourselves, but your eyes, your fists, your legs…your entire bodies and even your minds have been forged like steel swords! Martial Art is no more than the application of those abilities.” Bulma blinked as her intellect put it together and even she had to give the old man some credit. “On the path of Bud­ō one does not strive for victory over an opponent; one strives to avoid defeat by one’s own self. To do that you must train yourselves on the foundation of what you have learned until now.” Seeing that all three were giving him their complete attention, Roshi continued. “In the Tenka’ichi Budokai, do not be seduced by the improbable dream of winning. Take it as an opportunity to test your ability and further focus your training.” All three disciples nodded and Roshi smiled at them beneath his beard and mustache. “During this final month, I will teach you nothing new. You must continue just what you’ve been doing already.”

“Awp!” Goku and Krillin weren’t able to stop the exclamation of disappointment at not being taught even one technique.

“But…seeing as you’re all clearly comfortable with your current shells; you’ll be getting an even heavier one now!” Roshi took the one off of his own back to demonstrate the weight by letting it hit the ground with a thud. All three disciples face faulted at the proclamation.

“Give us a break, old man!” Bulma cried out with a grimace. “If they increase another ten kilos, then the shells are going to weigh more than we do!”

-Construction Work-

“Hey Goku, do you really think we can qualify for the tournament just doing this stuff?” Krillin vaguely gestured to the construction site around them as they both carried heavy loads of dirt and rock.

“Only eight people even get in, right?” Goku sighed at not learning any new Martial Arts techniques.

“We just have to do our best.” Bulma told them as she passed them going the opposite direction. “And we still have to get used to these new shells.” She grumbled at the new weight on her shoulders. Just because she understood the lesson, didn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed that the old master hadn’t deigned to teach them any techniques.

Another month would pass as the three disciples continued their daily routines.

-End Chapter-


Training in the Kame School Way is difficult and harsh, but it will make you strong!

Bulma’s Saiyan physiology means that she improves faster than humans, but she was still at a deficit in overall training to Krillin, so the two are close in terms of overall strength now.

Goku was even pushed to his limits over and over again and the shells just kept getting heavier and heavier!

But now, the eight months have passed! What will be the fruits of the disciples’ training?

Keep reading to find out!

Next, it’s time for the 21st Tenka’ichi Budokai!

Power Levels

Goku – 118

Bulma – 101

Krillin – 100

Roshi – 139

Launch – 5

Until I get your reviews, later!


Sebastian Pineda

I am wondering on who goku ends up with I know Bulma and maybe launch but who else does he end up with?


So if bulma took over goku and krillins education does that mean goku is going to be smarter and not dumb as he is in the anime/manga?


Goku will be a bit smarter, more common-sense stuff mostly as I've already shown, but he'll know a bit more here and there as well; especially on subjects that interest him, like fighting.