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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! Glad that this story has fans! Now that we’ve moved past the opening in two big chapters, we can start getting to the changes! Time for Nazarick to start gathering intel! What else exists in this new world? Perhaps the first Territory that Momonga searches will provide such information.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 3 – Gathering Information

Momonga’s room was as comfortable and luxurious as ever. The vast room was usually draped in silence, as Momonga spent most of the day outside of it, but today it was quiet for a different reason. Even the maid who would normally attend him here was nowhere to be seen, the chair by the door empty. The only people in the room were Momonga, Albedo, and his sword-wielding Death Knight in the corner.

Albedo spoke in a soft, syrupy sweet voice, as though trying to preserve the silence of the room. “I have a report to deliver. The commander of the Slane Theocracy’s Sunlight Scripture who we captured has been incarcerated in the Frozen Prison. We will extract information from him with the help of the Special Intelligence-Gathering Officer.”

“If it’s Neuronist, there shouldn’t be any problems. However, I want to try a few Necromancy experiments with the bodies, make sure that she knows that.” Momonga was currently in the process of testing out one said experiment as he briefly glanced over at the Death Knight that he’d summoned.

“Understood. In addition, we are currently looking through the weapons and armor recovered from the men dressed as knights. They do not bear any major enchantments and will be sent to the Treasury after the investigations are concluded.” Albedo informed him with a small smile.

“Well, that will keep them out of the way at least.” Momonga nodded as he thought about it. “Worse case scenario, we break them down into base material and use them to craft something better.” The Chief Blacksmith, his old friend Amanomahitotsu’s custom NPC, would probably enjoy having some new work to do if they went that route.

“Finally, I plan to have two Shadow Demons keep an eye on the village you saved. And, what should we do about Gazef Stronoff?” Albedo questioned, wanting to know her Lord’s thoughts on the matter.

“Leave the Chief Warrior be for now. It is more important that we build a good relationship with that village. We might need their help in future, so avoid antagonizing them.” Momonga ordered after a moment to think about it. Carne Village had been a good first impression and gave them a foothold in this new world. It was best to keep a friendly relationship and use it to start spreading out a little.

“Understood. I will take care of it. Thus ends the report.” Albedo bowed slightly as she finished.

Ainz turned to look at Albedo. “Well done.” The look on her face was slightly different from her usual gentle smile. The succubus seemed particularly happy today.

The reason was obviously the sparkling Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown upon her left ring finger, which she caressed lovingly. She had refused to remove it except when leaving Nazarick, as Momonga forbid the rings from leaving the Great Tomb, but the instant they’d returned from Carne Village, she’d had it back on her finger with a smile.

If that was how Albedo truly felt, then as a man, Momonga would be overjoyed. She was a beautiful woman, and for Suzuki Satoru that had never had any type of romantic affection directed towards him, it was shocking that she had feelings for him. Even if those feelings existed because that was how Tabula had made her…whether as part of a group joke by some of the other members towards him or just because he thought it was a genuinely good addition to his NPC’s backstory. Still, Momonga was a bit out of his depth when it came to relationships, so he’d have to navigate around the female NPC’s that had feelings for him carefully until he figured things out.

The sound of crashing metal rang out, interrupting his introspective thoughts.

Momonga turned to look at the source of the sound, and saw a longsword on the floor. The Death Knight who should have been holding that sword was nowhere to be seen. Given that he had summoned the missing Death Knight not long ago gave him new information that he’d been hoping for confirmation on.

“When I summon them normally, they disappear after a while, just like in YGGDRASIL. Since the sword from this world is on the ground, it would seem that equipment alone is not enough to bind them to this world indefinitely, so it was left behind.” Momonga murmured to himself as he put together the new information in his head. “If that is the case, does the Death Knight that I summoned in Carne Village remain here because I used a corpse from this world to summon it? If that’s the case…then it would appear that I can strengthen Nazarick if I had more corpses.” He nodded to himself; his hypothesis made sense at least. Summons that were indefinite instead of on a timer would prove invaluable in the strength and protection of Nazarick.

“Then, shall we collect a large amount of corpses for you?” Albedo inquired, the yellow eyes of the succubus were curious, but ready to procure a mountain of freshly slaughtered bodies if Momonga requested it.

“Try to avoid digging up that village’s graveyard.” Momonga placed a restriction immediately on where the corpses could be collected from. “I’m sure there are places we can find bodies that have been left to rot in this world.”

“Understood. We will look into a way to procure corpses without drawing attention to ourselves for now.” Albedo confirmed his orders with a nod. “Now that your experiment with the Death Knight has concluded, I believe that everyone should have assembled by now. Please proceed to the throne room with Sebas. I will go ahead first.”

“I see. All right, Albedo. I’ll see you later.” Momonga nodded to her with a small smile. The way she smiled back was beautiful, and the little tremble of her body told him that she was thrilled by just a simple smile from him.

-Great Tomb of Nazarick ~ Throne Room-

Sebas trailed behind Momonga as the Primordial Deity entered the room, fashionably late. One step behind and to the right, just as a proper butler should follow his master.

There were many people kneeling here, to show their loyalty.

None of them moved a muscle, and it was so quiet that even the sound of their breathing could be heard. Apart from that, there was only the sound of Momonga and Sebas’s footsteps, as well as the tapping of the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown on the floor.

Momonga ascended the stairs and sat on the throne. Sebas remained at the foot of the throne, kneeling behind Albedo. That was his designated place when they were all gathered like this.

Momonga silently surveyed the throne room from where he was seated.

Almost all of the guild’s NPCs were gathered below him. They looked quite majestic when he watched them from on high, it was almost like a Night Parade of Monsters. Momonga could not help but silently praise his guildmates for their creativity in making so many different and interesting characters. As he looked again, there were several NPCs who were not present. However, that was because of his own orders. Gargantua and Victim would not be moved from their locations unless specifically by his order and only if he believed that their abilities would be necessary.

However, it was not just NPCs who were gathered here. Although they were not intended to replace the absent Floor Guardians, the great hall also contained many high-leveled vassals who had been hand-picked by the other Floor Guardians. That said, the Throne Room still did not feel crowded at all, given its massive size. Although he could understand why the NPCs would not want to let their servants into the heart of the Great Tomb of Nazarick (the Throne Room) Momonga felt that such severity was not really needed.

Ah, forget it, not like it’s important anyway.’ Momonga mentally waved it off. If that’s how the Floor Guardians felt, then he would allow it. If it made the creations of his friends happy, then he’d indulge them on small things like this. “Firstly, I would like to apologize for taking independent action.” Momonga was clearly unapologetic as he said those words. It was mere pleasantry, yet the apology was extremely important. Since gathering them all was his idea, then he needed to let his subordinates know that he trusted them implicitly. “Albedo will tell you why I have gathered you all here afterwards. However, there is a matter which is more important than that. I must tell the gathered members of the Great Tomb of Nazarick something.”

Momonga pointed to one of the large flags attached to the ceiling. The sigil on the flag represented ‘Momonga’, it was his crest that he’d created himself. “Outside of the Great Tomb, you are not to use my name. From now on, when outside of Nazarick, you shall call me Ainz Ooal Gown. You may address me as Ainz.” Momonga pointed to the flag which hung behind the throne, imprinted with the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown. He raised the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown and forcefully slammed its tip into the ground, to get everybody’s attention. “If anyone objects to this, rise now and let your views be heard!”

Nobody spoke out in opposition.

Albedo was all smiles. “We have all heard your glorious name. All hail Ainz Ooal Gown! Oh Supreme One, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown, every member of the Great Tomb of Nazarick pledges their undying loyalty to you.”

“All glory to Ainz Ooal Gown! Supreme Being and leader of us all, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! We shall give ourselves completely to you!”

“Long live Ainz Ooal Gown! Oh King of fearsome power, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! All shall know of your greatness!”

The shouts and praise of the many NPCs thundered through the Throne Room.

As he basked in the praise of his subordinates, Momonga gave them a little time for the fervor to settle down before speaking again. “Then next, I shall announce our new direction. This is an absolute order.” He paused here, and looked around. The subordinates before him had serious, stern looks on their faces. “Make Ainz Ooal Gown an eternal legend.” Momonga gripped the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown tightly, and rapped it on the ground. Then, as if responding to his actions, the crystals within the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown radiated light in all the colors of the rainbow, and the air around him trembled. “There may be many heroes, but we will surpass each and every one of them. We will let everybody in this world know that Ainz Ooal Gown are the true heroes! If there are people stronger than us, we will deal with them in ways other than force. If we encounter a magician with many subordinates, we will achieve our goal some other way. This is merely the preparatory phase in order to let everyone know that Ainz Ooal Gown is the greatest. Let us fight together for this glorious future!”

He would spread this name throughout the world. The former members of Ainz Ooal Gown may have left YGGDRASIL, but there was a small chance they might be in this world, like Momonga was. Therefore, he had to make Ainz Ooal Gown a legend, so everyone would know of it. Be it in the air, land, or sea, he would spread this name to all the sapient beings in this world. He would carry this name to the ears of any of his friends who might be in this world.

Momonga’s fearsome presence was startling, and his thunderous voice could be heard throughout the Throne Room. The NPCs’ voices united as one, everyone in the Throne Room lowered their heads. The sound they made might have been taken for a prayer. Momonga nodded to them all as he swept out of the Throne Room, heading back to his quarters. It had been a somewhat long day and he needed time to himself to consider what he’d done today and plan for the future.

The throne was vacant after its master left, but the air in the Throne Room still boiled with excitement. Hearing their Supreme Being’s orders to work as one filled everybody with incomparable motivation, especially those who had already been given specific orders.

“Everyone, raise your heads.” Albedo’s calm and steady voice instructed. The people whose heads were still lowered lifted them in unison. “Everyone, please act as Lord Momonga orders. After that, I have something to announce.” Albedo’s eyes were fixed on the flag of Ainz Ooal Gown that hung behind the throne. The NPCs behind her were also looking at it. “Demiurge, tell everyone what Lord Momonga said to you.”

“Understood.” Demiurge was kneeling with everyone else. However, his voice could clearly be heard by everyone in the vast Throne Room. “Lord Momonga looked to the night sky and spoke to me: ‘We’ll have to make a place for ourselves in this world eventually. It could even be enjoyable to build up our own land.’ I believe it is clear what the Supreme One desires.” Demiurge smiled, but it wasn’t a mirthful expression at all. “In short, that means…”

The looks in everyone’s eyes turned razor-sharp. It represented their iron will and determination.

Albedo rose slowly, to look upon everyone’s faces.

Everyone looked at Albedo, as if in response. At the same time, they looked at the flag of Ainz Ooal Gown behind her.

“Understanding Lord Momonga’s true intentions and preparing for them is the proof of our loyalty and the mark of excellent subordinates. Everyone must keep in mind that the final objective of the Great Tomb of Nazarick is to expand our territory and present a land worthy of the Supreme One to Lord Momonga, one that is fit to be ruled over by a Supreme Being.”

“We will present a land worthy of the Supreme One, Lord Momonga!” Countless voices spoke as one, their words echoing across the Throne Room.

-Momonga’s Office ~ The Next Morning-

The Supreme Ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick had a luxurious office. It was filled with tasteful and exotic furniture, every single piece being of exquisite design and decoration. The crimson carpet upon the floor was thick and soft, swallowing the footsteps of those who trod upon it. Flags bearing assorted insignia hung upon the walls of the room. An imposing mahogany desk sat in the center of the office. Its owner sat behind it, upon a black leather chair.

Momonga, in his normal silvery robe and many items, looked over some papers on his desk. Albedo stood on the opposite side of his desk after having handed the first reports over to him. These were reports on Nazarick’s current status, as well as the first surveillance reports of the newly expanded security net based on the use of multiple Mirrors of Remote Viewing.

“I see…we’re isolated a fair distance from any settlements…Carne Village is the only human settlement at all.” Momonga nodded to himself as he finished the report. That was good, it likely meant that they didn’t have to worry about any unexpected groups of humans stumbling upon them before they were ready. Mare’s work on concealing the Tomb plus their remote location would hide them for the foreseeable future.

“Yes, my Lord, and Aura’s report states that she’s not yet found any evidence of powerful beings, Players or otherwise, around the Great Tomb.” Albedo reported with professional decorum. “However, she is expanding her search into the forest nearby. If anything of relevance is out there, she’ll find it.”

Knock Knock

A knock on the door got Momonga and Albedo’s attention, both looking towards the double doors that led into the large office.

“Shalltear Bloodfallen, reporting at the Supreme One’s instruction.” Shalltear’s voice called through the door.

Albedo walked over to open the door, since Momonga had sent the homunculus maid away to carry out other tasks while they went over the reports. However, the instant that she’d opened the door even slightly, a large force shoved the door wide open, smacking Albedo in the face. Shalltear strode into the room, ignoring Albedo who was cradling her face with both hands behind the door, and gave Momonga a bright smile.

“You did that…on purpose…little parasite…” Albedo’s muffled words were ignored by the vampire woman easily.

“Good morning to you, Lord Momonga.” Shalltear curtsied in her normal bell-like ballroom gown. Her long silver hair was done up in its usual intricate bun and ponytail with the large black and red striped bow. Her large breasts bounced with each step, instinctively drawing Momonga’s eyes to them. Shalltear truly did like to make use of her Shapeshifter levels, even if the changes were only temporary and she’d go back to her modest bust size in a relatively short time. “I hope you are well on this lovely morning.”

“I am doing very well, Shalltear.” Momonga replied, giving the vampire a smile. “As I hope you are.”

“Oh yes, my day has already been improved just by laying eyes upon your glorious form, my Lord.” Shalltear nearly cooed, her cheeks gaining some light pink to them.

“If all you’re going to do is flirt, then you can leave now.” Albedo spoke tersely as she closed the door and walked by Shalltear.

“I was summoned here by Lord Momonga, I will only leave if he commands it.” Shalltear closed her eyes and shrugged off Albedo’s words. “Clingy women aren’t attractive, you know? But what can you expect from someone that’s past their prime?”

“You can try to pass yourself off as ‘young and perky’…but I know the truth of your two little friends that’ve suddenly appeared.” Albedo mentioned sharply, her slitted eyes looking at Shalltear’s bosom. “So pathetic…using a temporary transformation to give yourself something up top.”

“I will rip off your hag face…” Shalltear promised coldly, a red aura beginning to form around her body.

“Remind me which one of us isn’t lying about her proportions!” Albedo thrust her chest out, making her large tits bounce. A purple aura covered her form to match Shalltear’s.

“That’s enough you two.” Momonga spoke up firmly.

“Sorry, Lord Momonga.” The auras around Shalltear and Albedo vanished instantly as they faced him and apologized.

“You’re both much cuter when you smile.” Momonga flattered them a little, knowing that a compliment could help in tense situations.

“Thank you~” Albedo and Shalltear cooed happily, bright smiles lighting up their faces.

Women are terrifying.’ Momonga thought in the privacy of his mind. ‘But at least I defused that bomb.’ The last thing he needed was for Shalltear and Albedo to start fighting in his office. “Now, I’ve called you both here for a specific reason.”

“We will do everything in our power to fulfill your orders, my Lord.” Albedo bowed at the waist.

“Command us as you see fit, Lord Momonga.” Shalltear also bowed to him.

“I’ve decided to investigate this ‘Fox Lord’s Territory’ that was on the map the Village Chief showed me.” Momonga informed them both. The name ‘Kyoto’ had been firmly stuck in his mind since he’d heard it. That practically screamed that a player from YGGDRASIL had to be involved. “Trying to use the Mirror of Remote Viewing to do some scouting failed, however.”

“Failed, my Lord?” Shalltear blinked at him.

“Yes, when I directed the mirror to show me that area, all I saw was a thick mist or fog and a pair of glowing eyes looking from within.” Momonga nodded to her, not mentioning that he’d almost let out a less than masculine yell the first time it happened last night. “It was clearly obscuration magic of some kind, and a warning that the one’s protecting that place know that someone tried to use magic to look at their territory.”

“Are they hostile?’ Albedo’s tone was cold and bordering violent as she asked.

“No, I don’t believe so.” Momonga shook his head, his long, voluminous black hair moving slightly from the motion. “There was no counter magic set up to attack me for trying to scry. It was only the obscuration.” Seeing that both women were placated that he hadn’t been harmed, he continued. “That is why I’ve decided to go their personally and look for myself. To that end, I want you two to accompany me.” The strongest defense in Nazarick and the most powerful PvP NPC as well should mean that if anything went wrong, they could escape, even if they had to fight their way out.

“Of course, Lord Momonga.” Albedo accepted the task with a beaming smile.

“We shall protect you at all costs, my Lord.” Shalltear bowed, a smile on her lips at getting picked to escort Momonga on this first foray into the world.

“Excellent.” Momonga nodded to both women. “I have Demiurge taking lead here until I return. The rest of the Floor Guardians, barring Aura who is out on reconnaissance, are remaining stationed here to protect Nazarick.”

“We will be ready to depart immediately, Lord Momonga.” Albedo spoke with a bow.

“Make sure that you have your full battle equipment set to your gear slot items.” Momonga instructed, not that he really thought he needed to, but just as a reminder. The useful item could be set to switch out a character or NPC’s gear instantly, but it could only have one ‘set’ of gear programmed at any time. For Albedo, that would be her Hermes Trismegistus armor, weapons, and other gear. For Shalltear, her ‘Bloody Valkyrie’ armor, Pipette Lance, and the various items and gear that Peroroncino had given to his greatest creation.

“Yes, my Lord.” Shalltear and Albedo acknowledged his order. “We shall return shortly, ready to depart.”

“Very good, we’ll use Gate to make the trip to just outside of the territory, and then cover the rest of the distance on foot.” Momonga informed them both before bidding them leave and watching the door close behind them.


“Ah~ Being chosen as Lord Momonga’s personal escort! Is it okay for me to feel this much happiness?” Shalltear swooned as she and Albedo walked side by side.

“Oh, my Lord, let me protect you from everything this world can throw at us.” Albedo had her hands on her cheeks and her eyes closed as she daydreamed about protecting Momonga and then being rewarded for it afterwards.

“I will take care of any threats to Lord Momonga.” Shalltear stated firmly, side-eyeing Albedo. “You just do your best to take damage for him until you die.”

“Don’t be jealous that my relationship as Lord Momonga’s protector is closer than yours with him.” Albedo’s smug smirk nearly infuriated Shalltear more than the fact that the succubus was clearly flaunting the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown on her left ring finger.

“You didn’t even get the first one!” Shalltear snapped back at Albedo. “It doesn’t mean what you want it to mean! He’s planning on giving one to every Floor Guardian!”

“I was the only one he put a ring on personally!” Albedo got into Shalltear’s face, leaning down to do so since the vampire was shorter than her.

“Tch! That still doesn’t mean anything!” Shalltear dismissed with a huff, getting into Albedo’s face as well. “Not like he’s done anything with you, even after you flaunt these udders of yours!” She palmed Albedo’s right breast with her left hand, bouncing it a little.

“Better than having to fake it!” Albedo’s left hand cupped Shalltear’s temporarily large tit, a snarl on her face.

“You cow!” Shalltear squeezed Albedo’s breast in her hand, groping the succubus.

“Lamprey!” Albedo shot back, rolling Shalltear’s tit around with her palm.

Luckily no one stumbled upon the two women in their little spat. To an outside viewer, without having any context of their argument, it only looked like the two were feeling each other up.

“Just you wait, Shalltear…” Albedo let out a throaty growl. “Once Lord Momonga gathers his harem, I’ll be sure to show you your place in it.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time, you loudmouth gorilla.” Shalltear hissed at the succubus, still groping and bouncing the large breast in her hand. “If Lord Momonga wasn’t expecting us soon, I’d show you your place right now.”

“You think you can.” Albedo leaned in closer, their faces only a few centimeters apart now. She made sure to squeeze the vampire’s tit firmly a few times.

“I’m going to put these udders of yours to good use, cow.” Shalltear promised, squeezing the breast in her hand again, before leaning her head to the side and kissing Albedo’s cheek, briefly running her long tongue across the succubus’s skin. “Just you wait.”

“You’re nothing but a horny bitch.” Albedo remarked with a scoff, even as she pulled Shalltear closer by the hold on her enlarged tit and kissed her neck, licking up the pale skin of the vampire.

The two separated from each other, a light flush on each of their cheeks, before walking in opposite directions towards their quarters. Even with all of their bickering, they were both sexual creatures and had their creators to thank for their tendencies and nature. The love they felt for Momonga was something to compete over, which led to their fights. But it was also something that bonded them, leading to them occasionally making sure the other knew what they planned to do with them once Lord Momonga took them both into his inevitable harem.

-Outskirts of the Fox Lord’s Territory-

A half-oval of swirling obsidian black and a deep ever-shifting purple suddenly appeared on the lone road leading into the Fox Lord’s Territory. The Gate spell would make any onlooker that had never seen it look on in sheer bewilderment, but the three people that emerged from it were certainly unique as well.

“My, my, how…rural.” Shalltear commented as she took in the landscape. Nothing but forest and some grassland as far as the eye could see.

“It is described as a territory and not a proper nation or kingdom.” Albedo reminded the vampire, though she also didn’t look impressed.

“We have yet to see the actual settlements, let’s not be too hasty in judging.” Momonga chuckled as he took the first step forward while the Gate spell closed behind them.

The trio walked down the dirt road, listening to the sounds of nature around them, but also keeping their senses sharp for any potential threats. After several minutes of walking and nothing happening, Shalltear spoke up.

“We could save a lot of time if we flew, Lord Momonga.” Shalltear suggested, gently running her fingers over the pure white feathers of one of his wings, both of them once more wrapped around him like a cloak. She adored any chance to touch her Lord’s body.

“She has a point, my Lord.” Albedo agreed, if somewhat grudgingly for not having spoken up first. “I still don’t see any signs of a settlement of any kind.”

“That may be true, but I doubt the one in charge here would approve of us flying over his territory without permission…right, little observer?” Momonga chuckled, turning his ever-shifting eyes onto a plain-looking bush on the side of the road. His racial trait ‘God Eye’ saw through invisibility, granted Dark Vision, and could see a player or NPC’s health and mana much like using Life Essence and Mana Essence. And in his eyes, that bush had both HP and MP.


A small cloud of white smoke obscured the bush for a second. When it cleared a brown-furred fox was sitting in its place with a single leaf atop its head. The fox looked normal enough, but the intelligence in its eyes couldn’t be denied. It didn’t even seem perturbed by the lance and axe being brandished against it from Shalltear and Albedo, the two women having reacted to protect their Lord.

“How’d you see through my transformation?” The fox asked curiously, slightly surprising the succubus and vampire that it could speak given its completely unassuming appearance.

“I have good eyes.” Momonga replied to the kitsune, recognizing it for what it was. “Am I correct in believing that you’re an emissary or subordinate of the Fox Lord?”

“That I am.” The fox nodded to the strange being. The kitsune was easily able to tell that this was no mere human. “Are you here to scout for an invasion, to sightsee, or are you here to cause trouble yourselves?”

“Sightseeing would be the closest.” Momonga replied in a polite tone. “Though I wouldn’t say no to meeting the Fox Lord, if that was at all possible.”

“Hmm…” The brown fox looked closely at all three of them for a long moment. “What’re your names?” The kitsune asked.

“I am Ainz Ooal Gown.” Momonga introduced himself, leaving off his title as Guild Master or Leader of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

“Albedo, I serve Lord Ainz.” Albedo looked at the brown fox curiously.

“Shalltear Bloodfallen, I also serve Lord Ainz.” Shalltear thought the kitsune was cute, like one of her Vampire Wolf familiars. But refrained from saying such just in case the fox took offense.

“Very well, just follow the road and you’ll get to the nearest village. Once you get there, tell any of the coachmen that Tei says you can head for the capital.” Tei nodded his vulpine head after taking a long moment to consider all three of them.

“We will do so, thank you very much for your assistance, Tei.” Momonga nodded to the fox. Shalltear and Albedo copied his nod before all three started walking down the dirt road again.

“Make sure you stay on the road.” Tei called to the three as they walked. “Or else you’ll probably find yourselves right back here again.” With that he disappeared in a poof of smoke.

“What does that mean?” Shalltear questioned as they walked.

“Kitsune are masters of trickery and illusion, without specific skills or magic, we could end up wandering in circles while thinking that we’re walking a straight path.” Momonga answered from the memory he had of Japanese folklore.

“Hmm, that’s a rather clever defense.” Albedo hummed thoughtfully, comparing it to the illusion magic that they were using in conjunction with natural camouflage to hide the Great Tomb.

About half an hour later and the three spotted the village that Tei had mentioned. Momonga was briefly taken back to his childhood in school and seeing pictures of old era Japanese houses. Had a historian seen the village, they’d probably have been able to tell what period of Japanese history it was based on, but to Momonga it was simply ‘traditional’ since he lacked the expert knowledge.

Mostly wooden houses, raised off the ground by wooden pillars encased in stone. Shoji doors, tiled roofs, wrap-around walkways, it was all rather Japanese in a land that clearly wasn’t. Looking around the village, the fields were being used for agriculture. The sections divided into various crops, but the two that Momonga could identify just by sight were wheat and rice. Even if he’d never seen one in his old life, a rice paddy field was an image he recognized from his limited schooling.

“The road is paved.” Albedo noticed as they got closer, already seeing a few villagers in the fields looking at them.

Indeed, the road had changed from dirt to paved stone as they got to the edge of the village proper. The garb of the villagers, many stopping to at least glance at the outsiders, was a mix of what Momonga had seen in Carne Village, and traditional Japanese work clothing; though there were a few yukatas being worn by some of the women that had young children with them. The only difference that Momonga could tell was that, where Carne had been poor and poverty stricken, this village was clearly better off. The quality of their clothing alone was enough to firmly state that as a fact.

By comparison though, Momonga’s high-quality silver robe, Albedo’s immaculate white dress with golden accents, and Shalltear’s black ballroom gown were VERY strange and getting them a lot of looks. Without making any more of a scene than they already were, Momonga quickly looked for a coachman as Tei had instructed.

That hadn’t taken too long, given that a coach was sitting outside of what looked like a small inn. They’d only needed to enter and ask for a coach to the capital. The coachman that had approached them was a somewhat taller man, broad of shoulders, and with a groomed beard.

“And who says you can go to the capital?” The coachman questioned, eyeing the strangers warily.

“Tei said to tell you that we can go to the capital.” Shalltear spoke, getting the man’s eyes to leave Momonga and look at her instead.

“Huh…” The coachman looked hesitant for a moment before letting out a sigh and running his hand through his hair. “Well, if Tei says you can.” He walked back over to the table that he’d left, finished off his drink and laid some money on the table to pay for his meal. Momonga briefly noticed that the coins were of better minting than the ones he’d seen in Carne Village. “Alright, let’s go, it’s a few hours by carriage to get all the way to the capital.” He led the three outside and to his coach.

“Albedo.” Momonga smiled, politely taking her hand and helping her into the carriage.

“Lord Ainz…” Albedo blushed cutely at the gesture as she sat down in the carriage.

“Shalltear.” Momonga did the same for the vampire, gently taking her hand in his and helping her step up into the carriage.

“Such a gentleman, Lord Ainz~” Shalltear nearly cooed as she sat down in the coach as well.

Momonga sat on the opposite side of the two women, facing forward, before closing the door. A moment later and the carriage began to move, taking the trio out of the village and towards the capital.

The hours passed, the trio either talking quietly or looking out the carriage windows at the passing landscape. They had ridden through two more villages, each of them agricultural from what they’d seen. But all of them in the same good state that the first one had been in, rather than the impoverished state of Carne. The people here were clearly happy in both their work and lives. As they continued to get closer, they passed through what was too large to be called a village.

Wooden and stone buildings, still in traditional Japanese architecture, glass windows, shops, inns, taverns, restaurants, and all the things that made up a developed settlement were here. This was no village, but a full-fledged town. There was music in the air as they passed through one of the squares, and children danced and played with laughter. What had surprised Momonga was that the ones playing the music were clearly not human. The foxlike ears atop their heads and the tails behind them proving that though they appeared humanoid, they were a different species entirely. The humans of the town clearly considered such people completely normal as they enjoyed the music and went about their day.

“They seem to be much more advanced than the village we saw near Nazarick.” Albedo mentioned the vast disparity between Carne Village and this town. It was like night and day here.

“Quite.” Momonga could only agree as he took in the sights through the windows. “They clearly enjoy their lives here and you can see the hope they have for the future in their eyes.”

“Almost makes one want to snuff that hope out.” Shalltear mused darkly, but an unamused look from Momonga made her apologize. “I’m sorry for my words, Lord Ainz.” She bowed as best as she could while sitting down.

“We’ve come here in peace to learn more about this world, Shalltear.” Momonga reminded her. “While we’re here, you must maintain your decorum and politeness, am I understood?”

“Yes, my Lord, it won’t happen again.” Shalltear remained bowed as she accepted her light chastisement.

From the town, it had only taken just under another hour to get to the capital of the territory. The place was much like the previous town, only much bigger. The carriage stopped at what appeared to be a main road that was lined with shops ranging from inns to restaurants. The door to the carriage was opened by the coachman and the three outsiders stepped off the carriage.

“That’ll be five Silver.” The coachman held out his hand for payment.

“Certainly, but I only have money from the Slane Theocracy, I’m afraid.” Momonga his slipped his hand into his inventory, hidden by his wings.

“Theocracy coin?” The coachman looked briefly at Albedo’s horns and then at Shalltear’s red eyes. “Doesn’t look like you’d be able to pass through that place without some trouble.”

“We happened to acquire it after dealing with some…less than kind people.” Momonga mentioned as he pulled out a small, tied-off pouch that jingled with coins.

“Ah…I see.” The coachman chuckled. “Well, it’s not my business where your money comes from.” He held up his hands with a grin. “Silver is silver, and I’ll be happy to take some of the Theocracy’s money, knowing that it’ll be melted down and then turned into ours later.”

So, the Theocracy’s northern neighbor has bad blood with them, that’s good to know for the future.’ Momonga filed away that information for later as he placed five of the silver coins from the pouch into the coachman’s hand.

The capital was large enough that Momonga had no idea where to go. Shalltear and Albedo walked along with him, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, but were just as lost as Momonga was. As they reached the end of the street, they were met by an older man in garb that looked ‘official’ for lack of a better term. The outfit being well-tailored and in a mix of black, red, and white with a sigil that looked like a stylized fox head on the left breast and on the back.

“You must be the three that Tei mentioned, yes?” The old man smiled kindly at them.

“We met a fox by the name of Tei near the border, yes.” Momonga confirmed with the older man. Had the kitsune managed to beat them here and tell others of their arrival?

“I thought so, you stand out a bit.” The man chuckled softly.

“Who’re you, exactly?” Albedo questioned the man, staring into his eyes with her yellow slitted ones.

“Ah, forgive me, where are my manners.” The old man apologized and gave the three a short bow. “My name is Wasa, and I serve the Fox Lord directly.”

“I am Ainz Ooal Gown.” Momonga introduced himself to Wasa. “This is Albedo, and Shalltear.” He motioned to each woman in turn.

“You’ve been granted an audience with the Fox Lord, as you requested, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown.” Wasa smiled at Momonga. “If you’d follow me, it’s a bit of a walk, but I’m sure you’d like to stretch your legs after that long carriage ride.”

“We would, thank you.” Momonga agreed and started walking with the old man, Shalltear and Albedo following close behind him.

After walking across a good portion of the capital, the four people approached a large castle, reminiscent to Momonga as an almost one-to-one replica of the Imperial Palace in Japan. He also noticed quite a few statutes of foxes around and was fairly certain that they were actually magical items of some kind, possibly from YGGDRASIL. But they were led across the bridge that went over the wide moat and through a small door next to the large red gates.

“I can go no further, I’m afraid.” Wasa apologized with a bow once they reached the inner walls and stopped in front of a large shrine. “If you enter the shrine, just follow the path that the Miko show you to and you’ll meet the Fox Lord.”

“Thank you for guiding us this far, Wasa.” Momonga thanked the older man and followed his instructions, entering the shrine with Albedo and Shalltear.

“This way please.” A pretty young woman in traditional Miko garb, red hakama and a white kosode, and her long black hair tied up with white ribbon to make a ponytail, spoke softly to the three visitors.

“Do we need to remove our shoes?” Momonga questioned, knowing the customs of his own homeland, and that it could apply here.

“That will not be necessary this time, sir.” The Miko smiled gently at Momonga. “Preparations have been made, and the Fox Lord is extending every courtesy.” She led them to a set of double doors and opened them revealing a corridor that was blocked off by what appeared to be a bamboo screen a few meters ahead of them. On the floor was a carpet over the tatami mats, no doubt meant to prevent their shoes from dirtying the mats. “Please, follow the path to the Lord’s chamber.” She motioned towards the corridor.

Not seeing the harm in following the rules so far, Momonga, Albedo, and Shalltear followed the path. All three were slightly surprised when the first bamboo screen rolled up by itself, clearing the way for them to continue walking. The second screen did the same, as did the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth, until they stood at the entrance to a massive chamber lit by ethereal flames along the walls. The center of the immense chamber was a large thing that they couldn’t quite make out in the lighting, until two glowing golden eyes opened to look at them.

Something massive moved in the darkened center of the chamber, nearly prompting Albedo and Shalltear to summon their weapons. Momonga placing a hand on each of them stopped the attempt to arm themselves as a second massive object moved, following the path of the first. The second was followed by a third, then a fourth, fifth, and all the way up to nine, the swaying thing revealed to be titanic fox tails as each of them lit up at the tip with more of the ethereal fire. The tips of the tails pressed the flames into a set of nine massive lanterns above and the chamber was finally fully illuminated.

What they saw before them was a colossal silver fox with red markings on its body in a notable design. A red circle on its head with a line going down the fox’s snout and another back along its head was the most notable marking, along with the red markings around its eyes. The great beast was easily larger than Gargantua, and only Momonga knew exactly what to call it; a Kyuubi no Kitsune, a Nine-tailed Fox.

“Hmm…it has been a long time…my old friend.” The immense silver fox greeted while looking directly at Momonga. “Though I’d guess that it’s been longer for me than you.” The great beast chuckled and Momonga’s eyes widened at not only confirming that the Fox Lord was an YGGDRASIL player, but that it was someone he actually knew as well!

“It’s only been a few days for me, since I got your last message.” Momonga confirmed with a smile breaking out on his face. “Do you still go by the name I knew you as?”

“Indeed,” The silver fox stretched out a little and crossed its front paws while looking at the three of them with amusement. “I am known as Abeno Seimei, the auspicious Lord of Nine Tails!” He fanned out his long tails behind him dramatically, similarly to a peacock.

“Lord Ainz…who is this?” Albedo and Shalltear both asked at nearly the same time.

“Forgive me, I was just caught up in the moment.” Momonga apologized to the women. “This is Abeno Seimei, an acquaintance of mine from YGGDRASIL. He was almost the forty-second of the Supreme Beings.”

“The Supreme Beings?!” Albedo and Shalltear’s heads whipped around to look at the kaiju-sized fox again.

“I turned it down because I didn’t want the target that came with the name on my back.” Seimei chuckled at the two stunned NPCs. “But I don’t believe I know the names of these two lovely ladies, Momonga.”

“This is the Guardian Overseer of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Albedo.” Momonga introduced the succubus to his old acquaintance. Albedo, seeing the respect that Momonga had for Seimei, and having heard that the fox was almost a member of the Supreme Beings, bowed to him.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Abeno.” Albedo greeted the silver fox.

“The pleasure is mine, Albedo.” Seimei gave the fox equivalent of a smile.

“This is the Guardian of the First, Second, and Third Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Shalltear Bloodfallen.” Momonga introduced Shalltear to Seimei.

“It is an honor to meet you, Lord Abeno.” Shalltear curtsied properly in her gown.

“I am pleased to meet you as well, Shalltear.” Seimei smiled at the vampire.

“I did not know you’d grown to be so…titanic.” Momonga mentioned as he looked up at Seimei.

“Yes, this form if better to meet guests in for the first time.” Seimei waved his paw in the air with a laugh. “I like a little dramatic presentation sometimes.” In a whirled of the same ethereal fire, the kaiju-sized fox vanished, replaced by a man in Onmyoji robes with silver hair and fox ears atop his head and a single silver foxtail behind him. “But for friends, I like to be more personable.”

“It’s good to see someone familiar.” Momonga approached his acquaintance. “I’ve been very confused these past days.”

“I’m sure.” Seimei nodded to Momonga. “I know I was.” He sighed at the memories of appearing in this world. “But I’ve had about one-hundred-fifty years to get used to it and think about things.” He motioned for Momonga, Shalltear, and Albedo to follow him. “I’m sure that you have a great many questions. I’ll do what I can to answer them, old friend.”

“Thank you, Seimei, thank you so much.” Momonga held back his potential emotional outburst by grabbing onto the unshakable core within his being. Once he was steady again, he was ready to talk.

The group sat down in a sitting room in the shrine, tea and snacks were served by more Miko and Seimei sipped his tea for a moment before looking at Momonga expectantly. With the nonverbal go ahead given, Momonga took a moment to think about what he should ask first. In the end, he could think of only one thing.

“What happened?” Momonga asked, not sure how to word it better.

“Even a century later, I’m afraid I don’t know for sure.” Seimei shook his head. “One moment I’m watching the last seconds of YGGDRASIL count down, the next I’m siting in a grassland and feeling the breeze on my skin.”

“I was sitting on the throne in the Great Tomb and then suddenly realized that things had become far too real.” Momonga explained his own experience. “It took a while to piece together things and I’ll admit to nearly panicking.” That got him some concerned looks from Albedo and Shalltear, but Momonga would answer them later.

“I’ve had a lot of time to try and figure things out, Momonga. After learning about the history of this world, I can say with at least some confidence that only players that were still logged into YGGDRASIL when it shut down are dragged here. I don’t know if there are any other criteria between them, but if the players that’ve appeared for the last six-hundred years of this world’s history are who I think they are, then there seems to be an interval of around a century, normally, before the next player or players will appear.”

“So, only players that were logged in at shut down, huh?” Momonga felt like he’d just been hit in the heart. If Seimei was correct, and after over a century to think about things he probably was, then that meant that his friends from Ainz Ooal Gown weren’t in this world.

Given how few have appeared over the centuries, that’s my best guess.” Seimei nodded to Momonga. “I was the only one that appeared here about one-hundred-fifty years ago to the best of my knowledge, and that was apparently an anomaly given that a different group landed just fifty years before that, though the two that I’m sure were YGGDRASIL players were both dead by the time I got here.”

“So, we can die here, for good?” Momonga focused on that, it was a question that he’d been wondering for a while.

“Yeah, there’s Resurrection Magic…and I think our resurrection items from YGGDRASIL should work as well; but if you die without either of those options available to you, then you’re dead for good.” Seimei nodded in confirmation. “I’ve never met anyone in this world that can kill me, so I’ve never had to use a resurrection item to test it out directly.”

“Really?” Momonga was almost shocked. He’d thought those knights and the Sunlight Scripture were weak, but maybe here they were considered strong and he was the overpowered one?

“Yeah, the situation here is pretty poor. Education is Medieval, so only the aristocracy and the wealthy can afford any decent education, power of around Level 30 or higher is considered the ‘Realm of Heroes’ as weird as that sounds.” Seimei explained the education and power scale of the new world. “When I took over this territory, I made sure at least a basic elementary education became standard. It was lauded as a massive revolution of education by the people that stayed to live here under my protection.”

“That’s…sad.” Momonga deadpanned at the abysmal state of education.

“Tell me about it.” Seimei sighed heavily. Just remembering trying to educate people so that they could teach others gave him a small headache. “If you have your Guild Base and all of your NPCs, then you’re probably one of the strongest forces in this world, to be honest. There are those that can oppose you, make your life hell just from sheer annoyance, but in a direct confrontation…there might be a handful of people in the entire world to worry about. The only thing I’m unsure of is if World Items have fallen into the hands of this world’s people. I haven’t exactly been able to ask.” He chuckled at the absurdity of anyone admitting they had a World Item without the power to protect it.

“A World Item…” Momonga considered the dangers of such a potential threat. “You’ve never had one used against you?”

“No, but the Slane Theocracy might have one, they occasionally seem to have things go their way a bit too favorably to be chance.” Seimei grimaced at not knowing for sure. “The Human Supremacist bastards haven’t tried to use one on me at any rate. But their ‘Six Great Gods’ were definitely YGGDRASIL players and I think they might know about it too.”

“That’s…concerning.” Momonga had to admit that. If these players had not only founded a Human Supremacist religion, but had told the people that followed them about YGGDRASIL on top of that…it was no wonder the Sunlight Scripture knew so many spells and even had items from the game.

The two YGGDRASIL players continued to talk for quite a while, Albedo and Shalltear permitted to ask questions if they were curious about something, but they mostly left the conversation to Momonga. From this long talk, Momonga learned a great many things about this new world’s history, the relations of the various kingdoms, empires, states, and territories, and even Seimei’s acquiring of his current territory. That was quite the tale.


“What the hell are they doing?” Abeno Seimei, as he called himself in YGGDRASIL, as he watched the humans treat the demi-humans like shit. The non-humans were already slaves, what was the point of beating them while they were down? He’d been in this new world for the better part of a month, just doing what he could to survive and gain as much information as possible. That was how he'd eventually wound up in this fortress city on the border of the Slane Theocracy.

“Gah!” The demi-human, a guy with the ears of a rabbit, was clearly too exhausted to continue hauling materials given that he’d collapsed. But now, he cried out in pain as he was beaten and kicked by two humans bearing the sigil of the Slane Theocracy.

“Beating the shit out of him isn’t going to make him work better.” Seimei could barely hide his disgust. He knew that the Slane Theocracy was big on Human Supremacy, and that this world was medieval as hell, but as someone that had come from a more advanced society, this was barbaric.

He’d seen this in many places that he’d traveled to over the last month. Demi-human discrimination was common, unless you were in a non-human controlled State or Kingdom. But he’d also heard that slavery was still legal in most of the nations on this continent too, that included humans. But after watching this brutal beating and then seeing the near-dead rabbitman dragged away to be ‘disposed of’ in the words of the Slane Theocracy soldiers, Seimei nearly lost his lunch.

If I’m stuck in this world…then I’m going to live in a more civilized land. Even if I have to make it myself!’ Seimei decided then and there. This world was still fresh, it teemed with life, so unlike his previous world where the constant pollution had rendered it dead, humanity clinging to life through technology while the upper echelons reaped all the remaining benefits. ‘This place could be better. But I’m no dictator…I know world domination is a pipedream. But at the very least, I can make one place better, and I can make some people happy.

That night Seimei had summoned a vast number of Fox Sprites, a low-level summon from YGGDRASIL connected to his Kitsune Racial Class. The hundreds of little summons, most no bigger than a softball, had flooded the city, freeing every slave and leading them out of the fortress city.

Not without trouble, of course.

The Fox Sprites had been spotted, as had the escaping slaves. It was, after all, rather difficult to hide well over one-thousand slaves all moving about at once. The soldiers had sounded the alarm and tried to take back the slaves. Seimei had stepped in then. Casting spells that knocked back the soldiers, and blasted open the gate so that the slaves could escape. Once the Fox Sprites had cleared the fortress city, Seimei had quickly found himself surrounded. That was when he’d met the most arrogant, self-absorbed, and entitled pieces of human garbage that he’d ever seen.

“You bastard! How dare you free our slaves!”

“Kill him!”

“Make him a slave!”

“He’s a traitor to humankind!”

The nobles that were shouting at him were the various owners of the slaves that made up the labor force of the fortress city. Not a single one looked as if they’d ever worked a day in their lives. Most of them were bloated, both physically and with self-importance, as they practically ordered the soldiers around. The fact that the Slane Theocracy’s military was supposed to listen only to the priests and Cardinals of their religion was seemingly thrown out the window.

“You’ve mistaken one thing.” Seimei looked the gathered nobles and soldiers in the face. “I’m not human.” He revealed his ears and tails with a flourish before unleashing one of his favored spells. “Widen Maximize Magic: Earthquake!”

The land shook, then rumbled, then the entire fortress city seemingly shattered. The shockwaves roiled the earth, crushed all underground areas, leveled almost every building in one half of the fortress city, and damaged the rest. The soldiers, nobles, and everyone else were either crushed by falling debris or fell into the chasms that opened up in the ground as the land split apart under the empowered spell.

Seimei had simply cast the Fly spell and was in the air watching the fortress city fall to pieces. He felt bad, in a sense, knowing that not every human in the city was a Human Supremacist, probably. But he couldn’t deal with the entire city and let the slaves escape if he tired to take on every soldier one-by-one. As his spell died down, he flew towards where he could see the slaves in the distance, the light of a few torches being visible in the dark of night.

That hadn’t been the end of it, of course. Survivors had sent messages to the Slane Theocracy capital. One of the Six Scriptures, the Sunlight Scripture, had been sent along with a ‘Holy Army’ of fifty-thousand faithful soldiers. As the entire fortress city had been attacked and all of the slaves freed, the heads of the of Theocracy must’ve assumed that a large force had attacked. The Sunlight Scripture was specialized in fighting large groups and exterminating them, so they had been sent.

The army had occupied the half-ruined fortress city and squadrons were sent out to hunt down the escaped slaves and those that had freed them. What they got was a single person claiming to be responsible. Not finding anyone else, the squadron that had found Seimei dragged him back to the now occupied fortress city to be questioned.

“Who are you?” Captain Edrad Myle Brase of the Sunlight Scripture demanded of the man that one of the squadrons of soldiers had brought back.

“I’m called Abeno Seimei.” Seimei replied to the man, completely calm even when surrounded by an army of near fifty-thousand and the entirety of the Sunlight Scripture.

“You claim to have been the one solely responsible for all of this?” Edrad motioned to the half-destroyed fortress city. The mocking tone wasn’t lost on anyone and many chuckles and snickers broke out among those close enough to hear it.

“Yes.” Seimei replied simply.

“Humor me then,” Edrad looked amused by the fool in front of him. “Why did you do this?”

“Because your Human Supremacy is disgusting to see and your religion sounds like a cultish sham.” Seimei responded, making sure to rile up the zealots.

“You dare?!”


“Let’s kill him!”

“Death is too good for him, torture him slowly!”

“You must have a death wish to say that in your situation.” Edrad glared at Seimei coldly. He drew his sword, not even bothering with Magic for this blasphemer. “For your blasphemy, you’ll die!” He swung his sword, only for the blade to stop dead on Seimei’s neck. “What the?!”

The stunned shock of the surrounding soldiers and Scripture members nearly drowned out the Captain’s words.

“High Tier Physical Immunity, most high levels have it.” Seimei explained without really explaining. “If you leave the slaves I freed alone, go back to your country and don’t interfere with me, we can end this here.”

“That trick can’t save you from all of us!” Edrad declared, pointing his sword at Seimei. “If weapons won’t work, then we’ll use Magic!” The sight of dozens of Magic Circles of varying colors appeared all around Seimei.

“What makes you think humans are any better than demi-humans?” Seimei question Edrad, even as the man prepared his own spell to hit Seimei with.

“The Six Great Gods protected humanity form the demi-humans and monsters of this world! Their teachings stated that humans should rule over all! How dare you question the Gods!” Edrad defaulted to the faith he’d grown up with.

“I dare because slavery is wrong on every level.” Seimei retorted strongly. “People fight, people die, wars are waged over territory, resources, and ideology, that’s how it is. No one can really change that. But declaring yourselves superior to others, attacking, murdering, and enslaving people that’ve never done a damn thing to you is just wrong.” He laid out the thinking that he’d grown up with in a more civilized society…even if it did still have people that thought differently.

“Kill him!” Edrad roared out. “Holy Ray!”



“Word of Curse!”


“Iron Hammer of Righteousness!”

“Fire Rain!”

“Emerald Sarcophagus!”

“Charge of Stalagmite!”

“Open Wounds!”




The spells crashed into Seimei but the man stood there without a care until the casting stopped.


“He can’t be human…”

“How’re you alive?”

“What are you?” Edrad asked, taking a step back in fear.

“High Tier Magical Immunity…makes any spell of Tier Six or lower not work.” Seimei informed the crowd of zealots and soldiers. The audible gasp of shock from a majority for those in earshot was an odd experience for him.

“S-Sixth…Tier…?” Edrad felt his legs shaking. “That’s…that’s not possible…Sixth Tier is the pinnacle of human magic.”

“Really?” Seimei was honestly shocked that they thought Sixth Tier was the limit. “You know the Tiers go up to ‘Tenth Tier’ right?” He didn’t bother telling them about super tier magic.

“That’s a lie! The power of the Gods is Seventh Tier Magic!” One Scripture members declared, pointing at Seimei accusingly.

“So that would mean your ‘Gods’ were only Level 49 at most.” Seimei thought about the level required to cast Eighth Tier magic which was Level 50. “That’s…unimpressive.”

“Why would you side with the demi-humans?!” Edrad found his voice again.

“I’m not siding with the demi-humans,” Seimei shook his head. “I’m just against the disgusting barbarism that you practice. It doesn’t matter if its humans doing it or demi-humans, you can all go straight to whatever hell you believe in.” With that, Seimei was surrounded by ethereal fire and shot high into the air, the orb of fire grew larger and larger as it flew outside of the fortress city and then it burst.

ROOOOAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!” The bellowing roar of the titanic silver fox resounded throughout the land. Its nine tails splayed out behind it, making it look even larger to the now terrified and screaming Slane Theocracy forces. “Maximize Boosted Magic: NEGATIVE BOMB!!!

Within the jaws of the kaiju-sized fox, a ball of pure blackness formed. It was an immense amount of purely destructive energy and shook the air around itself. The sphere of magic grew rapidly, quickly surpassing the size of the fox’s head as it was empowered by Seimei’s MP. With a motion of his head, the silver fox blasted the spell forward towards the fortress city.

Nothing could stop the ball of destruction. A massive chasm opened up in the land on the path the spell took. The fortress walls that were still standing were reduced to dust. Every building, tower, and even brick suffered the same fate. The soldiers and Scripture members could only scream before vanishing from the earth. The single spell reduced the entire fortress city to nothing, and then detonated. The explosion sent a shockwave across the land, tearing apart the ground. A crater was all that was left of the fortress city, with a towering cloud of dust, smoke, and ash rising high into the sky above it.

A single squadron of soldiers saw this destruction from afar, and were even hit but the edge of the shockwave. In their panic and terror, one of them saw the monstrous giant fox responsible and uttered out a name that would secure an entire territory for over a century. “F-Fox L-Lo-Lord…”

This would come to be known as one of the darkest days in the history of the Slane Theocracy.

-End Flashback-

The day had turned to early evening by the time Momonga and Seimei had finished their conversation. Momonga had gained much knowledge and the answers to many of his questions. But Seimei still had some advice for his old acquaintance.

“Don’t just take my word for it, Momonga.” Seimei gave him a small smile. “Go out into this world and see it with your own eyes. Make up your mind only after you’ve experienced it for yourself firsthand.”

“I’ll do that, thank you, Seimei.” Momonga agreed with a nod. It would be better to see and experience this world for himself. He’d gather some information before deciding where to make his first moves in the new world.


The shoji door was opened so quickly that it hit the wall audibly. Shalltear and Albedo had tensed up, but what entered was not a threat, but three adorable young girls.



“Play with us!”

The girls nearly tackled Seimei to the ground with laughter and giggles. Seimei’s face brightened up as he beamed at the three girls and quickly wrangled them all into his arms, hugging them warmly as they laughed. Each of the girls had fox ears atop their heads and two foxtails behind them. Two of them had blond hair, while the third had the same silvery hair as Seimei. They all wore modified Miko clothing as well, shorting the leg length of the hakama, and making the kosode slightly less baggy.

“You three…I said your father would be done soon, not now.” A gorgeous woman entered the room with a sigh. She appeared to be a young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair with golden eyes. She had similarly colored fox ears atop her head and seven tails behind her. The woman had delicate facial features and her eyebrows were cut very short and round. Her hair was tied in a loose ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs and ended in a spiral, with taut bandages to keep it in place. Her attire consisted of a yellow kimono, a golden obi, and she wore a black haori, with gold skulls designs and golden lines weaved into it. The kimono featured a white interior and it was open at her shoulders, giving view to her incredibly large breasts. Her hair was held back by traditional hair ornaments, with six golden bira kanzashi and several red kanzashi.

She’s even bigger than Albedo!’ Momonga exclaimed in his mind.

She’s even bigger than the cow!’ Shalltear screamed in her head at the unfairness of the world.

She’s even bigger than me!’ Albedo barely held in her wail of shock, her hands unconsciously covering her girls as she turned to look at Momonga, hoping he wasn’t entranced by the fox woman’s bigger bust.

“I guess I should introduce you three,” Seimei smiled at his guests. “This foxy goddess is my wife, Yasaka.” He introduced the gorgeous woman to Momonga, Shalltear, and Albedo.

“I’m honored to meet you.” Yasaka bowed slightly, her kimono doing an impressive job of not letting her massive breasts fall out…somehow.

“These three balls of sunshine are my daughters.” Seimei managed to get the little girls to sit still in his lap. “Kunou,” He pointed to the tallest and clearly oldest girl. “Senko,” He pointed to the next biggest. “And Shiro.” He pointed to the one with silver hair like his own. “Say ‘hi’ to papa’s old friend, girls.”

“Hello!” The three sisters smiled brightly and waved to the deity, succubus, and vampire.

“They’re adorable…” Shalltear couldn’t help but coo at the little girls.

“So cute!” Albedo agreed as the three fox girls played shy and buried their faces into their father’s chest and then covered each other with their fluffy tails to hide.

“You have a family, congratulations, Seimei.” Momonga was truly happy for his acquaintance. From the occasional messages they’d sent each other over the years in YGGDRASIL, Momonga had always wondered if Seimei wasn’t alone in the world too.

“Thank you, Momonga.” Seimei smiled, pure joy on his face as he passed Senko and Shiro to Yasaka as his wife sat next to him. Kunou stayed in her father’s lap and snuggled close.

“I’d never really considered a family before.” Momonga admitted, sharing a look with Seimei as both recalled the dead world that they’d lived in.

“Neither did I back then.” Seimei gave a warm and loving smile to Yasaka, who returned it with one of her own, their tails practically wrapping around each other’s behind them. “But a few years ago, Yasaka and her people came from the far south after hearing tales about me. We got to know each other and then we were married…and then these adorable little daughters of mine were born.” He snuggled Kunou and reached out to tickle both Shiro and Senko in Yasaka’s lap. The three girls all burst into adorable giggles.

I want a baby.’ Albedo and Shalltear thought at nearly the same instant, their eyes looking at the adorable fox girls before glancing at Momonga.

“Hmm, thoughts for the future, perhaps.” Momonga considered for a long moment, not noticing the eyes of both Shalltear and Albedo widening and their cheeks gaining some color. ‘I never planned to bring a child into the dead world we lived in. But now…’ He looked at the joy radiating from Seimei as he interacted with his wife and daughters. ‘Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad?

A bit later, after Albedo and Shalltear got to head pat Seimei’s adorable daughters, the three were preparing to leave Seimei’s territory and head back to Nazarick. Seimei, once more surprising Momonga, had a gift brought in as Yasaka led Senko, Shiro, and Kunou towards the dining room for dinner.

“What’s this?” Momonga questioned, seeing the scrolls stacked up on the tray that a servant had brought in.

“When I heard that ‘Ainz Ooal Gown’ wanted to see me, I thought it might be a good portion of your guild…so I made these to offer you some help.” Seimei shrugged at the stack of scrolls. “You remember the spell ‘Instruct’ from YGGDRASIL?”

“Yes, it allowed the teaching of a spell or skill to an NPC or another player instantly, but it had to be used through a scroll, which made it more costly than simply reworking the levels usually.” Momonga knew a vast amount about YGGDRASIL, even on some of the lesser used items and spells in the game.

“Indeed,” Seimei nodded with a grin pulling at his lips. “But in this world, reading is a skill.” He cracked up a few seconds later when Momonga’s face registered what these scrolls most likely contained. “That’s the written language used in the Re-Estize Kingdom, the Baharuth Empire, and the Slane Theocracy. The written grammar is slightly different between the three nations, but you’ll at least be able to read it now.”

“Thank you very much, Seimei.” Momonga bowed to his acquaintance…though he was quickly becoming a true friend. “This will make acclimating to this world much easier.” He stored the stack of scrolls in his inventory, prepared to use them to teach himself and various NPCs the written language tonight. ‘I’ll have to make sure to give this knowledge to NPCs that can make the best use of it.’ Spell scrolls were one time use only, so unless he begged Seimei for more, he only had this finite amount.

“One last thing before you go, Momonga.” Seimei’s face took on a serious look as he leaned in and lowered his voice. “Don’t let your NPCs give into their Karma Values. Guide them, make them better. Back in our world we could make NPCs heartless monsters that reveled in genocide because it was just a game. But here, it’s real, these are living beings with lives of their own. If you don’t want to become a Monster to this world, you need to guide them away from that path.”

“I see...you have a point.” Momonga glanced at Shalltear and Albedo, both respectfully waiting for him to finished his conversation while they stood off to the side of the room. He knew that both of them had incredibly negative Karma Values. “If I did let them do as they pleased, would you become our enemy?”

“If your machinations threatened my people, my family, then yes.” Seimei gave Momonga a pointed look, his eyes asking his old friend not to become a monster, but also promising to stand against him if he did. “Please, don’t become my enemy...I haven’t been able to speak to another person from our world in one-hundred-fifty years. I’d hate for us to not at least be on friendly terms.” The other YGGDRASIL player truly wanted to continue being friends with Momonga.

“I agree. That would be better.” Momonga nodded, liking the idea of having an ally in this new world. “But can NPCs really change?”

“They’re alive and just as real as you and me.” Seimei reminded Momonga. “Why wouldn’t they be able to change? They’ll learn and grow from the experiences they have now that they’re more than just AI routines.”

“I’ll do my best then.” Momonga nodded to Seimei, already thinking about how he’d need to word his future orders to prevent misunderstandings. As well as how he’d go about carefully guiding the NPCs with Negative Karma away from mass slaughter, torture, or other dark and reprehensible things that he knew they would be capable of after reading their lore.

“You wanted to use Gate to get back home, right?” Seimei asked, clearly doing something with some talismans and ink.

“Yes, the carriage ride back would take far too long.” Momonga nodded to the other former player.

“One second then, I’ll open a hole in the barrier for you to jump through.” Seimei assured as he quickly inked the talismans with the ease of decades of practice. “And…done!” He blew lightly on the newly made talismans to help them dry. “Just need to set them up.” He placed the talismans in a square shape around Momonga, Albedo, and Shalltear before making a hand sign as the talismans glowed slightly. “You’re good to go.”

“Gate.” Momonga cast the spell and watched as the black and purple void opened as normal. “Once we’ve settled in more, I’ll invite you to the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Seimei.” He smiled at his friend.

“Looking forward to it, Momonga.” Seimei nodded, still holding the hand sign and keeping the small hole in the barrier open for the spell to pass through.

“Goodbye for now, Lord Abeno.” Shalltear bowed to the Fox Lord before heading through the Gate.

“It has been a pleasure, Lord Abeno.” Albedo also gave her goodbye with a bow before entering he Gate.

“Thank you for answering so many of my questions, Seimei.” Momonga gave a bow to his friend and left through the Gate a moment later. The portal closed and Seimei dropped the hand sign, the talismans all burning to nothing instantly as the barrier restored itself.

“I wonder if I should’ve told him that those scrolls give you a bad headache when you use them?” Seimei wondered for a moment. “Nah, I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

-Great Tomb of Nazarick ~ Momonga’s Room-

“Ow…ow, ow, ow, shit…I have Psychic Immunity! Why does this hurt?!” Momonga grumbled, holding his head as the new information about the written langue of the surrounding territories filled his mind.

-End Chapter-



Momonga isn’t the only Player still alive in the New World!

With Abeno Seimei there to offer a familiar face, answer questions, and help out with some advice, Nazarick’s path forward will definitely change.

Seimei’s wife Yasaka is from High School DxD and is one of the hottest Fox Ladies ever, while Kunou is Yasaka’s daughter and both Senko and Shiro are from ‘The Helpful Fox: Senko-san’.

Seeing Seimei’s family has made Momonga think about his own future.

And…inadvertently set off both Albedo and Shalltear’s ‘baby clocks’ too. KEK!!!

Now Momonga has some answers and some advice. So, now it’s time to see this new world with his own eyes and experience it!

How will Nazarick proceed going forward?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Wow. I love it. The inclusion of a character from Yggdrasil who's been there longer than Ainz is a brilliant idea. It allows for so much more freedom, and it opens up so many different pathways that you could take.


Right? It's going to be fun! I'm glad that you're enjoying the story so far!

Mr. Khaos

I enjoy this story, although I think Seimei overstepped himself a bit. Especially since he has basically chose isolation and no country has ever been created with out a lot of murder lol. Are some of Ainz people truly monsters? Yes but unless they target Seimei people he shouldn't have any complaints. After all their backstories makes it near impossible to change their karma values without lobotomy or seriously changing their core being.


Oh, they can learn and grow, change themselves over time, since they're living, breathing people now. It's not going to be instant, and they'll never be positive in Karma Values if they start out at the levels of say Albedo, Shalltear, and Demiurge, but they won't be death upon the world either. While things may not be as genocide, torture, and death as Canon; those that get in the way of creating a land worthy of being presented to the Supreme One will quickly find themselves REMOVED for impeding Nazarick's progress. Not to mention what could happen if Albedo and Shalltear get their wish to become Mamas.


Awww, I want more adorable little fox girls! ❤️